if we reread this old Counter Punch article, we can also understand one of the fundamental reasons for the takeover of Ukraine by the capitalist West:


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farmland the world over has been ruined by glyphosate killing the soil organisms that provide tilth and fertility. The GMO crops are used so that the glyphosate can be used.

Gates a big investor in both.

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Thanks for the article. Very interesting. I do remember citizens in I believe Poland stating that they boycott Ukrainian grain and breads because they’re poisoned.

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Ukrainians aren't the only one's farming poisonous food produced by Monsanto/Bayer now holding the patent for GMO Seeds capable of growing in their petroleum-based fertilizers having no nutritional value for humans...Made poisonous by their Glyphsates. Sad fact is; THEY ALSO HOLD THE PATENT FOR THE HEIRLOOM SEEDS from which the GMO Chimeric Seeds were created.

IT'S ALL A CRAZY, LUST/GREED DRIVEN MURDEROUS NIGHTMARE FOR HOLDING WORLD POWER OVER ALL LIFE BASED IN DELUSIONs OF BELIEVING THEMESELVES GODS as they're out of control, are evil and have no boundaries on what they will not do for their Demonic Masters they host within.

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Thank you for the link.

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It was the CIA's Maidan revolution that began in 2012, not Russia's SMO.

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I'd say it began in 2011 when Obama hired Nuland to overthrow the elected govt and engage in genocide of ethic Russians of eastern Ukraine so that an anti Russian government and proUS government could be elected.

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Nobody who has a bit of intelligence will believe anything these war mongers tell us. These murderers of innocent people around the world have never spoken TRUTH and their whole purpose is to cause chaos around the world so they can loot the material wealth of the other countries. Look how they print their worthless paper 'money' and devalue our money so that they rob and cheat us daily every second of each day. That is called ECONOMIC MURDER. God curse these scumbags.

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Excellent reporting! This needs to be shared widely!!! Thank You, and God Bless.

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Dear Hillary, with thanks for your support,

in solidarity, Michel

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Empires always determine the historical narrative, hence chronology of all events, and this is particularly true for all imperialist misadventures.

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Don't trust a word out of anybody any longer after knowing just how devious The Club of Rome/Black Nobility is by placing German Nazi's at the forefront of NATO after murdering all the U.S. Generals behing the victory of the U.S. remaining and wishing to clean-up the WHOLE mess the Fabian Fascists created.

Learning of all the Corporate/Central Banker Nazi's in the U.K. and U.S. aligned with Germany's Corporations supporting both sides of ALL WARS SINCE WWI. Been very enlightening to now know 'The People' of Britain/U.K. to be that which the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits bringing their Fascism into the 20th Century hid behind for almost 1000 years; perpetrating their False Flag Wars For Profit, depopulation, and misery/suffering onto the whole world

Don't care one whit what the GLADIO-ORDAINED, pre-eminent NATO Secretary Genertal Stoltenberg claims about ANYTHING. Hold the whole pukey Establishment in Contempt.

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I did't find this too surprising, other than anybody actually acknowledging it, but then I was working as a volunteer with one of the NGOs in 2018, assisting with ESL classes for incoming refugees (supposedly vetted as such), and the people were roughly divided between Afghans and Russian-speaking people, from Ukraine as far as I could tell. That was a clue. An earlier one was the growing number of Ukrainian coworkers I had pre-retirement (2014-16). And, by the way, they were excellent at what they did. It hinted at Ukraine experiencing a technological "brain drain".

Digging a little more I came across bits of information about the Ukrainian government being overthrown somewhere around 2013-14, replaced with a Nazi regime and, as best I recall, the involvement of the Bidens in that.

I didn't take notes, I don't follow these things closely, and I don't know how much of what I found was true but still, no great surprise here.

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Nothing mentioned about the Ukies being Nazis as mentioned in the interview with Putin.

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Victorian Nuland and the CIA started this conflict with the US sponcered coup in 2014. They did not like the president who decided to trade with Russia rather than the EU.

Thats what the globalists do. False flags to invade and steal resouces and overthrow leaders who wont play along and favor the people.

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Maybe not a bombshell. As Michel informs us, Stoltenberg was not referring to the regime change EuroMaidan massacre in Feb., 2014 (as was Putin when he dated the start of the war in his interview with Tucker Carlson); Stoltenberg was referring to the Russian "annexation" of Crimea that followed. He was also referring to his claim that "Russia went into eastern Donbas in 2014.”

In the same presentation to the European Parliament on September 7, 2023, Stoltenberg made the following perhaps more momentous admission: "The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition to not invade Ukraine. Of course, we didn't sign that ... So, he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders." Stoltenberg thus abandons his mantra that the Russians invaded to order to take over Ukraine and then march upon eastern Europe.

During his interview with Carlson, Putin ridiculed the West's constant invocation of Russian threat to invade Europe. Here's Stoltenberg, this time at a press conference in Brussels on Jan. 23, 2024, again abandoning the Russian threat meme: "We don’t see any direct or imminent threat against any NATO ally.”


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