Russia didn;'t save us from Germany but we saved part of German and perhaps some of Europe from Russia. Like senator Truman said early on if Russia is winning we are for German and if Germany is winning we are for Russia.

The aim may have been to save Russia from Germany using our new nuclear weapons to dominate Russia once they were available . In any case the war ever since WWI and the communist revolution was to stop that including forces in Russia attempting to interfere in the revolution.

So we lost Eastern Europe and China as a consequence of WWII. Attempting do overs in this century is foolhardy and panic stricken western civilization might have to share with others on this planet and learn to play fair at last. World kindergarten style..

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Thank you for sharing this informed article. I just wanted to mention that Putin also is a member of the wef agenda, he is playing his part. They are ALL in on it.

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the russia angle is in my view, simply to push more division. it is evident there is a disconnect between our nations and for many years I just assumed it was language and land barrier reasoning but yes, he is a weffer.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Wars and pandemics are effective ways to reduce the human population.


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The Trump vs Harris election has most Americans distracted from the real story, this undeclared war by the West against Russia (China next to be attacked). Even if they read this article, it won't register with them, because they're wrapped up in the phony election. They don't even care that both candidates support this war as well as the Israeli war against the whole Arab/Persians.

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Unless the SMO "not war" wasn't a globalist stunt to militarily test weapons and surveillance equipment while enriching the usual deep pocketed plutocrats in the West and the East, then there's "no" reason for the Russians to have suffered 500,000 casualties.

In the first couple of months back in 2022 Putin should have demonstrated he meant business rather than allowing pyscho bullies to become increasingly more brazen.

Gently tiptoeing around with bloodthirsty neocons only emboldens them. And ironically may lead to nuclear war.

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World war 3 meaning what... Oh right, just like the cold war.

You think the powers that be would allow nukes to be used?

Read Fletcher Prouty... He made a great point that after the nuclear bombs were used, they changed war into where there's no winners or losers, wars of attrition.

That's the Ukraine and Russia.... Endless bs war that never ends.

Putin is such a dummy to sign a treaty that was secret... If it's secret how the fk do you enforce it?

It's all for show.

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What a piece of trash! Amazing piece with all arguments turned on its head. This is not a "conflict" it's an outright military invasion. In fact we are experiencing an unfinished episode of WW2. Two fascist powers that started all of this. Back in 1939. One of them is gone, the other changed sides - temporarily - and now it's time for the world to get rid of remaining one. It won't be easy, but I'm confident it will be done.

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Every politician who has funded this war scam should be hung for treason.

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11 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

When the USA Congress applauded the funding approved many months ago it was “the tell” that there is more going on here than what they are telling us.

Everything is either about oil or China.

Globalists/China is obsessed with the world dumping oil and switching to green economy/products that only benefits China!! Getting rid of Putin and putting a new WEF leader in means they can shut down Russian oil with any excuse and drive the price of oil right up.

People will be forced off oil due to market prices and thus unwillingly buy China EVs/batteries that they are manufacturing right now in Mexico. Getting rid of Putin is a win/win for China!!!

We are fighting a war for China and no one is talking about it. Xi is playing everyone including Putin.

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Who still believes in Putin's red lines !

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and we have Trudeau basically calling for WWWIII by saying Canada is okay to send in missiles. Would that be so there can not be another election.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

If you believe Pierre Pollievre will be any different I have some modified mRNA Gene Therapy platform injections to sell you.



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Really Angie, did I say that PP is the saviour, don't think so. Why don't you take the MRNA and shove it up your butt.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago


No thanks. I lost my job, benefits, half my pension, was violently assaulted, permanently injured, handcuffed, placed in a police van and am harrassed constantly by police, CSIS and Canada Post for my refusal to comply with illegal Covid-19 biofascism when no provincial or federal government mandates were in effect on August 17th, 2022. I have never been charged with a crime but I laid multiple criminal charges against my boss and police in the Provincial Court of Vancouver.


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I am sorry that you have gone through all that. It definitely is not right and there is a lot of shit going on that is not right. There was no reason for you to jump down my throat. I do not believe that anyone in government will save us. I did not take the bio weapon and new it was one from the very beginning.

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Fair enough and thanks for your compassion.

Good for you for not complying with tyranny.

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Thanks for these takeaways on NATO's invasion of Russia.

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"Has President Putin’s Patience Reached Its Limits?"

Putin is part of the game, if not in the center of the plan to destroy all those, who are not God's chosen psychopaths.


"World is Trapped in a Satanic Jewish Solipsism

Zionists in Ukraine and Israel are provoking a world war. They continue to ignore Russia's warnings.

The essence of Jewish Cabalism is the solipsistic belief that they can impose a self-serving reality on humanity simply by repeating the same lies over and over. They are banning the Truth and jailing truth-tellers accusing them of lying! Put another way, Cabalist Jews and Freemasons have not only institutionized lying (i.e. gaslighting,) it is their primary strategy.

Zionists have ensnared humanity in a genocidal death struggle. Clearly their aim is to subjugate their neighbors. But it doesn't end there. Their genocidal agenda applies to humanity in general. As Maurice Samuel wrote, "We are Destroyers. We want the world to ourselves." (You Gentiles, p. 155) See "vaccines," migrants, gender dysphoria. "

— Henry Makow - https://henrymakow.com/2024/09/sept-19---the-west-is-trapped-.html

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Bingo. It’s why I no longer vote as you’re always voting for a Jew World Order zionist be it left or right as your chosen candidate. It amazes me how many people have figured out the CONvid jew juice injections is a democide agenda yet they still want to cast their vote for their mass murdering candidate. If the fake vaccine deaths and injuries was an accident you would have seen the product quickly pulled from the market but it hasn’t. That’s tells you all you need to know. You still to this day have not heard Trump, Biden, nor Harris condemn the injections for one reason and that is they all are in on it. No politician is going to save this nation from intentional destruction and it is quickly becoming the welfare state where dumb ass whites have been conned and indoctrinated into believing they should be exterminated and willingly even accept this fate! All while these kikes sit back and laugh their asses off. They had me snowed for a long time but no more. I figured out the enemy of humanity and it’s a jewish central banker with their various other cohorts. Glad to see others are figuring it out like you. If only more would get on board as this is why the house of non representatives recently passed the anti semitism legislation that I believe sits with the senate currently. They know people are figuring it out and want prison sentences when you start to call them out online.

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Putin has been trying to avoid war with the morth Atlantic terrorists.they keep pushing for war however.the question is why?Russia has done nothing to cause this scenario.

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