Video: Debate on Vaccine Passports with Dr. Mike Yeadon, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Patrick Henningsen
Debate on vaccine passports with Dr Mike Yeadon, Michel Chossudovsky and Patrick Henningsen speaking on the second day of the Interdisciplinary Symposium organised by Doctors for Covid Ethics ( and hosted by UK Column ( This was conducted in July 2021.
Think of biomedicine, biometrics, computer generated injections and all ancillary documentation as surveillance tools. Billionaire techno/fascists and international financiers view the plebs as a "herd" which must be trained, maintained, and controlled. 😁
So if you're not interested in saying "baa"🐏, say "no" to future medical mandates. Remember, the folks denying you healthcare are "not" interested in helping humanity.😁
Crimes against humanity