Dear Mr. Chossudovsky, I had begun to write long preliminary developments on the genesis of my awareness of the true position of the world superpowers and the reality of the world order which was imposed by the United States in rest of the world almost completely. This text has been erased. I decided not to rewrite it for the moment, realizing that its excessive length already, at the stage where I was in my presentation, would harm the message and discourage more than one reader. It was about sharing my experience with the aim that everyone finds in their personal experience, the ideological conditioning of which they have been victims in teaching and through communication in all these forms. I would therefore stick here to the conclusion, to the message that I wanted to deliver, namely that the term cold war is itself a very strong ideological language tool on which American supremacist and imperialist propaganda essentially rests: In reality it there is no Cold War, just as there is no war of hegemonic rivalry between great powers, just as there was no Nazi war for German supremacy or Soviet war for Russian supremacy. The continuation of what is also incorrectly called the Second World War demonstrates this in a thousand and one ways: There has been only one and the same great hegemonic and imperialist war since the end of the 19th century against the rest of the world. world to impose American order and ideological system, culture, way of thinking, products and companies on the rest of the world and make States, peoples, sovereignties and identities disappear. Cold War means rivalry between superpowers on this point and no war against other states and other peoples except with the aim of defeating the other superpower. This is exactly American propaganda. But it does not correspond at all to realities, to facts. The fall of the Berlin Wall, September 11, wars and regime changes, invasions, mass crimes against small peoples should be enough to convince us of all this. The true history of colonization of peoples, in particular of Russia and China and the efforts of post-Soviet Russia to obtain the restoration by the USA of respect for peace and the international world order materialized mainly by the UN Charters and the reaction of the USA should convince us of this. The USA used the Soviets, like the Nazis, as later the powers it supposedly defeated or rescued (Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy etc.) and all those who sit on the Security Council and obey it to impose its law, guarantee impunity and finally completely undermine the international order of which it was apparently one of the essential promoters, if not the main one and established itself as a policeman of the world to better transgress the rules, impose its interests and achieve its hegemony. So there were no wars but there was a hegemonic war by the United States. against the rest of the world that it is the only one to lead and not a war of hegemonic rivalry. Superpowers such as Russia, China and India do not aspire to hegemonism but to total liberation of themselves and other peoples because they aspire to reestablish the international order that nations have chosen, the sovereignty of States, respect for the identities of peoples, respect for the multiplicity of values, cultures, and civilizations, including their own in particular. The world war is a war of American aggression and therefore the notion of a cold war is improper. She wants to make people believe the opposite. It is enough for the USA to renounce hegemonism for the war to stop and for true peace to be established. There are not two attackers, or more, there is only one. The notion of the Cold War means exactly the opposite.
Cette croyance de ma part n’est évidemment pas appuyé sur des connaissances militaires mais uniquement sur un raisonnement qui peut s’avérer faux. L’appel de Fidel Castro dans tous les cas reste entièrement valide et la nécessité absolue : Rien ne dit que les USA n’auront pas dans l’avenir, si ce n’est dans le présent, de quoi éviter la neutralisation de leurs armes et une telle situation de pouvoir et un tel potentiel de destruction et de chantage sur les peuples qui n’aurait jamais dû être rendu possible, ne doit plus pouvoir se reproduire, ce qui impose une mobilisation active de tout être humain pour arriver à ce résultat. Le point essentiel pour savoir que faire est d’ analyser ce qui a permis que cette situation arrive et pour moi la réponse est claire et met tout être humain face à lui-même : Tout ceci est l’aboutissement d’une conception fausse du réel et de la place de l’être humain dans le monde du vivant, et pas seulement dans les relations intra-humaine suprémaciste. Elle est arrivée à son apogée avec le nihilisme matérialiste qui a réduit le contenu et la valeur de la vie au maximum de ce que la conscience et la perception peuvent admettre.
This belief on my part is obviously not based on military knowledge but only on reasoning which may turn out to be false. Fidel Castro's call in all cases remains entirely valid and the absolute necessity: Nothing says that the USA will not have in the future, if not in the present, enough to avoid the neutralization of its weapons and such a situation of power and such potential for destruction and blackmail on peoples which should never have been made possible, must no longer be able to happen again, which requires the active mobilization of every human being to achieve this result. . The essential point to know what to do is to analyze what allowed this situation to happen and for me the answer is clear and puts every human being face to face with themselves: All this is the result of a false conception of reality and the place of the human being in the living world, and not only in supremacist intra-human relations. It reached its peak with materialist nihilism which reduced the content and value of life to the maximum of what consciousness and perception can admit.
Most will consider me crazy or an inveterate optimist. They probably have every reason. However, I am convinced that if Russia (and others) have accepted confrontation this time, this means that the question of total war has found an absolutely reliable answer. These powers are not governed by hegemonists and psychopaths, followers of globalism in one version or another. They defend the sovereignty of nations and therefore the key and conditional and pioneering element of freedom. They defend nations and not just their nations and have acted with patience, endurance, moderation and method in the face of an enemy that they know better than anyone, particularly in its destructive capabilities.
Большинство сочтет меня сумасшедшим или заядлым оптимистом. Вероятно, у них есть все основания. Однако я убежден, что если Россия (и другие) на этот раз пошли на конфронтацию, то это означает, что вопрос тотальной войны нашел абсолютно надежный ответ. Этими державами управляют не гегемонисты и психопаты, последователи глобализма в той или иной версии. Они защищают суверенитет наций и, следовательно, ключевой, условный и новаторский элемент свободы. Они защищают нации, и не только свои нации, и действовали терпеливо, выносливо, умеренно и методично перед лицом врага, которого они знают лучше, чем кто-либо другой, особенно его разрушительные возможности.
"In a Nuclear War the Collateral Damage would be the Life of All Humanity."
Sadly, there's some demented misanthropes who are hoping for such an outcome. Maybe, that's why the ghouls are obsessed with robotics and transhumanism
Definitely NOT. Was an Intercessor during Exorcism...People most certainly do CHOOSE demons and they're not certain when doing so...Which is to be 'demonized.' They also choose to worship Demons necessitating evil as that's necessary to be of the Demonic.
There are also Psychopaths and Sociopaths and all are slightly different.
Exactly what human human being do you believe finds joy in 'Human Sacrifice' mandating beating and raping newborn babies and children so the baby produces Adrenochrome they drink the blood to consume...And, eat or grind-up to bottle in Wine Bottles to traffick with the actual wine from a Vineyard? 'Human Sacrifice' including Cannibalism is skyrocketing and it hasn't been practiced in millennia. THAT IS NOT PSYCHOPATHY.
What do you believe is controlling this world right now...To Mass Murder, sterilize and enslave all humanity?
Forget it; you're either atheist or a troll of trolls who belong to the demonic; so I'll pray for you because as Jesus on the cross said, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." This is sad because you don't know what you write.
What rights do humans have to destroy life? And not just humans! Animals, plants, mountains and rivers, and end the majesty of sunrise or the waxing and waning moon? How offensive to God it must be to consider this destruction!
First and foremost let us remember that Old Fidel was a ruthless, Godless, murdering Thug of a dictator....who amassed a fortune off the backs of Cubans and the third world. Second.... nuclear war "bad" and is a dead end as a strategy! Wow....knock me over with a feather! The only insightful thing of the whole interview was his acknowledging how there is a US lead cabal hellbent on domination and how the use of nukes is part of the lexicon. He knew then (and probably since the 1960s) this fact - while, we in the west are just coming to terms with this nightmare. And yet we are allowing the same psychopaths leading us to war in Ukraine/ME. Seems to me that we need to dial back the aggressive tendencies that we find ourselves currently experiencing and get back to basics....God, Family and Country. That, and working with others realizing not every demand is possible - that even the US has limits. A strong America with such a posture will survive the "bad times" that are about to be unleashed upon the global stage. Unfortunately, those in power have a different view. Hold on's going to get very turbulent soon. Pax
Not only is your characterization accurate about Fidel, the Enlightened Western Establishment as the outgrowth of the ancient Black Noblity now known as The City of London and Crown Corporation centered in London and Switzerland...But, also within the hearts of all the Minions; both Elected and Deep State Sycophants of the west including D.C., Beijing and NYC, Corporatists, Philanthropaths and their NGO's, etc., etc., etc.
This is NOT simply a western infection; THIS IS A UNIVERSAL NETWORK OUT OF HELL. It will require the world's population to rise in opposition concurrently; TO REFUSE TO OBEY AND TO DESTROY ALL THEY'VE BUILT BACK BETTER.
Yeah....unfortunately you are correct about how our so-called "leaders" are just shades of Castro. Which says a lot about us. With regards to the US using nukes against Japan....this is a tough one and I am inclined to agree (based upon what we know thus far) that it did save lives on both sides (this based upon the resistance to the march on Japan). That said, I am soooo thankful that this was not a decision that I had to make. Nonetheless, today.... NFW as they are simply a death sentence for every last person on the planet. With this backdrop...I'll take it one step further...the bombing of civilian centers during the latter stages of WWII were a crime against humanity as they served no military purpose. They did not break the will of people to fight and were just a fancy form of eugenics designed to subjugate the conquered peoples. Thoughts? Pax.
Dear Mr. Chossudovsky, I had begun to write long preliminary developments on the genesis of my awareness of the true position of the world superpowers and the reality of the world order which was imposed by the United States in rest of the world almost completely. This text has been erased. I decided not to rewrite it for the moment, realizing that its excessive length already, at the stage where I was in my presentation, would harm the message and discourage more than one reader. It was about sharing my experience with the aim that everyone finds in their personal experience, the ideological conditioning of which they have been victims in teaching and through communication in all these forms. I would therefore stick here to the conclusion, to the message that I wanted to deliver, namely that the term cold war is itself a very strong ideological language tool on which American supremacist and imperialist propaganda essentially rests: In reality it there is no Cold War, just as there is no war of hegemonic rivalry between great powers, just as there was no Nazi war for German supremacy or Soviet war for Russian supremacy. The continuation of what is also incorrectly called the Second World War demonstrates this in a thousand and one ways: There has been only one and the same great hegemonic and imperialist war since the end of the 19th century against the rest of the world. world to impose American order and ideological system, culture, way of thinking, products and companies on the rest of the world and make States, peoples, sovereignties and identities disappear. Cold War means rivalry between superpowers on this point and no war against other states and other peoples except with the aim of defeating the other superpower. This is exactly American propaganda. But it does not correspond at all to realities, to facts. The fall of the Berlin Wall, September 11, wars and regime changes, invasions, mass crimes against small peoples should be enough to convince us of all this. The true history of colonization of peoples, in particular of Russia and China and the efforts of post-Soviet Russia to obtain the restoration by the USA of respect for peace and the international world order materialized mainly by the UN Charters and the reaction of the USA should convince us of this. The USA used the Soviets, like the Nazis, as later the powers it supposedly defeated or rescued (Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy etc.) and all those who sit on the Security Council and obey it to impose its law, guarantee impunity and finally completely undermine the international order of which it was apparently one of the essential promoters, if not the main one and established itself as a policeman of the world to better transgress the rules, impose its interests and achieve its hegemony. So there were no wars but there was a hegemonic war by the United States. against the rest of the world that it is the only one to lead and not a war of hegemonic rivalry. Superpowers such as Russia, China and India do not aspire to hegemonism but to total liberation of themselves and other peoples because they aspire to reestablish the international order that nations have chosen, the sovereignty of States, respect for the identities of peoples, respect for the multiplicity of values, cultures, and civilizations, including their own in particular. The world war is a war of American aggression and therefore the notion of a cold war is improper. She wants to make people believe the opposite. It is enough for the USA to renounce hegemonism for the war to stop and for true peace to be established. There are not two attackers, or more, there is only one. The notion of the Cold War means exactly the opposite.
Cette croyance de ma part n’est évidemment pas appuyé sur des connaissances militaires mais uniquement sur un raisonnement qui peut s’avérer faux. L’appel de Fidel Castro dans tous les cas reste entièrement valide et la nécessité absolue : Rien ne dit que les USA n’auront pas dans l’avenir, si ce n’est dans le présent, de quoi éviter la neutralisation de leurs armes et une telle situation de pouvoir et un tel potentiel de destruction et de chantage sur les peuples qui n’aurait jamais dû être rendu possible, ne doit plus pouvoir se reproduire, ce qui impose une mobilisation active de tout être humain pour arriver à ce résultat. Le point essentiel pour savoir que faire est d’ analyser ce qui a permis que cette situation arrive et pour moi la réponse est claire et met tout être humain face à lui-même : Tout ceci est l’aboutissement d’une conception fausse du réel et de la place de l’être humain dans le monde du vivant, et pas seulement dans les relations intra-humaine suprémaciste. Elle est arrivée à son apogée avec le nihilisme matérialiste qui a réduit le contenu et la valeur de la vie au maximum de ce que la conscience et la perception peuvent admettre.
This belief on my part is obviously not based on military knowledge but only on reasoning which may turn out to be false. Fidel Castro's call in all cases remains entirely valid and the absolute necessity: Nothing says that the USA will not have in the future, if not in the present, enough to avoid the neutralization of its weapons and such a situation of power and such potential for destruction and blackmail on peoples which should never have been made possible, must no longer be able to happen again, which requires the active mobilization of every human being to achieve this result. . The essential point to know what to do is to analyze what allowed this situation to happen and for me the answer is clear and puts every human being face to face with themselves: All this is the result of a false conception of reality and the place of the human being in the living world, and not only in supremacist intra-human relations. It reached its peak with materialist nihilism which reduced the content and value of life to the maximum of what consciousness and perception can admit.
Most will consider me crazy or an inveterate optimist. They probably have every reason. However, I am convinced that if Russia (and others) have accepted confrontation this time, this means that the question of total war has found an absolutely reliable answer. These powers are not governed by hegemonists and psychopaths, followers of globalism in one version or another. They defend the sovereignty of nations and therefore the key and conditional and pioneering element of freedom. They defend nations and not just their nations and have acted with patience, endurance, moderation and method in the face of an enemy that they know better than anyone, particularly in its destructive capabilities.
Большинство сочтет меня сумасшедшим или заядлым оптимистом. Вероятно, у них есть все основания. Однако я убежден, что если Россия (и другие) на этот раз пошли на конфронтацию, то это означает, что вопрос тотальной войны нашел абсолютно надежный ответ. Этими державами управляют не гегемонисты и психопаты, последователи глобализма в той или иной версии. Они защищают суверенитет наций и, следовательно, ключевой, условный и новаторский элемент свободы. Они защищают нации, и не только свои нации, и действовали терпеливо, выносливо, умеренно и методично перед лицом врага, которого они знают лучше, чем кто-либо другой, особенно его разрушительные возможности.
"In a Nuclear War the Collateral Damage would be the Life of All Humanity."
Sadly, there's some demented misanthropes who are hoping for such an outcome. Maybe, that's why the ghouls are obsessed with robotics and transhumanism
No...Obsessed with immortality and soul dying to go to hell with the Demons they host originally coming from hell.
Demons aren't human, in fact they despise humanity so they would desire a thorough "house cleaning."
Demons are hiding in human bodies...
They prowl through the world for the ruin of souls.
Demons? Maybe, just psychopaths.
Definitely NOT. Was an Intercessor during Exorcism...People most certainly do CHOOSE demons and they're not certain when doing so...Which is to be 'demonized.' They also choose to worship Demons necessitating evil as that's necessary to be of the Demonic.
There are also Psychopaths and Sociopaths and all are slightly different.
Exactly what human human being do you believe finds joy in 'Human Sacrifice' mandating beating and raping newborn babies and children so the baby produces Adrenochrome they drink the blood to consume...And, eat or grind-up to bottle in Wine Bottles to traffick with the actual wine from a Vineyard? 'Human Sacrifice' including Cannibalism is skyrocketing and it hasn't been practiced in millennia. THAT IS NOT PSYCHOPATHY.
What do you believe is controlling this world right now...To Mass Murder, sterilize and enslave all humanity?
Forget it; you're either atheist or a troll of trolls who belong to the demonic; so I'll pray for you because as Jesus on the cross said, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." This is sad because you don't know what you write.
"We are the Crossroads of the Most Serious Crisis in World History"
As prophesied
What rights do humans have to destroy life? And not just humans! Animals, plants, mountains and rivers, and end the majesty of sunrise or the waxing and waning moon? How offensive to God it must be to consider this destruction!
First and foremost let us remember that Old Fidel was a ruthless, Godless, murdering Thug of a dictator....who amassed a fortune off the backs of Cubans and the third world. Second.... nuclear war "bad" and is a dead end as a strategy! Wow....knock me over with a feather! The only insightful thing of the whole interview was his acknowledging how there is a US lead cabal hellbent on domination and how the use of nukes is part of the lexicon. He knew then (and probably since the 1960s) this fact - while, we in the west are just coming to terms with this nightmare. And yet we are allowing the same psychopaths leading us to war in Ukraine/ME. Seems to me that we need to dial back the aggressive tendencies that we find ourselves currently experiencing and get back to basics....God, Family and Country. That, and working with others realizing not every demand is possible - that even the US has limits. A strong America with such a posture will survive the "bad times" that are about to be unleashed upon the global stage. Unfortunately, those in power have a different view. Hold on's going to get very turbulent soon. Pax
Not only is your characterization accurate about Fidel, the Enlightened Western Establishment as the outgrowth of the ancient Black Noblity now known as The City of London and Crown Corporation centered in London and Switzerland...But, also within the hearts of all the Minions; both Elected and Deep State Sycophants of the west including D.C., Beijing and NYC, Corporatists, Philanthropaths and their NGO's, etc., etc., etc.
This is NOT simply a western infection; THIS IS A UNIVERSAL NETWORK OUT OF HELL. It will require the world's population to rise in opposition concurrently; TO REFUSE TO OBEY AND TO DESTROY ALL THEY'VE BUILT BACK BETTER.
Your characterization of Castro is accurate but applicable as well to our "enlightened Western "leaders".Probably moreso.
Forgot to add that our is the first and only nation to use nukes on ............
Yeah....unfortunately you are correct about how our so-called "leaders" are just shades of Castro. Which says a lot about us. With regards to the US using nukes against Japan....this is a tough one and I am inclined to agree (based upon what we know thus far) that it did save lives on both sides (this based upon the resistance to the march on Japan). That said, I am soooo thankful that this was not a decision that I had to make. Nonetheless, today.... NFW as they are simply a death sentence for every last person on the planet. With this backdrop...I'll take it one step further...the bombing of civilian centers during the latter stages of WWII were a crime against humanity as they served no military purpose. They did not break the will of people to fight and were just a fancy form of eugenics designed to subjugate the conquered peoples. Thoughts? Pax.
France, UK, & Germany don't have the juice to eliminate the Houth's let alone Russia.