its hilarious that "within hours" tim osman aka bin laden was accused. amazing is it not? was there a "manifesto" produced.? lol meanwhile the bin laden family were spirited out of the u.s.a by bush. anyone who continues to believe the farce of 911 need a psych evaluation. not possible though when sheeple prove to be brainless.

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"...anyone who continues to believe the farce of 911 need a psych evaluation. not possible though when sheeple prove to be brainless."

Amazing how many parallels between that farce and the "covid" one, no? Even the rush to designate an enemy and the sudden appearance of a "solution" when it takes years to plan and organize either a military adventure or a "vaccine.

And masses of people fall for the tricks every single time.

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Es gibt keine gefährlichen Gedanken; Das Denken selbst ist eine gefährliche Tätigkeit.

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Amazing write up. Trillions of dollars spent on the GWOT and the loss of life and resources is immense.

9/11 was an inside job and if not the benefactors (aka the same old elitist and politicians) sure did get lucky with it happening.

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The article says,

"This decision to mislead the American people was taken barely a few hours after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center."

Those final seven words haven't aged well for millions of us, both inside and outside of the United States, who were finally awakened from our slumber thanks to the 9/11 event.

The article itself is a very good overview of the situation at the time. It's a relief to know that not all journalists were buying what "They" were selling, from the beginning. (I had no internet until 2013, so have no idea how quickly people caught on.) Thank you for reposting this!

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Vielen die denken sind die Minderheit, der Mehrheit hat man das Denken abgenommen, die sind politisch gesteuert!

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I'd like to be able to understand and reply to your response, but I speak only English and Italian, unfortunately. I don't see the ability to translate on the app and don't know how to do it on my phone. Embarrassing, I admit!

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Many who think are the minority, the majority have been deprived of thinking, they are politically controlled!

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Hi! Thanks so much for translating for me! I really appreciate it! I totally agree with you about this, unfortunately. I wish you were wrong, but you're not and it's SO hard to even attempt to get through to them with some facts! Lots of people who I used to know, or see online all the time, have given up. Some of us are still trying though and we're going against decades and decades of indoctrination and, as you said, political control.

By the way, I really wish I could speak, or even understand, German. I recognize some words that are similar to English, but that's it. I used to have a German boyfriend years ago, but I ended up marrying three Italians! 😂 (two died, so it's not like I just go around marrying people every ten minutes.)

Anyway, thanks very much again!! Ciao! 🙂 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Yes, I agree. There was terrorism to be sure because the US media/government incited terror into the minds of the people. But the real "terrorists" were the ones pointing the finger rather than the ones that were accused.

As usual.

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Hi! You've said it perfectly! The last thing you said ("As usual") is the worst part of it all, in my mind at least. It's "usual." It goes on daily. Nothing seems to deter those responsible for 'all of this.'

I agree with all of what you've said though ; not just that!

Thanks very much for responding to me!! Ciao! 🙂🙋🏻‍♀️

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It's a blowback "feces" not thesis. Is a false flag blowback?

"In 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden’s brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.

Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company’s senior advisor was Bush’s father, former President George H.W. Bush. After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from Carlyle."

Another interesting point often neglected is that Osama bin Laden was probably impaled to kidney dialysis machine during 9/11.


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Whatever the "excuse", Mankind is forever killing Mankind. It is pathologically psychotic.

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Nothing happens in the U.S. which isn't first ordered by The Royal Institute for International Affairs by the Black Nobility; the group running the False Flag Wars for Profit for thousands of years of which the Monarchy is directly managing. Indeed, the U.S. is a Puppet State ran by those treasonous to The U.S. Constitution fraudulently installed by enemies of the U.S. which is only a Mafia Enforcer used by The Black Nobility to enforce their 'Imperial Nazi Control.'

The wealthy Establishment is the guilty party...And, The Bush Crime Family is only the leader of the International Mafia in the States. The Nobility including Europe's Monarchs and The City of London wishing to OWN EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD are the guilty for all the chaos and crises in this world.

In fact; there are two HAARP locations; on the coast of Wales as well as in Alaska and they are suspected to have been the catalyst behind the Japan Earthquake bringing the Tsunami years ago.

I Find myself wondering if HAARP is guilty of this Japanese Quake as well as the one occurring in the South Pacific to threaten the Island's becoming too friendly with the CCP last year.

Make no mistake...NOTHING HAPPENS IN THE U.S. AT THIS TIME THAT ISN'T ORDERED IN BUCKINGHAM PALACE OR WHEREVER THE MONARCH IS FIRST. Nothing in this world is as it appears and the real enemy is a coward hiding behind STUPID, TREASONOUS; YET USEFUL IDIOTS.

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The dramatic loss of life on September 11, 2001 would have been larger had not thousands been warned not to go to work at the World Trade Center the previous day.

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Funny how some got that call.

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The majority of those who worked in the towers got it.

They aren't talking about it any more than the NORAD commanders that stood down and watched a purported drill go live.

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There's another historic example where a major loss of life could easily have been prevented.

During the 1930's the Zionist called for a boycott of German made goods, the boycott was working and would have ruined the German economy at the time except for the Zionist not participating in their own boycott and but focusing on the Haavara agreement.

By ruining the economy Hitler's time would have been over.

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America's entry into WW2 could have been averted by Americans boycotting the big 3 automakers that had built plants in Germany to make military vehicles for the Third Reich.

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Or Wall Street bailing out a bankrupt Nazi party plus another daring article explaining how the US and UK helped finance Hitler >> see History: Adolph Hitler was Financed by Wall Street, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England - https://www.globalresearch.ca/history-of-world-war-ii-nazi-germany-was-financed-by-the-federal-reserve-and-the-bank-of-england/5530318

The objective isn't to avoid a war or prevent it from escalation but quite the opposite in order for these treasonous long term planners to realize their goals* aimed at control over the economies and lets mention how European gold bullions ended up in the US for safekeeping.

*Europe was to become a collection of vassal states serving empire, still are to this day.

*The justification for the creation of Israel and grand prize Russia which is still on the menu.

It's all about full spectrum control but who benefits?

My conclusion is that empire is the continuation of the East India Companies.

There's so much more to this, there's a reoccurring scenario where something happens that is subsequently used to justify the overblown response - The false flag recent examples Ukraine, Gaza and of course 9-11.

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The MICIMATT complex is who benefits.

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Any search engine could have told you it is an acronym for Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank

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Indeed they're part and package of empire.

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They are the primary beneficiary of empire.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

There is more going on in Africa, where the US has over 100 military bases, supposedly to combat terrorism.

In fact they are covertly sponsoring terrorism there, which they and their puppets in the media label as “Boko Haram”, Al Quaida in Africa” etc. They they claim this terrorism as grounds to establish military bases in these countries. See a document called “ BOKO HARAM Emerging Threat to the U.S. Homeland - SUBCOMMITTEE ON COUNTERTERRORISM AND INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, December 2011”

But in fact the real purpose of which is to threaten these countries with coups or further destabilisation, as a means of preventing the establishment of stable democratic structures, which would have closer ties with China and Russia.



Part of this dirty game - the covert sponsorship of Boko Haram, while claiming to be combating them - was revealed by Wikileaks and is one of the reasons why the US has chased Assange and put him in a gulag in the UK.



Omar Al Bashir, the former Sudanese president also went public in it:



The response: Omar Al Bashir was removed and sent to the ICC on genocide charges


By the same people who have not lifted a finger to hold the Israeli government accountable for blatant genocide in Palestine for decades now.

It’s disgusting all of this.

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Why was the US supporting these terrorists in the Balkans?

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For profits to the MICIMATT complex.

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We develop and support terrorists in every country and US state. Most of it’s contracted out. Why do you think the CIA and FBI won’t account for the $7 trillion USD missing from the books?

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The CIA's books aren't available to any constitutional government agency.

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Was machen Machthaber, um gegen die Interessen der Bevölkerung gerichtete Maßnahmen durchzudrücken? Sie lügen natürlich und stellen sie mit medialer Propaganda als Wohltaten dar.

Doch das genügt heute nicht mehr. Sie lassen auch Meinung und Verhalten der so Getäuschten beobachten, um ein Bild der „psychologischen Lage“ der Bevölkerung zu erhalten. Behörden

und Medien können auf diese Weise aufkommenden Zweifeln, Kritik und abweichenden

Einstellungen mit entsprechenden psychologisch ausgesuchten Meldungen und Meinungen begegnen, die unterschwellig das Verhalten der Menschen beeinflussen und in die gewünschte Richtung steuern. So kann Gewalt vermieden und die Demokratie-Simulation aufrechterhalten


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Wow. Thank you.

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“Article 5 of the Washington Treaty – its collective defence clause” declaring the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon “to be an attack against all NATO members''

No further debate allowed and this is the crux o the matter.

Every single one of these treaties trade agreements and what not have all been designed in order to undermine the sovereignty of the nations that signed them.

Former Nazi's became Nato generals and every single nation that became a Nato Member immediately became a vassal state of empire.

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I think some misunderstand the underlying facts.

Regardless of name of group or network, the fact is indisputable that Osama Bin laden and his allies where recipients of CIA funding and weapons bus the Pakistani ISI and the Saudi govt…the later of whom they had a falling out with when they allowed the U.S. to have bases in Saudi Arabia. Which BTW in 2024 by now one can see is a hinderance for Arab nations in foreign policy independence.

Also not in factual dispute is the U.S. govt aiding the group in getting visa to the US.

Another pearl harbour. But worse as it was actively aided not just silenced. That’s the nature of the blowback for the U.S. citizens - it does not mean that dark forces in the U.S. state did not aid and abet. They did.

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Dick Cheney will eventually be joined by his demon seed Liz Cheney, where the two will suffer horrifically for eternity. And that’s forever folks. They’re so fucked forever.

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deletedJan 2·edited Jan 2
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Building 7 collapsed without being hit. It was a controlled demolition.

There is also a question of whether the planes crashing into the other buildings were real or just graphic effects/editing.

Look into it.

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