Lots of juicy details here in Prof. Chossudovsky's account of the opening stage of the 9/11 fraud by the US government. This increasingly elaborate insult to thinking people continues to this day. Investigate 9/11!

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I was one of the first 9/11 truth street activists in San Francisco.

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Do you know Carol Brouillet, San Franciso 9/11 Truther?

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Not intimately but yes.

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You look to be about my age (67), and I grew up in "The City", so what high school did you go to [assuming you've lived in SF all your life---I got out in '76 to transfer from CCSF to Humboldt State (now Cal Poly, Humboldt)? I graduated from Washington High at 32nd and Anza in 1973. I attended CCSF for three years with a photography major and art minor, changing to an art major and photography minor at Humboldt and College of the Redwoods in Eureka, California. The founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is from SF, too.

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Your name sounds familiar, do you work for them (AE911Truth)?

By the way, for those who don't know about it, the link to their website is as follows:


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Lol "unnamed ",they could not admit it was themselves.it takes.planning to carry out this.the bombing of the garage in nyc was a test. The deliberate sending of norad out to the atlantic on a copy maneuver was never brought up by the fake investigation. Invading a country under false pretenses should have condemned bush and congress to gitmo.but propaganda was swallowed by the sheeple due to fear.imagine the fear of afghans the usa is a bully govt that represents not a single citizen.

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Congratulations Professor Chossudovsky, you have unearthed the most Censored video of all time, the video that destroys the Lies of the Crime of September 11, 2001.

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Greetings to Michel, who certainly knows this, but for the other readers:


See first these 4 short videos:

WTC South Tower: left wing of plane behind far building



CNN Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGVVzrPXRWE

Plane nose pierces the tower?!

3:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-oysob5aQ8

And the whole story: No Planes on 9/ 11 Evidences:

(It was a matter of “missiles” filled with kerosene, disguised as airplanes with a kind of “hologram”)


Consensus 9/ 11 Best Evidence Panel


They are not Humans, but satans.

Humans could never - not even in a dream - (want to) do such a thing.

The masterminds behind 9/11

(8:58 ff. Rockefeller's & Co.)


9/11: The Great Illusion by George Humphrey (Very long)


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Fascinating. You should write your own Substack using this comment, an excellent collection 👌!

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Thanks for the "flowers", and for your suggestion, Margaret. I am trying to set up a substack right now.

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I'm glad!! You can do it!

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Contact Dan Hanley

He was a pilot for many years till he questioned the events of the eleventh of sept.


Blissings to yoUs !

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Thanks for your recommendation, Jane, but I don't need any more facts/evidence. In the post "No Planes on 9/ 11 Evidences" many experienced professional pilots who have been flying big planes for decades said "It's not possible, we couldn't hit the towers like that, let alone amateurs who have flown "few" hours on small planes".

Best regards!

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Greetings mile7bar! I only mentioned Dan in case you have gotten anyone who will actually hold those accountable to their crimes. All the best to you!

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Michel Chossudovsky: Thank you for this eloquent piece. My biggest fear is the war in Ukraine will escalate, (under Obama/Biden), into a nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States/NATO. If and when that happens, the only hope for mankind is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings

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Over 3000 bone fagments were recovered from the rooftops among the debris bellowing over NY rooftops. About 2000 have been identified from DNA. This wafting happened before the buildings hit the ground, or about 5 seconds. "Jet fuel" does that?

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Poor people.

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I'm 63 and didn't grow up here . Richard gage is not from the city. He's from walnut creek. I had him on my tv show a couple of times. I came here in 1978 originally.

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OK... So if Osama bin L:aden, in affiliation with Al Qaeda didn't orchestrate and carry out the 11September 2001 attacks on NYC's WTC ... who did?... Is this a rhetorical question... no... only because I would like your opinion.

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The evidence is overwhelming... and I agree wholeheartedly!

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The normal reaction to articles such as this by Professor Chossudovsky, is to describe the author as a member of the "tin hat brigade". However, the evidence provided in this piece can the subjected to forensic analysis, with the presumption that it is fake.

The article gives us a glimpse into the wicked duplicity of the European powers, led by the US in their bid to retain their 500+ years of global economic hegemony.

The 9/11 tragedy was used as the basis for the attack on the people of Afghanistan. The article provides evidence that the basis for this action needs further examination, whatever our views of the Taliban. BTW, we have never had or been given access to the Taliban's view of the events.

So, what was 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan and/or Gitmo, etc all about? I don't know and I believe that only the MICx knows. But at least the article lifts a corner of the curtain.


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Hello observers of and survivors of mass murders for power and money,

Thank you Michel Chossudovsky for all the contributions to Human Sovereignty and Human understanding. Thank you for this presentation.


Humanity in Earth is not civilized. Some groups of Human Beings in Earth have achieved civilized behavior in the past...perhaps some still remain but most have been captured, demoralized and domesticated for exploitation.

... War in Earth is not justified or civilized... not now and not since the inception of Humanity in Earth.

In recent history organized crime, hidden hands Human and NON Human have wielded the United States of America like a hammer against any state that resists the exploitation by that organized crime. The anvils being Russia, China and or any other useful foil... see? Now that the users of the hammer are almost done and almost all of Earth is demoralized and domesticated we are nearing the crescendo of an orchestrated operation to gather up all the free range Human Beings in Earth for branding and full scale exploitation again. Yes, again... cycle after cycle of Humanity in Earth has been used in this way.

... Each cycle ends and begins withe the collapse of illusions; illusions of Human sovereignty, Human dignity and Human rights. After an epic epoch of illusions Human Beings who are allowed free rain are rounded up and branded for market as slaves and or food if I am correct. The event that follows is called the apocalypse or epic collapse. The epic story is over...

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa


... HisStory or history in Earth is not our story but a fiction maintained in part to spare us the darkness we can not handle... see?

Now that the organized crime that owns Earth and Humanity is done with the hammer it will be used as a scapegoat in a ritual sacrifice to wash the hidden hands in blood and to bring all remaining nations together under the rule of those hidden ones.

A show trial conducted in a new international court for all the Earth's aggrieved to participate and to get their piece of the American pie... to participate in a feast and the ritual sacrifice to distribute the former United States.

... But, first they must bend the knee and give up all illusions of sovereignty both national and individual... if I am right.

... I hope I am not right.

I am sorry Earthlings


chuck 🔥💖🔥


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Well. I never. Watch the end, the good guys always win in the end bro.

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Hi Original one,

Nice sentiment but winning and losing is about games and unless Earth's system is a game then nothing is so certain. I hope Jesus of Nazareth is no fiction and that he is representing Humanity and Earth to a greater community of civilizations who honor Law galactic and Universal. In a Creation where all things are tested each form is tested and free will is vital to Truth and our journey towards perfection... in my opinion.

If Humanity does not become civilized and we fail to overcome the domestication that is our situation then ours will be a sad contribution to Creation... still our participation contributes to Truth.

The people, not Human people, who are using Humanity are also contributing and participating. Will they ever be free of the parasitic situation we are in together? If I am correct then Grace and forgiveness may well se both free to achieve both our greatest potentials for perfection.

... thank you for reading my comment and participating.


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Touche’, Charles. I, too, hope you are not right. I have to believe in Love, even though I don’t understand. Your depth of perception, coupled with spectacular articulation skills, is fascinating, I really enjoy reading your insights, even if they are sometimes terrifying! 😅

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Thank you Lisa,

Words flow... some times pieces of puzzles seem to be using my mind to form visions and I am driven to write and speak. I sit here in these four walls and bother my neighbors to no end... LOL

You are too kind to me.

I am just an angry old blind man with no teeth. I am a blind Harper harping on about Human Sovereignty and our domestication mess...

here is a song for you... Wind And The Mountain https://youtu.be/ox1NL4xL-NI

A sort of dedication if you will...


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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PS I’d say you are a testament to the idea that with outer senses blocked, the inner (and much greater) senses are developed. I feel honored to have crossed paths.

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Maybe so.

Some times I do not trust that I am genuine.. I wear masks and play roles and have done all my life. It is hard to for me to be sure I am genuine... does that make sense?

I struggle with narcissism and childishness and I am also selfish to a fault.

I am still learning who and what I am.

I am the Breath of the Creator of all Universes. I am an angry old man and I am that, that is...

But I ain't no saint... LOL

Hug and 💐

I can't see these so I hope they are nice

Namaskar ::pranamasana::

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…the lump in my throat is blocking the torrent of tears swelled up beneath. Amen Charles, thank you. 🙏🌹

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great work as usual run for public office

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AMEN, John!

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