Thank you for such a concise and factual recounting of the events in Chile. The interplay between the political factions within Chilean society had not been discussed as openly as it should be. The role of the different parties and their treasonous behaviors to overthrow a democratically elected President is often overlooked. The architects of the misery brought to the Chilean people are "sheep-dipped" by the CIA and then brought out as controlled assets in later elections. The assets (an their progeny) are praised and elected as heroes, with the memory-hole of past actions overlooked to feed the narrative of left-right.

As the son of refugees from the coup, who managed to attend graduate school in the US months before Sept 11, 1973, the role of private philanthropic organizations has bothered me. The Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Endowment and others, were there to fund the displaced intellectual supporters of Allende to attend schools. I always got the impression that this was planned well in advance, mostly to capture these potential New Leaders that could return to Chile as indoctorinated technocrats. Your thoughts?

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The architects of the misery brought to the British people (Blair et al) are "sheep-dipped" by the CIA and then brought out as controlled assets in later elections, aided and abetted by the Zionists who pulled out all stops to undermine Corbyn. SAME SHIT DIFFERENT CENTURY.

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Has anyone written, in one book, article, about how many times Kissinger has actively interfered with another country's internal politics. How many of these countries elected official was overthrown for a dictatorship to be placed in power.

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Just like Blair, the Western Propaganda machine is relentless in it's efforts to dress up Kissinger and wheel him out as some sort of "respectable citizen"; a mass murderer, war criminal and psychopath of the very worst order, an evil mastermind with no human soul left at all - if he ever had one.

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He considers the enlisted man good for nothing more than cannon fodder.

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He was working for Rockefeller and gang

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Consider Kissingers tribal roots. They are everywhere behind everything

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This is Hillary’s version of, “He will destroy our “democracy””

Her version of democracy is other people under her rule.

We don’t want it for our people and shouldn’t do it to other people.

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In 1972 I was conscripted into the Australian Military for another one of America's Psychopaths' wars; Vietnam. Had I not been conscripted I would have volunteered; because I believed.

I believed the propaganda about the Domino theory and the Yellow Peril, the same shitty offal that's being served up and believed by millions of Australians 50 years later. By 1975 I had been through some massive political awakenings - if only Australians would believe what I say today. I learnt about the Chilean Coup, much more violent than the insidious coup that occurred in Australia in 1975, when studying the work of Stafford Beer in 1981 [See Wikipedia: In mid-1971, Beer was approached by Fernando Flores, then a high-ranking member of the Chilean Production Development Corporation (CORFO) in the newly elected socialist government of Salvador Allende, for advice on applying his cybernetic theories to the management of the state-run sector of the Chilean economy.

This led to Beer's involvement in the never-completed Cybersyn project, which aimed to use computers and a telex-based communication network to allow the government to maximise production while preserving the autonomy of workers and lower management. Although Cybersyn was abandoned after Allende's death during the Pinochet coup in 1973, Beer continued to work in the Americas, consulting for the governments of Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela.]

The Chilean episode - pure psychopathic murder - is another of thousands of reasons for my utter contempt of the US Deep State - Particularly the Dulles brothers and why I've long known what a complete C--T is Henry Kissinger - Hell holds a particularly hot fife for that filthy scumbag.

But for now it's SAME SHIT DIFFERENT CENTURY - Pray for a Russian Victory in Ukraine and for the US Empire to drown in the Pacific under a rain of fire from China.

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I loved hearing your story and I wish more people were able to think critically instead of falling so easily for propaganda. In my case it was a lot easier, because I was born under the Pinochet dictatorship and I always resented the US government for its role in bringing that horrible episode to Chile and many more countries. I’m still fascinated by the Cybersyn project and how good it could have been for Chile.

I’m sorry about the US psychopathic deep state trying to use Australia in its war plans towards China. I can only imagine the propaganda going on there to support a war that is not in Australians interest. Best wishes to you and keep speaking even if people don’t show interest. Things are getting so bad that people are going to realize that the propaganda doesn’t match reality, even if it’s later than sooner. I’m sure you are under a US PSYOP over there to support their psychopathic foreign agenda and I imagine how frustrating it can be to listen to all that bs.

I have my hopes up that the “American century” it’s in its death bed, it’s not going to be pretty before it’s over, but it’s happening faster than I would have imagined years ago.

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"The main objective of the US-supported military coup in Chile was ultimately to impose the neoliberal economic agenda."

Interesting, that in 2019 there were massive protests in Chile against neoliberal exploitation, however, the scamdemic put an end to those demonstrations asGlobal South Leftists quickly impaled muzzles to their faces and lined up for the jab.

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Yes, well documented by Naomi Kline.

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Yes the US is a bitch, but so eventually are all communists. I look back at McCarthyism differently than I did when I was young and naive. Although McCarthy was a bastard he was right. Eventually all those reds were rehabilitated and went forth and multiplied. Their philosophic descendants are destroying Western civilization today. Allende was on trajectory to be an early version of Maduro or Chavez, a Castro wannabe. He should not have got so close to that window and lost his balance. Poor bastard!

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Your ignorance must be very comfortable.

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Educate yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XAT

They took the long view. They were patient. THey knew Zero Mostel and all those other blacklisted people were not their saviors, just cannon fodder.

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I AM Educated - AND experienced.

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Useful idiots proclaiming equality, justice, freedom, and peace. Now that they're on top who among us is free? Where can you find justice in the USA? Peace was only a thing for the left as long as our main enemies were communists. Now that Russia is transformed all bets are off.

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Without reference to the supernatural order (and preternatural, i.e. of angels and demons), trying to address and overcome political and other temporal evils is like a doctor trying to cure a systemic malady in a patient by just cleaning and bandaging the external wounds that the internal malady creates.

It’s God and His servants vs Satan and his servants. The spirit of Christ vs Antichrist. The ruling elite are all either J*ws or Freemasons and their “god” is Lucifer/Satan. They want 90%+ depopulation (Georgia Guidestones: “Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,00 In Perpetual Balance With Nature”) and they are involved in child sex trafficking and sacrifice to Satan and child organ harvesting, among many other evils.

Satan has been allowed by God to have more power in our time “over those who will give themselves over to my service,” as Pope Leo XIII heard in a traumatic mystical experience in 1884, after which he wrote the prayer to St Michael the Archangel.


Why? As punishment for sin, also spiritual purification of the just.

The Catholic Church is the supernatural enemy of these agents of Satan, as they themselves admit: http://gloria.tv/post/HF81dcT1aLYg1jLYG9crvdUfF

The European Monarchies were their other obstacle, finally overthrown after World War I.

They succeeded in taking over the papacy in 1958 – https://whitesmoke1958.com – which is why there was a revolution in the newly created counterfeit “Catholic” church since the 1960s. The true Catholic Church is now “underground.”

They also hijacked the Message of Our Lady of Fatima and “disappeared” the one living visionary, Sr Lucia, to prevent her from revealing the “Third Secret of Fatima” in 1960, which exposed their diabolical plan in taking over the papacy and the Church’s organizational structures:


More at https://tradlatinmass.com/commentary/the-papacy-the-current-crisis

Many will laugh this off but it’s real. This is a spiritual war and in God’s plan, the Blessed Virgin Mary will ultimately crush the head of Satan with Her foot, and She seeks soldiers in Her cause praying the Rosary, the spiritual weapon for our time, given more power, as has also been revealed in the Message of Fatima. A brief overview of the apparitions and Message is at “Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima and the Angel”:


“Holy Mary, Mother of God and full of grace…. pray for us sinners….”

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The Australian government secret service (ASIO) played a direct role supplying information and facilitating communications (and who knows whatever else they would have been willing to do as amoral sycophants occupying a 'prestigious' instrument of a vassal state). They would soon also play a role in Australia's own 'gentle' coup against the "too Socialist" Prime Minister Edward Gough Whitlam and his Labor government. The paranoid psychopaths who own and operate the United States empire have a vicious antipathy to any hint of a willingness of governments that show interest in the well-being and quality of life of the citizens they govern - its "CAAARM|INISM and they're all F**KIN CAAARM|INISTS". Countries with leaders that show any interest in that get bombed back to the Stone Age: Chile, Iraq, Libya, Venezuela. And they think we hold them in contempt and disgust and why SOME people would burn their stupid Disneyland bubble-gum flag, or blow up their icons of empire.

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thank you for your truth.

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In American English, the term "progressivism" is synonymous with the word "communism." Is it communism that was overthrown by the Pinochet government?

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Professor Chossudovsky’s work is outstanding. His analysis are just so in point that even though I’ve been following his writings for many years I never stop being impressed by them.

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Yes, full marks Chossudovsky, this, like all the rest of your monumental efforts for reality and truth, is a remarkable piece of work.

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