I lived through WW2 in UK and retrospective research has shown me that we were lied to by. the controlled media throughout that war by means of the mass media. My father who fought in and was wounded iWW1 told me that he discovered after the war t hey had been lied to by the UK propaganda machine -the media.. The old adage 'the more things change the more they stay the same.' is so accurate.. Ir. I read Chinese media (in translation on Taiwan and the South China Sea) and Russia on Ukraine ad while both a re tainted by self interest they at least bear some resemblance to reality.

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The Covid-19 crimes against humanity deployed by the 4th Reich, Operation Paperclip Five Eyes psychopaths are ongoing proof of your father's war experience.

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Reading this, I cannot but feel it is nothing more than a litany of lies, a contrived, orchestrated piece of feel good sociopathic salve for those possessed of a deeply psychotic conscience.

I am sick and tired of the hubris, lies, rewritten self serving historical accounts to ausage the worst excesses of murder known and unleashed upon humanity… that the Japanese still invite these Western psychopaths to anniversaries ostensibly celebrating what exactly is mind numbing and sickening… yet that is what we have to witness, as if inviting the convicted murderer of a loved one to pay homage each anniversary of a needless, mindless death… how depraved, how truly demented and sick do you need to be to want to celebrate or honour such a heinous as yet unaccounted for act, hidden the Trojan Horse of making peace… this whilst the Genocidists and Zionists, throw a hissy fit they were rightly uninvited and prohibited from attending this ghoulish enclave… attended by the killers in chief across the World these intervening decades, those who foment and wage war and conflict merely to ‘get themselves off’ as they gather ostensibly I’d wager to talk up the most recent and next planned assault upon humanity.

Thankfully the local mayor backed his council, fought back against the vile attempts to change his and his councils mind to disinvite the most recent example of the worlds worst wanton killers… the Zionists whom it might be said have truly lost the plot, exhibiting for the entire world what renegade truly means, what an out of whack, out of control bastard nation is capable of… little wonder our creator disowned them… we know why, yet these non believers invoke his very name and reference him still to justify overt evil, a nation of sodomists with a twisted predilection for true depravity, they’re sexual deviancy and proclivities defining them… sad, not an anti semite comment, how can it be adjudged so when their own sick evidence affirms this behaviour… a nation truly sick, rightfully cancelled and called out… a nation to be abhorred, ostracised for the abomination our creator determined rightfully they be … unsure, still cannot believe our creators disdain… Ref:Leviticus Chapters 22- through 27 then opine….

Kia kaha from New Zealand

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yet you reference buy bull aka leviticus feel good lies. smh.

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I blocked this poster and yet here it is. Blocking must only work if the thread is mine? Too bad. This is probably not even a human. I wish that platforms could detect and block bots.

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Nations wouldn't go to war without lies. People want peace. Follow the money, because that's the true reason for war.

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Profit (including the resulting debt servitude to the IMF) and full-spectrum dominance....

War and fake pandemics are also effective methods for culling the human population which ameliorate the looming energy crisis (ie: "The Limits to Growth." )


Whether or not one believes the Covid-19 military operation was actually about a virus (never isolated) the Government of Canada successfully eliminated BILLIONS of its government payroll, benefits and pension liabilities by wrongfully firing non-compliant federal emoyees like me. In addition, thousands of old age pensioners were murdered in hospitals by obedient medical professionals while they were lauded as heroes.

Arrest Mark Carney for his treasonous Covid-19 crimes against Canadians.


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It's obvious that they want us dead. Gates is maneuvering to poison the entire food supply. It's inconvenient, but you have to source your own food supply to be safe.

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“Soldier and civilian, they died in their tens of thousands because death had been concocted for them, morality hitched like a halter round the warhorse so that we could talk about ‘target-rich environments’ and ‘collateral damage’—that most infantile of attempts to shake off the crime of killing—and report the victory parades, the tearing down of statues and the importance of peace.

Governments like it that way. They want their people to see war as a drama of opposites, good and evil, ‘them’ and ‘us,’ victory or defeat. But war is primarily not about victory or defeat but about death and the infliction of death. It represents a total failure of the human spirit.”

Robert Fisk, The Great War for Civilisation

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It's theorized that FDR had to die as he opposed the Atomic Detonation over Japan. Of course, Truman had no issue with ordering this monster.

The timing of so much in the 20th Century has now become suspect since we've uncovered so much hidden history of the last 120 or more years. There is NO accident behind much appearing now as the Black Nobility's 'Hegelian Dialetic' as their primary plan of attack by which to gain more Profit and Power toward the One/New World Police State.

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It’s reported than when Truman learned of the completion of the Hiroshima bombing mission, he began to sing and dance hysterically. Consider this the next time you hear someone say what a great leader he was.

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It should be noted, the haberdasher Harry Truman was installed as vice president after a group of businessmen demanded that Henry Wallace be removed. They were able to influence the most reactionary elements of the Democratic Party leadership.

Their dubious success, yielded hundreds of thousands of deaths.

If a weak sickly Roosevelt refused to capitulate to their nefarious demands and Wallace remained as vice president those atomic bombs would've never been released.


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This is well documented in Oliver Stone’s docu-series about recent US History.

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Thank for posting the link. Roosevelt was accused of saving America from socialism by saving the capitalist system.

Roosevelt was also involved in creating Israel and he told the Jews that eventually no Palestinians would live in Palestine. He doesn’t deserve the kudos he gets.

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Don't forget he allowed Pearl Harbor to occur, even made sure all US ships avoided the area / sea rout Japanese fleet was using willing to sacrifice over 3,000 American servicemen.

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I wonder what happened in that 'very important session' with Mountbatten and Marshall..? The lack of further information indicates an interesting degree of secrecy. I wonder why?

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The world is a whisker away from a nuclear Holocaust. Sorry 😻 kitties.

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wrong alley cat

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Thank you Michel to continue to struggle for Peace in this world The images in Gaaza resemble much of Nagasaki although without atomic bombs.Matthew 24:22

The Abomination of Desolation

…21For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. 23At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it.…

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Brig. Gen. Carter Clarke:

"We brought them[the Japanese] down to an abject surrender through the accelerated sinking of their merchant marine and hunger alone, and when we didn't need to do it, and we knew we didn't need to do it, and they knew that we knew we didn't need to do it, we used them as an experiment for two atomic bombs."

p359 "The Decision to use the Atomic Bomb and the Architecture of an American Myth" by Gar Alperovitz

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After reading Mein Kampf and watching the documentary Europa: The Last Battle, it is now clear how false the official WW2 narrative is. The Germans and the Japanese were the good guys. The holocaust is very easy to disprove. The jews are currently provoking a world war, for the third time, in order to rule over us, as prophesied by their filthy Talmud. Adolf Hitler was a good man and a great leader. The jews are not to be trusted. I highly recommend you find the documentary and watch it right away.

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We visited Hiroshima and Ground Zero about 8 years ago on a family vacation. We had a guide. It was quite traumatic for me. The overall impression I had was that the United States culpability dropping the Atomic Boom was deliberately obscured. Even our Japanese tour guide felt obliged to tell us that there was a contingent of soldiers who resided in the city. As if their presence established some justification. She was over fifty and obviously had guided many American tourists over the years and didn’t want to offend their sensibilities. At the entrance to ground zero, there was a guest book for dignitaries and I was struck by absence of significant American leaders. The most significant were Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Ambassador Caroline Kennedy. There was no formal apology by America for this terrible affront to humanity.

It was a hot day. I chose to wear the breathable NY Yankee Tee Shirt I had brought with my NY Yankee cap. I was born and raised in the Bronx. I was so incensed at the end of the tour, I asked my wife to take a photo of me with the Bomb in the background. I put on a smile and posed with a thumbs up sign. I posted the photo on my Facebook page with the title ‘ Bronx Bomber hits Hiroshima ‘. It got several likes.

For me, it captured my country’s imperial dominance over Japan.

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We only had two prototypes to test and saved cities to be test sites is the obvious conclusion.. They were in a hurry to test before war was over. Maybe there were some stalling all along.

When Churchill and FDRl net off of Newfoundland to decide the aftermath of teh war before Pearl Harbor I can imagine they already considered the war won, it just happened too fast for their plans if the USSR won. The truth is like Truman said is Russia is winning we are for Germany. So the Normandy invasion ws to save Germany since Russia was winning. For Japan trying to surrender for a year we had to stall costing more lives just to get our test plus firebomb Japan into a state of childhood regression for total dominance..

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"Countries around the world hate us for our freedoms."

I think we know why they hate us.

I trad an article on how Eisenhower or Truman deliberately starved German prisoners. Yeah it’s because of our freedoms.

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Hiroshima was a military base the same way that the Heart Mountain Center was.

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