After two years of investigation by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC), on November 22, 2011, a tribunal reached a unanimous verdict that found George W. Bush and Tony Blair guilty of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and genocide as a result of initiating the Iraq War in 2003. The tribunal acknowledged its verdict was 'not enforceable' in a normal manner associated with a criminal court operating within a sovereign state or as constituted by international agreement.
George Bush US President 2001-2009. In 2014, unveiled a previously secret project he had undertaken to write a biography of his father.
June 27, 2007, Tony Blair was appointed Special Envoy of the Quartet on the Middle East until 2015. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II as a Knight Companion of the Garter in 2022.
Proof you are a wussy claws .you are beyond believe the vermin thst flout all laws deserve orwill abide by laws thst they inflict on the plebiscite. You are a moron.
There needs to be a world council of peace, health and freedom. Bring together everyone who loves the truth, celebrates freedom and practices peace to work on purifying humanity from the evil viruses of hatred, greed, ignorance, and apathy.
“Blessed are the peacemakers for theirs is the kingdom”
It appears the 10 year old war crimes indictment against Israel gave Netanyahu's government renewed chutzpah to engage in a barbaric Palestinian genocide.
This can also be applied to the WEF members. With their world depop agenda tied to climate change. They ALL need to be called out, prosecuted, jailed &/or executed for the sake of humanity. They’re monsters amongst us.
You are brainless. What do you do if your home is infested with vermin?feed them?your solution is to have the corrupt handle the corruption they sanction.when it comes to those filth the only "civilized "action is termination on sight. That is the only solution. You missed the fact that scum slither out of all legality.
Lol lol another moron.there is no such eord as proclamating.and claws is mature,?oh yeah a mature adult posts multiple thumbs down. I suggest you sttempt to grasp another persons opinion.and lumping me into your distorted reality is pathetic. You need to grow up and grow some brain cells
Holy shit. sorry for harsh language, your dear prime minister is a fucking eugenists genocidal manic.
I can confirm the video is real!
Trudeau Emergency Powers Act to End Canada Trucker Vaccine Passport ... Protests Deemed Unconstitutional Rewind: Mad Max & Tyrants On The Run by Chief Justice
Dr. Mahathir Mohammad was a close friend of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche's and leader of the Third World non-aligned movement.
He is an eugenist which want to kill billions
The glaring question is wtf was this genocide permitted to be ongoing for over 75 years and mo one did a damn thing.
Good question.
Many people and institutions DID many things, but
Zionists do not NEED to care !!
Their meter has 368 cms ...
Guess why ??
Just follow the money ...
After two years of investigation by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC), on November 22, 2011, a tribunal reached a unanimous verdict that found George W. Bush and Tony Blair guilty of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and genocide as a result of initiating the Iraq War in 2003. The tribunal acknowledged its verdict was 'not enforceable' in a normal manner associated with a criminal court operating within a sovereign state or as constituted by international agreement.
George Bush US President 2001-2009. In 2014, unveiled a previously secret project he had undertaken to write a biography of his father.
June 27, 2007, Tony Blair was appointed Special Envoy of the Quartet on the Middle East until 2015. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II as a Knight Companion of the Garter in 2022.
Not enforceable?then pointless investigation.
NOT pointless !!
At least it shows the world's folks what SHOULD be the standard.
Lol lolare you obtuse?
Sorry, but that's not my level for continuing any correspondence ...👎👎^3
Proof you are a wussy claws .you are beyond believe the vermin thst flout all laws deserve orwill abide by laws thst they inflict on the plebiscite. You are a moron.
Told you so. Please read my previous reply.
For sure you will understand if I apologetically refuse your kind present heavily infested by typos of an agressive mind ...
Thank you for recognizing this.
There needs to be a world council of peace, health and freedom. Bring together everyone who loves the truth, celebrates freedom and practices peace to work on purifying humanity from the evil viruses of hatred, greed, ignorance, and apathy.
“Blessed are the peacemakers for theirs is the kingdom”
Just avoid voting in places that call themselves democracy ...
So your grand children cannot blame you for ever participating in these atrocities.
Hah! I'm an anarchist
Congrats !!👏👍
You're welcome 😁
Thank you for the article.
Here something I wrote today
It appears the 10 year old war crimes indictment against Israel gave Netanyahu's government renewed chutzpah to engage in a barbaric Palestinian genocide.
This can also be applied to the WEF members. With their world depop agenda tied to climate change. They ALL need to be called out, prosecuted, jailed &/or executed for the sake of humanity. They’re monsters amongst us.
Called out?no snipers need employed to eradicate them all.
Are you inciting for murder; trying to drag us down to the monster's level ?? ...
Would you be comfortable acting like the Zionists and their IDF (or NATO, UK, or US-military) ?? Where would be the difference ??
Not so fast please, there are better, more civilized ways to end the atrocities of these evil creatures:
- expose the truly criminals acting from the bottom (the ones whose name or image you
NEVER read or see in MSM),
- never vote for any public-officer having even the slightest ties (participating, shares,
bribes, etc., etc.) to WEF, Bilderberg, masonry, eugenicists-, chemical-, pharma-, finance-,
military institutions, etc.
- defund the government by any means, even if this means simplifying your life-style,
- NEVER comply to their mandates, NO more trust whatsoever, etc.,
- start building decentralized, sustainable fully autonomous, defendable communities,
- and many, many more options according to a person's personal- and family-
- once you get rid of the pervading global filth, intl. courts are freed to act properly and
give the perpetrators what they deserve, LEGALLY.
Be patient, this will take some time ...
You are brainless. What do you do if your home is infested with vermin?feed them?your solution is to have the corrupt handle the corruption they sanction.when it comes to those filth the only "civilized "action is termination on sight. That is the only solution. You missed the fact that scum slither out of all legality.
Don't be ridiculous.
Lol lol another moron.there is no such eord as proclamating.and claws is mature,?oh yeah a mature adult posts multiple thumbs down. I suggest you sttempt to grasp another persons opinion.and lumping me into your distorted reality is pathetic. You need to grow up and grow some brain cells
Absurd link
ALL vaccines are poison! ALL it didn't just happen.
Your work ethic and integrity are constantly inspiring to me. Thanks beyond words from Oregon.