Every time I repost articles from you or Global Research on X, it mentions this is a dangerous site. Subtle but effective discouragement to read any further.
Everything is a moot point because evidence compile a year in advance or 12 years old cannot in any stretch of imagination imminent threat so urgent that time is of the essence. If it is not imminent then there is time to discuss in detail the issue in the UN Security Council. Something not know in detail cannot even be considered imminent. The only thing that is imminent is the desire for a rush to war and the hysteria to promote it without time to prove it.. If the imminent event is not known it can't be imminent.
Every time I repost articles from you or Global Research on X, it mentions this is a dangerous site. Subtle but effective discouragement to read any further.
Thanks for your support,
it's censorship, it does not apply to substack, with best wishes, Michel
Everything is a moot point because evidence compile a year in advance or 12 years old cannot in any stretch of imagination imminent threat so urgent that time is of the essence. If it is not imminent then there is time to discuss in detail the issue in the UN Security Council. Something not know in detail cannot even be considered imminent. The only thing that is imminent is the desire for a rush to war and the hysteria to promote it without time to prove it.. If the imminent event is not known it can't be imminent.