By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Mike Adams, source Global Research
We are currently at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in world history. It is an outright war against all humanity: the planet’s 8 billion people.
Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the global crisis (2020-2023) –which is ongoing– has literally disrupted and destroyed people’s lives worldwide in the course of the last three years.
In turn, the dangers of a third world war are routinely obfuscated by the media. A world of fantasy permeates the mainstream media which tacitly upholds the conduct of nuclear war as a peace-making endeavor.
Everything is interrelated: the war in Ukraine, censorship and the derogation of fundamental rights, the Lockdowns and Covid-19 “killer Vaccine”, corrupt governments, … (Michel Chossudovsky)
This interview addresses the complexities of this global crisis.
Click here to view the interview.
[This interview was first published by Global Research on September 15, 2023.]
All military conflicts are a War on Terror waged against humanity. The Project for a New American Century was designed by misanthropic pyschopaths who would not hesitate to slaughter billions in order to ensure that a handful of "transnationalist financiers" secure control of all resources.
What we're witnessing now is a continuation of 9/11 which was followed by the 2008 financial crash devastating the middle-class, however, quantitative easing enabled segments of the ruling elite to become even richer. Obama's Citigroup gangster cabinet were experts at this type of financial prestidigitation. Not to mention, that Obama/Hillary magically turned two wars into seven.
That being said, the War on Humanity did not end with Obama but picked up Warpspeed with the Orangeman idiot via a scamdemic which was only contemplated during the "Hope and Change" presidency but became reality in 2019.
Dopey Trump went along with the insidious lockdowns which once again devastated workers and transferred trillions in middle-class wealth to billionaires. Not to mention, the toxic experimental mRNA gene therapy jabs mandated on the world's population by Creep Joe.
However, the war on humanity did not stop there as hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian and Russian soldiers were the next victims in a meat grinder ground war. And this doesn't include the millions who were displaced. Of course, the usual ruling elite bankers, and arms merchants made a financial killing feasting on the blood of the powerless.
However, Ukraine was just an hors d'oeuvres the main course might take place in the Middle East where nutty Netanyahu is purposely allowed to be a barbaric bull in a China shop.
Btw, is China an adversary of the Global transnationalist financiers, or does China represent the "model" surveillance technocracy that the trillion dollar asset management firm ghouls want to implement in the West.
If China was actually a foe of Global Empire wouldn't they have sent a ton of arms to Russia to fight Ukraine? And if Russia was truly an adversary of the Empire would they be selling it Uranium? 🤔
The numerous contradictions are overwhelming. Nonetheless, what is significant is the overriding theme that clearly says: genocide is an acceptable strategy for sustaining Global Empire.