WHO is behind the curtains?

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No, Putin had Navalny killed. Why are pro-Russians celebrating his death?

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The WEF Grifters destroyed the Economy of the Ukraine, and attempted the same in the Federation of Russia. They've failed.

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Alexei A. Navalny isn't really dead. The world where the millionaires fake their deaths is on. And the way to Vladimir Putin the man that is at fault again, that is their way: blame the man that wasn't even knowing the CIA and Western Intelligence Services know how to fake a man's death from covid-19, meaning Robert David Steele too isn't dead. Nor was the Wagner Group's Yevgeny Prigozhin really murdered. Pure theater. And I am a psychic medium working everyday to really right these injustices. Try to listen to me.

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Another depraved propaganda ploy by the national security state to extract billions in middle-class tax dollars for Ukraine.

How much blood needs to be drained from bodies in Ukraine and Russia to satisfy a voracious arms industry whose ghouls desire extravagant mansions in Virginia and Maryland.

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Yes, yes....I'm "so extreme" Why am I visualizing Percy Dovetonsils here.....

"...unaddressed trauma talking". oh, fer ch's sake, gimme a break.

I really enjoyed your stream of detailed quasi-erudite hogpucky, tho. Especially the hilarious "obscene childhood vaccines schedules obviously tipping a whole lot of children over the edge into autism"


Or, maybe, the saturation of their childhood environments with plastics (PFAWs etc., ad inf) and

pesti/herbicides might be a strong possibility. Including the miracle of Monsanto's Roundup.....might be a factor. Nah - it those "Liberal" vaccines.

Thanks for the laughs. They really help out here in the "extremities".

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Sudden Death Syndrome aka mRNA gene therapy.

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Navalny was NOT Putin's political rival. He had between 2 and 4 per cent support among the electorate. Putin's ACTUAL political rival is the Communist Party. Please state the facts.

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The two most vilified people on the face of the earth are Trump and Putin.

Why? Because they are the last two existential threats to the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy finally achieving their quest for a One-World NWO Global Technocracy, where all of humanity must obey the UN-WEF SDG/ESG/DEI dictates, that will be enforced globally by NATO.

Trump’s “America First MAGA Patriot” movement is fighting to preserve the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, and to preserve the US Constitution that guarantees and protects Personal Liberty, Personal Rights, and especially the Personal Right to Own Property.

Putin also is fighting to preserve Russia’s independence as a sovereign nation-state.

Putin and Xi Jinping’s BRICS+ is intended as a coalition of independent sovereign nation-states that are competing with the British-Western Globalist Fascist Oligarchy for control over how the United Nations will be governed.

Both Putin and Xi Jinping are adherents of, and proponents of, the UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development Goals, but to be implemented nationally, not globally.

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"Bourgeois?" Who're you - Leadbelly?

I grew up poor. In Shipyard shacks with coal stoves in the living rooms. 3 yrs in the army. 35 yrs as a contractor, remodeler, designer, cabinetmaker, furniture designer. While I was doing that, picked up a couple of P B Kappa university degrees. WTF have you done.

Bourgeois? R U effing kidding me?.

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That's so SADS... A we sure there's not a way to activate the self-assembling Nano structures, in the Graphene Hydrogel in the shots - by satellites passing overhead? Early reports from RT are pointing to a BLOOD CLOT.

It feels like Ukraine's Military Collapse and unsuccessful defense of Avdeevka, has at least ONE confirmed Russian Kill.

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It seems incredible to me that at this point your have not realized that the Russian government is complicit with Western governments. They have the same agenda (the 2030 agenda). Russian leaders have imposed genocidal vaccination on their servants in the same way as Western governments. The war in Ukraine is a farce intended to exterminate Russians and Ukrainians to establish the new Khazaria in that region. Putin could have won the war in two days but he didn't because he is the Victoria Nuland's puppet. Navalny, who rightly denounced Khazarian corruption in Russia, may have tried to find an ally in the CIA. He was certainly wrong because the CIA's true ally is Putin, a traitor to his country and a freemason. The only thing the BRICS group seeks is to turn the UN into the new world government determined to drastically reduce the world population through vaccines. China, India, Russia and the United States are the same. The cabalistic satanic dictatorship of the great reset.

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Ok prove it.

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Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is wondering What All this Fuss is About ??? a death in Russia and not those in the USSA???

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Putin is near "pulling the plug" on the biggest nuclear complex in the world - and poisoning a huge swath of Easten Europe - and even Turkey. But of course, that will also be a "False Flag" operation committed covertly by the "Evil Thugs in the West". Turning Ukraine into a dead, ruined, radioactive pile of rubble.... THAT is the secret plan of the wicked cabal in The West. Putin just "wants us all to get along". Including the murderous African thugs propped up by The Wagner Group. If we'd just stop threatening and beating up on Vlad, all this would stop. Really it would. We just have to stop all these "false flag" intrigues.......

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"Some lives are More Important than other Lives" Comrades. It has become a Fast Check to Know by the spoutings of Hilarity Rotten Clintoon where the odiferous smell of sulpher is coming from.

I suppose Putin just decided to Blow Up another Pipeline to Satisfy his Insane Russia First Agenda.

I'm sure he consulted with President Trump, as America First is the Target of the ProgreSSive USSA Puppets.

Of course, no one ever died under mysterious circumstances here in the USSA !!!

Foreign Devils are Used to Distract the Sheeples from the Domestic Devils.

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{...Foreign Devils are Used to Distract the Sheeples from the Domestic Devils...}

B I N G O !!!👍👍

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The "odoriferous smell of sulphur" is coming from Trump's a**

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and judging from your picture you're a retired JoBama Bolshevik comfy on your GrubMint stipend.

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Ray McGovern says there is evidence Navalny was an agent of MI5. He's seen evidence of Navalny's top aide talking to a known intelligence officer.

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