Video: The World Should be Ashamed. Genocide and the Criminalization of International Justice
[This article was originally published by Global Research.]
South Africa has demanded that the ICJ “issue an interim order for Israel to immediately suspend its military operations in Gaza.”
The issue of provisional measures under Article 41 is crucial. It is unlikely that meaningful provisional measures including the immediate suspension of Israeli military operations will be granted. And if it is granted by the ICJ, Israel will refuse to implement it.
What this suggests is that resulting from possible “pressures” (including bribes) on the 15 judges of the ICJ, Israel (with the support of the US) will one able reach its goal of “Wiping Gaza off the Map” and excluding Palestinians from their homeland.
The ICJ Is Under Washington’s Spotlight
South Africa’s initiative —which has a direct bearing on the planning of US-NATO military operations in the Middle East– will no doubt be the object of carefully designed (behind the scenes) acts of sabotage.
Let us be under no illusions, the U.S. has firmly endorsed Israel’s criminal undertaking. It is a Israeli-US operation.
The President of the World Court Was First Nominated by Hillary Clinton
The President of the ICJ Joan E. Donoghue (who is currently chairing the Hearings) was a legal advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton under the Obama administration.
She is a U.S. appointee. Hillary was involved in the nomination of Joan E. Donohue to the World Court in 2010.
Joan Donoghue takes her instructions from Washington. The conduct of the genocide is a joint Israel-US endeavour. Nobody in the media has underscored the fact that the President of the ICJ is de facto in “conflict of interest”:
Video Interview: The Criminalization of International Justice. Michel Chossudovsky
Click here to watch the interview.
Video of the closing argument of South Africa (January 11, 2024),
Followed by the complete IJC Hearings on January 11-12, 2024,
Israel’s presentation, Hearings on January 12, 2024.
Video: South Africa’s Closing Argument Against Israel
Video: ICJ Hearings in The Hague. Opening Session. Presentation by South Africa
(Complete 3h.04min)
Click here or the image below to view the ICJ Hearings, January 11, 2024
January 12, 2024. ICJ Hearings. Presentation by Israel
(Complete 4h.28 min)
Click here or the image below to view the ICJ Hearings, January 12, 2024
They are mobsters/criminals....they know they are above the law, right now....unless something miraculous changes.... WHO’s Dr. Tedros Confronted at Davos on ‘Disease X’, COVID Lockdowns and Vaccines (Video)
“This is your chance to apologize to the world for your role during COVID, would you like to take it?”
Why should I be ashamed?
I am not and I never will.
I fight the powers that be even when people think I am crazy because people in General don't think.
Yet I been proven right... from the Intrusive AI to Neural Lace Nanotechnology to the Alien "God Race" controlling all of Humanity.
The enemy within
to the Jewish War against the world
And it is all connected...
Watch out for my next article...