This war to control oil resources will culminate in World Wars in 2025. God protects humanity.

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A top essay and historical account enunciating a whole new perspective of events from so long ago, yet ever so poignant in these latter days for not so much it seems has changed… the same tropes, the same flavoured modus operandi initiated to enable the truly nefarious undertakings by these supposed elites of the day… specifically I refer to the following passage written…

“War was waged with the support of the Catholic Church, acting as an instrument of religious propaganda and indoctrination, which was used in the enlistment throughout Europe of thousands of peasants, serfs and urban vagabonds…”

In terms of the modern conflicts we have endured one need only substitute USAID and their lapdogs, the MSM for the Catholic Church … given we know the tentacle like reach commensurate the power the Church had elicited up unto, of that period and beyond… their reach spanning most of the kingdoms and so called developed world of the period… their priests with total obeisance to the church, saying and doing whatever was fed them by Rome, think the talking heads and feature writers our modern media, cable and print, and the impact is the same, in other words the playbook the same save the medium of delivery… yet by way of delivery, nevertheless still the same, sonorous monotoned deliveries from the pulpit designed to both scare the parishioners and to motivate them to sign up, tell or show me the difference in terms the delivery of the message, the narrative building the case for conflict, given the desired results sought in these latter days by the warmongers for in reality there is none.

As noted the trope the same, demonise, build the narrative through lies, deceit, duplicit rhetoric, exacerbate the most ridiculous, the most salacious and suggestive all with the predicate of creating an emotive response comprised of anger, fear, rage… underscored the promise of victory, spoils and riches to those targeted to participate in the “adventure” the prize, the pillage, plunder and theft of the resources belonging to others, those lessor lights, not of the same as those fighting on the side of god.

I mean good lord, the overt hypocrisy, coupled outright blasphemous behaviour all completely antithetical to everything the Church and Vicar of Christ was meant to stand for, sound familiar? It should, think the present conflagration in that Nazi shithole Ukraine, a long gestated conflict, the events of 2008 under Dubbya Bush, how it, the U.S undermining Ukrainians sovereignty, their democracy continued apace under Obama.

Obama then appointed former President J,R Biden, you may recall, V.P Joe Biden to “run point” on Ukraine.. through the orchestration of the 2014 Maidan Coup, the ousting of a sitting and duly elected President, Yanukovich, the ratcheting up of the murder, the killing of fellow Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas by incessant shelling, firing MRL’s at towns and cities and all manner of conurbation that comprised the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts (regions), the CIA and MI6 trained AZOV Nazi death squads that were let loose, summarily executing the mostly Russian speakin, oriented civilians of the area… for no other reason than they were of Russian ethnicity, such was and until recently remained the vile mindset of the U.S sponsored Uke Government in Kiev.. the entire fiasco a U.S Western construct… yet if we are silly enough to blithely accept at face value, the U.SAID controlled Media’s word for it, as for the past 17 years ex their narrative, being they who on behalf their masters, who demonised Russia and all things Russian, THENST we must blame Russia and Russia alone for the debacle….

However as we know only to well, life never is as portrayed, hence the need in todays world, to be able to assimilate information, to be able to then in having digested what we have learned, to be able to apply what’s been learned together the knowledge retained in the well of our mind, enabling us to think critically, some might suggest cynically whilst the so called elites of the present would clamour and call for censorship, citing contrarian perspectives and fact based truths as conspiracies.

In essence not a lot has altered, the elites still covet plunder and pillage, seek out via their lies the poorest and least educated amongst us to take up arms to fight the righteous and noble cause… all in response to the message delivered either the pulpit or in todays world… the MSM… all while coming down hard on dissenting views or those who dare challenge…

We have witnessed this behaviour for centuries and yet nothing I believe based on the facts has been learned, overreaching it seems as the modern elites perennially have been doing, going back to Vietnam and every kinetic stoush since… seemingly the only real difference between the ancient papal edicts and our modern MSM being that there is none, no difference, every contrived conflict being the mirror image and a rerun of the last such maladventure..

I think and believe that it is rather telling that despite the age we live in, that the rationale, the M.O utilised to foment conflict, war, regime change… remains so very similar, eerily so, now, all these centuries, nearly a millennia later, the modern elites have not modified one iota the playbook used… just saying.

Kia Kaha.

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I agree with the "just wars" and have been showing the "empire" truth of the Vatican and its military arm the United States. But oil is not the current reason for conquering Palestine. Oil has indeed often been the motivation, as for 9-11 demolition job after congress had discussed the best way to get an oil pipeline in Afghanistan long before the demolition job, which my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH proves that every politician in DC was complicit. But times and motivations evolve due to more important to the empire's agendas. According to the Georgia GUidestones, authored by "RC Christian" the powers say that they want the world population regulated at no more than five hundred million. Deagel website forecast showed a decrease of 230 million people in US population in 2025. In my opinion, that reduction is greatly understated, many more will die, unsaid to allow for less alarm. Why doesn't CHossudovsky mention transhumanism? It is very real. The bioweapons have only barely begun their death toll. There are killer robots being produced. TErminator. Culling because of a fabricated bird flu will cause famine. 5G is a military grade weapon and can kill quickly. Look up October 31st, 2023 in South Korea, how 5G killed 150 youth instantly. Just a test.





Testing testing. 150 people in one area all die from heart attacks and suffocation, and were in their teens and twenties. The media tells us they were crushed. Another source said that they "fell like dominoes"==bleeding out of their mouths and noses. No broken bones, and they could not be resuscitated. Another source said that the stretchers brought in to carry out injured people were used for the dead instead... in other words, there were not the injured people that we were told that there were. Come to your own conclusions, but I say that they were testing 5G


World war is on the horizon, being manufactured deliberately, as BRICS are growing in alliances in oppositon to empire. All nations rulers serve the same entities, as shown by the nonexistent plandemic and its response globally all the same. Mosquitos have been weaponized, the food system tampered and vaccinated, seeds genetically altered. THere is a mass depopulation event, and to not perceive is plain blind stupidity. Palestinian destruction?

The first peoples to be eliminated are the most rebellious, those who have least conformed to the Vatican’s agenda; in the past, and today. The evidence points to a more devious, deeper level of purpose for the destruction of the twin towers, the blaming of Arabs, their vilification by church and state, and the slaughter of whole Arab nations. The Arabs in general, do not have western values, are not motivated to abandon principles for money, refuse to be sheeple, are intelligent, and have some power in oil. When they are eliminated, the strongest resistance to the beast is eliminated. The powers’ plan is to neutralize the most powerful opposition first, to neutralize us before we know what is happening. Was it a mistake that I was falsely imprisoned, then further incarcerated as I was exposing what was occurring? I was aware that ISIS was a US and Israeli operative since 2015, maybe earlier. Time is fleeting, we need to unite in resistance, and quickly. Knowledge is power, but it must be channeled into proper action, or it is useless. I suggest that you start packin’ and I am not talking about luggage. The time that weapons will be available is not much longer. The purpose of the Las Vegas



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President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday barring schools who still have coronavirus vaccine mandates from receiving federal funds.

The order, according to a report from Breitbart confirmed by the White House, prohibits "federal funds from being used to support or subsidize an educational service agency, state education agency, local education agency, elementary school, secondary school, or institution of higher education that requires students to have received a COVID-19 vaccination to attend in-person education programs."

It also tasks Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy and the Secretary of Education to establish guidelines for compliance and to "provide a plan to end coercive COVID-19 vaccine mandates."

That includes coming up with a system to block federal funding to "educational entities" that have coronavirus vaccine mandates.

"That solves that problem," Trump said in the Oval Office.

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That’s great because that experimental genetic abomination is a killer. But what has it got to do with this paper about OIL?

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Thank you, Michel, for outlining the history of “religious” conquests and for directing our attention to the real culprits who foment war.

We are controlled through language and money. Propaganda is a popular control mechanism and it’s used to secure more wealth by those who already have the most.

The pyramid with the all-seeing eye on top is a symbol of their intentions. They need our cooperation to succeed. It makes their looting sooo much easier.

Symbols are how our brains process information, so should we be surprised to see that pyramid symbol on our Federal Reserve Note? It’s a sigil to remind the globalists of their intentions. And, I think we should consider where that symbol is prominently displayed—on the top of the Supreme Court Building in the land of the self chosen. Put there by a family member of the Red Shield.

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This reads like a psyop to me. In my opinion, Islam denigrates and weaponizes the otherwise honorable and hospitable Arab peoples (and all colonized peoples) into Islamic Supremacists and head choppers stuck in the civilization of the 600's under Sharia law. Any organization that threatens death in it's holy books for apostasy and encourages to die fighting the unbelievers in Jihad to be rewarded sex and salvation in the afterlife doesn't seem so spiritual but political in nature.

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I agree. Men have always fought over resources. Islam does not need demonising because it has already done it for itself. The two should not be conflated.

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Yes, the Vatican is the virtuous one as it rules over every Christian denomination and prosletyzes everybody to join them in the hell realm. 9-11 demolition job by Israel, blame the Arabs, and have the news show all kinds of false beheadings because of the evil of muslims. fuckin retarded bigoted stupid Christians. And I am not Muslim, I am informed and knowledgeable.

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I don’t think you are very informed or knowledgeable at all! Your inflammatory comments and words seem to point to you having been brainwashed by propaganda rather than portray you as “informed and knowledgeable“!!!

Firstly many Christians no longer see the Vatican as the head of the Catholic Church and it is definitely NO LONGER seen as virtuous - those days are long gone! It has been overrun by evil. The pope himself is not a true Christian. He breaks every commandment including the first and second of having no other gods before our God in the form of idols. He worships idols such as the Pachamama and has filled his garden with these pagan idols. Just to be sure there are millions of Christians who no longer bow down to the Vatican, but just live quiet Christian lives, while waiting for the Vatican to be cleaned up.

You claim “false” beheadings. No - the beheadings paraded and revered are those published by Islamists, not westerners. Upon the slaughter, beheadings and rapes of the 1,200, horrific videos of these reprehensible killings and rapes were immediately uploaded to the internet by the Islamic murderers, rapists and thugs who actually committed these horrific acts - not by westerners as you claim.

In respect of those innocents, who had been slaughtered, westerners tried to remove from the public arena those obscene footages that showed just how evil are the crimes Islamic men will commit in the name of Allah!

I am sure Allah did not intend for his followers to be filming themselves in 2023 beheading, raping and cutting off women’s breasts and then using those breasts as footballs, kicking them backwards and forwards over the woman as she lay dying, after they finished raping her and mutilating her private body parts.

It is 2023, not the dark ages, yet some Islamists are still committing acts of barbarism that have no place in a civilised society, all while chanting “Allah Akbar”! So there is no doubt about their religious affinity!

No - I do not think Allah would approve of such barbaric acts in these more enlightened times.

No one is to blame for committing, filming, publishing and rejoicing in these barbaric acts except the actual Islamic men who did it, while shouting “Allah Akbar”! So I think your argument of trying to demonise Christian’s holds no water. At least we realise when our leaders have run off the rails and need correction. All priests bishops popes clergy etc who practise evil should all be removed forthwith.

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The pastors talk dirty about Catholics, but the Vatican secretly rules over every Christian denomination.


The majority of the following information regarding the Jesuits was gleaned from a Chick publication “The Secret History of the Jesuits” by Edmond Paris. I have permission to use the information from that book from Chick publications, as the author is deceased. It has an introduction by Alberto Roberto, a former Jesuit priest who was trained in the Vatican. Here is an excerpt from Dr. Roberto’s introduction:

“The most dangerous men are those who appear very religious, especially when they are organized and in a position of authority. They have the deep respect of the people who are ignorant of their ungodly push for power behind the scenes.

These men, who pretend to love god, will resort to murder, incite wars and revolution if necessary to help their cause. They are crafty, intelligent, smooth, religious politicians who live in a shadowy world of secrets, intrigue, and phony holiness.

The bible puts the power of a local church into the hands of a local pastor. But the cunning Jesuits successfully managed over the years to remove that power into the hands of denomination’s headquarters, and now have pushed almost all of the protestant denominations into the arms of the Vatican. This is exactly what Ignatius of Loyola set out to accomplish: a universal church and the end of Protestantism. ….

Mr. Paris reveals the penetration and infiltration of the Jesuits into the governments and nations of the world to manipulate the course of history by setting up dictatorships, and weakening democracies such as the United States of America, by paving the way for social, political, moral, military, educational, and religious anarchy.” 

   End Quote.

The videos of Muslims supposedly beheading Westerners were created by the CIA... you should know that it was Israelis who demolitioned 9-11. The 1200 rapes= don't be ridiculous. The entire narrative of October 7th has been thoroughly debunked. it appears that I thought chussodovsky to be well informed, but his audience are gullible morons. He has obviously not been exposing what I and a host of others have. Looking again, I see that you are a joke. very funny



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Islam does not need demonising??? No - it demonises itself by the barbaric acts of rape, torture and beheading carried out in the name of Islam’s “god”! To be quite honest I do not think Allah would be too pleased with the actions of some of his devotees, the slaughter of 1,200 innocents on October 7. The covered up gang rapes of British girls, the acts of terrorism against westerners etc etc. These acts are despicable and if committed by “Christians” we would consider them to be anathema. These people would be denounced as the devil’s children and their crimes would be dealt with in the court of law and there is no way these evil acts would be revered. However Islam elevates and celebrates these perpetrators of pure evil. If they die during the evil act they are hero worshipped as martyrs, when in reality they should be castigated and shunned and Islam should distance their religion from the evil acts.

But no, we have Imams and people high up in the Islamic religion publicly rejoicing and dancing in the streets at the slaughter if 1,200 innocents etc.

So you can tie OIL to the demonisation of Islam all you want, but the reality is ISLAM DEMONISES ITSELF BY ITS VERY ACTIONS!!!

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That is precisely what I said. Islam does not need to be demonised because it has already done it for itself.

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priestly pedophilia is honorable and never mentioned by pastors or the press. THe pope does not punish it

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Jews homosexually raping prisoners. .Apartheid. It had been Palestinian land, Jews have been murdering and stealing and oppressing for decades. The founding fathers murdered native americans, then rebelled against the british over a few taxes. But Palestinians are expected to accept murder, oppression, theft of their homes, being exiled to refuge camps. Look how I spell my name. I am not Arab

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We witness ourselves the genocide of the Arab peoples, to facilitate the RC dictatorship. What is not shown in the establishment media, but I have seen on several videos on youtube, (one called “Zionism Explained- the Best Documentary Ever”) showing film clips of Jews and Hassidim in Israel. The documentary explains:

Authentic Jews condemn the illegal Jewish settlements and the forced creation of the state of Israel. One Jewish man says in a passionate speech: “I will not be silent when Israel commits its crimes against the Palestinians. I find it despicable to justify the torture, the brutalization, the demolition of homes….Israel commits against Palestinians….if you had any heart in you… you would be crying out to the Palestinians.” The video also showed Hassidim in Israel protesting Zionism as they burned flags of Israel: “It is not a religious conflict; it is a Zionist ploy….it is Zionist propaganda…a political movement contradictory to the Jewish religion of thousands of years, Judaism is spirituality, a religion of compassion…who want to transform Judaism into materialism have stolen our religion to nationality… usurp the name of Judaism, causing death and destruction… they sacrifice on their idol, bodies, human beings, hearts, souls, …we must profusely apologize to the Muslims, Arabs…”


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I really get a good bitter laugh at the holy Christians, but do wonder. Are they totally stupid, are they totally bigoted, are they evil, or what about them causes such lies (the devil is a liar) and pointing fingers at everybody else, accusing (or projecting) what they themselves are guilty of. HAMAS had the right to.

“Even today I volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug out from under the feet of the diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal…..What your kind doesn’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.”….Ariel Sharon in a Hebrew language interview with Israeli writer Amos Oz, published in Hebrew in the Israeli newspaper Davar, December 17th, 1982 So we see here an Israeli leader mentioning Zionism as a force to kill Arabs. But the creation of Israel as a nation was based on the Balfour Declaration of 1917, where Foreign Secretary of State of Britain, Lord Balfour, in a letter addressing Rothschild, gave the land of Palestine to Jews as a home (not a state or nation), also making the condition that the non-Jew inhabitants would not be disturbed. It is curious that the letter went to Rothschild, as Herzl and Weizmann were the men looking for a Jewish homeland. Soon, Zionism became a confusing term, as it became confusing to perceive if it referred to a cause for a homeland for the Jewish people, or a cabal focused on world domination and a new world order. It is also curious that anybody who criticizes aggressive Israeli policies is considered to be anti-Semitic. Perhaps the confusion is intentional. In addition, many people consider Jews to be the ones ruling the world, when in fact it is the Vatican and the exceedingly rich and powerful people who rule, who have little connection to any real worship of god, unless you consider Satan to be god (which indeed he is). My theory as to these events is that: One reason for World War I was to destroy the Ottoman Empire, which was a strong bastion opposing Christianity. The British handed over the Palestinian land to the Jewish leaders, not for any compassionate reason (not the US, nor Britain took many Jewish immigrants), but to secure a position of power in the middle- east, as you perceive happened. And do not dismiss that letter from Albert Pike, who foresaw (and obviously was complicit in making it happen) the creation and usefulness of Israel in 1871. Now, a hundred years later, the fruition of these plans are now becoming clear. We witness ourselves the genocide of the Arab peoples, to facilitate the RC dictatorship.


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Regarding Israel, we need to face the truth, whether HAMAS resistance is aware or not. HAMAS was created with the assistance and support of Netanyahu from the start, its three leaders, living comfortably in Qatar, were given billions of dollars by the US and Israel, and between those three leaders, they have accrued eleven billion dollars in their personal savings accounts. Egyptian intelligence warned Israel of the coming October 7th attack, and Israeli intelligence had infiltrated HAMAS and was fully aware of the coming attack, which also had been practicing for the operation near the borders. That there was no immediate response from IDF or MOSSAD or Israeli police for a few hours brings us to the obvious conclusion, that HAMAS' October 7th operation was fully known to Israel well ahead of time, and was allowed to happen for the purpose of having an excuse to commit genocide of Palestinians. It also opens up the musing to consider if the operation was planned by Israel. Palestinian Authority has proven to be agents of Israel, not hiding the appearance a bit. HAMAS????? The Palestinian's invasion was obviously allowed success, and possibly was planned, by Israel deliberately for the purpose of having an opportunity for depopulation.

Now let us go further. Israel has been destroying Gaza. But chemical weapons could do the job quicker, they also have more modern methods of warfare. The Israeli leadership really has no concern for their hostages. Remember that IDF murdered many Israelis deliberately as they attacked HAMAS as it was gathering hostages.


Tanks destroyed an Israeli community (Hannibal), but it was blamed on HAMAS. The real agenda is depopulation, not just genocide of Arabs. HAMAS was and is an operation working for Israel and for the powers, though I truly doubt that they are aware.

Now notice that Israelis are an evil morally bankrupt scum of a population, homosexually raping prisoners, torturing and humiliating them, and lying outright as a normal and profuse habit. One cannot trust one word coming from Israel. They have no ethics, no natural humanity to them. They are a force of evil destruction, and that applies to almost every Israeli citizen. If I remember correctly, only three percent of Israel's population do not support the murder of Gaza.

Now, why are HAMAS so intent on following the guarantee of their part of the ceasefire agreement, while Israel breaks it on the regular, and lies about it, as they do with everything else? We all know that presently Israel will take back their word and continue their destruction of Gaza. It is a taken, there is no denying it. Gaza is a sitting duck, and Trump who was given well over a hundred million dollars by Israelis, is now threatening to assist Israel (they have no need for US military to join, except to refrain Iran's interferance) with US military might. Trump may be giving the US citizens a little bit of what they want to gain their trust and to delay outright revolution in America, but he is another establishment shill. The United States is indeed the big Satan and Israel the little Satan.

I am of absolutely in no agreement with anything with Israeli or US policies, but at this point I agree with scumbag tRump. Palestinians should indeed go to another area. Their lives depend on that. Trump is not the good guy, but he makes a point. What use is so-called victory of remaining in your land, when you end up dead?

HAMAS should indeed be applauded for their courage and their integrity and righteousness. If they are really ignorant of the role they played. But could they not figure all this out? Noble, perhaps. Or are they trying to tell us that resistance is futile?

The depopulation has been devastating, and as usual, violence begets resistance, and thus more violence. It is curious that almost all news media that I have watched, (of course I choose to watch pro-Palestinian information) resistance linked to remaining on the land has been totally dominant. Remember that he who controls the media controls the minds.

I have learned to think for myself, to not be overly influenced by perspectives of others, and to think independently. We need to remove our emotions from the situation, and to let pride associated with linked aspects, such as ownership of the territory, be reconsidered. The Palestinians have shown overwhelming courage, perserverance, integrity, and resilience. In my opinion, they now need to be willing to adjust their mindsets.

The land is destroyed, it is time to move on and change strategy for survival. Gaza is a piece of real estate, not a source of your essence. As much attachment that your culture has for the land, it is time to adjust to change, and to rethink your priorities. May I suggest that you leave the devastation, remembering what happened. Hopefully some day you can return.

I hold no love of real estate, and would move if it were me. But if my people were being slaughtered by evil scum, I would fight like hell to the death to protect them. The choice is theirs. Sometimes those who fight and then run away live to fight another day.


Another thought to consider. I have long been informing all of you that tRump is a Rothschild puppet. Here somebody is connecting the information. But do not be deceived. This is not about some land and some energy. A huge depopulation is afoot, and the agenda is far worse than a world war. Transhumanism. Slavery to Satanic forces in a hive mind controlled from "above"


The following video may make you decide that the previous message that I gave was in error, as it does indeed have that effect on me. The Palestinian's resilience, the children's courage, the quick restoration of a part of the destroyed land, are hopeful. But most convincing was the show of HAMAS, the weapons they captured, their attitude of righteous defiance, but most of all, that IDF were crying that all the years' efforts in Gaza was for nothing.

The idea that HAMAS won is perhaps not as ridiculous as I previously thought. What may be the deciding factor is the idea that many US soldiers, if deployed to Israel, will indeed refuse to fight against Palestinians. I have seen evidence that this will indeed happen. The war is one of narrative and of fighting propaganda, a true infowar has been waged, as well as militarily, and the latter is dependent on the success of the former. Much success of HAMAS warriors has been hidden by the news media, so public support of HAMAS, including mine, has been undermined. That said, we need to keep in mind all valid information in the muddled CIA-dominated news media, and to make well-informed and discerning decisions based on a wide spectrum of knowledge.

That said, Israeli advanced technological weaponry was not used, carpet bombing was not executed as able to. Was the reason to rescue hostages? The Hannibal directive says hostage lives are not important, that it is better to kill your own people than to have them taken hostage. Once all hostages are secured, what will hold back full Israeli determination to destroy Gaza, then the West Bank, then to initiate world war as the powers have planned them to do since 1871?

Israel could easily have destroyed Gaza. Easily. But perhaps the manipulations to defeat Syria, to gain more strategic regional territories was allowed by the appearances of inability to destroy Gaza, and to thus maintain an uneasy peace with Hezbollah and Iran, which would have exploded into all-out war if they had quickly totally demolished Gaza. But the slow kill, the appearances of weakness in Israeli forces and their Iron Dome, the hesitancy to use full capabilities of destruction have all held purpose.

Israel has however, achieved and earned hatred in every nation's people by their contemptible behavior, and war against them will be welcomed in every land. What allies' militaries are such unprincipled boot-licker order-followers as to obey orders to defend Israel? The USA and Israel have exercised foreign policies that have made them odious to the entire planet, even Europe hates them.

The object on all sides is not to win, but to enable maximum depopulation. Deagel shows a great depopulation expected in western nations. Pike's letter showed the agenda to have Israel and the Arab nations to destroy each other. It is all unfolding according to their foretold plans.


Take all in consideration. I do not trust any political ruler of any land. They are ALL bought. These nations appear to take the side of Palestinians, but are they really? How much military actions have they taken on behalf of Palestinians? Yemenites have shown courage and heart. But the rest? The money and power and prestige has trumped principles in every politician, almost all police, and many others.

I would say, upon an ignorant perspective, that Palestinians have allies in these nations. Most certainly the citizens of these nations are supportive of Palestinians, but the rulers of the order-followers are deceptive scum, every last one of them. To prevent uprising at a very tense juncture of history, they say what the people want to hear. Remember that the citizens' desires are based on the news media and their cultures. The news media in every nation,for the most part, is controlled by secret intelligence. But the rulers' actions will betray to whom their real loyalty goes.



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