"The current Netanyahu government is committed to the “Greater Israel” and the “Promised Land”, namely the biblical homeland of the Jews."

The Israelites are said to have a biblical homeland, but the Jews are not the ancient Israelites. It's just another giant scam of God's chosen psychopaths, and a stupid world plays their game. Sick.

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Yes jews did not exist as jews until the 17th century. They never had a homeland and never had those temples.not a single archeological artifact has ever been found to support their myths.that wailing wall was built by rome and is the remains of fort Antonia .isntreal is a huge lie.

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You understand nothing of what it is to have a faith which is intrinsically rooted in the Land of Israel, and it’s ancient capital, Jerusalem. Each Passover Jews from around the world remember when they were expelled from their homeland and pray that one day God will bring His people home. Are Jews the only people who are not allowed a home of their own? After all Muslims have several Islamic countries to call their own but none so deeply rooted in their faith. Eg. Pakistan.

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Therese... Are Jews a race of people or adherents to a faith? Palestine was inhabited by Jews throughout history, especially during the time of Jesus.

Taking a land by force of arms because you think your faith deserves a land exclusive to its adherents can't be justified and can only be called discrimination. Will this lead to the expulsion of every Jew from every country to Israel because they have their own country? Being a Jew is a person a born citizen of a country and who happens to adhere to Judiasm. Being a Zionists is wanting a land by force of arms using a religious presence to justify it. Look at the plan for "Greater Israel."

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I give right, and in the connection this, with a population who lived a place 2,000 year ago, and now want it back, and trove out the people of another religion, who have lived there all of the time. To me, legally speaking, when then have the problem with China and Taiwan. During the civil war, China in 1949, lost Taiwan, by USAs militaria. So when jews after 2,000 are accepted in getting back the county, about which it is written down, that once the lived there. While Chinas wish not is accepted.

The Taiwan residents probably don't want to be part of China, but neither did the people in Palestine want the jews to demand getting bag the country.

Mitigations is another thing, as normally during centuries. and here in Thailand i started nearly 1,000 years ago withe the Thais mowing in.

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Same people claim white men in the US TODAY, are colonialist’s and have no right to the land they built a home on. Yet they believe Jews have no right to their homeland from 4000yrs ago? Why now? Just more division, more psyop from the US guberment and it’s pResident in the WH. I’m so sick of all of them, their abuse and thievery from the American taxpayer.

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The World is ignorant of the historical background, as schools barely touch History in so many ways and countries Curriculums', Professor Michel Chossudovsky is giving us this crucial knowledge here, and helping to put the "jigsaw" together.

All part of the changes needed in individuals World knowledge that begins in the schools and before in a balanced way.

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Israelite prophet Malachi (1: 1-5) clearly foretold that following the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70, Hittite Edom stealing blood Israelites' identity in a different name and under another occupation (Revelation 2:9, 3:9) would return to steal and rebuild Jacob's/true Israelites' inheritance as their forbear swore (Genesis 27:40-41; 36:1-8). History repeats. Hittite Edom in alliance with their Hittite kindred tribe, the Khazars, these so-called anti-semitic, non-semitic, self-styled 'modern Jews' achieved this by their UN-controlled support in 1948. And the land since then is called "The border [territory] of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever."

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Amazing how some book written thousands of years ago is regarded as absolute truth, when everyone knows that history is written by the winners....

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History is prophecies, even before there was any physical war, eventuated. They're always two sides to history. The winners are known by their characteristics. Not all histories are written by winners. And not all winners are liars. Sometimes the supposed losers turn out to be the real winners by revisionist history. Prove the writers of the history and see for yourself who are the winners and liars, it's YOUR duty, and hold to the absolute truth.

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General Wesley Clark:

"...So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” -- meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office -- “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”

It's obviously, taking much longer than five years. The creepos must be getting very impatient.

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The entire alleged history of isntreal is a myth. There never was such a place,EVER! Miliekowski confirmed that this false flag blaming hamas,an isntreal creation,was to wipe out palestine. Lets refresh the minds of the gullible.the character,jacob,in the buy bull,changed his name to isis-ra-el.most likely to avoid capture.since the habiru,bastardized onto hebrew,were despised by countries because they were comprised of murderers,thieves, crimnals and run away slaves.to worm theirr way into cities they invented the lies of who they were. Basing their false background on the tales and myths of older cultures.the empty claim to palestine is a huge lie.the balfour declaration was a suggestion that was refused by the semitic peoples,the arabs.the thieves used it to displace the indigenous population, and commit genocide.the solution here is to shun isntreal, and expel all dual zionists from all countries.

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Given I was a student of Theology at Durham University many years ago, I can assure you that there was indeed a land called ‘Israel’. Your depiction of the Bible, its historical background and archaeological evidence I find utterly absurd. Now you live in the land of the fool.

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Thank you, NOW I get it. I thought all of the US wars in the middle east were for oil, how very naïve.

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Whether or not they are true Israelites or not, Iran, PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah attacked innocent people in the most barbaric way. It's no secret that all of these terrorist entities want Israel and America off the map. Given these types of threats constantly it seems reasonable to want to protect what's yours legally. Two state solution is ridiculous because no one really wants it or it would be done already!! There has never really been peace in the Middle East as elsewhere in the world. We need peacemakers not warmongering!! Nothing will be ideally perfect!

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The problem is that both sides have extremists that can't compromise, so they ensure reasons for bloodshed to break out again as the moderate majority inch towards peaceful agreements. This has been going on all my lifetime - I remember the Yom Kippur War breaking out when I was 8 years old. There's been no real peace in Israel, Palestine nor Lebanon since for any stretch of time.

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Your map of one part of "Palestine" is quite accurate. However, you overlook the other part of "Palestine," which became Jordan. Please keep in mind that all partition plans were rejected by the Arabs in 1947 while the Israeli government accepted all of them. Your support of the current Iranian attack on

Israel is disturbing. Gaza was always part if Egypt until recently. Now it's Iranian.

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The 1967 lines are what was Mandatory Palestine. Your maps exclude this major part of the historical context. Dishonest tbh.

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My information comes from a book written in 1947 by Richard Crossman MP ( Member of Parliament) who was part of the UN commission for ending the Palestine Mandate. It's called Palestine Mission. Interesting reading, if you can.

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Isreal belongs to the Jewish people...all of it.

Muslims can go and live in another hole. They ruin every place they live. Look what they ate doing in France. For goodness sake, these people are barbaric

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What "Jewish" people exactly? Oh you mean the Askhenazi Khazars who until a century ago all lived in Russia, Poland and Germany?

Jewish dogs like you are a disease upon every land you descend upon. Every calamity you have ever suffered was justified and I eagerly await the day that we all come to our senses as a species and collectively exterminate you Satanists.

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USS Liberty

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What kind of crap is this? A bunch of barbarians come into our country and do things that are despicable and you decide it's time to attack Israel? What is wrong with you? Disgusting. I'm sorry I subscribed.

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Don't let the door hit you on the way out

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Exactly WHEN are people going to begin counting all the murdered Jews and Christians tormented, taxed out the bum and terrorized for being what the Mohammedan Cult defined and continues to define 'Infidel' while living in lands conquered by the 'Cult of Peace' called Islam DEMANDING GRUESOME MURDER OF ALL NOT OF THEIR DEATH CULT?

One would imagine the Palestinians...WHICH ORIGINATED OUT OF SYRIA AND WERE ONCE OF JEWISH DESCENT AND FORCED TO CONVERT would love themselves, their children and life more so as to NOT PERMIT THE MOHAMMEDAN JIHAD bringing this horror onto themselves.

Muslims have always been on the fringe calling right, wrong and wrong, right.



Making the world's people their fodder.

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Read Norman Finkelstein's rejection of "From time immemorial" and the Syria hoax. Palestinians are the original population and simply fight for their state and rights. The Israeli occupation and apartheid are the root cause of the current slaughter.

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That would be a lie...The DNA speaks volumes.

The DNA of the population remains consistent for thousands of years and all there are of the same origins. There was NEVER a Palestine even before Judea, Samaria or any of the Kingdoms. It is the Jewish Homeland with the people all Jews.

Have heard much propaganda about the Muslim Death Cult and don't accept an iota. 'Islam' as they refer to as a 'Religion of Peace' is as accurate as the rest of the Committee of 300's B.S. as displayed in the U.S. as UNIPARTY PROPAGANDA...Total bunk.

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There was never a modern state of Israel until 1948. Zionists like time travel, from bibilical times directly to the 20th century.

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Really irrelevant about any MODERN state of Israel...

The people share the same DNA and have been murdering one another for thousands of years and it will continue. The difference is...THE JEWS VALUE LIFE while the Muslims brainwash their children, women and little one's to commit the grave sin of suicide in their endless Jihads they define 'The Religion of Peace'.


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lmao "Judeo-Christian"

The Gospels don't blame Muslims for the Crucifixion of Jesus.

"Let his blood be upon us and upon our children"

Christian Ziocucks like you truly amaze me. The Jews crucify your Messiah and you line up to wash their feet.

Or maybe you're a dirty Satan worshipping Khazar yourself. In which case, the only "argument" anyone should wield against you you dirty small hat kike is a can of Zyklon B and a nice shower to huff it in.

You dirty subhuman animals deserve only death.

Behind every calamity inflicting modern society, you find a Jew. Modern finance? Jew. Media? Jew. War? Jew. Opioids? Jew. Tranny degeneracy? Jew. Government corruption? Jew. Pornography? Jew. Mass migration? Jew. Communism? Jew. Plague? Jew. The climate grift? Jew.

I could go on. The examples are incalculable. Degenerate actor, perverse artist, or greedy politician seems to just always be a Jew. Every vile aspect of the modern day culture seems to originate from a Jew. Every idiotic societally suicidal policy seems to come from a Jew.

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That would be incorrect; both the Jews and Gentiles crucified Jesus Christ...Neither could do it without conspiring with the other as rulers in Israel of the time.

The Muslims weren't here when Jesus was here...That was a ways into the future after some Pedo Camel Trucker travelled to the Holy Land for Trade and overheard the stories of The Bible or Pentateuch before travelling home to Sandland, disappearing into the desert, getting high and writing down whatever he recalled using the opposite names and events and placing all in disorder with NOTHING wrote consecutively. Yes, read the Qu'ran many times.

Since the Massacre of Medina, the Muslims have more than made up for not murdering the only sinless man they also consider a Prophet to have ever lived on Earth. Regardless of whatever humans wish to believe; God is God and regardless of what any of us believe; there is only one. All others of the polytheists were demigods; demons the Pagans worshiped as Gods commanding murder exactly as Mohammed did and continues to do.

Since the further massacres on Christian Travellors to the Holy Land raising the first Crusades; how many Christians have died at the hands of the expansionist Caliphacrite Propagandist Muslims...How many FORCEFULLY CONVERTED AT THE POINT OF A SWORD? God doesn't force believe at the point of swords. Humans were blessed with Free Will from God; thus anything forced is false. Right now, Jesus is appearing to Muslims in Gaza and leading them to safety...And, they are converting by the hundreds at one time.

Behind EVERY ounce of chaos and crises; there is EVIL...Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits and they are OUTWARDLY of every religion including atheism until recently when they've become so arrogant...They're now openly displaying Satan/Luciferian Proclivities.

The Black Nobility/Club of Rome including The City of London Bankers, all the Monarchs, Peers and the Treasonous Bourgeoisie of the United States is GUILTY and they are all Imperialist-Feudal Fascists including 'The House of Saud' in Saudi Arabia. Regardless of whatever religion they claim in public; behind closed doors...THEY ACTUALLY WORSHIP DEMONS AND WORSHIP OF DEMONS IS HOW THEY'VE GOTTEN, MAINTAINED AND NOW SEEK TO STEAL POWER...MURDER, TORTURE, DRINKING THE BLOOD OF INNOCENT BABIES AND CHILDREN THEY RAPE, BEAT AND EAT. There are no words possible to express how viscerally repugnant and hellish they are and they encompass those of all religions around the world.

I'm a quarter Jewish and my Grandfather was the most Jesus-Like man ever known in a while lifetime; literally about as perfect as it came. He knew NOTHING of what you accuse as a Satanic/Luciferian. Every time I hear people decry the Jews, it's easy to define the spirit of Satan as Satan is the Great Accuser, hum? Over 33,000 times; your Muslim books you adhere to COMMAND the average Muslim to murder people not Muslim in gruesome ways. This includes various Hadith as the "Law and Order' of Muslim Lands based upon the life of a Pedo Camel Trucker judged perfect. To this day, nobody cares about what the poor Arab marrying a wealthy older woman did for a living. They don't care about his first wife or daughter. He had sex with a 9 yr. old girl and THAT is diabolical and demonic...It just doesn't matter about a 9 yr. old being willing or not. A REAL MAN KNOWS BETTER AND KNEW BETTER IN THE TIME OF MOHAMMED AS WELL.

I have a son and many nephews in the Military experiencing Iraq and Afganistan...Do you know how common it was to see little, tiny children running out from behind trees and buildings, or from inside houses crying and screaming as they were pulling their pants up and some sleezebag followed them adjusting himself and zipping or buttoning trousers? Do you have a clue how many times they wished to put bullets between the eyes of such Monsters and DID NOT as it didn't meet the criteria by which they were to shoot. My son was a physician...Reporting having to sew some little girl or boy's genitals and anus together after being raped.

You've messed with the wrong person here...Studied Islam extensively in University and know EXACTLY what you're saying. Though there really isn't a care about what you believe, am done reading and listening to the B.S. vomited from the mouths of CRIMINALS SCREECHING AND SQUAWKING ENDLESSLY FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD TO HATE THE JEWISH PEOPLE AND TO MURDER JEWISH PEOPLE JUST AS SATAN DOES. Actual Jewish people are as everybody else who wish to live in peace, make enough money to raise their family and live a good life. Also as everybody else; THERE SOME ROTTEN PEOPLE; BAD PEOPLE AND IT'S UNIVERSAL AS HELL WITH THE DEVIL PROWLING THROUGH THE WORLD SEEKING THE RUIN OF SOULS IS UNIVERSAL. Sin and twisted, horrible souls populate all areas of Earth and are among all groups...Time to sell your poisons elsewhere as it doesn't infest anybody here.


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We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


From available facts, it appears that patriotic officers in the IDF entered into a pact with Hamas--undoubtedly arranged by U.S. military/intelligence, to carry out a military coup against the Israeli government. Netanyahu is rumored to have known in advance and allowed the attack to happen, which one would expect if the Alliance had either arrested him or put an ankle monitor on him. (See Steve Pieczenik and the military coup against the USG - https://open.substack.com/pub/dianabarahona/p/we-are-in-a-military-coup-cia-officer)

The only question is the "very specific reason not mentioned a single time."

The first thing that comes to mind is Mossad's involvement with the American Satanists in the false-flag events in 2001.

Another thing for whch the Alliance has zero tolerance is human trafficking. Netanyahu is rumored to have sexually abused children, which is to be expected if, like the American and European rulers he's from a bloodline family. The Israeli rulers are in a secret society called the Sabbatean-Frankist cult, which is part of the Luciferian Brotherhood. Now, if you were half reptilian, what better way to gain access to children than to keep families confined in a small area? And since the reptilians hate the descendants of Abraham, they would have a particular interest in Palestinian children.

A third reason for militarily deposing the Satanists is to prevent them from building the third temple.

Red heifers?


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What strikes me most in all these diabolical hegemonical plans is the fact that the decision makers and associated military never stop to think even a little bit about the inevitable reactions and consequences that forcibily would come out of such maneuvers. It looks like they are convinced that nobody would react, the world woudn't react and strike back. Of course, all that means war, generalised war, world war, but it doesn't seem to worry them. Buda Gauthama once said: Evil does not forsee, does not antecipate. These events show he was quite right.

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There is only one word which adequately describes Zionism these days: 'Lebensraum'.

I am totally unapologetic in using a word inextricably linked to the Nazis, because what the Zionists are doing is in no way different from what the Nazis did to expand Germany. They wish to drive all Palestinians from their land in just the way that Jews were driven from their homes in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. They see Palestinians as absolutely inferior people and they see zero right for any Palestinian to be allowed to live in Palestine. And many believe that they think the same about Slavs in what is currently called Ukraine, but may well be renamed Khazaria in the future.

A second word appropriate to Israelis is 'appeasement'. Neville Chamberlain was cravenly deluded about Hitler, just as all US Presidents and Congressfolk are about Netanyahu and his Cabinet of psychopaths. The British aren't deluded about Bibi et al, they are just amoral wastrels who take the shekels for being moral wastrels.

I'm afraid the time is rapidly approaching when the approach of Churchill toward Zionists is going to be necessary.

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This “process of transformation … is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor...


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