No Outrage or Media Coverage by Ukraine's Staunchest Allies. Kiev Regime Speaker of the House "Is Not a Nazi". Ukraine Is "A Flowering of Democracy" According to the NYT
If US industrialists and Wall Street financiers supported Hitler, then one might say that although Germany was defeated "fascism" actually won.
And maybe, what we're witnessing is a continuation of the same fascist ideology "rebranded" to suit the tastes of the catatonic populations residing in the West. 🤔
First of all it was Germany not nazi.and so what?they also helped build warships for the about munitions makers?they supply weapons .war is a money making business.
These industrialists were also Malthusian eugenicists who specifically supported Nazi ideology as a way to thwart worker rebellions. These wealthy fuckers are only concerned about sustaining their wealth and power they don't care how many billions they need to slaughter.
lol lol either you are a joo or a troll,which one. what exactly is "nazi" ideology? not that one expects you to know. its clear you are uneducated and merely parrot what you see on google. malthusian ehh? lol better look harder poor sheeple.
Yes, It has been my understanding that the Nazis did indeed win. Hard to accept but we are right in the midst of it. Now spread across the planet to every so called free society. The corporatist ideology - now an amalgam of governments, corporations & institutions - is modern fascism.
They all praised Hitler right up untill they saw how technologically advanced they had become and a growing power that threatened the western hegemony and dominance.
This pattern of destroying nations one by one is still a western agenda spelled out after the war and sins..Westly Clark talked about the agenda.
Im not praising Hitler but it's an interesting pattern that every leader since has been delt the same scenarios of demonizing using terrorist groups to create unrest accuse the leader of hurting their own people and the west funding terrorist groups to overthrow them..
Using neonazis in Ukraine to attack the dunbas was designed to force Russias hand.
Projection?fools such as you always project their inadequacy onto others. Ignoring the question to ad hominem attack is an important clue to identifying fools.
The West and the entire planet is heading for a technocratic surveillance state which will be the 21st Century version of 20th Century fascism tweaked using benevolent sounding terms via UN initiatives.
Ziolensky himself was installed by the West to help facilitate the use of neonazis in Ukraine. The plot was to use them to attack the Russian speaking dunbas to push Russia into this proxy war...the pattern the USA keeps using everywhere in the middle East and far east is find the most willing terrorist type groups to do the dirty work of attacking people so that the USA can come in and pretend they are the Ukraine they saddled up with them like the neonazi group to attack innocent people to force Russia into's all been by design to "get Russia" it's my belief that the USA has always been Nazi's,, Zionists are actually Nazi's (not decent Jewish folks) look up 1948movie dot com
So of course they all support them for the agenda..The West wants full scale dominance of the whole planet...They project that evil onto Russia.
do not blame the American people, we have no control over election outcomes, politics or military and financial policies. The neocons and/or neoliberals are in control.
Sad but it certainly seems that way. I hate to say it, but historical evidence points to this. Usually to protect US interests, it seems. Always been that way. Whether it is/was tabacco, cotton, opium, sugar, bananas/fruit, oil, uranium, banking interests/financial, etc. (I may not have the order exactly correct). Seems like the US sides with the most corrupt because they are the easiest to bribe/manipulate once they are in power. Also, claims can be made that the only interest was/is to stop a violent coup to save lives and bring stability to the area. Also, seems to be coups that the US was instrumental in starting. Coups that the US can control/aim the outcome of to support US interests. (Ex.- Couldn't let some new democratically inclined leader take over US Fruit company land and give it back to their people). Not sure how this is going to work out in the Ukraine though. So far, not going so well. The Ukraine is not Afghanistan. It seems vastly more important to Russia. Russia will not be giving it up so easily. Politically ... ideologically .... wedges are being driven between the two US camps that causes the people to fight each other rabidly rather than oppose the elite interests pulling the strings. Distraction at it's finest. It seem this ramps up to distract the people exactly when these things events occur.
I have looked high and low for the source of the neocon antipathy for Russia. The bolsheviks never found the Russian gold, and I think they wanted it to accomplish the world revolution. Saw a photo once of Lenin and others in Paris for the reopening of the Masonic Temple they had paid to refurbish. Paid with jewelry and gold taken from White Russians.
Indeed,,,The trick there was to create the two party system in a facade of fighting each other and in the back rooms the rhinos and neoliberal all work in lock step...the podium battles are just the theater to entertain the dumbed down American proletariat.
Pick a team and fight. Red state blue state coke or Pepsi, red can blue can, red team blue team..the mind control of this permeates western culture through sports and Hollywood where they run drama depictions of the sacrosanct USA always fighting some existential threat in the form of Russian xenophobia and Putin bogeyman syndrome.
Its documented that the CIA has entire departments dedicated to using Hollywood to manipulate popular perceptions. They carfully set the seeds of hate to any new target they want to destroy...Any country they can not infiltrate and subvert to their own will they seek to destroy.. That's why the entire EU is full of feckless western yes men and women..
That's why picking off all of Russia's possible allies was a plan, that's why creating a front of proxy wars is on the agenda...Taiwan is the next country being used to occupy Chinna with a proxy war. Its being facilitated as we speak..
I'm responding to only one sentence of your comment. It's the one about the CIA having entire departments dedicated to using Hollywood to manipulate popular perceptions, which is obviously correct.
This is by no means a criticism of what you've said there and I have no doubt that you're very well-aware of the info I'm going to add. I just wanted to remind people to always keep in mind that the divisions the Intelligence industry has that are dedicated to social media, including Substack, and to video platforms (YT, BitChute) as well as streaming platforms, is probably just as big, if not bigger. Intelligence might not spend as much money on those as they do on Hollywood and television, but the hundreds of millions of people around the world who spend their days being influenced by these entities, rather than by Hollywood itself, is a mind blowing number of people.
The thing I find to be the worst part of what I've said is the deliberate targeting of people with specific information. That's something that Twitter has down to a science, so to speak, and it's only one example.
Anyway, I'm not telling anyone here something that you don't already know. I'm only mentioning this because sometimes people get caught up in the emotions of watching or responding to things on the internet (I know I do!) and temporarily forget that the manipulation by the Intelligence agencies is absolutely everywhere, every minute of the day.
Neo nazi is a made up term by fools.the word nazi was a derogatory slur adopted by the supposed allies in ww2.the victor revised history is a corrupted version of reality. The Germans were fighting against bolsheviks. And immorality brought to Germany by those bolsheviks. Neo nazi's are a cartoon version of the nonsense the propaganda teaches.if real history and facts were taught the world would be a better place.instead we have psychopaths twisting everything into a form of control.
No silly investments. Greed alwsys comes into the picture.the germans had pulled out of the depression caused by the west. They were movingnahead with innovative of course money from the western country wanted a piece of it.
That's not the way I see it... Lenin and Trotsky - they were sent by the west to Russia, and their main goal was to make Russia a source of raw materials for the West. That plan was stopped when Stalin came to power... That's the way I see it...
no its not. ashkenazi is a person from the rhineland area named after han's son from the old testament. whereas "nazi" is a slur and bastardization of national socialists.
I'm not sure what part of my question you do not understand... What do you think about explanation by Eustace Mullins, on the matter of what the term NAZI stands for..?
If the trend toward totalitarianism and fascism was limited to America we might consider it fortunate. But today modern techno fascist agendas have spread everywhere. Maybe there are enough Americans and people around the world to stand against it - but it is pretty far gone.
we haven't seen it yet, we've only seen Chinese social credit. Technocracy foresees replacing all politicians eventually. Zero elected officials. Now we can make the case they don't represent us now, but we occasionally hold their feet to the fire for a purpose, and like having the option. You will have nothing except what the algorithm and the unelected bureaucrats allow you.
He's correct. Problem is, most don't seem to understand what a 'democracy' is and why that word doesn't appear in US Constitution. Our founders hated democracies, they understood they dissolved into tyranny & insisted on a Republic. Pure democracy is “majority rules” - whether the majority is ethical or moral. In a pure democracy, if 51% of the people want X, and X is harmful to the other 49% - too bad for the 49%.
The rest of the quote "Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner" is that “liberty is an armed sheep” - that is, people are free from tyranny &c when they have the means and the power to resist oppression.
The line between a pure democracy and mob rule is very thin.
[democracy is “majority rules”] .. Not exactly... Yes and No... Democratic state is Ruled by the Law, crated by the Public assembly, equally for all the citizens, and there is no place for demagoguery in it.
Here is my comment in a recent Western Standard article,
"The failure of Trudeau to accept responsibility as the Prime Minister of Canada for an episode for which he is ultimately responsible, adds much insult to injury. This injury is being felt by all the Canadian people who are deeply offended by the actions of our parliamentarians on both sides of the isle. Our Parliament, whose first responsibility is to police government spending, has forked over $10 Billion to support the government of Ukraine that carries forward the legacy of Hitlerian National Socialism. The Waffen SS of Galacia, of which Mr. Hunka was a part, fought against Soviet Russia and Canada and other allied powers. Canada's Parliament will now be seen forever throughout the world as an institution where that National Socialist element, now prominent in NATO, was highlighted and cheered. Prof. Tony Hall"
NATO is obviously adopting policies and alliances consistent with those of the Hitlerian National Socialist opponents of Russia. in WWII.
Also, it seems the Galacian SS, including Yaroslav Hunka, was involved in a host of very elaborate but little known atrocities with mass killings in the millions.
We need to get to the bottom of this story and not let it be swept under the rug. Canada's embrace of Ukraine's National Socialist heritage is indeed an accurate reflection of the nazification that has really been going in Canada, the USA and NATO
Why are you manipulating people shifting blame on "socialists", without explaining diabolic conspiracy behind it, in the order to bring the socialism the face of the Frankenstein (?)
"Hitlerian National Socialism", sounds like we are dealing here with some kind of ideology from hell... When I talk about socialism, I'm not trying to give socialism the face of Frankenstein, because to me socialism is natural reaction of working class, to the injustice of capitalism... So calling that "Hitlerian", there is something wrong with it, cause socialism is not "Hitlerian", under any circumstances, because when Hitler came to power, the socialist ended up in concentration camps.
Hitler was against the Bolsheviks. He was defending capitalism but also defending the workers with moderate forms of socialism much like in Scandinavia. All workers, for instance, got paid vacations. He built ocean liners so workers could go on trips with their families. He was against too much emphasis on individualism and sought the good of Germans collectively. He turned the German economy around ending rampant inflation with high rates of workers' employment. That is how I understand it
I think Hitler was just a tool of the western capitalism in the order to start up the war... and in the end to fail... By the time Hitler came to power the US financial capital practically controlled all strategically important sectors of German industry: oil refining, synthetic fuel production, chemistry, car building, aviation, electrical engineering, radio industry, and a large part of machine-building (totally 278 companies). The leading German banks - Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank and some others - were under US control.
Here is what I've got the problem with... We keep talking about Ukrainian NAZI regime... That is not right... The regime is fascist - that's true, but it was created by the western business, US State Department and Jewish Ukrainian oligarchs... Is someone trying to shift the blame for the NAZIS concentration camps, on the ethnic ground to the Ukrainians ? There is something wrong with it...
German axis armed forces were defeated in 1945, but German axis UNarmed forces won the entire war the prior year in 1944 when the USA recruited and adopted Nazis via Operation Paperclip. The Nazis were disarmed by ally forces in 1945 and subsequently the Nazis won WW II outright. You read that right. The Nazis won WW II. They were merely disarmed, but they still won the war because "Battles are won in the hearts of men." - Vince Lombardi
The Nazis won the hearts of Washington, ergo the Germans won their second world war. Any pipedream of an American victory during WW II amounts to pyrrhic victory.
There were 2 different Ukrainian Nationalist movements, one being led by Melnyk, the other, an extremist movement, was led by Stepan Bandera, which Hitler condemned and would have nothing to do with.
Hitler ordered Bandera and his associates to be arrested to stop their activities and they were held in German-run camps and prisons for several years. The Bandera movement was never truly a National Socialist movement and was thoroughly denounced and rejected by Hitler and all true National Socialists, yet this is omitted from almost every comment and article everywhere today which falsely or mistakenly claims that Bandera was a 'Nazi'.
'Nazis' and their alleged criminal activities as regards the holocaust and massacre at Babi Yar are the invention of Allied nation war propaganda stories, just as were Stalin's false allegations of Germans having been responsible for the massacre of 15,000 to 20,000 of Poland's leading intellectuals and military officers in the Katyn Forest Massacre, with Stalin eventually having been proved a liar on that one, as it was his own 'Russian' troops who committed that atrocity. See 'Holocaust Deprogramming Course'.
Stalin's special units engaged in Operation Torch Man committing atrocities behind Soviet lines against Russian civilians in which almost whole villages would be wiped out to leave usually just one 'witness' alive by men dressed misleadingly in German uniforms, especially SS uniforms taken from dead or captured German soldiers, in order that Russian civilians would think Germans were committing these atrocities, thus preventign them from getting any ideas about joining the Germans as they advanced to liberate them from the genocidally murderous regime of Stalin himself.
The criminal terrorist tactics of Churchill himself were very similar in effect in that his policies were directly calculated to result in the Blitz bombing of civilian areas in England in order that a hateful 'war psychosis' as he himself termed it against the Germans would be whipped up, as up till that time, there really was not much public sentiment in Britain in favour of war against Germany, so Churchill secretly ordered the RAF to bomb civilian areas in Germany.
This callous and criminal bombing continued for 3.5 months without any similar response from Germany while Hitler held back and actually appealed repeatedly for peace to Churchill, and when persistently ignored and while murderous bombs continued raining down on German civilians only then did Hitler reluctantly order the Luftwaffe to retaliate. Hitler had previously generously offered to ally with Britain and supply units of German soldiers to defend British Empire interests in the Far East, but that earlier proposal had also been insanely rejected by Churchill.
When German bombs started to drop on civilian areas in Britian, then the British flew into a rage as calculated by Churchill, with the British now thinking Hitler was a mindless madman and doing this to civilians unprovoked, they were never told Churchill had been ordering the RAF to bomb German civilians already for 3.5 months, so Churchill also had scores of thousands of British civilians bombed to death to create what he thought to be the right war attitude among the British, as of course, it was a war intended purely for Jewish benefit, started purely by Jews, not for the benefit of any other people.
Churchill used such methods because he was a ruthless Jewish man, born to a New York Jewess called Jerome.
Naval guns taken from big battleships were situated by Churchill around London for instance, which fired only shells that could explode on impact, having really been designed to fire only at other battleships, so when almost all of these shells failed to score a direct hit on any German bomber as they were not capable of an air burst controlled by an altimeter like normal anti-aircraft shells, they could only fall back down to earth onto British civilians and explode then, who mistook these British shells to be German bombs as well. Thus, the death statistics supposedly due only to 'German bombs', were massively ramped up, as of course, the British Gentiles along with the German Gentiles were really the ones regarded as the enemy by the Jews running Britain then, as they still are with the current Jewish-created COVID bioweapon butchery and the Jewish-named health secretary at that time, Matt Hancock, who very revealingly said in a message to his then advisor, that was discovered later; "When shall we deploy the new variant?".
Today, infiltrated larping Ukrainian Jews wearing fake National Socialist badges alongside 'Nazi' Zelensky are deliberately ordering the previously arranged slaughter in Ukraine to free up land space earlier instructed by the late Chabad Lubavitcher chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson for millions of Israeli Jews to eventually move into when it comes time for them to jump ship from Israel.
Menachem Schneerson said a war must be arranged between Russia and Ukraine to 'end the line of the Slavs' there so that the Jews can move onto vacated lands when the Slavic Causasian Christians have either fled or been suicided in battle, with 14 million refugees having left Ukraine so far, an estimated 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and at least 20,000 dead Ukrainian civilians shelled to death with Jewish American and Jewish British-supplied 155 mm artillery shells since 2014.
The arranged carnage involves the secret collaboration of NATO controlled by Israel and two fellow Chabad Lubavitcher and WEF alumni, Putin and Zelensky to ensure the game is played out thoroughly according to the desires of Schneerson, with the arranged help of Western Jewish politicians supplying Ukraine with arms of course, and if it goes nuclear, the Jews willl hope to get the added bonus of wiping out most of the last remaining 800 million Caucasians in the whole world all at once too, this is why the Jewish-controlled US and UK are insanely ram-rodding their slave nations into this surely suicidal and ultimately nuclear war.
The Jews do not want to be seen as responsible for this to other nations either now or in the aftermath, so Putin and Zelensky, both Jews, with Putin often wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist at public venues, only insult each other publicly as 'Nazis', how ridiculous, patently false and misleading, so that all the evil being done in Ukraine and being planned by Israel to affect most other areas occupied by Caucasians, will be seen by any future historians as being due only to 'Neo -Nazis' who are actually Jews dressed up to appear as such in Ukraine, while Putin poses as a Christian in Russia., lest other remaining nations and peoples see through the ultimate game plan and become more wary of the Jew themselves before they too are ultimately annihilated according to Jewish plan.
I have several videos on my site of various Jewish rabbis actually gloating over the Zohar-intended worldwide total extermination of all Gentiles in existence, though of course, there are disinformation channels purporting this to be the work not of the Jews but of the Jesuits, or Freemasons, or supposed 'Black Nobility', though the several thousand year-old Freemason organization has now been hijacked by Jews and the Jesuit founder was in fact a Jew, but Jews are never mentiuoned in their posts of course.
But Gentiles would never seek the annihilation of all Gentiles in the world, the effects of the Noahide Laws are entirely similar in intention to the drastic population reduction level aim of 7.5 billion by the Jewish-controlled Israeli front organization the WEF, this should tell everyone it is really the Jews who are behind what is happening, whose Talmud states "Even the best of Gentiles should be killed".
"with Stalin eventually having been proved a liar on that one, as it was his own 'Russian' troops who committed that atrocity"..
- You don't know when to stop to lie, do you ? Who were these people , who was behind it, do you know anything about Beria, Kaganovich ? Who really ruled Russia (USSR) and what is NKVD ? Do you know how many Russians they killed ?
- It was not Churchill that came up with bombing civilians in Germany. It was his right hand man - Frederick Lindemann... Some say it was Stalin... So, there is some uncertainty, confusion...
Your ad-hominem attack reveals you really are nothing but an ignoramus and a time-waster seeking attention, are you AI or human? And I have not told any lies at all, your entirely false accusation that I have lied has been made by you without you providing any specific allegation, which is actually typical AI style (typical programmed Jewish Communist style).
Do you really think I have not heard of Beria and Kaganovich and the NKVD and what they did? Really??? Silly childish machine.
The words of Churchill on this issue of bombing Germany were recorded, he also wanted to know how to make it possible for the RAF to 'fry' 600,000 refugees. The Jewish Lindeman undoubedly played a part in co-directing policy with the Jewish Churchill, both surely wanted only to destroy the white race as 'The Second Rome Amalek'.
My "ad-hominem"..? WTF are you talking about and why the f. you call me names you mental schmuck ? Lindemann was the right hand man of Churchill, who in reality was just a broken financially clown of the system, not a leader.
Following the Air Ministry Area bombing directive on 12 February 1942, "Lindemann presented in a paper on "Dehousing" to Churchill on 30 March 1942, which calculated the effects of area bombardment by a massive bomber force on German cities to break the spirit of the people.[30] His proposal that "bombing must be directed to working class houses. Middle class houses have too much space round them, so are bound to waste bombs" changed accepted conventions of limiting civilian casualties in wartime".[citation needed] His dehousing paper was criticised by many other scientific minds in government service, who felt such a force would be a waste of resources.[31]
most of the drawdown is due to agricultural use and less rain to replenish it. Blame geoengineering. BUT! the fracking has poisoned wells all over. I know people who lived in a little town in TX where you could light the tap water on fire from gas infiltrate in the wells.
If US industrialists and Wall Street financiers supported Hitler, then one might say that although Germany was defeated "fascism" actually won.
And maybe, what we're witnessing is a continuation of the same fascist ideology "rebranded" to suit the tastes of the catatonic populations residing in the West. 🤔
Those industrialists invested in German technology which was far in advance of the west. As usual truth has been twisted.
Ford continued to do business with Nazi Germany, including the manufacture of war materiel.
First of all it was Germany not nazi.and so what?they also helped build warships for the about munitions makers?they supply weapons .war is a money making business.
These industrialists were also Malthusian eugenicists who specifically supported Nazi ideology as a way to thwart worker rebellions. These wealthy fuckers are only concerned about sustaining their wealth and power they don't care how many billions they need to slaughter.
lol lol either you are a joo or a troll,which one. what exactly is "nazi" ideology? not that one expects you to know. its clear you are uneducated and merely parrot what you see on google. malthusian ehh? lol better look harder poor sheeple.
Yes, It has been my understanding that the Nazis did indeed win. Hard to accept but we are right in the midst of it. Now spread across the planet to every so called free society. The corporatist ideology - now an amalgam of governments, corporations & institutions - is modern fascism.
They all praised Hitler right up untill they saw how technologically advanced they had become and a growing power that threatened the western hegemony and dominance.
This pattern of destroying nations one by one is still a western agenda spelled out after the war and sins..Westly Clark talked about the agenda.
Im not praising Hitler but it's an interesting pattern that every leader since has been delt the same scenarios of demonizing using terrorist groups to create unrest accuse the leader of hurting their own people and the west funding terrorist groups to overthrow them..
Using neonazis in Ukraine to attack the dunbas was designed to force Russias hand.
Hitler was not terrorizing anyone.thats a purely western ideology.
16 million dead Russian civilians might choose to disagee.
Wtf are you babbling about?
Something you haven't a clue about. Perhaps being clueless is a permanent state for you.
Projection?fools such as you always project their inadequacy onto others. Ignoring the question to ad hominem attack is an important clue to identifying fools.
The West and the entire planet is heading for a technocratic surveillance state which will be the 21st Century version of 20th Century fascism tweaked using benevolent sounding terms via UN initiatives.
Ziolensky himself was installed by the West to help facilitate the use of neonazis in Ukraine. The plot was to use them to attack the Russian speaking dunbas to push Russia into this proxy war...the pattern the USA keeps using everywhere in the middle East and far east is find the most willing terrorist type groups to do the dirty work of attacking people so that the USA can come in and pretend they are the Ukraine they saddled up with them like the neonazi group to attack innocent people to force Russia into's all been by design to "get Russia" it's my belief that the USA has always been Nazi's,, Zionists are actually Nazi's (not decent Jewish folks) look up 1948movie dot com
So of course they all support them for the agenda..The West wants full scale dominance of the whole planet...They project that evil onto Russia.
do not blame the American people, we have no control over election outcomes, politics or military and financial policies. The neocons and/or neoliberals are in control.
Sad but it certainly seems that way. I hate to say it, but historical evidence points to this. Usually to protect US interests, it seems. Always been that way. Whether it is/was tabacco, cotton, opium, sugar, bananas/fruit, oil, uranium, banking interests/financial, etc. (I may not have the order exactly correct). Seems like the US sides with the most corrupt because they are the easiest to bribe/manipulate once they are in power. Also, claims can be made that the only interest was/is to stop a violent coup to save lives and bring stability to the area. Also, seems to be coups that the US was instrumental in starting. Coups that the US can control/aim the outcome of to support US interests. (Ex.- Couldn't let some new democratically inclined leader take over US Fruit company land and give it back to their people). Not sure how this is going to work out in the Ukraine though. So far, not going so well. The Ukraine is not Afghanistan. It seems vastly more important to Russia. Russia will not be giving it up so easily. Politically ... ideologically .... wedges are being driven between the two US camps that causes the people to fight each other rabidly rather than oppose the elite interests pulling the strings. Distraction at it's finest. It seem this ramps up to distract the people exactly when these things events occur.
I have looked high and low for the source of the neocon antipathy for Russia. The bolsheviks never found the Russian gold, and I think they wanted it to accomplish the world revolution. Saw a photo once of Lenin and others in Paris for the reopening of the Masonic Temple they had paid to refurbish. Paid with jewelry and gold taken from White Russians.
Indeed,,,The trick there was to create the two party system in a facade of fighting each other and in the back rooms the rhinos and neoliberal all work in lock step...the podium battles are just the theater to entertain the dumbed down American proletariat.
Pick a team and fight. Red state blue state coke or Pepsi, red can blue can, red team blue team..the mind control of this permeates western culture through sports and Hollywood where they run drama depictions of the sacrosanct USA always fighting some existential threat in the form of Russian xenophobia and Putin bogeyman syndrome.
Its documented that the CIA has entire departments dedicated to using Hollywood to manipulate popular perceptions. They carfully set the seeds of hate to any new target they want to destroy...Any country they can not infiltrate and subvert to their own will they seek to destroy.. That's why the entire EU is full of feckless western yes men and women..
That's why picking off all of Russia's possible allies was a plan, that's why creating a front of proxy wars is on the agenda...Taiwan is the next country being used to occupy Chinna with a proxy war. Its being facilitated as we speak..
I'm responding to only one sentence of your comment. It's the one about the CIA having entire departments dedicated to using Hollywood to manipulate popular perceptions, which is obviously correct.
This is by no means a criticism of what you've said there and I have no doubt that you're very well-aware of the info I'm going to add. I just wanted to remind people to always keep in mind that the divisions the Intelligence industry has that are dedicated to social media, including Substack, and to video platforms (YT, BitChute) as well as streaming platforms, is probably just as big, if not bigger. Intelligence might not spend as much money on those as they do on Hollywood and television, but the hundreds of millions of people around the world who spend their days being influenced by these entities, rather than by Hollywood itself, is a mind blowing number of people.
The thing I find to be the worst part of what I've said is the deliberate targeting of people with specific information. That's something that Twitter has down to a science, so to speak, and it's only one example.
Anyway, I'm not telling anyone here something that you don't already know. I'm only mentioning this because sometimes people get caught up in the emotions of watching or responding to things on the internet (I know I do!) and temporarily forget that the manipulation by the Intelligence agencies is absolutely everywhere, every minute of the day.
That's all. 🙂
People still believe all the lies about ww2, what a shame.
2/3 believed all the lies about the vax.....
Neo nazi is a made up term by fools.the word nazi was a derogatory slur adopted by the supposed allies in ww2.the victor revised history is a corrupted version of reality. The Germans were fighting against bolsheviks. And immorality brought to Germany by those bolsheviks. Neo nazi's are a cartoon version of the nonsense the propaganda teaches.if real history and facts were taught the world would be a better place.instead we have psychopaths twisting everything into a form of control.
Who created financed and for what reason, bolsheviks ?
No silly investments. Greed alwsys comes into the picture.the germans had pulled out of the depression caused by the west. They were movingnahead with innovative of course money from the western country wanted a piece of it.
That's not the way I see it... Lenin and Trotsky - they were sent by the west to Russia, and their main goal was to make Russia a source of raw materials for the West. That plan was stopped when Stalin came to power... That's the way I see it...
And thsts your opinion
Have facts to back it up and thst has zero to do with your question
and of course, the descent from the term Ashkenazi
no its not. ashkenazi is a person from the rhineland area named after han's son from the old testament. whereas "nazi" is a slur and bastardization of national socialists.
What do you think about Eustace Mullins lecture on the NAZIS ?
What about it?
I'm not sure what part of my question you do not understand... What do you think about explanation by Eustace Mullins, on the matter of what the term NAZI stands for..?
Nstional socialist plus zionist?that waS his opinion.if you check etymology online you see the correct source.
If the trend toward totalitarianism and fascism was limited to America we might consider it fortunate. But today modern techno fascist agendas have spread everywhere. Maybe there are enough Americans and people around the world to stand against it - but it is pretty far gone.
we haven't seen it yet, we've only seen Chinese social credit. Technocracy foresees replacing all politicians eventually. Zero elected officials. Now we can make the case they don't represent us now, but we occasionally hold their feet to the fire for a purpose, and like having the option. You will have nothing except what the algorithm and the unelected bureaucrats allow you.
You mean the insidious rise of Prison Planet Earth? We may be able to hold their feet to the fire but it is getting late in the game.
He's correct. Problem is, most don't seem to understand what a 'democracy' is and why that word doesn't appear in US Constitution. Our founders hated democracies, they understood they dissolved into tyranny & insisted on a Republic. Pure democracy is “majority rules” - whether the majority is ethical or moral. In a pure democracy, if 51% of the people want X, and X is harmful to the other 49% - too bad for the 49%.
The rest of the quote "Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner" is that “liberty is an armed sheep” - that is, people are free from tyranny &c when they have the means and the power to resist oppression.
The line between a pure democracy and mob rule is very thin.
[democracy is “majority rules”] .. Not exactly... Yes and No... Democratic state is Ruled by the Law, crated by the Public assembly, equally for all the citizens, and there is no place for demagoguery in it.
Here is my comment in a recent Western Standard article,
"The failure of Trudeau to accept responsibility as the Prime Minister of Canada for an episode for which he is ultimately responsible, adds much insult to injury. This injury is being felt by all the Canadian people who are deeply offended by the actions of our parliamentarians on both sides of the isle. Our Parliament, whose first responsibility is to police government spending, has forked over $10 Billion to support the government of Ukraine that carries forward the legacy of Hitlerian National Socialism. The Waffen SS of Galacia, of which Mr. Hunka was a part, fought against Soviet Russia and Canada and other allied powers. Canada's Parliament will now be seen forever throughout the world as an institution where that National Socialist element, now prominent in NATO, was highlighted and cheered. Prof. Tony Hall"
NATO is obviously adopting policies and alliances consistent with those of the Hitlerian National Socialist opponents of Russia. in WWII.
Also, it seems the Galacian SS, including Yaroslav Hunka, was involved in a host of very elaborate but little known atrocities with mass killings in the millions.
We need to get to the bottom of this story and not let it be swept under the rug. Canada's embrace of Ukraine's National Socialist heritage is indeed an accurate reflection of the nazification that has really been going in Canada, the USA and NATO
"legacy of Hitlerian National Socialism" ?
Why are you manipulating people shifting blame on "socialists", without explaining diabolic conspiracy behind it, in the order to bring the socialism the face of the Frankenstein (?)
???? I don't follow you. Please explain more carefully and fully.
"Hitlerian National Socialism", sounds like we are dealing here with some kind of ideology from hell... When I talk about socialism, I'm not trying to give socialism the face of Frankenstein, because to me socialism is natural reaction of working class, to the injustice of capitalism... So calling that "Hitlerian", there is something wrong with it, cause socialism is not "Hitlerian", under any circumstances, because when Hitler came to power, the socialist ended up in concentration camps.
Hitler was against the Bolsheviks. He was defending capitalism but also defending the workers with moderate forms of socialism much like in Scandinavia. All workers, for instance, got paid vacations. He built ocean liners so workers could go on trips with their families. He was against too much emphasis on individualism and sought the good of Germans collectively. He turned the German economy around ending rampant inflation with high rates of workers' employment. That is how I understand it
I think Hitler was just a tool of the western capitalism in the order to start up the war... and in the end to fail... By the time Hitler came to power the US financial capital practically controlled all strategically important sectors of German industry: oil refining, synthetic fuel production, chemistry, car building, aviation, electrical engineering, radio industry, and a large part of machine-building (totally 278 companies). The leading German banks - Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank and some others - were under US control.
Here is what I've got the problem with... We keep talking about Ukrainian NAZI regime... That is not right... The regime is fascist - that's true, but it was created by the western business, US State Department and Jewish Ukrainian oligarchs... Is someone trying to shift the blame for the NAZIS concentration camps, on the ethnic ground to the Ukrainians ? There is something wrong with it...
German axis armed forces were defeated in 1945, but German axis UNarmed forces won the entire war the prior year in 1944 when the USA recruited and adopted Nazis via Operation Paperclip. The Nazis were disarmed by ally forces in 1945 and subsequently the Nazis won WW II outright. You read that right. The Nazis won WW II. They were merely disarmed, but they still won the war because "Battles are won in the hearts of men." - Vince Lombardi
The Nazis won the hearts of Washington, ergo the Germans won their second world war. Any pipedream of an American victory during WW II amounts to pyrrhic victory.
Objective: normalize for the Golden Billion, Nazi ideology.
It's apparent you ate clueless.
There were 2 different Ukrainian Nationalist movements, one being led by Melnyk, the other, an extremist movement, was led by Stepan Bandera, which Hitler condemned and would have nothing to do with.
Hitler ordered Bandera and his associates to be arrested to stop their activities and they were held in German-run camps and prisons for several years. The Bandera movement was never truly a National Socialist movement and was thoroughly denounced and rejected by Hitler and all true National Socialists, yet this is omitted from almost every comment and article everywhere today which falsely or mistakenly claims that Bandera was a 'Nazi'.
'Nazis' and their alleged criminal activities as regards the holocaust and massacre at Babi Yar are the invention of Allied nation war propaganda stories, just as were Stalin's false allegations of Germans having been responsible for the massacre of 15,000 to 20,000 of Poland's leading intellectuals and military officers in the Katyn Forest Massacre, with Stalin eventually having been proved a liar on that one, as it was his own 'Russian' troops who committed that atrocity. See 'Holocaust Deprogramming Course'.
Stalin's special units engaged in Operation Torch Man committing atrocities behind Soviet lines against Russian civilians in which almost whole villages would be wiped out to leave usually just one 'witness' alive by men dressed misleadingly in German uniforms, especially SS uniforms taken from dead or captured German soldiers, in order that Russian civilians would think Germans were committing these atrocities, thus preventign them from getting any ideas about joining the Germans as they advanced to liberate them from the genocidally murderous regime of Stalin himself.
The criminal terrorist tactics of Churchill himself were very similar in effect in that his policies were directly calculated to result in the Blitz bombing of civilian areas in England in order that a hateful 'war psychosis' as he himself termed it against the Germans would be whipped up, as up till that time, there really was not much public sentiment in Britain in favour of war against Germany, so Churchill secretly ordered the RAF to bomb civilian areas in Germany.
This callous and criminal bombing continued for 3.5 months without any similar response from Germany while Hitler held back and actually appealed repeatedly for peace to Churchill, and when persistently ignored and while murderous bombs continued raining down on German civilians only then did Hitler reluctantly order the Luftwaffe to retaliate. Hitler had previously generously offered to ally with Britain and supply units of German soldiers to defend British Empire interests in the Far East, but that earlier proposal had also been insanely rejected by Churchill.
When German bombs started to drop on civilian areas in Britian, then the British flew into a rage as calculated by Churchill, with the British now thinking Hitler was a mindless madman and doing this to civilians unprovoked, they were never told Churchill had been ordering the RAF to bomb German civilians already for 3.5 months, so Churchill also had scores of thousands of British civilians bombed to death to create what he thought to be the right war attitude among the British, as of course, it was a war intended purely for Jewish benefit, started purely by Jews, not for the benefit of any other people.
Churchill used such methods because he was a ruthless Jewish man, born to a New York Jewess called Jerome.
Naval guns taken from big battleships were situated by Churchill around London for instance, which fired only shells that could explode on impact, having really been designed to fire only at other battleships, so when almost all of these shells failed to score a direct hit on any German bomber as they were not capable of an air burst controlled by an altimeter like normal anti-aircraft shells, they could only fall back down to earth onto British civilians and explode then, who mistook these British shells to be German bombs as well. Thus, the death statistics supposedly due only to 'German bombs', were massively ramped up, as of course, the British Gentiles along with the German Gentiles were really the ones regarded as the enemy by the Jews running Britain then, as they still are with the current Jewish-created COVID bioweapon butchery and the Jewish-named health secretary at that time, Matt Hancock, who very revealingly said in a message to his then advisor, that was discovered later; "When shall we deploy the new variant?".
Today, infiltrated larping Ukrainian Jews wearing fake National Socialist badges alongside 'Nazi' Zelensky are deliberately ordering the previously arranged slaughter in Ukraine to free up land space earlier instructed by the late Chabad Lubavitcher chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson for millions of Israeli Jews to eventually move into when it comes time for them to jump ship from Israel.
Menachem Schneerson said a war must be arranged between Russia and Ukraine to 'end the line of the Slavs' there so that the Jews can move onto vacated lands when the Slavic Causasian Christians have either fled or been suicided in battle, with 14 million refugees having left Ukraine so far, an estimated 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and at least 20,000 dead Ukrainian civilians shelled to death with Jewish American and Jewish British-supplied 155 mm artillery shells since 2014.
The arranged carnage involves the secret collaboration of NATO controlled by Israel and two fellow Chabad Lubavitcher and WEF alumni, Putin and Zelensky to ensure the game is played out thoroughly according to the desires of Schneerson, with the arranged help of Western Jewish politicians supplying Ukraine with arms of course, and if it goes nuclear, the Jews willl hope to get the added bonus of wiping out most of the last remaining 800 million Caucasians in the whole world all at once too, this is why the Jewish-controlled US and UK are insanely ram-rodding their slave nations into this surely suicidal and ultimately nuclear war.
The Jews do not want to be seen as responsible for this to other nations either now or in the aftermath, so Putin and Zelensky, both Jews, with Putin often wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist at public venues, only insult each other publicly as 'Nazis', how ridiculous, patently false and misleading, so that all the evil being done in Ukraine and being planned by Israel to affect most other areas occupied by Caucasians, will be seen by any future historians as being due only to 'Neo -Nazis' who are actually Jews dressed up to appear as such in Ukraine, while Putin poses as a Christian in Russia., lest other remaining nations and peoples see through the ultimate game plan and become more wary of the Jew themselves before they too are ultimately annihilated according to Jewish plan.
I have several videos on my site of various Jewish rabbis actually gloating over the Zohar-intended worldwide total extermination of all Gentiles in existence, though of course, there are disinformation channels purporting this to be the work not of the Jews but of the Jesuits, or Freemasons, or supposed 'Black Nobility', though the several thousand year-old Freemason organization has now been hijacked by Jews and the Jesuit founder was in fact a Jew, but Jews are never mentiuoned in their posts of course.
But Gentiles would never seek the annihilation of all Gentiles in the world, the effects of the Noahide Laws are entirely similar in intention to the drastic population reduction level aim of 7.5 billion by the Jewish-controlled Israeli front organization the WEF, this should tell everyone it is really the Jews who are behind what is happening, whose Talmud states "Even the best of Gentiles should be killed".
"with Stalin eventually having been proved a liar on that one, as it was his own 'Russian' troops who committed that atrocity"..
- You don't know when to stop to lie, do you ? Who were these people , who was behind it, do you know anything about Beria, Kaganovich ? Who really ruled Russia (USSR) and what is NKVD ? Do you know how many Russians they killed ?
- It was not Churchill that came up with bombing civilians in Germany. It was his right hand man - Frederick Lindemann... Some say it was Stalin... So, there is some uncertainty, confusion...
Your ad-hominem attack reveals you really are nothing but an ignoramus and a time-waster seeking attention, are you AI or human? And I have not told any lies at all, your entirely false accusation that I have lied has been made by you without you providing any specific allegation, which is actually typical AI style (typical programmed Jewish Communist style).
Do you really think I have not heard of Beria and Kaganovich and the NKVD and what they did? Really??? Silly childish machine.
The words of Churchill on this issue of bombing Germany were recorded, he also wanted to know how to make it possible for the RAF to 'fry' 600,000 refugees. The Jewish Lindeman undoubedly played a part in co-directing policy with the Jewish Churchill, both surely wanted only to destroy the white race as 'The Second Rome Amalek'.
My "ad-hominem"..? WTF are you talking about and why the f. you call me names you mental schmuck ? Lindemann was the right hand man of Churchill, who in reality was just a broken financially clown of the system, not a leader.
You are clearly mentally ill and mindlessly hostile and totally incoherent, just go away.
Go fly a kite you f. impudent boor...
Following the Air Ministry Area bombing directive on 12 February 1942, "Lindemann presented in a paper on "Dehousing" to Churchill on 30 March 1942, which calculated the effects of area bombardment by a massive bomber force on German cities to break the spirit of the people.[30] His proposal that "bombing must be directed to working class houses. Middle class houses have too much space round them, so are bound to waste bombs" changed accepted conventions of limiting civilian casualties in wartime".[citation needed] His dehousing paper was criticised by many other scientific minds in government service, who felt such a force would be a waste of resources.[31]"Dehousing"+to+Churchill+on+30+March+1942
Just wish the senators, representatives, and media would report this news! We've got to stop funding Ukraine Nazi's!
most of the drawdown is due to agricultural use and less rain to replenish it. Blame geoengineering. BUT! the fracking has poisoned wells all over. I know people who lived in a little town in TX where you could light the tap water on fire from gas infiltrate in the wells.