Ken Paxton, AG in Texas, was impeached quickly after he attempted to investigate and prosecute pharma and the other players.

Here in Florida, no sheriff or prosecutor will touch pharma despite the mounds of evidence cited here by Michel. DeSantis convened a Grand Jury in January, and despite mounds of evidence not a single news announcement, nothing, from the Grand Jury.

Reiner Fuellmich sits in prison somewhere. It's safe to say that our criminal justice system is rotten to the core, totally owned by WEF.

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Pretty sure if Desantis started arresting these people, the US Gov't would apprehend him on the grounds of treason.

DOD is contracting with Pfizer to create "countermeasures", a term that now means weapons.

Countermeasures for whom, against whom?

For the US Gov't AGAINST us.

No way does a gov't engaged in genocide of its own citizens adhere to elections, votes, or democratic principles.

We need to stop.

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What a short memory everyone has. President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act in January 2021, meaning that the U.S. is under martial law, and Trump is commander-in-chief.

"We are In a Military Coup"--CIA Officer Involved in Removal of Three U.S. Presidents

Steve Pieczenik joined secret military faction to bring down the Cabal


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Oct 19, 2023
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Are you aware organophosphates were sprayed regularly over food crops in the US, by open crop dusters, without insuring people were warned away from the areas, well into the '70s, including varieties that act on humans like nerve gas? I wasn't, 'til I was called as a 1st responder to rescue a crashed pilot doing so not far from my home. That incident got 1 of them banned from use in the US, but others were still in use, and it very nearly killed me, and others involved. They are "chemical cousins" of Zyklon-B that was used in the death houses of the Nazi camps.

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Zyklon was hydrogen cyanide with absorbents. A simple molecule. Unrelated to organophosphates.

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Oct 20, 2023
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I know what you mean. It is disgusting, to put it politely. And if it's not straight up poisons, it's carcinogens. The only way to avoid them all is to stop eating, drinking, bathing, breathing... in short, die.

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Oct 23, 2023
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Oct 20, 2023
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Crony (faux) "capitalism" is, that's true, but free market capitalism is not. There was a drastic change in ow our economy operates, back in the '80s when advertising changed policies, blocking some businesses, while opening advertising to others equally dangerous.

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I think the PREP act was done during Bush 2 and it was updated during Obama. But there have been many acts passed going back decades. And congress passed the CARES act during Trump which he happily signed.

If you haven’t seen this by Katherine Watts she has investigated every one and describes what they mean.


Basically the government has rescinded the constitution if the HHS director says that there is a health emergency. I don’t know why they can’t understand inalienable rights which means that no one can take them away from us.

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Oct 19, 2023
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Tavistock's work used in CFR programming and Commonwealth Press Union news programming is how they do it.

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As long as the WEF controls the MSM, the majority of the population will roll up their sleeves for more "safe & effective" jabs.

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Since I can't stop anyone from doing that, I'm going to focus on my own life ... and let the dead bury their dead.

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Oct 19, 2023
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The attackers want what you have. Their religious books claim that what you have is theirs.

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MSM is controlled by The Council on Foreign Relations, created in 1911, NOT 1921, by John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and the bottomless pit of Rothschild fiat currency based on fractional lending. February 1917 congressional hearings by Oscar Callaway provided CFR documents stating, "The purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations will be to buy up all influential newspapers and editorial boards for the purpose of creating the public debate to thus control the minds of the American people". There is your MSM.

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Oct 19, 2023
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I have tried in vain for over three years to interest our local police in how the cell phone towers work to affect a biowarfare system, U.S. Patented by Harvard's Charles M. Lieber, who set up the 5G grid/COVID outbreak there. If there is anything more useless them a preferably ignorant egomaniac with a loaded gun collecting a salary for it, it is on television.

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Yup. Crooked judges belong in coveralls hoeing weeds at a FEMA camp somewhere.

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He was, but he has been cleared, and he's back in business at the TXAG office, doing what he does so well!

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Who owns the WEF -- or more precisely, who owns the transnational corporations?

Since they all interfered in the 2020 elections, by Trump's executive order, every transnational on Earth has been nationalized.

Trump has made Karl Marx, Vladimir I Lenin, Mao and Castro very proud.

"Italy's Matteo Renzi, Vatican, Deutsch Bank Complicit in 2020 Election Theft"


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The Paxton impeachment was for securities FRAUD, financial self-dealing, misappropriating Texas funds and resources, etc. Nothing about pharma.

The impeachment process began after Paxton requested $3.3 million in taxpayer money to settle a lawsuit with former top staffers who had been fired after reporting the attorney general’s conduct to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2020.

Whistleblowers accused Paxton of using his authority to benefit his political friend Nate Paul, a real estate investor who had donated tens of thousands of dollars to Paxton’s campaign. In the settlement, Paxton apologized but did not admit fault or accept liability. He denied wrongdoing and said in a statement that he had agreed to the settlement “to put this issue to rest.”

One of the impeachment articles accused Paxton of using employees of the attorney general’s office to write a legal opinion intended to help Paul avoid the foreclosure sale of properties that he and his businesses owned.

It was among a series of articles focused on Paxton’s relationship with Paul, including accusations he hired an outside attorney who issued more than 30 grand jury subpoenas while investigating a “baseless complaint” made by Paul, delayed foreclosure sales of Paul’s properties and benefited from Paul hiring a woman with whom Paxton “was having an extramarital affair.”

The articles of impeachment also detailed what are described as Paxton’s efforts to cause “protracted” delays in the securities fraud investigation.

Ultimately, the Texas House voted 121-23 to impeach Paxton.

But he found more support in the state Senate. Beyond acquitting Paxton on the 16 counts under consideration, the chamber also voted to dismiss four other articles of impeachment that were brought by the House but not considered during the Senate trial.

The other four articles were related to Paxton’s ongoing state securities fraud indictment.

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Do you believe everything your government tells you? That elected officials would not deceive you?

Fraud may have been the excuse du jour, but it's much more likely that investigating pharma's crimes with the shots is the real reason, just as Russell Brand and so many doctors, including Texas doctors, were punished for daring to criticize pharma in public.

Pushing bioweapons is what pharma has been doing. Don't fool yourself.

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So true. Paxton is a poor victim of pharma.

The Texas House voted six to one (121:23) in favor of impeaching Paxton- even Republicans voted three to one against him.

Real truth-knowers buy lots of McCullough supplements.

Deluded rube you are.

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ALL vaccines are killers,every last one.the huge lie "vaccines save us" ,has been pushed since big pharma began selling cure all drugs.got an itch,big pharma has a drug for that. Any discomfort humans don't want to deal with has a big pharma remedy.the lies about chikdhood vaccines is where it begins.childhood cancers are on the rise thanks to vaccines.you cannot vaccinate against a virus simply because a virus is constantly mutating.yet the public has been brainwashed to believe big pharma is all healing.to vaccinate is an intentional destruction of the human immune system. Injecting man made chemicals into the muscle creates a false immune response. Up to a 60%or higher destruction of natural immunity.the covidiocy hoax based on fear porn of a totally distorted tale of some vicious virus is judt another excuse to murder humans. The massive propaganda on msm 24/7somehow convinced the gullible that colds and flu were out to get them. No matter thst their lying eyes saw no real evidence of any mass pandemic deaths ala the black death ,they bought the hysterical tale.did the gullible notice thatmot a single public official has dropped dead or had any symptoms which the fools who rushed to get their clot shots exhibited? Even proof by those who took videos of empty emergency rooms and empty funeral parlors could convince the face diaper wearing fools that they had been "punked". Now the criminal big pharma has rolled out another flu shot killer and many will rush to get it. Its true you can't cure stupid.

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Time for Neurenberg II asap !!

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Wellcome Trust, WHO, WHO, WHO, Rockefeller and the banking oligarch families that funded it all , corporate collaborators will not be ignored either.

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Oct 19, 2023
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I agree. Plenty of legitimate charges to go around for all of them. The central banker families are names we're figuring out. They are losing it all now as things are not going as they planned as many times in history. All these parasites will have left are the five eyes countries and smaller ones that have no protection. They'll really bring on the enslavement in these places if they can but that isn't going to happen. People see them now.

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All COVID criminals must be held accountable including mainstream media news propagandists.

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Since that isn't going to happen, you must move to Plan B: avoid unknown, unvetted doctors and hospitals and "treatments".

In the longer term: work to create new local and state governing bodies for lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, dentists, etc. We must divorce ourselves to the greatest extent possible from the Luciferian World Superstructure.

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You're preaching to the choir. 😁

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I know what you say is not " mis or disinformation". I see around me family, friends & people they know dropping dead or very sick. We must all do our bit to wake up those who remain brain washed

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Start investigating home-based remedies for the Spike Protein, etc.

Avoid all gov't death centers, previously called hospitals, at all costs.

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Thanks, I am already on vit d + k2 as well as omega 3 . Think might need invermectim but where do I get it in uk

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Pfizer is a corporation, a corpus, a body. Its composition? People who, as you said rather presciently, before this all started, exchanged the truth for a lie. But if tomorrow morning Pfizer were dissolved, another wicked corpus (mercantile, civic, and/or man-made-religious) would take its place. Even if every perpetrator of and accessory to this great crime--within and beyond Pfizer--were rooted-out, given a fair speedy trial based on evidence and witnesses, then hung by the neck until dead for first-degree murder, it would still not eradicate the root cause behind this.

Sin-saturated hearts suppress not just generic philosophical truth, but the Truth of God. We exchange that truth not for some neutral realm of rational thought, but for the great lie that God is not Who He says He is in His Word, that we're fine on our own with our our self-righteous ideas of goodness and confidence in our rationality to guide us.

This whole vax thing is indeed a great crime. One might even venture that, once the final tally is made a decade or two from now, it turns out to be superlative in human terms. But even if the numbers are in the multi-billions (and I can already count one in my family), it pales in comparison to the greatest crime in human history: killing the God-man. Until we wrestle with why Christ Jesus came to die, and how superlatively wicked that crime was, with our universal culpability in it, and with the great grace He offers to those who will trust in Him, we will not understand this one.

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Who paid the bills for the production and distribution of the bio/chem "countermeasure" (AKA, "weapon") ... and where did they get the money to do this?

If we don't have the courage to answer that question -- i.e., that the gov't taxed us to pay for our own destruction -- then we're going to be exactly where we are today for the foreseeable future.

Until we understand that our government is illegitimate, it will continue to be open season on us.

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We all know they jabs are deadly, many of the jabbed are aware of this also. It is clear that there is a depopulation agenda at work here. It’s been in the works for centuries but we are now at a technological point where mass killing is possible and it’s possible to carry this genocide out under Ostensible Reasons. I have no idea how to fight back. There will never be a Nuremberg 2, those that are responsible for all these crimes will never be held accountable as they own the world. WE have allowed this to happen. WE have, for centuries, capitulated because we fell the scam and now we are dealing with the consequences. What is coming down the line is the final nail on the coffin: CBDCs and Chipping all humans. Resist. Do Not Comply. Save yourselves and your loved ones by being informing yourselves of the Agenda at work. The Agenda on Audio: https://ia600903.us.archive.org/28/items/New_Order_of_Barbarians_remaster_tapes_1to3/New%20Order%20of%20Barbarians%20%5Bremaster%5D%20tapes%201%20to%203.mp3

In PDF: https://blog.denisbider.com/files/19690320-DrRichardDay-RemarksOnGlobalistPlansToPediatricians-PerDrLawrenceDunegan.pdf

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Well the government knows that killing people with guns is too messy and besides people would fight back against them. So they created the counter measures and people willingly lined up to get them. I think it was Kissinger who talked about this.

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Kills people, injuries people, sterilizes people.

Yikes, all contribute to one thing: depopulation.

ALL these bastards say the same thing: We have too many people, and we have to DRASTICALLY reduce the world's population.

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The newest epidemic is "REGRET." Justice is the only cure. We've all lost people around us and we all know why. We've all watched the healthiest people around us suddenly get cancer, heart issues, rashes, a multitude of things and often the doctors cannot explain WHERE or WHAT caused it. That means they are not doctors at all but just pill and chemical poison pushers who neglect their oath to do no harm.

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Many thanks for this horrific summary of the kind of evil deeds t hat the injections are causing, adults and children with their future ruined alike. The authorities do not respond because t hey were the origin themselves, so we can only t urn to ourselves and try to make this slaughter stop.

Did the authorities get special batches? not take the jab? or some cure? I am devastated for all these parents and relatives to the dead. It is just awful, should never have happened and yet it did...

I remind of the uttered hopes by the WEF boss Schwaab regarding the goal of depopulation by 80-85 %, that it would proceed without too many problems! How could anyone get those words over his lips but Satan himself?

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Things like the Cares Act wasn't an accident. Same with all the other litany of legal fig leaves.

These were carefully crafted to shield the guilty. It's a clear indicator of premeditation.

Why will NO governing body in the world, NO state or federal court, or NO legislature outlaw this in their state? Because if they do, they become an enemy combatant and they open themselves to be "neutralized".

That's my take after 3 years.

We used to call this sort of thing a Double Bind.

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Food industry

war industry

education industry

media industry

communication industry

drug industry

computer industry

phone industry

insurance industry

movie industry

clothing industry

religion industry

tobacco industry

car industry

chemical industry

medical industry

health industry

How many "-tries" need to be listed for us to get it ?

This is the normality we all support with our lives.

Because most of us haven't figured out how not to follow, and how to be Creative Divergent.

No matter how many analysis and critics we make, it always comes down to our collective decisions, our collective choices.

And we fail to recognize that "not choosing" IS a choice.

Just my grain of salt.

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Thomas Perrelli's announcement that Pfizer offers a settlement $2,3B plan is a joke when we know that it's only a tiny fraction in comparison to the profits they have made off their death drugs and CV19 shots. The company should be shutdown including Moderna, J&J, etc. The drug cabal, big pharma, are a criminal organization with the mandate from hell to depopulate humanity. They deserve to be hung by their feet and die a slow death and Jesus assign them the worse compartment in hell.

I feel sick to the stomach to think how many have suffered by way of these monsters.

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Television prepared the world to sit there like stupid dogs and submit to a lethal beating by a martial arts expert wielding a club. I TOLD EVERYBODY not to take the shots starting just a very few weeks after the Wuhan outbreak. The tests only tested ferrets, and they all died. But the alluring of the fear porn issued by Faucifraud and Billkill Gates to profit from the 'COVID' inoculations sucked them all in like sheep hypnotized by their television sets. 'The CJ 'End Times' campaign was really carried out by Constantine after being penned by his scribe Cerinthus. WHY should people put a paper bag over their head and run out into fast traffic?

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The mainstream media has been guilty of spreading non-information about the adverse effects of the Covid "vaccines" from their beginnings.

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Pfizer has plenty of the blame. But let's be clear: Pfizer is working for the Department of Defense. Pfizer did NOT need to produce a safe or effective product, according to the dismissal of Brooke Jackson's Wrongful Claims Lawsuit, quoting from the attorneys from the DOJ.

Everything else is distraction.

No way does a government killing us adhere to election laws. No chance in, eh, hell.

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Thanks, Michel. Posted to FB, Gettr, Notes and X and forwarded to friends and family.

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