A “vaccine” for a non-existent hypothetical “Disease X” is slated to to be developed at one of UK Ministry of Defense's most secretive and controversial military research facilities specializing in the testing of biological and chemical weapons.
Is he their front man set up so that any criticism of him will be labeled as racist? After all, he has no qualifications or credentials for his position.
The Government serves only itself and to extent this power.
The Government NEVER gives up this power.
When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.
They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater.
The WHO then instructs the Government to act on behalf of the WHO to enforce any action deemed necessary by the WHO.
And if this instruction is... kill the firstborn and cull the herd... the Government will enforce this new Global Authority like it always does with upmost brutality but without accountability which now lies within the WHO.
The Government gives Illegally Authority it never had to begin with but most importantly Accountability it tries to avoid to the WHO which then in return gives more power and less accountability to the Government.
In the most simplistic term this is called Treason.
Rob(c137) - I really appreciate your posting this link! I just watched two of Dr Sam Bailey’s videos on Odessey. Such helpful information-she makes a great case ag the virology narrative in so many ways. Stunning, informative, truly educational.
I am also fascinated that Dr Mike Yeadon is coming to these similar conclusions.
We exist in an oligarchy yet the fool sheeple are so mesmerized by the theater they are fed each day they lack any ability to see the issues. The corrupt govt must go .screw the idiotic red blue fake campaign. Its time for a 2nd revolution. Those parasites in govt jobs care nothing for the people.
There is one little word , that if every individual on the planet employed when told to follow instructions, this whole circus would cease to exist. NO NO NO NO NO
The best way to avoid Disease "X" is to stay away from transhumanist Malthusian eugenicist billionaires like Musk, Gates, Karp, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin, and all other similar ghouls.
“…sons of God, without fault, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world. Hold forth the word of life…”
I think we should call it disease 42 to mock them.
It's like the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. Where the computer knows the answer before anyone even knows the question. Douglas was being ridiculous but hilarious.
As of early 2020 there is in the Federal Register the Prep Act of 2020. This indemnifies the Government of any and all countermeasures of Marburg virus. Marburg is very much like Ebola, a hemorrhagic fever and a much higher fatality rate. There is an update to the Federal Register as of early January 2024. Seems to me like this is the most likely candidate for disease X.
One statement from the article: "Incredibly, the Drosten test protocol, which he had already sent to WHO in Geneva on 17 January, was officially recommended by WHO as the worldwide test to determine presence of Wuhan coronavirus, even before the paper had been published."
More fraud.the saying fool me once applies here for those who were hoodwinked the first time. Its time to arrest these terrorists in WEF and Who. Stop sharing their psychotic behavior. They have no interest in keeping anyone healthy.
When these murdering clowns are talking about the coming of disease X, Y or Z or even CoV-3, it means that they are not natural occurrences (which are completely unpredictable) and therefore are manufactured. And that manufacturing is done using computer algorithms and guesstimates. If these arrogant clods were to design something deadly in one of their 1,000 bio labs, it would be just as deadly to them as to us.
The risks would be the same and that is why all of this, like CoV-1 and CoV-2, is nothing more than unremarkable balderdash and fear based hokum. Then again, these arrogants just might take themselves out believing that because they claim to be our superiors, they are immune to the quackology they insist we believe in.
They are planing an event to bring in the solution that they are steering the stupid into. Problem - reaction - solution. They know because they are creating the fake event, to creat a fear reaction, to bring in the solution, which is them having more control.
“…sons of God, without fault, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world. Hold forth the word of life…” — Philippians 2:15-16 🙏 UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED SOLDIERS OF GOD - TRUST GOD NOT GOVT.
US Department of Defence developed & enforced the death vax. The UK Ministry of Defence is run by the same satanists, & including the evil Luciferian Bill Gates in the development of anything, can only result in further depopulation & disablement. The NHS is also run by wholly evil satanists who enforced the fake PCR test the harmful masks & the child disabling lockdowns. Not to mention they used Midazolam Matt Hancock to kill thousands of your grandparents in nursing homes.
Disease X is 20 times more deadly than con-vid, which is zero because it did not increase total deaths until the clot shots came out 😂.
So disease X will be 20x 0 = 0 .... Zero percent deadly you WHO big pharma lackey clowns!
Both you and Denis Rancourt reported that there was no pandemic until the shots started hurting people.
Tedros is a sick criminal controlled by the psychopathic elite.
He is gates's whipping boy.
…who himself is a whipping boy of the banksters of God…
His name is "GREG B.", - Global Ruling Elites, & Globalist Banksters"....
Is he their front man set up so that any criticism of him will be labeled as racist? After all, he has no qualifications or credentials for his position.
Racist? More likely "hater" or "denier of the so called science" or conspiracy theorist or a mentally ill person who has go into a gulag…
The guy was part of a terrorist group that overthrew the Ethiopian gov't.
Tedros is at the helm of WHO only because of Communist China.
The whole world is controlled by the same God's chosen cancer in my view.
I wrote this a year ago... still stands strong...
The Government exists only to gain power.
The Government serves only itself and to extent this power.
The Government NEVER gives up this power.
When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.
They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater.
The WHO then instructs the Government to act on behalf of the WHO to enforce any action deemed necessary by the WHO.
And if this instruction is... kill the firstborn and cull the herd... the Government will enforce this new Global Authority like it always does with upmost brutality but without accountability which now lies within the WHO.
The Government gives Illegally Authority it never had to begin with but most importantly Accountability it tries to avoid to the WHO which then in return gives more power and less accountability to the Government.
In the most simplistic term this is called Treason.
And this will be Disease X...
GoF genetically mutated Ebola!
Tedros the Cover up covers up because Tedros is employed to cover up shit like that.
Imagine how he would cover up a genetic engineered Ebola outbreak Gain of Function style...
Because this is what all the signs tell me...
They plan an Ebola Outbreak with a highly transmissible Gain of Function modified Ebola Virus.
Rob(c137) - I really appreciate your posting this link! I just watched two of Dr Sam Bailey’s videos on Odessey. Such helpful information-she makes a great case ag the virology narrative in so many ways. Stunning, informative, truly educational.
I am also fascinated that Dr Mike Yeadon is coming to these similar conclusions.
If you have nothing to say... say nothing...
Makes you look stupid!!!
Sorry, I was at work so sometimes I don't have much time to reply.
Feel free to be afraid of ebola though. Or whatever the liars promote.
If they had gain of function, why did they have to falsify COVID?
Clearly you must work in a circus.
MRNA comes from GoF.
You hit a home run with this.
You will find that on my substack there is more than necessary to win the world series...
However... I want my Freedom...
And i want them gone...
Or the “Birdy Flu”
Tine to abolish the govt..
We exist in an oligarchy yet the fool sheeple are so mesmerized by the theater they are fed each day they lack any ability to see the issues. The corrupt govt must go .screw the idiotic red blue fake campaign. Its time for a 2nd revolution. Those parasites in govt jobs care nothing for the people.
Communism makes great shows... for people that starve intellectually need bread and games...
This is zionism same difference. Unfortunately the population is so dumbed down they don't even realize they are in a matrix of stupidity.
irish - “parasites” being the optimal word
There is one little word , that if every individual on the planet employed when told to follow instructions, this whole circus would cease to exist. NO NO NO NO NO
The best way to avoid Disease "X" is to stay away from transhumanist Malthusian eugenicist billionaires like Musk, Gates, Karp, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin, and all other similar ghouls.
“…sons of God, without fault, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world. Hold forth the word of life…”
I think we should call it disease 42 to mock them.
It's like the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. Where the computer knows the answer before anyone even knows the question. Douglas was being ridiculous but hilarious.
They need to be laughed at.
Or X(42) or 42(x)
Disease X = Space X + X, both owned by Musk, whose marking X on the spot of anyone's forehead using a weapon aka smartphone.
As of early 2020 there is in the Federal Register the Prep Act of 2020. This indemnifies the Government of any and all countermeasures of Marburg virus. Marburg is very much like Ebola, a hemorrhagic fever and a much higher fatality rate. There is an update to the Federal Register as of early January 2024. Seems to me like this is the most likely candidate for disease X.
Why of course! What better way to prevent the non-existent Disease-X but via vaccine distilled by pseudoscience.
I remember feeling furious after reading the linked article below about the PCR process used to commit the worldwide fraud:
One statement from the article: "Incredibly, the Drosten test protocol, which he had already sent to WHO in Geneva on 17 January, was officially recommended by WHO as the worldwide test to determine presence of Wuhan coronavirus, even before the paper had been published."
More fraud.the saying fool me once applies here for those who were hoodwinked the first time. Its time to arrest these terrorists in WEF and Who. Stop sharing their psychotic behavior. They have no interest in keeping anyone healthy.
When these murdering clowns are talking about the coming of disease X, Y or Z or even CoV-3, it means that they are not natural occurrences (which are completely unpredictable) and therefore are manufactured. And that manufacturing is done using computer algorithms and guesstimates. If these arrogant clods were to design something deadly in one of their 1,000 bio labs, it would be just as deadly to them as to us.
The risks would be the same and that is why all of this, like CoV-1 and CoV-2, is nothing more than unremarkable balderdash and fear based hokum. Then again, these arrogants just might take themselves out believing that because they claim to be our superiors, they are immune to the quackology they insist we believe in.
More likely they employ science fiction writers.
They are planing an event to bring in the solution that they are steering the stupid into. Problem - reaction - solution. They know because they are creating the fake event, to creat a fear reaction, to bring in the solution, which is them having more control.
“…sons of God, without fault, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world. Hold forth the word of life…” — Philippians 2:15-16 🙏 UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED SOLDIERS OF GOD - TRUST GOD NOT GOVT.
US Department of Defence developed & enforced the death vax. The UK Ministry of Defence is run by the same satanists, & including the evil Luciferian Bill Gates in the development of anything, can only result in further depopulation & disablement. The NHS is also run by wholly evil satanists who enforced the fake PCR test the harmful masks & the child disabling lockdowns. Not to mention they used Midazolam Matt Hancock to kill thousands of your grandparents in nursing homes.