My long-standing commitment is to “the value of human life”, “the criminalization of war”, “peaceful co-existence” between nation states and “the future of humanity” which is currently threatened by nuclear war.
Right away I know this is not true. The USSR spent the whole war penetrating the Manhattan Project very successfully. Beria was assigned this task in 1942. The Roosevelt Administration assisted their efforts by allowing the technology and even radioactive materials to be shipped to them via Montana. That this “secret” plan was the impetus for the CCP to do the same is laughable on its face since it did not come into existence until 1949. And only with massive assistance from the US State department and military. The US had in its possession only one more bomb at the time. Penetrating Soviet air defenses to deliver it would have been all but impossible. Manfacturing two hundred weapons for such an offensive would take many years. I suggest the author read Diana West’s excellent AMERICAN BETRAYAL, or Richard Rhodes MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB before swallowing this hook, line and sinker.
"The US had in its possession only one more bomb at the time. Penetrating Soviet air defenses to deliver it would have been all but impossible." You just explained the likely reason the evil plans were not carried out - but did not negate the evil desire to do so.
I am portuguese and for me is very difficult to explain to all of you how i feel at this moment after read all this articles. I am astonished, revolting, i'm feel bad. I'm since yesterday reading all this documentation except the videos because i have difficult to understand the spoken english language. I want to say that I receive all the articles from this magnific web site but i have no time to read all of them. Thanks to Mark Taliano he send all of them to me and i read it finally. I am not capable to say in english how i am bad, i'm crying because they lie to us, there's a lot of "independent" journalists that I trust them and they are selling propaganda against us. I am for a long time lost my time reading and listening those creatures and they are the same as the politicians, lying to us. I have no words to thank to this great MAN PROF. CHOSSUDOVSKI. I am 76 years old and I wish to die because i'm tired of all the lies they sell to us.
Back then when they invented the atomic bomb, they were clueless about the future issues. The cold war was the cover up that they couldn't use nukes anymore.
Lt Col L Fletcher Prouty Said in his book that when they saw what it could do, they quickly changed to wars where there is no winner or loser.... Wars of attrition.
So um yeah no nuclear war will happen. The wealthy control freaks who gave us con-vid won't let it happen cause living in a shelter for generations is nuts.
Obviously the entire 20th century after WWI and the revolution in Russia was about defeating communism and controlling the oil of the old Ottoman empire.
Allies is just a joke helping arm and weaponize fascism for a two front war and eventually save the day with the nuclear weapon they new they would eventually have. The timing of the war got in the way and waiting for the nuclear bombs extended the war longer. Oppenheimer and others quite possible delayed as long a possible.
Now the profit motives of permanent war may be the only thing that makes doomsday unprofitable. But we may be hoping for tactical nukes becoming normal weapons.
This I got from the Buck and Travis show last Friday. I am pretty sure it was Clay Travis who spoke this. I can't find transcript so I will do my best to say what he said (the last statement is mine alone)
In 1945 The USA had more power than any other nation at any other time in recorded history. We could have become dictators of the world. We could have ENFORCED "our way of governing on 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬 𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗬 𝗢𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗘𝗧! 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘦?
Never before nor since has a country had such power, yet we did NOT overwhelm and take over the planet. We did not crush the vanquished foes into enslavement.
There are only two concepts of reality, and they are in direct opposition to one another. Either you believe that there is a Divine Creator who has rules of right and wrong for the universe, rules to love and sacrifice for your neighbor, which is rewarded by Eternal Life, or that there is no God, that things made themselves, and that life is a free-for-all to take the most advantage of other people that you can, in any way that you can get away with. Only one of these two choices can be true, and as such, seeing how Eternal Life is in the balance if God is real, then knowing the truth, and not being deceived about it, is extremely critical for every soul on Earth. In the same way, either intelligent, in-the-Creator’s-image, life exists throughout the universe, or it exists here on Earth alone. These are the only two choices. Only one of them can be the actual truth. Oddly enough, this simple question may be utterly fundamental and highly monumental to one’s eternal destiny after we die, as well as winning the hidden behind-the-scenes battle which is going on everywhere in the world in each person’s everyday life, this very struggle of which Those-in-Control wish you to not perceive so that they can take full advantage of you.
The idea for the UN actually began with FDR. His goal for the UN was to abolish imperialism and colonialism, and to use the IMF and World Bank to assist former colonies to make investments in domestic infrastructure and develop domestic industries. Then he died unexpectedly at the age of 63, Churchill got his clutches into Truman, and the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy have ruled the world ever since. Well, not quite the entire world. They’re still trying their damnedest to conquer Russia.
Roosevelt's intended purpose for the U.N. was clear, as he discussed it with (his son) Elliott:
``The Big Four--ourselves, Britain, China, and the Soviet Union--we'll be responsible for the peace of the world after.... When we've won the war.... It is already hightime for us to be thinking of the future, building for it. France, for example. France will have to take its rightful place in that organization. These great powers will have to assume the task of bringing education, raising the standards of living, improving health conditions--of all the backward, depressed colonial areas of the world.''
Roosevelt had wanted to schedule a trip to England and talk directly to the British people,
``on the need for Britain to put its hopes of the future in the United Nations ... and not just the British Empire and the British ability to get other countries to combine in some sort of bloc against the Soviet Union,''
reports Louis, in his book The Transfer of Power in Africa.
With Truman as President, instead of Roosevelt, the British had little to fear. At the San Francisco meeting, previous American determination to rid the world of colonialism and its imperialist economics, ``shifted gradually from one of dismantling the British Empire to one of giving it tacit support.'' Under Truman, ``the fire of anti-colonialism burned much less brightly within the United States government,'' Louis observed.
As a result of the pro-British policies of Truman, the United States effectively turned its back on the world. The promise of Roosevelt's grand strategy to rid the world of ``18th century methods'' was never kept, and civilization has suffered greatly. The abhorrent conditions of life in Africa today, the backwardness that exists in Asia, India, and elsewhere, the suffering of billions of people on this planet, are all the direct result of the change from Roosevelt's anti-colonial policy to Truman's acquiescence to the British Empire.
The United States under Truman turned its back on Roosevelt's former allies. This view was confirmed by Elliott Roosevelt after the death of his father. He laments the broken promises that had been made by Roosevelt to the Chinese and Russians. After the war he said, ``The first warships to enter Chinese ports were British warships.... Faced with a broken American promise, Chiang in turn broke his.''
Concerning Indochina he said:
``How often Father maintained that this colony, liberated in main part by American arms and American troops, should never be simply handed back to the French, to be milked by their imperialists as had been the case for decades. Yet when the British Colonial troops marched in, they took with them French troops and French administrators.''
Someday I hope you’ll learn that US Foreign Policy is dictated by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs through its US subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, or as Hillary Clinton calls them, “The Mothership.”
The British Oligarchy, through its shill Winston Churchill, tried to coerce the US Military-Industrial-Complex to use its post-WWII military muscle to achieve the British Oligarchy’s long sought after goal of destroying Russia. Churchill was the instigator of the Cold War!
A deep dive into history will reveal WHY our government has been subverted, WHO benefits from the subversion, and WHEN the subversion actually began.
Simply put, the British Oligarchy never truly conceded defeat to Gen. Washington at the Battle of Yorktown on October 19, 1781, nor at the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty on September 3, 1783.
Today we are in the culmination of the British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on the USA that was plotted by Cecil Rhodes, activated by his death in 1902 and implementation of his Wills that resulted in the founding of the Rhodes Scholarship Program and Round Table Movement.
The Round Table Movement evolved into the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) founded in 1919-20 and its U.S. subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921. Hillary Clinton referred to the CFR as the “Mothership,” but that distinction more appropriately belongs to Chatham House.
The purpose for the creation of Chatham House and its subsidiary the CFR was, and is, to instigate the collapse of the USA and its reabsorption back under the British Commonwealth, and eventually under a future British One-World Global Empire.
(Click on a book pic and scroll down to the Table of Contents)
The USA is controlled by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
US Foreign Policy is dictated by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) through its U.S. subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. US Monetary Policy is dictated by the British-controlled Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland through its US subsidiary, the Federal Reserve. And US National Security is dictated by the British-controlled “Five Eyes” intelligence network (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and USA).
The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ weren’t created to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the U.K., but to protect the wealth, interests, and NWO agenda of the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline
The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America is not being fought with bullets and bayonets, but with filth and anarchy to instigate “The Great Collapse of US Society” so “We Their Serfs” will surrender our Liberty & Rights, abolish our Constitution, and allow them to “Build Back Better” a One-World NWO where the British Oligarchy own all of the land and natural resources, and we must obey the bureaucratic technocrats at the UN-WEF-WHO-BIS-NATO and their “Sustainable Development Goals” and “Environmental, Social, Governance” and “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” dictates.
The following almost sounds like a script of every day’s evening news, and that’s because it is the playbook of the British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America, but this war is being fought with filth and anarchy, not bullets and bayonets:
How To Instigate "The Great Collapse of US Society" By Implementing the Frankfurt School's "Critical Theory."
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
Exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909.
All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.
As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.
The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.
The biggest danger to the world are the US and NATO, who seem to be guided by an unnamed group that infiltrates governments around the world. That group plays victim like no other. Our US government is infested by psychopaths, as are most around the world, and these psychopaths feel entitled to own everything on the planet.
Why Russia remains a target seems to have more to do with stealing their vast resources than any other explanation. Ukraine as well. Get rid of the people, steal their resources.
Climate Change is a story told to take the “temperature” of propaganda-sickened minds. How well did their toxic lies work? The amount of sycophants in agreement to their depopulation plan is the temperature.
I am disturbed by just reading about the crazed minds who want to obliterate those people. I do not understand those who are so hateful and destructive and greedy.
The Biggest dangers to life on earth are our mindsets, that have allowed the proliferation of the military industrial complex, the equally massive pharma industry, poisons/toxins, e.g. pesticides on most of our foods, atomic bombs, damaging electro-magnetic field that disrupt biology's, poor schooling, films and video games that harp on killing and all things negative, conditioning/brainwashing so many into accepting war and cruelty. WE all work in these fields, therefore WE are complicit in our blindness/fears?/obedience and so on.
Time for a change of mindset, within all of us, that way WE may well stop repeating history ad nauseam!
We KNOW the problems, at least a large number of us do, what we now need are solutions, left right and centre.
Time to stop allowing 'them' to divide us and rule us...don't you think?
It will be even worse if Newsome (or any of them) gets in as President over DJT which the Craps are hoping will happen after Chiden bows off the ballot. Even if DJT can pull out a win, it will still be horrible in this country, and maybe forever.
After reading this essay of yours, I feel there is not much we can do. As Solzhenitsyn once opined in his masterpiece, 'The Gulag Archipelago', humanity is a mix of good and bad.
@Luc Lelievre I’m a bookworm and ‘The Gulag..’ is one of my favourite books! I agree with you , it’s a masterpiece indeed , written by one who lived through that period of history And yes, there’s not much we can do People don’t grasp that the same methods have always been used , tweeked here and there, throughout history, to keep mankind enslaved to ‘sin and death’ However, it’s a great comfort to me , personally, as a student of the Bible for over 60yrs to know that The Creator of the earth has a name and a ‘ timeline’ ..He has a purpose for the earth and He will never let them destroy his creation completely with their genocidal weapons until that original purpose is finally fulfilled, and the earth will remain here forever
So I particularly like the verse in the book of Revelation (foretelling future events) chapter 11:18 part of which says “but the nations became wrathful , and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came……. to bring to ruin those ruining the earth “
This promise helps me remain calm and confident in these “last days” as the scriptures call our time period ….
You might enjoy finding more out about God’s purposes for the earth soon and make up your own mind after examining all evidence? …Dig deep! It’s good news! Go on
Right away I know this is not true. The USSR spent the whole war penetrating the Manhattan Project very successfully. Beria was assigned this task in 1942. The Roosevelt Administration assisted their efforts by allowing the technology and even radioactive materials to be shipped to them via Montana. That this “secret” plan was the impetus for the CCP to do the same is laughable on its face since it did not come into existence until 1949. And only with massive assistance from the US State department and military. The US had in its possession only one more bomb at the time. Penetrating Soviet air defenses to deliver it would have been all but impossible. Manfacturing two hundred weapons for such an offensive would take many years. I suggest the author read Diana West’s excellent AMERICAN BETRAYAL, or Richard Rhodes MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB before swallowing this hook, line and sinker.
"The US had in its possession only one more bomb at the time. Penetrating Soviet air defenses to deliver it would have been all but impossible." You just explained the likely reason the evil plans were not carried out - but did not negate the evil desire to do so.
I am portuguese and for me is very difficult to explain to all of you how i feel at this moment after read all this articles. I am astonished, revolting, i'm feel bad. I'm since yesterday reading all this documentation except the videos because i have difficult to understand the spoken english language. I want to say that I receive all the articles from this magnific web site but i have no time to read all of them. Thanks to Mark Taliano he send all of them to me and i read it finally. I am not capable to say in english how i am bad, i'm crying because they lie to us, there's a lot of "independent" journalists that I trust them and they are selling propaganda against us. I am for a long time lost my time reading and listening those creatures and they are the same as the politicians, lying to us. I have no words to thank to this great MAN PROF. CHOSSUDOVSKI. I am 76 years old and I wish to die because i'm tired of all the lies they sell to us.
Back then when they invented the atomic bomb, they were clueless about the future issues. The cold war was the cover up that they couldn't use nukes anymore.
Lt Col L Fletcher Prouty Said in his book that when they saw what it could do, they quickly changed to wars where there is no winner or loser.... Wars of attrition.
So um yeah no nuclear war will happen. The wealthy control freaks who gave us con-vid won't let it happen cause living in a shelter for generations is nuts.
Obviously the entire 20th century after WWI and the revolution in Russia was about defeating communism and controlling the oil of the old Ottoman empire.
Allies is just a joke helping arm and weaponize fascism for a two front war and eventually save the day with the nuclear weapon they new they would eventually have. The timing of the war got in the way and waiting for the nuclear bombs extended the war longer. Oppenheimer and others quite possible delayed as long a possible.
Now the profit motives of permanent war may be the only thing that makes doomsday unprofitable. But we may be hoping for tactical nukes becoming normal weapons.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
Albert Einstein
This I got from the Buck and Travis show last Friday. I am pretty sure it was Clay Travis who spoke this. I can't find transcript so I will do my best to say what he said (the last statement is mine alone)
In 1945 The USA had more power than any other nation at any other time in recorded history. We could have become dictators of the world. We could have ENFORCED "our way of governing on 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬 𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗬 𝗢𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗥𝗘 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗘𝗧! 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘦?
Never before nor since has a country had such power, yet we did NOT overwhelm and take over the planet. We did not crush the vanquished foes into enslavement.
If you are name them:
If this offends you with me saying this:
There are only two concepts of reality, and they are in direct opposition to one another. Either you believe that there is a Divine Creator who has rules of right and wrong for the universe, rules to love and sacrifice for your neighbor, which is rewarded by Eternal Life, or that there is no God, that things made themselves, and that life is a free-for-all to take the most advantage of other people that you can, in any way that you can get away with. Only one of these two choices can be true, and as such, seeing how Eternal Life is in the balance if God is real, then knowing the truth, and not being deceived about it, is extremely critical for every soul on Earth. In the same way, either intelligent, in-the-Creator’s-image, life exists throughout the universe, or it exists here on Earth alone. These are the only two choices. Only one of them can be the actual truth. Oddly enough, this simple question may be utterly fundamental and highly monumental to one’s eternal destiny after we die, as well as winning the hidden behind-the-scenes battle which is going on everywhere in the world in each person’s everyday life, this very struggle of which Those-in-Control wish you to not perceive so that they can take full advantage of you.
5,000+ years of a Death Cult. Earth is an asylum for the Aliens' insane patients.
I wanted to find you via a search on Substack, but to no avail. I typed in your name, but it gave me no results? How come?
Thank you
The idea for the UN actually began with FDR. His goal for the UN was to abolish imperialism and colonialism, and to use the IMF and World Bank to assist former colonies to make investments in domestic infrastructure and develop domestic industries. Then he died unexpectedly at the age of 63, Churchill got his clutches into Truman, and the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy have ruled the world ever since. Well, not quite the entire world. They’re still trying their damnedest to conquer Russia.
FDR Shot in the Head?
Who Killed FDR?
FDR vs. Churchill -- The American System Against the British Empire
The Other War:
FDR's Battle Against Churchill and the British Empire
Roosevelt's `Grand Strategy' to Rid the World of British Colonialism: 1941-1945
Watch the documentary: “1932”
Roosevelt's intended purpose for the U.N. was clear, as he discussed it with (his son) Elliott:
``The Big Four--ourselves, Britain, China, and the Soviet Union--we'll be responsible for the peace of the world after.... When we've won the war.... It is already hightime for us to be thinking of the future, building for it. France, for example. France will have to take its rightful place in that organization. These great powers will have to assume the task of bringing education, raising the standards of living, improving health conditions--of all the backward, depressed colonial areas of the world.''
Roosevelt had wanted to schedule a trip to England and talk directly to the British people,
``on the need for Britain to put its hopes of the future in the United Nations ... and not just the British Empire and the British ability to get other countries to combine in some sort of bloc against the Soviet Union,''
reports Louis, in his book The Transfer of Power in Africa.
With Truman as President, instead of Roosevelt, the British had little to fear. At the San Francisco meeting, previous American determination to rid the world of colonialism and its imperialist economics, ``shifted gradually from one of dismantling the British Empire to one of giving it tacit support.'' Under Truman, ``the fire of anti-colonialism burned much less brightly within the United States government,'' Louis observed.
As a result of the pro-British policies of Truman, the United States effectively turned its back on the world. The promise of Roosevelt's grand strategy to rid the world of ``18th century methods'' was never kept, and civilization has suffered greatly. The abhorrent conditions of life in Africa today, the backwardness that exists in Asia, India, and elsewhere, the suffering of billions of people on this planet, are all the direct result of the change from Roosevelt's anti-colonial policy to Truman's acquiescence to the British Empire.
The United States under Truman turned its back on Roosevelt's former allies. This view was confirmed by Elliott Roosevelt after the death of his father. He laments the broken promises that had been made by Roosevelt to the Chinese and Russians. After the war he said, ``The first warships to enter Chinese ports were British warships.... Faced with a broken American promise, Chiang in turn broke his.''
Concerning Indochina he said:
``How often Father maintained that this colony, liberated in main part by American arms and American troops, should never be simply handed back to the French, to be milked by their imperialists as had been the case for decades. Yet when the British Colonial troops marched in, they took with them French troops and French administrators.''
Someday I hope you’ll learn that US Foreign Policy is dictated by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs through its US subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, or as Hillary Clinton calls them, “The Mothership.”
The British Oligarchy, through its shill Winston Churchill, tried to coerce the US Military-Industrial-Complex to use its post-WWII military muscle to achieve the British Oligarchy’s long sought after goal of destroying Russia. Churchill was the instigator of the Cold War!
A deep dive into history will reveal WHY our government has been subverted, WHO benefits from the subversion, and WHEN the subversion actually began.
Simply put, the British Oligarchy never truly conceded defeat to Gen. Washington at the Battle of Yorktown on October 19, 1781, nor at the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty on September 3, 1783.
Today we are in the culmination of the British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on the USA that was plotted by Cecil Rhodes, activated by his death in 1902 and implementation of his Wills that resulted in the founding of the Rhodes Scholarship Program and Round Table Movement.
The Round Table Movement evolved into the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) founded in 1919-20 and its U.S. subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921. Hillary Clinton referred to the CFR as the “Mothership,” but that distinction more appropriately belongs to Chatham House.
The purpose for the creation of Chatham House and its subsidiary the CFR was, and is, to instigate the collapse of the USA and its reabsorption back under the British Commonwealth, and eventually under a future British One-World Global Empire.
Checkout this book by Matt Ehret:
Clash of the Two Americas, Volume 4:
The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State
Click on the “Read Sample” bar and read down through the Table of Contents and Introduction.
The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part I: The Round Table Movement
New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State
Sir Henry Kissinger: Midwife to New Babylon
Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History
Why the Anglo-American Special Relationship Must End
CSIS and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes
Matt Ehret’s Insights:
The story of the Anglo-American Establishment was first revealed to the public by Prof. Carroll Quigley through his two books:
Meet Carroll Quigley:
Tragedy & Hope 101
By Joe Plummer
(Click on a book pic and scroll down to the Table of Contents)
The USA is controlled by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
US Foreign Policy is dictated by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) through its U.S. subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. US Monetary Policy is dictated by the British-controlled Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland through its US subsidiary, the Federal Reserve. And US National Security is dictated by the British-controlled “Five Eyes” intelligence network (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and USA).
The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ weren’t created to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the U.K., but to protect the wealth, interests, and NWO agenda of the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline
The Origins of the Deep State in North America
Part I: The Round Table Movement
The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America is not being fought with bullets and bayonets, but with filth and anarchy to instigate “The Great Collapse of US Society” so “We Their Serfs” will surrender our Liberty & Rights, abolish our Constitution, and allow them to “Build Back Better” a One-World NWO where the British Oligarchy own all of the land and natural resources, and we must obey the bureaucratic technocrats at the UN-WEF-WHO-BIS-NATO and their “Sustainable Development Goals” and “Environmental, Social, Governance” and “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” dictates.
The following almost sounds like a script of every day’s evening news, and that’s because it is the playbook of the British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America, but this war is being fought with filth and anarchy, not bullets and bayonets:
How To Instigate "The Great Collapse of US Society" By Implementing the Frankfurt School's "Critical Theory."
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
Exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909.
All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.
As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.
The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.
The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902).
This interview has fewer details, but puts it more simply, for all to be able to understand more easily the chicaneries being perpetrated.
The biggest danger to the world are the US and NATO, who seem to be guided by an unnamed group that infiltrates governments around the world. That group plays victim like no other. Our US government is infested by psychopaths, as are most around the world, and these psychopaths feel entitled to own everything on the planet.
Why Russia remains a target seems to have more to do with stealing their vast resources than any other explanation. Ukraine as well. Get rid of the people, steal their resources.
Climate Change is a story told to take the “temperature” of propaganda-sickened minds. How well did their toxic lies work? The amount of sycophants in agreement to their depopulation plan is the temperature.
I am disturbed by just reading about the crazed minds who want to obliterate those people. I do not understand those who are so hateful and destructive and greedy.
The Biggest dangers to life on earth are our mindsets, that have allowed the proliferation of the military industrial complex, the equally massive pharma industry, poisons/toxins, e.g. pesticides on most of our foods, atomic bombs, damaging electro-magnetic field that disrupt biology's, poor schooling, films and video games that harp on killing and all things negative, conditioning/brainwashing so many into accepting war and cruelty. WE all work in these fields, therefore WE are complicit in our blindness/fears?/obedience and so on.
Time for a change of mindset, within all of us, that way WE may well stop repeating history ad nauseam!
We KNOW the problems, at least a large number of us do, what we now need are solutions, left right and centre.
Time to stop allowing 'them' to divide us and rule us...don't you think?
It’s JewSA aka the Disunited Zionist States of America and Israel that is the actual threat and the world terrorists.
It will be even worse if Newsome (or any of them) gets in as President over DJT which the Craps are hoping will happen after Chiden bows off the ballot. Even if DJT can pull out a win, it will still be horrible in this country, and maybe forever.
The selection will indeed be a crapshoot.
And people scratch their heads, pretending not to understand, the ongoing threat NATO poses to Russia and to global peace.
north atlantic terrorist organization.
After reading this essay of yours, I feel there is not much we can do. As Solzhenitsyn once opined in his masterpiece, 'The Gulag Archipelago', humanity is a mix of good and bad.
@Luc Lelievre I’m a bookworm and ‘The Gulag..’ is one of my favourite books! I agree with you , it’s a masterpiece indeed , written by one who lived through that period of history And yes, there’s not much we can do People don’t grasp that the same methods have always been used , tweeked here and there, throughout history, to keep mankind enslaved to ‘sin and death’ However, it’s a great comfort to me , personally, as a student of the Bible for over 60yrs to know that The Creator of the earth has a name and a ‘ timeline’ ..He has a purpose for the earth and He will never let them destroy his creation completely with their genocidal weapons until that original purpose is finally fulfilled, and the earth will remain here forever
So I particularly like the verse in the book of Revelation (foretelling future events) chapter 11:18 part of which says “but the nations became wrathful , and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came……. to bring to ruin those ruining the earth “
This promise helps me remain calm and confident in these “last days” as the scriptures call our time period ….
You might enjoy finding more out about God’s purposes for the earth soon and make up your own mind after examining all evidence? …Dig deep! It’s good news! Go on
Agreed. I'm 70! I know what you mean.
- Luc