Here's an excerpt from an article describing the nefarious activities occurring between the Bush family who for all intents and purposes represent the CIA and the bin Laden’s:

"In 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden’s brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.

Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company’s senior advisor was Bush’s father, former President George H.W. Bush. After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from the Caryle Group.

Interestingly, on Sept. 11, 2001, members of the Carlyle Group — including Bush senior, and his former secretary of state, James Baker — were meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., along with Shafiq bin Laden, another one of Osama bin Laden’s brothers.

While all flights were halted following the terrorist attacks, there was one exception made: The White House authorized planes to pick up 140 Saudi nationals, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, living in various cities in the U.S. to bring them back to Saudi Arabia, where they would be safe. They were never interrogated."

So was 9/11 financed by the Saudis, or by drug trafficking money?

And how about the dancing Israelis thrilled about the "controlled demolition" of building 7. As it turned out they worked for the Mossad and were briefly detained, but eventually given safe passage back to Israel.

And who were the traitors within the US government behind the 9/11 false flag. Was it old man George H.W. Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney--just how many were involved.

The War on Terror was to replace the Cold War becoming another profitable criminal enterprise ensuring the

endless plunder of the US treasury. They'd milk that cow dry, or until the next misadventure could be sold to a catatonic US population who in 2022 were traumatized by the recent scamdemic.

Look no further than Ukraine where more than $100 billion has been laundered into the hands of the usual war profiteering gangsters.

And given this brazen criminality it's not surprising to hear a half-dead Biden say with a straight-face that the victims of the Maui fire would each receive $700.00 in government aid.

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Yep. "Poppy" Bush's crime family, the Israeli Zionists with Mossad, and of course the Neocons with ties to the CFR and the Royal Imperialists.

Many still alive and still out there and still profiting from the aftermath of the "new Pearl Harbor" and "...bioweapons for political purposes.:

Over half of our unsustainable indebtedness as a nation was done by them in the last 20 years. That spigot needs to be turned off.

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I agree, but how do you turn off the spigot without first eliminating the security state?

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They lie, lie, lie and lie. And you think that's different in terms of "climate change" and "the virus"?

God's chosen psychos have subverted the whole world, and that is absolutely no problem as they via the banksters can print as much money as they want and buy (or kill) who ever they want.

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War resisters league. See Julia "Butterfly" Hill. Protector of the tree Luna

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Most likely, "Luna" will still be a TREE, long after Julia becomes dust....LOL!....

If it wasn't for groups like the "WRL", then WHO would the FBI infiltrate & instigate?....

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Michel, I apologize but I don't know how to get this info to you:


"Judge Orders Nuremberg Public Hearing November 9, 2023 For Illegality Of Covid-19 Vaccines! Interest of Justice vs State of Costa Rica For Human Experimentation In Violation Of Nuremberg Code In Force

A Judge FINALLY Ordered Public Oral Hearing Ex Officio On Her Own Due To Importance Of Nuremberg Code Violations In CR! Dr. Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer) is our expert witness."

I think this info is of interest to you. I will read your article. You are always a good person to put disparate threads together!

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I read through several of your essays on Substack yesterday and was fascinated and horrified by the US government’s use of religious curriculum to deliberately create extremist factions, and color revolutions to destabilize regions and seize control.

It appears that they are running the same operation against the US itself. I was thinking primarily about the new “religion” practiced by those who worship the gods of transgenderism, cultural Marxism, anti-White racism, anti-Christian sentiment, climate change, and covid/covid mRNA vaccines, which has come about primarily through the indoctrination by the public education system (and of course by the media, which is full of former state intelligence officers). Now we have terrorist extremist groups like Antifa here in the states, and what are obviously state actors co-opting events that started as legitimate and peaceful.

You will notice I have pointed out what are called “far left” positions. I didn’t fully believe, until after reading your essays yesterday and looking over some inflammatory book titles on Audible, such as “THEY WANT TO KILL AMERICANS: THE MILITIAS, TERRORISTS, AND DERANGED IDEOLOGY OF THE TRUMP INSURGENCY” by Malcolm Nance, that the “right” was also being weaponized to an equal degree. (Malcolm Nance works in intelligence and the media.)

From a review of the book:

“As a writer on terrorism and fascism, Nance has previously specialized in two areas: the workings of al-Qaida and the Islamic State and the mindset and actions of Trump and his followers. In this follow-up to The Plot To Betray America, the author blends them to examine the movement he calls “TITUS, the Trump Insurgency in the United States,” whose practitioners and supporters, like the best terrorists, blend into the community and are perfectly content with the thought of killing anyone who disagrees with them—all with the aim “to destroy American democracy and install Donald Trump as dictator.”


As someone who identifies as a Christian Libertarian, Trump was never someone I had interest in. I voted according to my conscience for other candidates in 2016 and 2020. The media’s treatment of him, and the TDS that many my own relatives experienced to be absurd and almost comical. What I found tragic was the demonization of Trump voters. Perhaps there were some that fit the evil caricature painted by the media, but that didn’t fit my personal experience with people. The people I personally know that voted for Trump are some of the most hardworking, kind and generous, absolutely not racist, not violent, people you will ever meet.

After reading your essays and seeing some other interesting articles, I’m beginning to suspect that the religious right has also been manipulated by the CIA. Both sides are being played against each other, and against the political centrists, such as myself and my husband. Apparently, this is common government practice. https://www.american-religion.org/operations/oliphant

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Most interesting and I will probably get your book, thank you, I knew old man Bush was a snake all along.

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This is 9.1.1... watts yUR emergence? The SEA, a "y". Emergency, lost the "e".. e+y.. is there another "e" cuming? e+y+e= an eYe, to SEE with... Phone 911. Are the fires and fireMEN coming to blaze this plACE? Skull & Bones.. All the p-RESIDENTS' "MEN". All residents' MEN. GotTANy wombMEN? Call 911. This is 9.1.1... watts yUR emergence, SEE? Sep 11, 9/11... 911? Watts yUR emergence, SEA?? Watts up supTIMBER 11. I re-MENburr 911... Dew MN EN have ANne' other emergency, or is it JU's MEN? Call 9,1,1... SEA who picks up! tHiS is 911... Watts yUR emergence, SEE yet??? MEN. Who KneadS tHEM.. tell AT&T eYe don't like their phone calls 2 9,1,1... E.T.'s.. phone oHm... yUR momma's AR calling on a phone. It's kullED 911... Watts tHEIR emerg

ency?? The "y".. HOW COME??? LiLiTHs' son (not an I.D. card, like yUR MEN.. an omen, amen..

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Who's OS ama been Lately? Osama, bin Lauding, OBama Ben sow'd in, OldBAAK Obama, BARack oBAMA, old alaBAMA been Sodomized... MEN.. who kneads them? Got any Wombs that haVENT bin holding tHEM in barracks, or army prySONS?? MaySINS, maySONS, and MAYhems... What 'cha gonna dew... JU'st men... Any womBmen hear?? LiLiTHs' son 🔥🙏🔥🐝🐝🐝

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Or attempt to murder with corporate prejudice

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