Victoria Nuland!

I was suspicious when she resigned... now I am absolutely sure.

This the second Terrorist Attack by the US Government against Russia after Nord Stream.

Behind it is the Biden Obama Clinton Rockefeller Mafia.

They are also behind the war... fueled by both Bidens.

It should have been Clintons war... but she lost to DT.

So they rigged the selection... brought in Pedo Joe.

They want to provoke the world into WW3.

These people are beyond Insane.

These people are criminals and highly dangerous... they must be stopped.


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Victoria Nuland for sure.

Whoops I did it again. I bombed some more stuff, got lost in the plan. oh baby, baby.

https://gregreese.substack.com/p/terrorist-attack-on-russia-has-usa?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=2xi5ez - 4:37 minutes.

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I always appreciate the excellent analysis at this substack. I did run across a substack note - and I wish I could remember the source, but I can't - stating that the writer has seen commentary on Telegram that the doors of the concert hall had been locked, to prevent people from getting out. I might ordinarily dismiss this as part of the random chatter that results from an event like this, but cannot, because of the similarity to the Lahaina events, where those trying to escape were prevented from doing so. When I consider geopolitical trajectories, I follow the discipline of looking at the consequences that flow from events, and tend to ignore pronouncements by public figures about their intent. Using this approach, I have been unable to dismiss the possibility that Putin is very much on board with walking the world toward the kinetic part of WWIII. If that were the case, there would be nothing in his statements or his behavior that would prove me wrong. He has taken on the role of moral authority because he can, and because it is too his advantage, not because he actually possesses moral authority. Consider Chechnya. Putin is thoroughly familiar with the utilization of false flag operations. I always revert to the football example - yes, the teams are really fighting each other to win, but they are part of the same overall system that is telling them to fight, because that is what the system - be it the NFL or the WEF, demands. I wish it were otherwise.

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Islamic nothing

It was mossad the usual suspects.

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Israeli State Intelligence Service?

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Mental gymnastics to hide that Israel is ISIS' creator and controller.

No rambling or academic fluff can distract the world anymore.

We see what Israel is doing in Palestine.

The Goyim know

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I’m leaning more and more towards the idea that Yahweh is an evil fallen war lord.

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Since the U.S. government and "al CIAduh(!) are clearly responsible for this attack in Russia, it looks to me like they are again seeking to provoke Putin/Russia into taking military action(s) against the West in response, so "conveniently" soon after Putin declared Russia's redline, doubtfully coincidence, in order for the U.S. and its allies to "justify" launching W.W.4 against Russia (the neoliberals in the U.S. believe that the Cold War was W.W.3). I would say I hope Putin doesn't fall for it; but, since he is a "Young Global 'Leaders'" graduate of global government enslavement, a modern-day Nazi Youth organization, if his fellow-global(ist)-dictators are determined to unleash W.W.4, which it appears they are, he will undoubtedly be more than willing to bring it about. And he will be the willing fallguy for it.

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One thing I really don't get about the WEF, the neocons, the uni-party and everyone else "itching for a fight" is how they figure they will survive? If things go kinetic with Russia - don't they understand that there will be a nuclear exchange that will wipe out most of the West? Conceptually parts of Africa and South America will survive (barely) BUT the places where the above live will be gone (along with themselves). OK...these dopes want world domination and a slave state to rule over - I get it....but this obliterating your habitat is pretty dumb - it kills the desired outcome (LOL). Can anyone explain what these idiots are thinking....how they think that they can succeed? Pax

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They don't have to carry out full-fledged nuclear war. They can just use smaller nukes on eachother's countries and destroy eachother that way, among other bombing strategies, thus taking out less territory causing widespread nuclear devastation and fallout, though it would of course still clearly effect most of the world's people (as if we don't have enough nuclear contamination globally, what with Fukushima still melting down and contaminating far and wide).

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A nuclear exchange does not work that way....it is binary... all or nothing. Conceptually it can start as tactical but will quickly escalate to a full exchange. No winners

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It is a legit question. Their motives suggest they are anti-human and hate the earth; and that any method to achieve Complete Chaos is worth it.

As for their own survival, some have been building bunkers and buying mega yachts for a decade or more.

An unsubstantiated rumour is that Malta, original home to the Knights of Malta, has secured a few years of 'survival supplies'.

Then there are the Seed Banks.

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All of there preps will be for naught and will only be temporary. The ecosystem after such an exchange will not come back for decades. Earth will be a baren, mostly frozen wasteland. Any survivors will have a bleak outlook and I don't know how they plan to repopulate the earth. In prophecy it is said that the living will envy the dead. Pax

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It doesn't bode well, does it?

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Mar 28
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Ohhhh I’m well aware of what the WEF et al are up too… methinks all of this has its roots in eugenics and the desire to play God. Both of which are evil and demonic…and quite frankly has been going on since Adam. Nonetheless, given the technology available to use the outcomes will be worse and the results the same (think mass extinction event). Pax

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"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing."

Anyone but Ukraine...right?

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ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service


After I saw the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb1O-6QyJNM I would rule out US fingerprints. (Use auto-translate option if necessary.)

"I think most of you already know that the Russian population is relatively war-weary, and most people are beginning to understand that the war against Ukraine is actually a war against the white race.

That means that the collective Jew started a war there to destroy the white race, and there are now a lot of opponents of the war in Russia, and of course they had to, or of course want to, prolong this war.

And through this very attack, the secret service ensured that real war hysteria broke out in Russia again."

More in my blog: https://coronistan.blogspot.com/2024/03/mit-lieben-gruen-aus-israhell.html

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Hmmm, so it’s okay for Russia to fight back against Islamist terror after this horrendous massacre, but not for Israel to fight back after the 7th October massacre…double standards…

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I found what I believe was the source of my comment below. Please find additional footage at this link, for anyone interested: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/a-very-curious-crocus-video?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=520963&post_id=142945531&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=ocg1u&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Slavsquat is a writer worth supporting, in my opinion. I hope this post helps him.

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