Three years of censoring the truth… now it’s okay to warn the planet what they should have reported as soon as the deaths began to rise… they knew then and now it’s too late for thousands.. way to go.

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One needs to question wtf its suddenly being "exposed".there is an agenda behind this.

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That agenda is the traditional governments must fail so that people will demand a new system. People have to lose faith in their current forms of governments and then they will accept the new world order technocratic communist slave system. So these gradual releases of truthful information via the msm is nothing more than moving the public to this agenda. Do not construe humanity as winning when you see these truths being released as it’s all part of the overall plan for global communism.

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Yes, this is the plan. I'm sure all these imported male foreigners will turn out in UN uniforms to keep the peace once the asleep awake and start a rebellion to tear down their government. More and more will be revealed mainstream so that no-one will be in any doubt about the democide.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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"imported male foreigners" are peoples family members from essentially everywhere and anywhere in the world. The people have to put pressure on their "males" to not participate in the global force. Be not proud of their service.

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That is my opinion as well. This is a military invasion except they aren’t wearing fatigues. Hotels, meals, and debit cards provided to illegals yet US citizens don’t get this. I think this will be a method of getting actual citizens to comply with a digital ID and social credit scoring to distinguish the “good” citizens from the “bad” illegals. Once they are unleashed and start killing (which our govt will deny this was the original plan) then this will most likely be offered up as a solution. It’s always emergencies and crisis situations to get the sheeple to voluntarily give up rights and freedoms for perceived security/safety of which they will get neither.

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There have been a couple new reports lately that, in my opinion, support your thesis of a military invasion, albeit a very covert one. A couple weeks ago, a deputy sheriff in one of the border states, North Dakota i think, saw - with his own two eyes - a couple of unidentified people cross the border to Canada on food and leave a load of firearms and ammunition. https://concealednation.org/2024/06/u-s-border-patrol-illegal-firearms-67/

Also, reported last night, a ship traveling through Lake Superior (between Michigan and Canada) hit something in the water and began to take on water. All was handled accordingly yadda, yadda... but, what was in the well-traversed waterways? I could imagine a C H IN EsE operation there.

I have a mind that could "go there". I could plan all sorts of horrors if I had a desire to do so. So, as I see it, if I could make sneaky plans so too could any evil-intending regime. And there are many evil regimes that hate the peace and stability of the middle of the Continental North America.

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I doubt it.you forget the element of cognitive dissonance that most people suffer from. Nothing to do with communism. Its about domination by a few. We are already.in a slave situation debt slaves.

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I don’t disagree but the NWO government model is communism Chinese style which is domination by a few because it is extremely profitable. That slave system care of the privately owned FED is simply going to get to new levels of tyranny whereby if you don’t comply you will be cut off from being able to function in the system. These few must get control via a harsher style of government to literally save their own hides to prevent a revolt.

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Wrong thst nwo is bolshevik model. Look what they did to russia. The sttempt to dtop the bolsheviks aka jews was by germany pre ww2.look what they did.the murdered millions of europeans and so called allies to gain control. Its gotten worse thanks to the unrelenting propaganda thst suckers christians into believing bloodthirsty killers sre "chosen" by their extraterrestrial. Playing victim has hoodwinked too many for too long.look how the genocide of palestine has been played for the incredibly stupid.

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Yes Jews are behind all communist regimes and this one is no different. They are the current head of the NWO snake as well. History always repeats. 99% of Christians have been indoctrinated to believe this group is God’s chosen when it’s a lie. Christians are the most pacifist people on the planet as they don’t know who their enemy is and cheer on the same group who is genociding and enslaving them just as their Talmud teaches and demands. This is why much of the alt media who is controlled are gatekeeper shills who disallow and condemn this subject. They misdirect you to China or Russia as the culprit yet those groups don’t have legislation protecting them like the unconstitutional antisemitism legislation the non-representative house just passed recently. This is proof of who they are protecting because people are starting to figure it out. Chinese and Russians have not infiltrated our government but Jews have. The ADL website lists and denies all the Jewish conspiracy theories yet lobbies for antisemitism legislation to jail people who speak out against them who show proof of those conspiracy theories or even just speaks against them. So if these “conspiracy theories” are denied and not true then why do they need protection from them? It’s simple as they are behind the agenda otherwise China and Russia would have protected class legislation. There is no political solution to this tyranny. It’s clear our politicians knowingly and intentionally violate the constitution by passing this legislation which threatens free speech. Yet the sheep keep thinking they represent us and choose their own tyrant who wants them dead.

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The whole truth will not openly come out.

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It will if its forced out and the propagandists are silenced

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Yes .. we got to bow down to our unelected master… Tedros … and fear helps us make decisions and hand over control..when all we ever needed to do was keep calm and retain control…. It’s worked for our forefathers .. and work long after W.H.O. Shrivels up and dies.

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Tedros needs to meet justice along with all those in big pharma,the govts,the cdc etc etc.these are true villains.the only recourse is to have the populations revolt and handbout justice.

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It is on a need to know basis. It could also be a move to give the idea that they can be trusted.

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Need to know?the sheeple ignore everything they don't like to hear.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

4 years into the biggest transfer of wealth in Canadian history and STILL our leading intellectuals won't (can't... due to national security gag orders) tell the whole truth.

The Covid-19 military depopulation operation enabled the Five Eyes to inject/implant billions of people with nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics using Smart masks, tests and jabs which all contain artificial intelligence nanotechnology biosensors embedded in them contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada. But you will never hear about it in the media because this case is being heard in the secret courts of national defense which are paid for by the taxpayers and yet which refuse our access contrary to Section 2b of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which protects open courts and open government.


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Where once two institutions were feared we now have three: the Military, Industrial & Media complex. They only exists to serve themselves at the expense of humanity.

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It's also annoying to see those who question the shots fall for the red herrings of spike protein and mRNA and pseudouridine....

Years before covid, before "spike protein", the lipids were found to be toxic.... Why did they go with multiple dose shots? Why are people falling for the spike protein while ignoring the real issue?


"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."



"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

Yes! I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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No wonder, the usual gangsters are eager to pass the "Pandemic Treaty." They've spent a fortune building mRNA manufacturing plants on every continent, just waiting for the WHO to declare a series of scamdemics allowing the ghouls to mandate "population reducing" toxic injections.

It'll be an economic boom for these monsters, as they make trillions selling poisons while weeding the population.

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Time to weed them out permanently.

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The problem with "weeds" is that they're tenacious and always reappear over and over again.

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Correct, and that is because and when one does not get to the roots.

We can prosecute and/or execute thousands of Fraudcis and Gates', but that gets us nowhere near the roots, it's nothing more than mowing the lawn.

To try to get closer to the banking families that plan all this mayhem, one would need to arrest, prosecute and try to get talking (to lead us up the links of the chain toward the ultimate source) the people who wrote the PREP Act for example, and other such legislations that made possible the guarantees of immunity that were given to doctors worldwide in exchange for the strict following of protocols (protocols that were intended to produce what we have witnessed).

These laws made it obvious to any worker in the field of healthcare that if he/she deviated from the protocols, they would be open to legal liability, but if they stricly followed the protocols, they were immune to liability.

Few people were able to craft such legislation, and as Katherine Watt explains, not only was legislation crafted, but very crucial already-existing legal protections for the Public were carefully/quietly removed or invalidated.


This wholesale global democide was well planned for decades, they were war-gaming/simulating, preparing, testing for such an event as the scamdemic of 2020 for a very long time.

Back in the early 2000s they were distributing boilerplate plandemic martial law legislation to local levels of government in preparation for when they executed the bigger plan: https://corbettreport.com/episode-086-medical-martial-law/

The very few who were writing these laws didn't come up with those ideas by themselves, they are given the task to write these documents... who is instructing them, and from there, who is instructing the instructors, and so on, until we get to the real culprits, the roots.

Focusing on the minions is what the rulers want, they want people to quench their desire for Justice with the blood of these nobodies, so that everyone can move on and then the planners can keep advancing their agendas... these people do not care how many minions we put to the cross, there is no shortage of people out there ready, willing and able to take on those positions for short-term gain.

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Then identify them early. Psychopaths show themselves.

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They're often very charming. That's how they conceal their despicable character.

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I would encourage people to read Katherine Watt Bailywick News on substack. Just sort by top articles and start reading. What I was shocked to find is no crime has been committed as the government legalized this genocide. She shows the laws and executive orders passed and written over the decades that legalized the murder of citizens of the world. The truth is government is the enemy of we the people and no clown paraded before us regardless of party is going to stop this as when you read her substack you will see there is zero difference between the parties when you read the laws and executive orders.


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I was just writing about that very subject: https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/after-3-years-of-censorship-mainstream/comment/58601348

You are correct, this is where we need to focus, there lie the real culprits, at the top of that pyramid.

Arresting the minions and getting them to talk to get up the chain of command is the only way?

If we were arresting their puppets en masse, could they manage to kill them all in prison?

Worth a try, and would have the advantage of keeping the people's hands clean of the sins of execution.

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The sad part is for many the damage has happened. Many people have experienced serious side effects or have died as a direct result of the jab. The division between people has grown. It also shows that censorship of true information has squashed the overall trust of media, which I feel has been happening for years. It has also given ngos, foundations, pharmaceutical companies and central bankers more time to collaborate with governments and media to wreck havoc on the people.

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Too bad all the people I would send this to are now dead and the vindication rings hollow.

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UNITE AND TRUST IN GOD, PRAY AND PREP -- https://thetruthaboutvaccines.com/groundbreaking-9th-circuit-ruling-covid-19-shots-arent-vaccines/

Groundbreaking 9th Circuit Ruling: COVID-19 Shots Aren't Vaccines

In a landmark decision, the 9th Circuit Court recently ruled that COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under certain legal and regulatory definitions. This ruling has sparked widespread debate…

The Truth About Vaccines

Link Feed

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I understand that the good professor cannot discuss the deliberate goal of depopulation in this article, since it may never be legally provable, but since I am not a professor, I have more freedom of expression and would like to point all readers here to the writings and verbalizations of the "upper class" and their incessant obsession with Eugenics and depopulation.

A good place to start is James Corbett's Why Big Oil Conquered the World: https://corbettreport.com/why-big-oil-conquered-the-world-video/

My breakfast just arrived, I'm on the dumbphone... if you please, https://x.com/search?q=%40legerphoenix3%20%22depopulation%22&src=typed_query&f=top

and follow the links to to see more of their writings and ideation.

Edit: Interesting, I just tried that link and all of the information below doesn't appear in the search results from the above link... so let's link directly here:








That's a good start.

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This hoax was and is unconscionable murder.only fools denied their lying eyes.it was obvious that there was no pandemic.yet to this day msm bews and tv shows still refer to it as if it were real.where is the outrage and demands for the heads if big pharma and all politicians thst supported this murderous hoax?the dimp trumpmis syill pushing the wsrp dpeed clot shot.now they havenrwvived the fsiled 1991 bird flu hoax,to sucker more gullible into believing these fake viruses can be cured by the death dealing vaccine industry .its past time for populations to get mad as hell and tear down big pharma and the traitorous govts.

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That's what mystifies me, the seeming absence of rage (though it's likely simmering below the surface?), I remember hearing/reading a few years ago "Wait 'til they come after the children", or "If they come after the children" and such, but they did come after the children, they killed and damaged the children, and they haven't even stopped as yet, they are still "executing" that plan of poisoning the children as we speak... the carnage is obvious, the damages are discussed more and more openly of late.

And no one seems to be all that upset about it all, or is that just a perception created by the censorship of voices in opposition to this large-scale murder?

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I feel a great deal of outrage, Richard, but for the sake of my own health and sanity, I tend to channel it in ways that will not cause additional physical compromise or mental anguish.

When this whole show had it's premier I immediately recognized it for what it has turned out to be and did my best to keep myself, spouse and three adult children bolstered, aware, confident and plugged in to everything I was thinking and why I thought things were happening as they were to the best of my ability. The five of us are not poked, sadly a couple of the daughter-in-laws are.

I think people like myself, somewhat aware of the nefarious plans of the PTB, are not naturally inclined to take grand action until we are literally face-to-face with the offense. We are the type of people - often odd in that we note hypocrisy and remember the stories we've been told - that the "cool kids" refuse to listen to because they cannot keep up with our information and so they mock us. People like myself have protected their children and cannot help children who are not ours without sacrificing our own children.

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Glad to hear that you were successful in protecting your family... wish I could say the same, but the indoctrination is strong... if it's not on ATV News at 5, there can't possibly be much to it, can there?

Sometimes I wonder if I should have pushed harder, but I'm sure that if I had, it would have only dissuaded them more.

And besides, back then there was nothing of substance to point to. For me it was rather obvious just by listening to the craziness coming from the WEF, my prior knowledge of the Bilderberg group and such, from prior readings of Noam Chomsky, from the so obvious nature of the 9/11 false-flag operation, etc., but my family unfortunately builds their worldly reality from the boob-tube.

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Big pharma has everyone on drugs.got a.ptoblem why theyhave a drug and diagnosis for that. Watch the movie equilibrium.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Totally Over Bothing to Respond. No One In the 4 Square Eyes of the Idiotbox Understands the psychopath's messaging.

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You are just one hero Dr!

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Another Article from GR: “We designed mRNA to kill” – CIA Whistleblower?


MRNA by necessity is a delivery mechanism for Biological Warfare.

Harvard DARPA MUSK GATES... these in cold blood tried to kill and mame as many as possible and the Media is guilty of propagating this Genocide.

Little wonder they protect themselves... never to be trusted ever again.

Still the main component connection of AI NEURAL LACE and the coming War still eludes some folk and they make nonsense of it.


At this stage you be fooled to believe anything they say.

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"Profits in the billions of dollars are the driving-force behind this diabolical agenda". It is in fact depopulation and getting nanotechnology into everyone. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova have forensically analysed legislation to allow democide over 70 years by DoD. Check out Codex Alimentarius too.

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"Profits in the billions of dollars are the driving-force behind this diabolical agenda". It is in fact depopulation and getting nanotechnology into everyone. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova have forensically analysed legislation to allow democide over 70 years by DoD. Check out Codex Alimentarius too.

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