And still big pharma is not held accountable for murder. Nor has it been banned from promoting more drug poisons.all vaccines are killers and maimers.big pharma needs to be forced to empty all profits into the hands of its victims.

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Propaganda lies and those people in the media are blinded because it’s not only doing our own research it’s doing our own thinking. I wonder what they think about the unvaccinated now?

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I read from some European rags, that gates paid them 3 million euro to shut up. There was a list a few months ago, with amounts bribed to news outlets. If that is the best you can do with your fortune, you should not have it. You should be turning burgers at Macdonalds. No fortune. Let it all be paid to the people who are damaged and lost friends, husbands, parents, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren...

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What they thought of us at the time: A bunch of disease-spewing filth that deserve to die.


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Let there be no doubt that Western mainstream media news is "state-run" and most of the supposed Independent media is co-opted.

The spook commentators appearing regularly are reprehensible soulless ghouls who are no different than the previous Goebbel-like counterparts.

In fact, this morning I was listening to only one hour of MSNBC "Morning Joe," as that's all I could possibly stomach and heard David Ignatius, Joe Scarborough, Anne Applebaum, et al. parse what they consider the acceptable Palestinian death toll required to get creepy Joe reelected.

These creatures are more hideous than horror movie characters, as they secure millions each year over the dead bodies of hundreds of thousands either by running cover for barbaric needless wars, or by promoting toxic mRNA experimental gene therapy injections.

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One day we came into this world. Our arrival here is so special that every year we celebrate the occasion with friends, family, co workers and sometimes even strangers. But one thing most of us are totally oblivious to is the fact that on that day we were in fact born into a crime scene. The perpetrators who are no doubt psychopaths and narcissists of the highest degree are so clever and cunning that they keep their dastardly deeps hidden. They make laws to protect themselves - they alter history and even attack anyone who raises doubts as misinformation superspreaders. How much longer is this state of slavery, deception and mass confusion going to continue before we are all awakened to the truth that we are free spirits. I sure hope it is soon. https://youtu.be/BHOevX4DlGk?si=S6gvqwVGgaJTjQxT

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When one truly allows the Overself (soul) to connect with God/Creator, there is no fear. I did this 3+ years ago. Your Creator loves you and we are pure divinity...LOVE. There is little fear, if any, because Truth is. We are here to connect to, and acknowledge It.

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While the last 4 years have been trying and often confusing, there are two things that I consider so valuable that I can convey to you Renee. Firstly I’ve learned more in that time about myself and about the world than in all of the prior three score and a decade combined. And secondly I feel a much stronger connection with the inner source being than ever before. And this is coming from somebody who dropped out of society when I was 21 to pursue a higher calling. And this connection is something that I pray stays with me until my last breath.

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Really nicely put.

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And that is what you are here to do Jeff! We all are! We are all in unique stages of soul development. That is our Purpose…to discover the Infinite Mind…all loving and perfect!

And your last breath is the beginning. There is no death!

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Yep. America is controlled by the television. My grandfather’s called it the ‘boob tube’ and the ‘idiot box.’

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Well-paid actors, influencers and other celebrities. Grateful I don't have

TV. I never saw any of this. I hope Jennifer Aniston enjoyed going to her

vaccinated 'friends' funeral. And Kathy Hochul, Governor of New York is saying those who did not

get vaccinated are 'not the smart ones' and are 'not listening to God'. Really Kathy?

This is really pushing it. Now the state of New York is pushing policies that circumvent the State Legislature.



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The main stream media were complicit in lying to us as were public health officials in many jurisdictions.

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Vaccines are the biggest medical fraud in the history of medicine,......advertise that

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Covid was a beta test. Apparently the "white lung pneumonia" is the "pandemic" they have been working on. I heard about it several weeks ago as President Xi's visit to San Francisco was related. Here is the best summary (from a fellow Canadian, Michel):


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Anyone stupid enough to believe these hoaxes deserve what they get.

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The problem is the stupid are about 2 thirds of the population . We are.about a third as far as I know. We need at least a half to make a difference. That is why the dark occultists celebrate on 1 May. The 5th month and the 1st day 51. Mayday. We need at least.half the population to wake up fast.

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Love you Irish, but you need to see that bioweaponry is how the invasion has taken place.

NOW the kinetic invasion with quarantine camps for "those who deserve what they get" will become a reality.

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