There was never a virus, and never will be, and of course no pandemic.

It's one of the biggest scams and crimes of all times.

Watch the videos of Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Stefan Lanka…

For me it's still unbelievable that 99 percent of the people don't get it, and still talk about bs like the origin of the virus etc.

The WHO pandemic treaty is only possible because nearly all media and political whores support the virus lie.

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Go to Dr. Sam Baileys website and see even more evidence for the virus fraud, Jack.

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Dr. Amandha Vollmer is another one…

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I thought I understood the article to say the "new" virus was/is essentially a hoax utilizing the original 2003 Sars virus as a proxy of sorts and that the cases are simply the old virus that is not overly concerning. Perhaps I'm not getting the gist of the article?? I agree with your position that 99% of the people don't get it. Also, there's been serious, scientific studies lately (Cockrane (sp?) Report) that proves there is little to no benefit of wearing a mask yet mindless sheep are once again walking around with them on and the health dept. even suggests taking it as an added measure of protection. To top it off, here in NY State the governor just enacted a law whereby they can take you right out of your house and put you in a quarantine camp with literally no proof you're ill whatsoever. I can see that being used as a weapon to clear out Conservatives...primarily critical thinker, freedom lovers.

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I have no idea why the author is talking about a new virus instead of viruses in general. Either he has no idea, or he doesn't really have the courage yet, like so many in the so-called enlightenment scene. This behavior just annoys me.

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not sure your comment makes any sense. seems pretty clear to me the "new" virus is most likely the old virus.

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You're right. It's the same old, very dangerous virus of ignorance, stupidity, greed and angst.

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@Mystic William There groups of people telling us emphatically “the existence of viruses is a lie”. Then I have seen the claim is extended to bacteria.

The following are facts: COVID-19 is a PLANDEMIC operation, the virus is used BY THE GLOBALISTS to instill fear and panic among the global population, while the “outbreak” in major cities were results of spreading toxins (spike proteins) in lipid nanoparticles (LNP) and graphene oxides in conjunction with EMF radiation introduced by 5G cellular networks. Anthony Fauci was the mastermind of corrupting medicine and science in the case of HIV and AIDS, but we need much stronger data to support the claims that “viruses don’t exist”.

What are the agents causing measles, chickenpox, influenza, hepatitis B, if NOT by viruses? They are highly infectious. No bacteria have been found to cause them. Don’t tell me they are caused by EMF radiation.

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Went to a wedding and we all came down with "something" a few days later.

It can't possibly have been a virus, so it must have been the dirty electricity in the venue and our bodies getting rid of toxins.

All of us.

All at the same time.

Amazing really.

To think that when I "caught chickenpox", it was just me detoxing.

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How about Measles. Radiation poisoning again? Why measles lifetime immunity that has been known to human societies for hundreds, if not thousands, of years? Can you explain immunity response if it is EMF or detoxification?🤣🤣🤣

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The existence of viruses is doubtful. At the very least upper respiratory ones cannot be proved.

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It figures with Gates and Fauci in cahoots, you can never guess what they will come up with next and hopefully it will be lies upon more lies!

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The ignorant deniers will vax themselves into submission (wait, they already are submissive!) and will die ignoble deaths while entirely confused and clueless.

Real Americans would question this "authority", not become the authority.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I spoke with a friend of mine yesterday who admitted to having had all the shots. He has Long Covid yet claims the shot kept him from getting sick. It boggles the mind how smart people can be so ignorant.

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lost me at .. 99%

like, only 1% agree with you?

c'mon, vax, climate and corruption deniers are front-running for the next US president, what more do you want ?

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If all the 'cases' and 'deaths' from the 'tests' that gave those Phoney Covid Results were actually 100% accurate,then and even then, the daily death rate over a 3 year period from,with,of this so called 'DEADLY PANDEMIC VIRUS' would be a 'WHOPPING' 1 DEATH DAILY FOR EVERY 1.46 MILLION PEOPLE ON EARTH‼‼‼ This is beyond EVIL!!! The NWO is already here and They DID this! Diabolical Intergovernmental Democide!!!

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It could be that you are being blind sided by these people. I believed the narrative they were putting out until I came across Neuroscientist Dr Kevin McCairn who has well and truly debunked their theories.

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I think you mean Kevin McKernan, and he didn't debunk anything. He is blocking scientific debates and making a fortune out of maintaining the narrative of the viral delusion. His motives are of monetary sort wich is truly disgusting after all that's been happening in the last three plus years. A profiteer of fear.

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No I mean Neuroscientist Dr Kevin McCairn PHd. He is one of few I watch. You would do well to take your blind folds off and open your eyes to the damage the likes of the Baileys have done. Have you looked into the money they are making? I bet not

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Have you got any relieable sources to back this up?

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Yes Dr Kevin McCairn. Actually you should be more concerned with Big Pharma forcing biologics (e.g. vaccines, gene therapy) on us. Biotech consultant Christie Grace, Charles Rixey are a two people I watch.

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There are no such things as viruses as agents of disease. If anything they are cellular debris. I consider them exosomes. I worked this out in 2020.


The whole virus mania was a psy-op and have been since viral/germ theory started.


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I wanted to say that Dr. Sam Bailey has shown that there is no scientific evidence that any virus exists. For 75 years we have been frightened by a deadly pathogen called a virus, and yet there is no scientific evidence, no genetic structure mapped, no photo of this Unicorn has ever been seen, the scientific method and Koks postulates were thrown out the window. All we ever see are computer generated images of a spikey thing floating around. They are generated in computer labs, not medical research labs. Like the children's cartoon movies, the characters are animated, not real. Science is never settled, ever! Steven Hawking disproved his own theory by doing what scientists do, question everything. Fauci stated that to question him was to question the science! What an ignorant, and unscientific thing to say. No proof, no virus. The common cold and the seasonal flu disappeared during covid. Were they on hiatus somewhere? Should they be on a milk carton asking have you seen me? Really, where were they all this time? Well, they were all called covid! If any person with serious health problems or are aged, the flu can and is deadly. They did not treat them with the conventional methods, they sent them home until they were so ill that they came back to the hospital and died. Just what they intended to happen! Pure evil and greed.

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"They did not treat them with the conventional methods, they sent them home until they were so ill that they came back to the hospital and died."...

Don't forget, they often put them on a ventilator (another $5K payment from the government I believe it was) which overinflated their lungs and killed them, and/or put them on Remdesvivir (snake poison) which ultimately finished them off. It was the treatment that killed most of them. And the cold/flu et al disappeared because every time they declared something was covid it was something like a $50K bonus from the government!

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You are exactly right my friend! The traditional wisdom and right of doctors has always been the ability to use off patent drugs to treat patients. This time it was the opposite! Many did use Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with amazing results, around 99% survival rates among thousands, but they were delicensed by medical boards for doing what Doctors have always done. Then the CDC et al claimed in an add on national TV that Ivermectin was horse paste, you're not a horse. This about a lateral wonder drug, and Hydroxychloroquine has been used for over a century. Both verry effective and safe when prescribed in the proper dose. It is illogical that the entire medical cartel in unison committed this fraud. People believed the earth was flat because the authorities said it was, not by testing this supposed truth, just because they said so, as well as the fact that if denied publicly, they would be treated as a heretic, then burned. If they said Unicorns were real, they would believe it!

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If she has provided the evidence that there is no such genetic entity of either an RNA or DNA virus then she should publish the material and her materials and methods and then open it up to an examination of the evidence in reference to those in the fields of genetics/epigenetics/molecular biology/microbiology.

If she can demonstrate that Herpes Simplex, Dengue Fever, Rabies, and HPV of multiple strains do not cause the subsequent states of illness that humans suffer from because she believes she can demonstrate that it is something else entirely than she should present the evidence.

If she has demonstrated prowess in the scientific method than the facts should stand in favor of her experimental findings.

But she has to show that she has done the work and not simply ridiculed or picked apart studies of something that she has not conducted. She is willing, like others to make statements devoid of actually understanding the processes of molecular genetics and molecular biology.

As a scientist if I was to provide evidence of something I need to show ,if I'm changing an entire paradigm, why and how by methods employed in a laboratory setting that the prevailing understanding is incorrect.

Show me, don't just tell me.

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Her husband, Dr Mark Bailey has carried out detailed research into the ‘science’ of virology, showing that no virus has ever been isolated from a sick person in the true meaning of isolation. The research is available on Dr Sam Bailey’s website. Similarly, Dr Stefan Lanka (a virologist who realised his field was based on scientific fraud) has carried out experiments using the exact method that virologists use to ‘isolate’ viruses, the difference being he had a control. The exact same response (what they call a cytotoxic storm) occurred in the control as in the cells taken from a ‘sick’ person. Additionally, the onus is on the virologists to prove the existence of viruses, rather than on those who say they don’t exist. So far, historically, no virologist has followed the correct scientific methodology for doing so.

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Actually there is close to a 150 years of detailed and experimental work on the science of microbiology inclusive of virology, bacteriology, parasitology and mycology. There is also the science of genetics and molecular biology which has been used to distinguish humans, animals and other organisms from each other. What these scientists have done is actually the work of scientists by publishing their results and work. These things need to be done, not on a website where arguments are just opinions unless you can actually show your data.

Mark Bailey and Stefan Lanka are free to argue any case they wish-which is NOT how science works -unless substantiated by actual raw data 'they' have assessed and again their methodology can be ascertained as sound.

And just because someone states-"This is Fraud"- The onus is on them to provide evidence of such. Virologists and geneticists have performed the work and provided evidence. What you seem to lack is an understanding as to how science and the scientific method works. Perhaps this will help.

One of the most common misconceptions concerns the so-called “scientific proofs.” Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a scientific proof.

Proofs exist only in mathematics and logic, not in science. Mathematics and logic are both closed, self-contained systems of propositions, whereas science is empirical and deals with nature as it exists. The primary criterion and standard of evaluation of scientific theory is evidence, not proof.


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Right, so taking cells from a sick person, adding all kinds of toxic substances to them, spinning it through a centrifuge and then putting the substance under an electron microscope and calling the debris of the dying cell a ‘virus’ is sound science? Okay mate. Whatever you say. You obviously haven’t looked into the real history of the past 150 years of allopathic medicine. I’d suggest The Viral Delusion doco series for starters. It’s the best $11.99 you’ll ever spend.

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As an almost 30 year homeopathic practitioner with a background in chemistry, organic chemistry, toxicology, spectroscopic methods and microbiology I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong assumption tree. I know full well the negative impact of allopathic medicine.

And instead of taking the word of Lanka or Bailey perhaps you need to acquaint yourself with the varied types of viral RNA/DNA extraction techniques that actually require 'competency' of understanding before you throw out parroted statements that count as 'disbelief' incongruent with actual education, assessment and an understanding/application of the scientific method.

Just because someone says 'That's just not possible because it doesn't make sense to me' is someone demonstrating their love and reveling in ignorance well more than 'So how does that actually work and am I competent enough to understand how that actually works'. Opinion is not science.


Molecular fluorescence spectroscopy is known as one of the most sensitive spectroscopic techniques, being capable of detecting chemical species at very low concentrations. This is an important advantage in the field of viral detection since the viral load in some patients may be minimal. It is also a relatively inexpensive technique compared to other spectroscopic techniques.

And no I do not accept that Sars-Cov-2 exists nor any of it's variants since it has NOT been extracted from a living or dead (autopsic specimen), but we do have assessment of other viral type infections taken from blood and tissue.

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That is a blatant lie! The method used is not science at all. Computers find similar strands and then piece them together with added pieces that do not belong to the chain in the first place, and then show exactly what they were tasked to show. Turning nothing in reality into something in non-reality. If you do not know the process, then you know nothing at all. Do you believe in alchemy as well? This is virology in a nutshell, a fraud!

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If someone believes in Unicorns, and has seen one, does it mean they exist? Do you realize that there is actually a flat earth society! Dr. Bailey actually has a medical degree as does her Husband. They have done the research, and I urge you to go look and listen, then if you do not agree, then criticize her findings in a scientific way, instead of criticizing her for something you apparently know nothing about, then get back to all of us on this site, as we are all looking for more truthful information, not mindless criticism. Are you familiar with Dr. Kerry Mullis? He won the Nobel prize for the PCR test. Does he have any credibility with you? What about Dr. Peter Duisburg, top cancer researcher in the world at the time of AIDS. Does he have any credibility with you? They both were critics of the false HIV-AIDS lies told by the same incredible labs you find so trustworthy. Anyone who has been paying attention these past years already know that regulatory capture is an actual thing, to include the non-credible medical journals. So, mansplain to us all just how one gets their truth published by a rag that sold its soul for the money. I eagerly await your wisdom on these subjects, Jack.

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The negative can't be proven. The onus is on those who claim the positive, the existence. There is no other way. You're turning logic upside down. Guilty unless proven not guilty is what you say. That's hysterical.

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You actually have it quite backwards here. Bailey and company are actually trying to 'prove' without evidence that something does NOT exist. Whereas for over a hundred years the labors of actual in the field, looking into the microscope, assessing the human genome, utilizing advanced testing methodology scientists, are the ones doing the actual work.

In science, ideas that are not supported by evidence are ultimately rejected. And ideas that are protected from testing or are only allowed to be tested by one group with a vested interest in the outcome are not a part of good science. So Bailey and company fit the latter.

Science again is about evidence, NOT proof.

Here's an example for you. I find a dead animal but cannot figure out what kind of animal it is. I then run genetic tests on said animal via blood and tissue to determine backed by a database of accumulated genetic knowledge and find out it was actually a muskrat.

Now you come along and say 'That's no muskrat' ! I ask you to provide the work and evidence that it is not a muskrat and you say well it's because I think your techniques are wrong. You say I think that there is no way that's a muskrat because well "I say so".

And I would ask you, do you even understand the actual process of assessing how I came about making the evidence based decision that it is a muskrat. Well you say " I can't prove a negative". And I would say you're right, so start actually putting some real work in as counter EVIDENCE and cough up the 'positive' goods instead of acting an entitled child and demanding that everything should make sense to you just because it's been explained and shown to you.

Thus I can explain something to you but I cannot understand it for you. If someone is competent in the work they have done and you come along and reject it devoid of understanding the process or procedures or most importantly just flat out reject the evidence on no other basis then "well that cannot possibly be true" then it would make you look like an idiot.

Evidence on both sides matter, not proof. Evidence.

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At least you need a single muskrat to compare your findings. That's the issue.

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Great comment.

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So, you are a blue pill lover, are you? Do you not know that anyone that tries to publish anything, but the official narrative will not be published? The only way to get this information out is by the website, as is true with other truth tellers. Have you been hiding in a cave for the last forty-five years? How can you not know about the HIV AIDS fraud? Dr. Bailey shows the scientific papers from many sources that go back more than a century. She does not have to do the actual research as it has been done. If you do not agree that there is any such Unicorn as a virus, then show me the proof! Not by researching it yourself, because you do not have a Labatory or the training to actually do the work, but by reading the actual proof that there is no scientific evidence that they exist. Do you actually think that the government tells you the truth? If so then you lack the ability for critical thought. You are asking a question that begs a question. Instead of criticizing someone for not doing what they would not be allowed to do in the first place, show me the proof that what she says is not true, especially if you do not believe or even look at the evidence she has shown. Why are you even on this site in the first place?

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I had measles when I was 2 years old. Consequently I have got a lifetime immunity because my immune system is well trained and developed due to that infection. Likewise I had chickenpox before I went to kindergarten. These facts are falsified too?

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No Yang. These are not proof of anything. You got sick. We know people get sick. It is what caused the sickness we don’t know. If you say a virus, we say ‘show us an isolated virus.’ If you can’t we can say ‘bodies shed in different ways. When you are a child going through rapid rapid change the body has to do rapid shedding from time to time. What we call childhood diseases are a combination of natural shedding, weather change detox, sensitive nervous systems being hit with toxic substances, and some diseases that are likely parasites, not viruses.’ And that is more reasonable than believing in things people have not found in 150 years and costing trillions of dollars. THAT is not reasonable.

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I am open to truths supported by solid data and facts. But currently there are many questions must be answered before we can trust “NO VIRUS” is true.

The “no virus camp” now has lots of strange similarities to the “flat earth camp”. Can you show us the evidence that so many virologists and scientists have been making the emperor’s new clothes for many generations across the world?

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Show someone a fully isolated virus. It is simple. I don’t have to disprove Sasquatches. If you are a Sasquatchologist, show me one. There is no way to prove a negative. You can’t prove God doesn’t exist, for example. If you don’t like Cowan and Bailey etc it is super easy to quiet them forever. Show us a virus. If you can’t, after 150 years, then it is reasonable for someone to say ‘virology is Sasquatchology’.

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Well, would real scientific evidence prove to you the falsity of virology? Go to Dr. Sam Baileys site and see exactly how a brew of sludge is turned into a virus. Do you believe in the scientific method? They did not and do not use it in virology. Do you know who rules the medical cartel in this country? Early in the twentieth century the descendent of the criminal snake oil salesman, John D. Rockefeller gained control of allopathic medicine. No natural vitamins and plant-based healing. They were smeared as quacks. Nothing was allowed but drugs and surgery. The Rockefeller foundation was created for the sole purpose of building up billions of untaxed monies to be used to control over the entire medical profession, schools, laboratories, public schools. They also bribed politicians and anyone else to help them control the entire practice, education of medical schools, public schools to this day. I have to ask how in the world do you not know this? So, you mention similarities between the no virus camp with the flat earth camp. What evidence do you have for this frivolous claim? Saying it does not present any evidence at all. As for showing you the evidence of virus fraud, I have given you Dr. Bailey's information, and I am sure if you look at it, you too will see the fraud. A virus has never in 70 years been photographed, genetically broken down, or in any scientific method shown to exist. They may be found on the horns of Unicorns perhaps. Do you believe in Unicorns? Do you believe that all conspiracies are theory? Do you not believe in real conspiracies as facts? Have you been living in a cave, because your argument is one of, I believe in whatever I am told, even when it makes no sense, or I do not bother to research anything! All this information is there for the reading, and it is science not pseudoscience like virology. Look at the method used to prove a virus and you will plainly see it is as scientific as Unicorn ology. Jack Ps. I am not sure that you are open to any truths at all with this post!

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Hey @Jack Williams You cannot handle the truths, right? I don’t have any handlers. But apparently you do.

(1) Are Transmission Electron Microscope images of viruses fake or not? You dare not answer.

(2) If viruses don’t cause measles and chickenpox, what are the agents for the highly transmissible infectious diseases? You have no clue.

(3) What is the agents causing influenza, if not by virus? Again, you are clueless.

I start to doubt you are one of the Flat Earthers because you avoid answering such a simple question. Yes or no?

I know you don’t have the balls to answer these simple questions, so don’t push too hard. Why don’t you EFF your handlers? 🤣🤣🤣

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It seems to me you believe in a mixture of facts and speculations. To categorically reject the existence of viruses is different from the fact that new corona virus just the flu virus.

I am open to facts. You ask me to read certain doctor’s websites is no different from my asking you to read the Flat Earth articles or videos.

Please help me answer the following simple questions:

(1) Are transmission electron microscope’s images of viruses falsified and fake?

(2) What are the “agents” causing influenza, if not viruses? Likewise, what about chickenpox and measles? Have we found bacteria causing these very real diseases? If these diseases are not due to viral infections, do you believe that no scientists and doctors have noticed the facts at all?

Yes, no scientific evidences have shown that AIDS is caused by HIV. SARS COV-2 is a hoax. But we need very strong evidences to make the NO VIRUSES claim.

(3) Some group of people have started saying bacteria are hoaxes too. Are you in that camp?

Sorry, I have to know where you stand. I believe in facts about bacteria, and I despise anyone who tells me the earth is FLAT or the global warming (climate change) crisis.

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Dear Yang, why don't you go tell your handlers that your arguments have no teeth. You seem to throw shit at anything that does not fit your sense of reality. I said go to Dr. Bailey's site and see the evidence. I did not say I was a flat earther, you did. You proved nothing at all, and your comments are childish. If you want to rant and babble somewhere, go somewhere else. This is for commentary by adults.

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I'll just copy 'n paste your first paragraph, because it's RIGHT ON POINT!!

"If she has provided the evidence that there is no such genetic entity of either an RNA or DNA virus then she should publish the material and her materials and methods and then open it up to an examination of the evidence in reference to those in the fields of genetics/epigenetics/molecular biology/microbiology."

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I fully agree with your skepticism Toxicosis. I have an open mind but that doesn't mean I believe an activist shouting in CAPS any more than I believe the government or Big Pharma shouting "facts" at me. We are entitled to proof. I notice that RFK Jr in his book on Fauci makes the same claim about HIV and AIDS. Inability to isolate the virus and show causal connection. In other words HIV might be either unrelated to AIDS or doesn't exist at all and is just an artifact of poor PCR. I would like to see a robust and evidenced debate from knowledgeable people on both sides of this argument, not just one sided polemics.

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OK ass hole! You think that you are such a superior human. Are you working in the same virology field as all the rest? You state that virology has a long history. Well yes it does as do many other frauds. You want proof? The Baileys made a three-part documentary that shows plainly what the circular methodology of virology is as opposed to real science. It is a pathetically ignorant argument, and it is covered in detail. Just go and watch them and then get back to we mere mortals that you look down your arrogant nose at. If you do not know what the actual scientific method is, then look at virology and see that they do not use it! Do you also think the PCR test is the gold standard for testing for this or any virus? If so then you apparently do not know about Kerri Mullis, and what he the inventor states about it. Your psychobabble is not convincing! There is a flat earth society that is looking for new members, and I think you would fit in nicely. Watch the videos and then come back and defend the indefensible again. You say you are not a troll, and yet site unscientific pseudoscience. Give it a break!

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I've gathered "The Virus" was a meme created by the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate just after they took over Orthodox Medicine and banned or attempted all competing treatment modalities and disease paradigms. Homeopathy, Midwifery, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Herbalism, Nutrition, Supplements... all vilified and demonized and eventually discredited to a greater or lesser extent in favour of poisonous and largely ineffective drugs based on petrochemicals – and the sharp knives of surgery. Doctors have a pretty thin toolkit to work with, thanks to the Rockefellers.

"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

– George Carlin

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it was not "novel" it was old sci-fi movies revived and rewritten to frighten the braindead sheeple. in spite of seeing zero evidence of people dropping dead in the streets or elsewhere,the sheeple leaped into the fictional tale. even going so far as to volunteer to be suicided by a poisonous vaccine. truly this test revealed how easily manipulated the masses are. shades of orson welles radio show "invaders from mars" the truly dumbed down continue to seek out new and deadlier poisons by going to drug pushers aka doctors.

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And the criminals are walking around free & richer

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It would seem that Mr. Chossudovsky is not a member of the no-virus club. While he rightly rails against the deception and fear mongering of the COVID-19 episode, it does not seem that he doubts the existence of viruses. He just doubts the existence of a novel corona virus which was responsible for the pandemic of 2019-2022.

I myself am not fully on board the no-virus train, maybe 80-90% of the way there. That might be another battle for another day. There is more than enough evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic was rife with deception and misinformation without getting off into a tangential, albeit important, topic.

I have followed that debate pretty closely, and I agree that the science employed by the virologists is very problematic. Besides the problems of methodology in the virology field, the fact that they couldn't intentionally infect people with the Spanish flu would seem to indicate that something else was responsible rather than an infectious particle. Likewise, in the history of things like smallpox and polio, the tendency for those diseases to pop up seasonally, or in conjunction with mass inoculations, would point to a cause other than a virus.

It would seem that both sides should be able to agree to an experiment with very rigid procedures and controls to finally answer the question of whether viruses actually exist. Unfortunately, no such experiments are forthcoming. We must remain in the dark for a little longer, I'm afraid.

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You will want to listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHKlt-ik95Q and we need to break up Black Rock, Vanguard and others.

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It's all invented for the express purpose of eliminating humanity. That includes the entire drug empire of death.

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I do not know how many of you know about the HIV AIDS fraud, but I remember what was said and done at the time. We were all told that you could get it from toilet seats, surfaces, being around someone who had it, any contact at all, all lies but the biggest lies of all were the lie about HIV becoming AIDS! The two are not related at all. HIV is related to herpes, and has no relation to AIDS, proven fact. AIDS is not a virus, and it is in fact not just one thing. Gay men whose lifestyles included Iv drug use, malnutrition and the use of Poppers (Amyl Nitrate) a known cacogenic in small amounts, were being used in huge amounts as they enhanced the sexual experience intensity. These factors caused Kaposi's sarcoma. This is the type of cancer associated with AIDS, caused by amyl nitrate directly, then they are treated with AZT, the deadliest cancer drug ever developed. No other treatments were approved by guess who. Fauci! This drug has 100% fatality rate, get it? So, they get finished off with this poison, then are listed as AIDS deaths. Remember there is no virus at all, and there was and is no such thing as an AIDS virus. Billions have been spent out of the public's taxes for all these years looking for a vaccine. Nothing as of this day has been produced toward a vaccine for a non-existent virus. A Gates, Rockefeller, Welcome trust fraud! Fauci is their puppet, supported with billions that he doles out to various labs for phony virus research. This cabal of eugenics monsters is so huge and multinational that they have all the power and money needed to keep the sheep in the pen. They own all the levers of power, to include the regulatory agencies, governments, security agencies, the DOD et al. Not conspiracy theory, conspiracy fact. We are raised in a matrix, think in a matrix, perpetuate the matrix my believing in the lie of the matrix. Take the red pill! Jack.

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I think Dr. Mikovitz attested to what you say about AIDS and how AZT was/is killing folks. She tried to sound the alarm back then but Fauci shut her up! I remember them scaring the b'jesus out of everybody saying when you sleep with someone you are sleeping with all the people that person has ever slept with. F'ing ridiculous. I guess that would make me a straight male whore.

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Thanks Jerry! I agree with Mikovits concerning the HIV not related to AIDS, but there is a but! She, Malone, and all the supposed health freedom fighters all protect the virus is real lie, and a lie it is. If you want to find the real truth tellers as well as the actual science, then go to Doctors, Bailey and Bailey in New Zeeland, Dr. Andrew Koffman, Like Stone on VoroLIEgy site. The proof is there, and the fraud is shown precisely in great detail. The field of virology is as false as the field of Unicorn's and the damage their horns do the humans. It appears that all the heroes have been sent out to hide the facts about virology. This is the danger of listening to people saying what you find to be so credible until you hear them say something that you know is false. This is what happened to me, and so I started to look deeper and found these amazing, loving and truthful people. A Paradyme shift ensued, and truth was revealed. Go look and see just what I am talking about, Jack.

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Makes me sick! Very good recap, we must never forget what has been done against humanity and be aware and hopefully fight. I hope and pray many still asleep will realize. The cogs are still turning for their global domination.

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Here something you should know about the so called virus and who stands behind it.

Keep in mind English is my forth or fifth language out of 7 or 8 in my vocabulary, so don’t mind misspelling here and there.


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If it wasn't for mainstream media news the handmaidens of the national security state no one would've suspected there was a pandemic. it would've been like 1968 when the Woodstock music festival was held in upstate New York, but a

flu pandemic was raging.

Interestingly enough, it was a global outbreak of influenza that originated in China in July 1968 and lasted until 1969–70. The outbreak is sometimes called the Hong Kong flu of 1968.

However in 1968 the DOD, big pharma, and the bankster gangsters didn't "weaponize the flu," as a way to transfer great wealth to billionaires or use the pretext of "public health" to heighten surveillance.

The COVID criminals were determined to use 21st Century technology to restructure the economy by devastating the lives of billions. If you look closely, the COVID criminals and the war criminals are one of the same.



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The end game is depopulation. The dream of eugenics monsters for centuries. They are not finished yet.

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They think they are doing a good thing with all of the digital crap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHKlt-ik95Q

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Nov 28, 2023
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It wouldn't surprise me. In fact, most illnesses might be attributed to the toxic environment.

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Yes. 'Polio' was caused by DDT and previous toxic pesticides. Also EMF radiation - check out Arthur Firstenberg.

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There's a possibility that chemical warfare during WWI triggered the Spanish Flu.

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Absolutely. Plus mass vaccination of troops and a probably a host of other factors - like the squalor of the trenches.... No 'viruses' needed to explain any illnesses, according to the 'rabbit holes' I've gone down over the last four years.

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Once the creepos establish the narrative it lingers indefinitely.

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Then you extrapolate further and claim no viruses exist. How about measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox... etc. Are they all caused by toxins?

Measles has been known in China for hundreds of years. It’s also known that after being infected, people have a lifetime immunity.

If not being caused by virus, have we found the measles causing bacterium? Give us a break, will you?

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You're extrapolating, or projecting. I made no such assertions.

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Interesting debate below with Jack Williams. God, I spent so many thousands of hours researching and learning about virology, so I have to side with him on the fact that no virus has ever truly been isolated. As an example, Christine Massey and her colleagues have gotten concessions from just about every government around the world that they had never isolated the "Novel Corona Virus". I read the CDCs PCR Instruction Manual, where they actually make that concession. This is probably why it is referred to as Germ Theory rather than Germ Law.

I believe the major beef of virology critics is the so-called methodology used to "isolate" a virus. Rather than removing variables during the process, they are adding in extraneous genetic material to a sample, which only confounds the results and therefore the actual source of the genetics being mapped. These scientists came up with Koch's Postulates, but then refuse to comply with their own criteria. It's maddening.

The other point the critics make is that virologists concede that they are unable to isolate a virus for one of two reasons: there is not enough viral material available to collect and isolate, or because they only exist within a cell and so cannot be freely accessed or extracted. Instead virologists argue that they can map out the entire genome of a virus and so that is sufficient. No, that is fiction based on fiction. That would be like finding a tuft of hair with unique genetics and claiming it is proof of Sasquatch. Unless, Sasquatch can be found and matched to the hair, it proves nothing. The tuft of hair might have come from a green eyed monkey on Mars. Genetic mapping of humans or bacteria is credible because they can be isolated and matched up, but genetic mapping of a virus is pointless, unless the virus can be proven to exist, but it can't.

I recall reading an interview with Rodney Richards, a biochemist involved in developing tests for AIDS, and Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR process) made the same point, in which he stated that no diagnostic test can be validated until a virus can be isolated.

I worked a bit in the soils field. To measure the grain size distribution, we either used hydrometer tests or laser diffraction. Neither method is a true measure of actual silt sized and clay size particles because things in the tiny world get very strange very fast, as the electrical charges of the particles and the ions around them confound the results, so one ends up with an estimated distribution. Virology is really no different; they use models to fill out a partial genome to create a full genome, which is an estimate of a virus, which they call in silico. I have even heard them use the term "consensus virus" because the models can produce different results, depending on the inputs.

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I like how you write. Thank you. I offer my observation (mostly consistent with your description. However: Whatever infected scientists in China early on, was found using a two-step PcR process that required a step to isolate something handled as a retro-virus. That science was public and then disappeared as the viral originators in the US/Uk took over the global response: coordinated Declaration of COVID.

I also observe that some WHO documentation of the first SARSCov ‘outbreak’ in 2003, described the SARS description as a novel syndrome... not calling it a virus, nor a natural coronavirus.

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Covid was the preplanned vector to usher in the RNA/DNA injections to reprogram the treatment protocols for disease states. Plain and simple!


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Why did the Chinese go along with it, and likewise for the Russians?

Why did any nation go along with this fraud which as it turns out is rather easy to see through.

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