The following is a message I just sent to Michel. I wud be interested in hearing anybody else's thoughts on this. Hi Michael, excellent video on the Virus that never existed and all ur other great work. Sorry if thjs mite be redundant for u. Many many people who got the injections are walking around with what appears no problems. My gut has always told me that most of the injections were saline. Do u agree? If yes, how many of them do u think were saline on a percentage basis? Thanks.

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The biggest problem is the fact that the majority of humanity has believed in the fairy tale of fictitious so-called pathogens for almost 200 years now, and this has made it possible to commit this serious crime through the constant propaganda of fear!

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I tried very hard to inform my own Doctor back then and I was apparently ignored. I suspect that were I to give him this the end would be the same.

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May 18·edited May 18

The scamdemic is another terrorist campaign launched by the usual ruling class hoodlums.

It was designed to intimidate

humanity by instilling fear of a

"mysterious virus." This then enabled bankster gangsters and medical industrial complex thieves aided by the national security state to extract trillions in middle-class wealth.

It should be stressed, that the pretext of "public health" will eventually be used to eliminate any remaining freedom in the West. This will manifest itself in a series of crises either biomedical or environmental. The ghouls are unpredictable. 😁

It will be accomplished by ushering in repressive edicts intended to create a biosecurity surveillance hellhole. This would allow banksters who control corrupt

apparatchiks to design legislation in the future which attach medical data and political ideology to personal financial records.

To put it simply, if you oppose the official security state narrative your finances will be in jeopardy.

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Much of this legislation is already law. Subscribe to Katherine Watt Bailywick News on substack. She focuses on the legal aspects via laws and executive orders that confirms every single “conspiracy theory.” It is sobering to realize our government views we the people as the enemy and has legalized genocide under the guise of faked health emergencies. This country is broke and simply can’t afford all of us now with the FED having debased over 98% of the dollar’s value. Another couple of gut punches is our bank accounts can be legally seized (bail in) via the Dodd-Frank Act. I even visited my bank a couple of years ago to ask and confirm. Also, our tradable securities via 401Ks, IRAs, stocks, etc. are not legally our property and will be seized too during the next financial crisis. This is confirmed in the free online book called The Great Taking. The FED and all central banks of the world is going to finance their wellbeing with everyone’s wealth being confiscated and it’s all legal and written into law. I expect a war event or false flag attack via terrorism, power and/or internet outage that is blamed on our fake enemies so the blame can be shifted elsewhere as they steal from us. That could be how they get the sheep to support WW3 as Putin/Xi conspired to hack in and steal all your money. Look over here goyim and never mind your Jewish conspirators who want you broke and dead.

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I'll checkout her substack.

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May 18·edited May 18

Check out former electrical engineer, Sabrina Wallace's Psinergy Channel on Odysee.com to understand how the nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6) are being used for ubiquitous biometric surveillance under the rubric of Artificial Intelligence Precision Healthcare.




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no "virus" has EVER been isolated. Until "virology" uses CONTROLS no "virus" ever will be "isolated ". Read THE CONTAGION MYTH and CAN YOU CATCH A COLD.

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This crowd is the head of the snake and is who the many controlled opposition shills protect. They will spew some truth but like Alex NeverJew Jones they protect their masters. Just like the China psyop disease deflection origination lie. Here look elsewhere goy.

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Of course there was a "pandemic", I call it...


Not a biological one but nonetheless a "pandemic"...

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May 18·edited May 18

You're not alone in this. I was expelled from my PhD program at Laval University for expressing interest in the COVID lockdowns for my dissertation.



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May 18·edited May 18

I was violently assaulted by Vancouver Police, permanently injured, handcuffed, wrongfully fired, lost my benefits and fully half of my Maximum Pension for my refusal to wear a mask at my workplace of 27 years (Canada Post) when NO PROVINCIAL OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MASK MANDATES WERE IN EFFECT. I laid 39 CRIMINAL CHARGES AGAINST MY FORMER BOSS, THE DIRECTOR OF MAIL OPERATIONS FOR THE CITY OF VANCOUVER in the Provincial Court of Vancouver for her administering of the Corporation's mandatory mask policy. In retaliation for my whistle-blowing, I have been the victim of Directed Energy Weapon attacks which tortured my cat and dog resulting in their deaths. I am surrounded by CSIS/Canada Post psychopaths who harass me with noise, illegally enter my unit, steal small things and follow me everywhere I go. The Vancouver Police (co-accused) and Emergency Services follow and blast sirens at me. They weaponized SMART infrastructure to prevent my rightful crossing the street at intersections. My VanCity financial advisor tried to entrap me into "pretend(ing) to invest in a product to impress my boss" right after I laid fraud charges against the Canada Post Director. The banks are fully implicated in the billion dollar market share that is NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOSENSORS for ubiquitous surveillance via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, the WBAN and the Global Information Grid.

These are CRIMES of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics using Smart Masks and Jabs which contain nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Moreover, Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. This case is being heard in SECRET COURTS paid for by taxpayers but which refuse our access contrary to Section 2b of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The Canada Post Director who is a CSIS operative and full-blown psychopath has been Ordered by the Court to leave BC.

Canada Post, like the Catholic Church which transfers its criminals to other locations, has moved her to Scarborough, Ontario at Albert Jackson Processing Centre. Her name is Jen Gall.

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I'm seeking reparations myself!

- Luc

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and STILL no consequences for those who promoted the hoax and its fix. where is the immediate shut down of big pharma and arrests of those pushing the solution aka vaccine. yes that includes trump "mr warp speed vaccine" and all politicians . lets not forget the world hoax organization and the center for disease creation. aka who and the cdc.

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deletedMay 18
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What secret courts?

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Dear Michel, I agree with you with the fact that there was never a pandemic, nevertheless, it is also obvious that indeed some sickness which falls on the official description of the alleged virus, is also true.

According to experts, the so called virus was and is a bioweapon, which is effects more akin to an aerosol acid bioweapon sprayed around the world to maintain the narrative of a so called pandemic.

The effects cause by the alleged virus,in fact, are easily understood as the consequence of inhaling a sort of acid, which burns and damage, not just the lungs but also the smell and taste, as the acid also burns the receptor organs which allows us to taste and smell.

This bioweapon, apparently causes also the triggering of what is an unnatural immune response, which in turn , cause the collapse of the immunity system and its ability to fight the common flue, causing a cascade of events which in many cases caused the hospitalization of the victim, and its consequential death “by killer medical protocol”

The reason why the so called virus was allegedly never isolated, is because its isolation will reveal its origin. “A lab”

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Spraying in conjunction with the turning up of all the radiation facilities including cell towers causes the loss of taste and smell. And then u add in all the fear that was created via the lockdowns, masking, social distancing and all the spewed media propaganda and u have the perfect storm.

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No virus has ever been truly isolated using a scientific method, much less characterized genetically. Virology is and has always been a pseudoscience. See viroliegy.com.

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Yes I have heard that, and I understand why, but I also know that it is true that so called viruses exist as the Spanish used viruses to kill millions and conquer South America.

By the way, make some research on ”Royal Rife” he built microscope back in the days, and through the use of this microscope, developed a system to destroy cancer cells as well as simulate both organs and immunity reaction via both sonic and electronic modulation.

His analog microscope was able to see what nuclear microscope can not, as the later kills so many cells by radiation.

You can not see what you disintegrate after you have disintegrated it.

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wrong. the hoax was perpetrated by writers twisting the yearly colds and flu into fear porn for the gullible. all big pharma products are bioweapons. all their drugs. gotta problem , well big pharma has a fix. the entire world has been hoaxed for years into taking these drugs to believe they need them to be healthy.

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Bullshit, people got sick I personally know some of them, read well what I wrote and do some research.

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Lol of course people hot sick.cold and flu season comes round each years apparently you are one of the fools who fell for the hoax.did your lyingbeyes see anyone dropping dead in the streets?the hoax was sold as akin to the blavk death of the middle ages. You failed the test by falling for the fear porn. Did you get the clot shot also?flu shots.never work.

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Your moronic reply shows who you are.

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Oh no!being called names shows wtf you are .a major fool who swallows BS. YOUR ORIGINAL comment proved you are a gullible simp. Your "alleged"research is nothing more than your feeble minded wits belief in the hoax.you need an education in how propaganda works.

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Here, another one, this is from 1992...

The jokes on us!


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The whole thing is a freemasonic fraud/hoax, here's the only proof we need...

Add this to your research

A masterclass freemasonic proformance!



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May 18·edited May 18

The Covid-19 military operation enabled the Five Eyes to inject billions of people with nanotechnology biosensors (Artificial Intelligence) for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics using Smart Masks and Jabs, both which have nanotechnology biosensors embedded in them, contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada. Every sycophant in management who administered illegal mandates must be criminally prosecuted in public courts.




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Yes, ty...

bio-digital convergence, horizons.gc.ca, that no one wants to talk about

Also the research work of Allison McDowall is excellent


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Freemasonry is simply jewry for the goyim. We all got jew fucked.

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Spot On... Kudos.

This is Genetically Targeted Biological Warfare.

The Government is the enemy.


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Actually its big pharma that is the enemy.

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