Yes, they are fake and it was another psyop--a medical doctor has looked at the evidence and says napalm and mustard gas helped them fake it. (seems to be the M.O.- if they can't do it in reality, they just fake it, like they did with covid, and they get away with it because they control the media and everything else)

Fake Nukes

Hiroshima revisited Michael Palmer, MD (2020) The evidence that napalm and mustard gas helped fake the nuclear bombings



Death Object Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax By Akio Nakatani (z Lib.org)


NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON’T EXIST The New Documentary By Edmund Matthews


THE NUCLEAR SCARE SCAM by Galen Winsor (1986)



My Atomic Bomb Findings: The grand manipulation 1945-2023 Anders Björkman M.Sc. Naval Architect and Marine Engineer http://heiwaco.com/bomb.htm

The €1,000,000:- Anders Björkman Challenge # 3 I pay anyone Euro 1 million proving me wrong since many years! http://heiwaco.com/chall3.htm

The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/The-Atomic-Bomb-was-a-Hoax-1.pdf

Inventing 'A-Bombs': Flash, Blast, Heat, Radiation, Mushroom Cloud


Nuke Lies forum


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Hello Humanity and other Earthlings,

I hear here a whole page of irrational behaviors. What reason? How to reconcile reality with observations... I am left with one vision. Humanity is owned and used to gather and refine resources here in Earth. The planet is two well set up for conflict. Left vs Right and North vs South in a way that mirrors the Human body. the north like the head and brain and the south like the rest of the body, legs, heart, lungs, etc. Left and right brain in the West and East philosophy... see? Earth is observably a construct very carefully Laid out. Geology fosters divergence in language and identification enough for regionalism and conflict. The old records describe the manipulation of language that would also serve this purpose? Earth is set up with an active climate control and life support system. The sea functions as a heat distribution system complete with saline feedback and ice melt regulation... etc. see?

Moon is a construct and observation platform that also helps regulate sea and Earth magnetics.

... Earth is owned and closely managed by people who protect and have a vested interest in Humanity and our behaviors... perhaps for good and or for exploitation, i am not sure but I am sure that very little of what we are told is history is actually our story.

War is a form of covert applied behavioral psychology that drives Human behavior towards ever more gathering and refining of resources... see? Forms of government and regional isolation fosters this psychology... hear?

eyes and ears Humanity?

thank you for reading and considering...


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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There are no atomic bombs or nukes.its all fear porn.the u.sa values no lives.

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There is more relative to this that includes the bombing of Pearl Harbour. Months prior, the Hawaiian Queen asked President Tanaka to assist in speaking to Roosevelt to remove the Naval base off their shores and land. Tanaka met with Roosevelt and a small gathering, and gave them a warning that if they did not remove the Base by December 7, 1941 it would be bombed.

Roosevelt kept quiet to have an excuse to test the Atom bomb, which they were developing ... a negative conversion of Albert Einstein's discovery of the atom and the good he had intended, to create free energy for the world. Roosevelt kept quiet and the US military, who were supplying munitions to all sides of the war (Germany and Italy inclusive), used the bombing of Pearl Harbour as an excuse to enter the war. Hiroshima was a test ground as you note to pull the US into the war - https://www.independent.org/news/article.asp?id=103

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When reading those chaos here and there we lost who is who neither who is wrong or right as all the seven continents of the world had either wronged the ecosystem or had a hand where the only mother earth was horribly harmed. As such evidence are there, crimes are there, diseases, wars and conflicts at different states, those chaos on which the Earth moving should surely threaten and condemn the only home we are so proud of as if here someone needs earth stability there is someone there whose intention is to destabilise, seven or more continents are not easy to confront, not easy to control for anyone of it's nation but whole which is impossible because religion differ, cultures, creeds, beliefs, notions, opinions, societies as well knowledge and needs which includes of the continents at large.

Poor earth 🌎😭

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Your early reference to the paradox of the US planning war against their "ally" USSR makes me wonder if you would be interested in reading "Why You Should Stop Using the Concepts Left- and Right-wing"


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Powerful. Depressing.

Strains of Waltzing Matilda still echo...


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I wrote this today to Putin, Lavrov & Co. on Twitter:

Russia Ready To Retaliate After 'Proof' Of NATO's Real War Preps; 'Deliberate Step To...


Putin, Lavrov etc. are saying this for only one reason, to inform the world public.

They and we have known for a very long time that the old strategic goal of the U.S. (and its masters from the shadow) is the smashing of Russia and plundering of the Siberian mineral resources. Add to that the fact that they now also seek to establish their satanic New World Order (see https://stopworldcontrol.com/ and Biden Says U.S. Must Lead New World Order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_UY3YDnBlE), which the Russians deeply despise (and, of course, have no thought of joining in).

The U.S. & Co. are on the wane, Russia and the whole BRICS are on the rise.

The satans have understood: "Now or never" (to realize their goals); because later their chances would be much, much worse, respectively it would be completely hopeless.

Therefore, it must come to the 3rd World War. They are firmly determined.

For this reason, we advise you, "Comrade Vladimirovich": leave your defensive attitude that you have been cultivating for years. You behaved that way because you always tried to avoid escalation (benevolently and reasonably). You know what that has brought you/ Russia.

The time has come for you to start acting hard, preventively and offensively.

Be the first one to strike.

The pedophile & satanic LGBTQ vermin, that totally misuse also their own citizens (incl. their children) deserve absolutely no mercy/ compassion.

We are on your side.

Whom we support he can never lose, under any circumstances, even if all, absolutely all countries would attack him at the same time & with all their means.

There will be some more countries fighting on your side than you expect today.

The Hour of the "Decisive Battle" is struck, and absolutely no one & nothing can thwart it, because "A Very Powerful One" also wants it that way.

About 2000 years ago, you were told, "The time is near."

Now that time has COME.

(In Sodom there were only gays, and what happened to them?

This should serve you also as a symbol/ metaphor/ allegory.)


Greetings to Mr. Michel!

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The US government didn't stop testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere until 1963, decades beyond when they knew of the negative health effects of radiation.

The Soviet Union's last nuclear test took place on 24 October 1990; the United Kingdom's on 26 November 1991 and the United States' on 23 September 1992. France and China conducted their last tests in January and July 1996 respectively, before signing the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

Bioweapons are the military industrial complex's latest toy.

Do you really think they'll stop with Covid & Covid vaccines? Nope. They'll continue to create more epidemics in order to develop new countermeasures.

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Great work, thank you.

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The 'gadget' set the blueprint for defence technology - getting people to work on details without awareness of what their work is really intended to be used for.

I believe after researching to my own satisfaction that the H&N bombs were indeed dress rehearsals of atom bombing as GoF set over fire bombed cities. The Big Lie is not a German invention, but the nature of shaping world order-particular through shock & disruptions of wars.

I don't ask belief for any claim, but a willingness to look straight at the terror guardians of a prison planet and question them, bring them to curiosity.

Bought & bent science is the key to the shaping of risk/threat by media hype by which to gain funding & support (or even demand) for regulatory controls that ratchet a technocratic enslavement of human beings framed in fear.

Whether functional or real nuclear bombs were later developed is another issue.

The inner core of globalism is not engaged in the apparent or active factions.

The biotech agenda rolls out regardless. Terror is used to shape our minds, but the psyop is more effective & controllable than reality. Look at Operation Covid!

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Luckily or some might say unluckily Russia was able to develop nuclear weapons guaranteeing "mutually ensured destruction," (MAD) as this was viewed as the only way to affirm they wouldn't become another Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

How pathetic human nature is, in that one country must replicate their enemy in order to survive; at least that's what the pyschopathic ruling elite wants the proles to believe.🤨

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Wasn’t Russia given the plans for building nuclear weapons by the Rosenbergs in order to let them catch up with America and that’s why they were executed for treason? This is something I read long ago so I don’t have a link for it.

But yes human nature is very pathetic for even building weapons that can wipe out all life on earth just so they can be the biggest bully in the sandbox.

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Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs was a German theoretical physicist and atomic spy who supplied information from the American, British and Canadian Manhattan Project to the Soviet Union during and shortly after World War II.


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Watching The Day After (1983) in preparation.

Can't wait [popcorn]

Bye "neighbors," you scumbags.

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Prof. Chossudovsky, it's a tough place to be. The late Günther Anders had been there before.

- Luc

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This is known to be an age-old goal of the satanic Jewish-Anglo-American Incest-Bastards.

Even M. Albright once said almost in tears: "Russia has too many natural resources, it's not fair".

H. Kissinger (after his retirement) sad clearly, that is old strategic goal of the U.S. YouTube has deleted that Video.

Gigantically they got it wrong, the Wretched.

Russians are not the Middle East, but an invincible Folk (i.e. common source/root, history, culture, blood/genetics, etc.) , that they (as a conglomerate of criminals of all kinds, and whores from all over the world) can never become.

PS: In a Gnostic Gospel, my Holy Father promised quite openly: "In the End, Byzantium will be victorious, and the believers will rejoice".

Byzantium is a symbol/ metaphor for Russia & Co. (East)

Of course, the believers/ good souls from the West will also rejoice with us, and we with them.

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