Expect a lot of flak once you're over the target.

The way apologist for empire are working overtime here, this article is no exception.

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You know that Most of the comments here are hogwash - as NWO minions are actively pursuing the jew blame game - the visible enemy

And completely disregard those that pull strings from their hideouts

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Communists? Dude lay off the Hamitic lies from hasbara. You literally have an illiterate and artifactual world view right down to what words mean and how to apply labels.

How old are you? If you’re finishing high school propaganda you’d do well to watch Hellstorm, research the Talmud, the millions of goyim the judeo-Bolsheviks brutally murdered tortured and starved to death and the white genocide of the Kalergi Plan visible in all while’s life is a reminder Christian nations that the shabbos goy sell out

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Prove this wrong or stfu 🤫

The Black Nobility Committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company’s Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727.

Most folks have no idea who is actually behind globalism and why they are making such an effort. It did not happen overnight. These are the folks who started the globalist movement and have been fighting for power for over 1000 years.

The new world order is really the old world order. Which two groups believe in the divine right to rule?

"The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God."

The question is who is controlling the banks? Answer - The Black Nobility who are the Royal families and international banking families, these groups that start the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. Yes, they have actual names.

International banking cartel headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street and Switzerland, together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions like the World Economic Forum.

In 1963, the Holy Roman Empire Association (Associazione dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero) was established to unite male descendants in its membership who are invested with the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire. It also includes a number of honorary members.  Black Nobility are descendants of the early Roman emperors, provided the many powerful Cardinal, Bishops and Popes to the Catholic church.














Certainly not the working class   poor peasants. What right do they have to vote...and tell the Kings with divine rights what to do?

Three major legs of the globalist stool, the Vatican: who have had the best intelligence service in the world for many years and the Black Nobility, the Royal families and international banking families that started the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. They have been trying to claw their power back, but they are small in numbers.

The third leg is the U.S. Military with 800 U.S. military installations owned or used by the United States Armed Forces currently located in the United States and around the world.

The Pentagon stated in 2014 that there are "around" 5,000 bases total, with "around" 800 of them overseas.  We learned that the United States has approximately 800 formal military bases in 80 countries, a number that could exceed 1,000 if you count troops stationed at embassies and missions and so-called “lily-pond” bases, with some 138,000 soldiers stationed around the globe. David Vine, author of Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases at only 11 other countries have  Overseas Harm America and the World, reported that only 11 other countries have bases in foreign countries, some 70 altogether.





Part 2: Here are the folks whom shut you down...

Around AD1400, European power centers coalesced into two camps:

the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family.

the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire The Pope allied himself with the Guelphs. All modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers.

The head of the Black Nobility would be Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who has the power to veto the Vatican’s choice of any pope it selects. This may explain the untimely end to Pope John Paul I’s 33-day pontificate. The Prince has veto power because his family, the Habsburgs, are descended directly from the last Roman emperor. (The Habsburg Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by a pope). This is the civil equivalent of the Pope’s claimed “apostolic succession” from Saint Peter.  

 The Italian Vatican black nobility:

House of Borja

House of Breakspeare

House of Somaglia

House of Orsini

House of Conti

House of Chigi

House of Colonna

House of Farnese

House of Medici

House of Gaetani

House of Pamphili

House of Este

House of Aldobrandini  

House of Pallavicini / Marchese

The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren't we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.

 Well, the most important ones are:

House of Bernadotte, Sweden

House of Bourbon, France

House of Braganza, Portugal

House of Grimaldi, Monaco

House of Guelph, Britain (the most important one)

House of Habsburg, Austria

House of Hanover, Germany (the second most important one)House of Hohenzollern, Germany

House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former)

House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

House of Nassau, Luxembourg

House of Oldenburg, Denmark

House of Orange, Netherlands

House of Savoy, Italy

House of Wettin, Belgium

House of Wittelsbach, Germany

House of Württemberg, Germany

House of Zogu, Albaniaall the families you will find on the Windsor family tree.************************************************************

Footnote 1:

The Black Nobility are the founders of the secret society of our day from which all the others that are connected to the Illuminati originated from - the Committee of 300.

The Club of Rome

The C.F.R.

The R.I.I.A.

The Bilderbergers

The Round Table,...all originate from the Committee of 300.

The Great Reset Ambassador, King Charles, is the patron of all 3 British intelligence agencies.MI5 and MI6 are both embroiled in paedophile activities. Child abusers are used as intelligence assets.This is part of a global Epstein-style blackmail operation to compromise our political class everywhere.To bring in UN global governance. MI6 invented fake news.They use propaganda to divide the people to divide and conquer. They divide and conquer by inflating grievances. They fund both sides.

To hide their culpability: They seek to divide the Abrahamic faiths. Besides insulting Muslims, they lump them all together with extremists that the British government has long funded. In fact, London is the worldwide hotbed of terrorism.

Likewise, they are setting the Jews up in the same way they did before WW2 with the British ruling class creating communism and the Elders of Zion lies.To scapegoat Jewish people for their modern globalism control agenda.

They set up Muslims to murder Christian’s everywhere , and now turning the world against Jews

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You can’t event get the dates for Zionism correct…1897.

You put swaths of hyper links to currently meaningless entities, congrats. Only proved you either took the time to use the clipboard to put lipstick on a pig or you have a list ready to go wherever you enter comments to try and rope ignorant goyim.

East India company- Jew controlled.

Vatican - Jew controlled/ subverted

The crowns- Jew controlled ( as is any nation with a central bank and fiat money )

Freemasons - literally Kabbalah for Goyim and run by Talmudic Jews.

CFR :Jews

Trilateral Commission:Jews

City of London :Jews

You make ignorant or dishonest conflations between misuse of Christianity causing atrocities and the literal implementation of Torah and Talmud which mandate genocide, murder, rape, enslavement, torture , theft, killing of innocent, women and children.

IE the truer one is to the core teachings of Christianity the less you see conspiracies and wars. The inverse is true the more strictly Judaism is applied and in addition you also see supremacism.

None of the entities you point to have any real power these days or for quite some time (at least hundreds of years . 150 min is the easiest to prove) relative to Talmudic and Bolshevik Jewry - hence why

One never gets on trouble for taking about them and it’s encouraged.

The names are kept around and alive by hasbara like you and the ignorant.

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The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities.

It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews.

This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem.

Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them).

PAPAL BULL UNAM SANCTUM 1302 (https://catholicism.org/unam-sanctam.html)

Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy.

Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations.

I doubt about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full tota

litarian authoritarianism on a global scale.-

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This is absolute rubbish .

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Says an ignorant fool

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The Black Nobility Committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company’s Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727.

Most folks have no idea who is actually behind globalism and why they are making such an effort. It did not happen overnight. These are the folks who started the globalist movement and have been fighting for power for over 1000 years.

The new world order is really the old world order. Which two groups believe in the divine right to rule?

"The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God."

The question is who is controlling the banks? Answer - The Black Nobility who are the Royal families and international banking families, these groups that start the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. Yes, they have actual names.

International banking cartel headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street and Switzerland, together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions like the World Economic Forum.

In 1963, the Holy Roman Empire Association (Associazione dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero) was established to unite male descendants in its membership who are invested with the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire. It also includes a number of honorary members.  Black Nobility are descendants of the early Roman emperors, provided the many powerful Cardinal, Bishops and Popes to the Catholic church.














Certainly not the working class   poor peasants. What right do they have to vote...and tell the Kings with divine rights what to do?

Three major legs of the globalist stool, the Vatican: who have had the best intelligence service in the world for many years and the Black Nobility, the Royal families and international banking families that started the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. They have been trying to claw their power back, but they are small in numbers.

The third leg is the U.S. Military with 800 U.S. military installations owned or used by the United States Armed Forces currently located in the United States and around the world.

The Pentagon stated in 2014 that there are "around" 5,000 bases total, with "around" 800 of them overseas.  We learned that the United States has approximately 800 formal military bases in 80 countries, a number that could exceed 1,000 if you count troops stationed at embassies and missions and so-called “lily-pond” bases, with some 138,000 soldiers stationed around the globe. David Vine, author of Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases at only 11 other countries have  Overseas Harm America and the World, reported that only 11 other countries have bases in foreign countries, some 70 altogether.





Part 2: Here are the folks whom shut you down...

Around AD1400, European power centers coalesced into two camps:

the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family.

the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire The Pope allied himself with the Guelphs. All modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers.

The head of the Black Nobility would be Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who has the power to veto the Vatican’s choice of any pope it selects. This may explain the untimely end to Pope John Paul I’s 33-day pontificate. The Prince has veto power because his family, the Habsburgs, are descended directly from the last Roman emperor. (The Habsburg Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by a pope). This is the civil equivalent of the Pope’s claimed “apostolic succession” from Saint Peter.  

 The Italian Vatican black nobility:

House of Borja

House of Breakspeare

House of Somaglia

House of Orsini

House of Conti

House of Chigi

House of Colonna

House of Farnese

House of Medici

House of Gaetani

House of Pamphili

House of Este

House of Aldobrandini  

House of Pallavicini / Marchese

The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren't we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.

 Well, the most important ones are:

House of Bernadotte, Sweden

House of Bourbon, France

House of Braganza, Portugal

House of Grimaldi, Monaco

House of Guelph, Britain (the most important one)

House of Habsburg, Austria

House of Hanover, Germany (the second most important one)House of Hohenzollern, Germany

House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former)

House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

House of Nassau, Luxembourg

House of Oldenburg, Denmark

House of Orange, Netherlands

House of Savoy, Italy

House of Wettin, Belgium

House of Wittelsbach, Germany

House of Württemberg, Germany

House of Zogu, Albaniaall the families you will find on the Windsor family tree.************************************************************

Footnote 1:

The Black Nobility are the founders of the secret society of our day from which all the others that are connected to the Illuminati originated from - the Committee of 300.

The Club of Rome

The C.F.R.

The R.I.I.A.

The Bilderbergers

The Round Table,...all originate from the Committee of 300.

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The holocaust is in reality the holohoax. I would encourage you to search up this subject on bitchite or rumble. There has been quite a bit of actual research done on this subject and it destroys the lying narrative and most successful propaganda campaign in history. Germany and half of Europe will send you to prison for questioning the official narrative. Well if you can’t ever question or debate a subject then it is one thing and one thing only and that is propaganda. Jewish central bankers are the head of the NWO agenda and they don’t like the goyim. This crowd is behind all communist regimes and it is hidden from us. A great documentary is Europa - The Final Battle and is one of the best pieces to educate people on what is really going on. The problem is nearly all Christians have been psyop’d into believing the lie of Gods chosen and just can’t fathom these powerful jews want us dead.

Here is a link to Europa.


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The most convincing references that suggest the Holocaust is not what it's made out to be are Ron Unz's American Pravda series, one of which concerns Holocaust denial, and it includes PDF versions of a number of excellent scholarly books that have been banned and censored.

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Israel vaccinated entire population a la Hitler style

And you are telling me the monsters who did this were Jews…. Sounds like you are a budding NWO propagandist as it is exactly what they want their minions thinking

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Governments around the world are sacrificing their own. You should change your name to mis/disinformation shill who attempts to sow discord and shift blame away from the fake jews. Budding propagandist huh? Kikes/shabbos goyim like you only fool the dumb sheep who think voting matters.

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Jew used as scapegoats and always placed in the bullseye and in visible positions

The Black Nobility Committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company’s Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727.

Most folks have no idea who is actually behind globalism and why they are making such an effort. It did not happen overnight. These are the folks who started the globalist movement and have been fighting for power for over 1000 years.

The new world order is really the old world order. Which two groups believe in the divine right to rule?

"The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God."

The question is who is controlling the banks? Answer - The Black Nobility who are the Royal families and international banking families, these groups that start the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. Yes, they have actual names.

International banking cartel headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street and Switzerland, together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions like the World Economic Forum.

In 1963, the Holy Roman Empire Association (Associazione dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero) was established to unite male descendants in its membership who are invested with the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire. It also includes a number of honorary members.  Black Nobility are descendants of the early Roman emperors, provided the many powerful Cardinal, Bishops and Popes to the Catholic church.














Certainly not the working class   poor peasants. What right do they have to vote...and tell the Kings with divine rights what to do?

Three major legs of the globalist stool, the Vatican: who have had the best intelligence service in the world for many years and the Black Nobility, the Royal families and international banking families that started the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. They have been trying to claw their power back, but they are small in numbers.

The third leg is the U.S. Military with 800 U.S. military installations owned or used by the United States Armed Forces currently located in the United States and around the world.

The Pentagon stated in 2014 that there are "around" 5,000 bases total, with "around" 800 of them overseas.  We learned that the United States has approximately 800 formal military bases in 80 countries, a number that could exceed 1,000 if you count troops stationed at embassies and missions and so-called “lily-pond” bases, with some 138,000 soldiers stationed around the globe. David Vine, author of Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases at only 11 other countries have  Overseas Harm America and the World, reported that only 11 other countries have bases in foreign countries, some 70 altogether.





Part 2: Here are the folks whom shut you down...

Around AD1400, European power centers coalesced into two camps:

the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family.

the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire The Pope allied himself with the Guelphs. All modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers.

The head of the Black Nobility would be Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who has the power to veto the Vatican’s choice of any pope it selects. This may explain the untimely end to Pope John Paul I’s 33-day pontificate. The Prince has veto power because his family, the Habsburgs, are descended directly from the last Roman emperor. (The Habsburg Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by a pope). This is the civil equivalent of the Pope’s claimed “apostolic succession” from Saint Peter.  

 The Italian Vatican black nobility:

House of Borja

House of Breakspeare

House of Somaglia

House of Orsini

House of Conti

House of Chigi

House of Colonna

House of Farnese

House of Medici

House of Gaetani

House of Pamphili

House of Este

House of Aldobrandini  

House of Pallavicini / Marchese

The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren't we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.

 Well, the most important ones are:

House of Bernadotte, Sweden

House of Bourbon, France

House of Braganza, Portugal

House of Grimaldi, Monaco

House of Guelph, Britain (the most important one)

House of Habsburg, Austria

House of Hanover, Germany (the second most important one)House of Hohenzollern, Germany

House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former)

House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

House of Nassau, Luxembourg

House of Oldenburg, Denmark

House of Orange, Netherlands

House of Savoy, Italy

House of Wettin, Belgium

House of Wittelsbach, Germany

House of Württemberg, Germany

House of Zogu, Albaniaall the families you will find on the Windsor family tree.************************************************************

Footnote 1:

The Black Nobility are the founders of the secret society of our day from which all the others that are connected to the Illuminati originated from - the Committee of 300.

The Club of Rome

The C.F.R.

The R.I.I.A.

The Bilderbergers

The Round Table,...all originate from the Committee of 300.

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Hahahah keep shekel shilling you POS. Always deflecting and shifting blame elsewhere. Granted I’m no fan of the Vatican but to attempt to discredit the Jews and shift blame elsewhere is laughable. You fool NO ONE. Do you honestly think you’re going to convince those who are hyper awake to the agenda that the Vatican is solely to blame? Shill harder for us mk?

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Yeah it's crazy hail Mary word salad...The wall humping, pro vaccine, repealing "christ killers" etc "Pope".

Yeah chief culprit only behind the crown 😂

Who Rothschild has poked in public ( the king) making it clear he's the Rothschild's bitch that he is.

Scarry "black nobility" too. Definitely scarier than Blackrock, not 😂.

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Thank you! If only more like us were present in this nation and the world…

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Cheers to yourself as well! Any backup on this topic gets eyebrows popping I'm sure!

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Yeah I imagine there are more people slowly but surely, SonOfEnos is doing work but it's in my experience an even less welcome Convo than vaccine facts which in Canada is basically under an informal "omerta" by all the dupes and culprits so that's an issue.

Then have mentocided the shit out of large swaths of Canadians can't tell if it's tragic more than it is enraging.

They are desperately for literally everything to be Putin's fault and mean it...

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I enjoy SonOfEnos as well. Every “leader” is simply playing their pre-scripted role by the jews and they are all in it together. Putin’s mother was jewish and he himself was cared for after school as a boy by a jewish family. People forget that Bolsheviks already conquered Russia. In fact they don’t know jews conquered them in fact but you and I do. Very tough times are ahead. My strat is to get to Latin America by the time my daughter is out of high school. My son starts college in 2 weeks. Just wish I had someone to escape with. The west is already defeated but most don’t realize it so I don’t think remaining will solve much unless you have a death wish.

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Can’t hear you over hasbara man sorry.

No one goes to jail for naming the jesuits or any of the groups mentioned . None of those groups genocide gentiles for fun and profit . None of them them push for laws criminalizing speech .

The pope is a compromised Zionist pro vaccine cuck.

Entire denominations or Christians think Jews are semites and gods chosen etc Christian evangelist Zionist’s mindfucked by Schofield bible papacy supporting IHRA antisemitism definition etc

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Maybe you should sober up

The Jesuits make an art form out of ensuring that Jewish people get the blame for their worst atrocities.

It is wise to bear this in mind whenever we see videos or articles written to attack or cast suspicion on the Jews.

This has been going on since the Crusades - The Roman Catholic Church Popes were, in fact, the first Zionists, if you understand that Zion is an alternative name for Jerusalem.

Their objectives are borne out by the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull of 1302 which claims all souls on earth for the Roman Catholic Church operating on earth on behalf of God (according to them).

PAPAL BULL UNAM SANCTUM 1302 (https://catholicism.org/unam-sanctam.html)

Given that no Papal Bull ever expires, you can get a glimpse of the long term plan that the Jesuits have worked towards ever since they first became the military arm of the clergy.

Their hatred for Jews stems from the conviction that the Jewish race is responsible for the death of Jesus and therefore herding Jews into Israel is a dreadful plan which leaves the Jews wide open to falling prey to the diabolical plan outlined in Revelations.

I doubt about the provenance of that supposedly biblical book. I think it is a blueprint for hell on earth, so that the Roman Catholic Church (a thin disguise for the old Roman Empire) can achieve its end game of full tota

litarian authoritarianism on a global scale.-

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Sober up says the foreskin adrenochrome toking hasbra Chutzpah Hardly over there.

Read the Kol Nidre prayer and Talmud.

Jews are vastly disproportionately held accountable for some of their behaviour born of the most satanic and beliefs in the world and lurch stabbing while crying antisemitism.

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*not held accountable

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Exactly! Truth101 is a shekel shilling mis and disinformation fake truther.

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Glad to see here Shoah is ever closer to over.

The Goyim know.

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The assertion that Nazis were genociding millions of Jews in Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa is quite dubious. On the contrary Jewish partisans who, while not technically part of the red army, were sympathetic to Communism/Bolshevism, were actively engaged in vicious guerilla warfare against the Germans and were quite a thorn in the side of the advancing German military. There are always these stories of "millions of Jews" being "exterminated" by the Nazis that never hold up under close inspection. Indeed Eastern European and Ukrainian Jews were killed by Nazis because Eastern European and Ukrainian Jews were killing Nazis. When you live by guerilla warfare you open up the possibility of collateral damage to innocent civilians as well. Something the US experienced in Vietnam

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They were the most peaceful fair and honourable and only party in that war lived up to the and respected the Geneva convention.

The ruthless international clique Gazad like 20 of biggest civilian German cities all the while Hitler was sitting on enough Sarin gas to end the UK and even as Churchill sabre rattled for more hellstorm dresdens and then poison gas refusing every peace and disarmament treaty the Germans issued and even captured Rudolf Hess for the rest of his life for trying to physically deliver ignored peace plans while Germany was winning .

Aggressors are international bankers and their shabbos goy, not nazis .

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Indeed see what Eisenhower did to German POWs after the war. Or Stalin. You are right about the Geneva convention. And the Nuremberg show trials were a joke

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Amen . The Kabbalist 6 million repeatedly debunked and no mention ever of the hundreds of millions of goyim these fucks killed

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Why does everyone use the word "nazi"to evoke the worst of humanity? It just proves how programmed brainwashing works.

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Rolls off the tongue easier than Bolsheviks or Maoists? 😁

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not-see is a trigger word. It means it is OK to be violent to that individual or group, (punch a nazi) so you assessment is correct. they use words and ideologies to herd people into doing stupid things.

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The Holodomor preceded the Nazi actions in Ukraine by nearly a decade. Most of the approx 5 million people who died were middle class Christian kulaks, the farmers. This was a deliberate policy of the Soviets, who were widely deemed to be under majority Jewish control. The subject of retribution is seldom noted.

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Jews Talmudic Jews are the protagonists of antisemitism .

The Talmud and ethno-religious supremacist Jews (all Jews that are actually religious) treat Goyim as subhuman because it’s a religious and rabbinical law edict which causes instinctive “

However, Ashkenazi Jews are not semites ; but regardless, the word is meaningless.

It is not antisemitism to hate that Jewish Supremacy is such and has been for like 2000 years .

They’ve been expelled from over 1030 city, city states , empires and countries for intolerable behaviour and beliefs and abuse of all other peoples.

Their refusal to assimilate in terms of not having preferential bias for goyim

predation , is as admirable as it is retarded because if they stopped believing odious supremacist things unique to them, stopped celebrating the murder of Gentiles, ritual murder or otherwise.

Antigoyimism is the actual issue which reflexively causes “antisemitism”.

Given religious and educated Jews do not view Goyim

as Gentiles as Human it is axiomatic their behaviour and beliefs will eventually alienate people who often otherwise like them .

Talmud: Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed him for work.

Jews Have Superior Legal Status

Baba Kamma 37b. “If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full.”

Jews May Steal from Non-Jews

Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b). Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who “marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean…”

Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.

Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.


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No different from Islam -

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Actually Talmudic Judaism is far worse for goyim/ gentiles in practice and in “theology “

Hence why the ruthless international clique are always pushing Zionist Islamophobia despite the fact they are responsible for open borders radicalization and destabilization of almost all Muslim states.

Look at the Middle East before the Jewish supremacists got to them. Happy and normal.

Fact is all religions can coexist with each other but Talmudic Jewish Supremacy (actual Judaism) cannot as its in a league of its own as the worlds most odious hateful and evil supremacist ideology also likely oldest.

Also an ethnotheocratic ideology you can become Hindu Muslim Christian but not Jewish.

Christians et all are made Jews are born to Jewesses. Hence no missionary work.

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*Jewish Supremacy causes reflexive and instinctive antisemitism but by no means is it adequate to address the onslaught, subversion and genocidal plans , particularly for whites as try hope to have “schvartze” mix with white’s presuming the racial iq once whites are extinct via miscegenation and murder they’ll not have to worry about another Adolf .

This is the Kalergi Plan in EU, why Mayorkas from HIAS is the most treasonous DHS secretary and why it’s mostly JFS and other subsidiary Jewish NGO and government officials who allow and pay for this.

And those NGOs are not well intended .

Even Sephardic Jews are discriminated against in Israel, and they genetic test to be their damnedest sure there are no Goyim immigrants.

Super wall for Israel open borders for all the Goys.

And people don’t usually know because according to the Talmud as a gentle with knowledge of the Talmud I need to be killed .

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And lol communism comes from Kabbalah and the Talmud. Goy property belongs to the first Jew that finds it.

Communism is a great way to acquire all goyim assets and then murder them .

All in accordance with Talmud .

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Adolf was the protege of the British crown

So if you are thinking about white genocide it certainly y not a Jewish plot 🐑💩

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Right because the Talmud, the Tanakh , the Torah, Kalergis Work etc aren’t written, the crown hasn’t been a Rothschild sock puppet for hundreds of years prior to Hitler and the history and legacy of , Judeo-FreeMasonry, Judeo-Bolshevism and Zionism and Zionist cabinet members around the world in Christian nations haven’t murdered hundreds of millions and aren’t treasonous as f.

Killing goyim and Christian’s is a Talmudic commandment.

Even if Hitler was what you said he’d did nothing but try and make peace and save Europa

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I feel the same. These people are relentless in their evil deeds.

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