This was never a health initiative; this is a DARPA project, which they somehow managed to thrust on populations world wide. Anyone, especially heads of state, who tried to reject these things, were executed. It is a waste of time to talk about why if Pfizer knew about the side effects, they continued to use them.

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Indeed, we should be talking about angry rabid mobs and impromptu public hangings, ... or whatever method is handy.

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Get jew Fauci into waterboarding process in Guantanamo, and you shall know the truth after first drawing attempt!!!

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Fauci's not a Jew. He was raised Catholic, and is an atheist.

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Some people from Jewish families are raised catholic

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Drawning attempt...

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This was and still is NOT a vaccine of any kind. Why do you think all this info is "secret" or was to be hidden from us for 75 years? The mRNA gene altering death substance was launched in December of 2020. NO vaccine was introduced to the public for any covid virus.

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Yes, and apparently it's really true that once we're injected and our d n a is altered, we' ll belong to the government. Pray, pray, pray.

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Your prayer is to jew god...And his Book is just one Age of Sun.From 4004BC counted by bishop Ussher to 2036...151 generations x 40 years in Ussher biblical chronology - minus 4004=6040-4004=2036, but in jew Vatican,it is in 2033 from AD33...Don't you see the current solar eruptions growing with worsening CLIMA and more EXTREME WEATHER caused by ionised solar magnetoplasma? And in 2033 is Novus Ordo Seclorum and Great Jubilee Year of Christ- Son& Sun= 3nd Coming after Sun and Earth poles shifts, resulting in Cat+ astro+phew, as Cat= Jaguar Sun as astra= star and phe= on fire!!! Then, in new Pentateuch ( with 4 Gospels it is sacred Ennead of 9 gods) the " phoetal water" runs as Great Flood, and new WORLD &SUN AGE shall be born! Don't see that we are at the END OF DAYS??? In Sata- yoga?? To be cut off by Krita-juga of Christ? And in that next Golden Age of Sun,the Yellow race will rule world for 5 ,184 years! The White goyim race shall be now annihilated in nuclear WW3 - Russia vs. Synagogue of USA+tan, with EU killed by both sides...Oh you damn American goyim , 2 horses of Apocalypse are gone, 2 more in the next 2 years will finish you off !!! That's the kew job, Blue zionist jew and Red Judeobolshevik Rus.Putin Jews in Golden pagoda Lodge, with red government in China...

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Correction: 2nd Coming( slipped my finger, not 3rd)...

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And in 14 years, when 2036 has come and gone, ... this will have aged so well.

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If they ever try to prove that is true, ... it will be time for the masses to Slay, Slay, Slay !!!

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"We didn't defraud the US Government, we delivered the fraud the government requested" -Albert Bourla Case Dismissed !!

I wanted to disembowel that bastard at about that time !!

These links might be useful to some others.

Sasha Latypova: https://sashalatypova.substack.com

Katherine Watt: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com

Katherine's Research Files: https://bailiwicknewsarchives.wordpress.com/research-files/

Team Enigma: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/7dNrFbLeGSev/

01/27/2023: Orientation for new readers: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/orientation-for-new-readers

03/03/2023: Available informational packages that can be used to understand global biofascism through regulatory, statutory and executive order lenses: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/available-informational-packages

A COLLECTION IN PDF: https://lanbro-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jeff_brownlanglois_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?ga=1&id=%2Fpersonal%2Fjeff%5Fbrownlanglois%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FJeff%27s%20D%20drive%2FMy%20Documents%20Jeff%2F44%20Days%2FBWTC%2FBioweapon%20Truth%20Commission%20Global%20Online%20Library%2FKatherine%20Watt%20%2D%20Bailiwick%20News

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This is never going to end. Spars is 2025- 2028! Just like the planned Event 201.

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Every zionist jew should be jabbed with it, plus 4 boosters...With the Nazi Jews in UkroReich, with Moshe Green= Zelensky as First!

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Thank you so much for this information. My only child got the Pfizer jab against my wishes and now has a myriad of issues that are costing her a lot of money to manage. I am so concerned for her health and her future as she is of child bearing age. Will I ever become a grandmother? Will my daughter survive all that has been done to her over the years with all of the vaccines she has gotten? This is what occupies my mind on a daily basis.

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Will she take supplements? Flccc has recommendations. May help.

I don’t have children but 2 of my friends are in the same situation & one friend , her son won’t talk to her still.

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That is so sad when kids are so adamant about something they know nothing about! I sent my daughter copious amounts of information that she would not read! She would not believe me or the authors so she simply would not read any of it! And then got the damn jab. She claims she will not get any boosters, but if her now husband wants her to, and he's the one who insisted she get the jab in the first place even after I begged her not to, then I know she will!

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I migrated into your country in 82...And in few months I knew your zionist occupied government,(ZOG) wasn't to be trusted! I did read Spotlight and other alternative press then...In 2004 after 3nd zionist attack of Irak, I said to myself: f.ck all the Jews at the United Snakes, and I left for good...Because of your dumbness overthere, serious and deep, it was 3nd major issue for me, East European! And I had solved your false flag operation- 911!!!

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I'm really sorry that you left because of our corruption, but I don't blame you. The question is, where can you go where this no corruption? From what I know, no place! And I agree with you, BTW. Your feelings are my feelings. Good luck to you.

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There appears to be hope that EDTA cleans the blood of the vaccine toxins. Look up EDTA and Chelation Therapy. Live blood analysis seems to suggest it is effective, though much testing remains to be done. The good news is, EDTA is harmless.

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I follow Dr Ana and believe it’s helping people. My detox pathways are so damaged, I’m still reluctant to take edta. I’m on a peptide spray ( most people produce it naturally, I can’t) for mold illness and it’s slowly removing the plague from my brain and body. Very slow process but I’m thankful for it. My supplements are helping daily detox as well.

I understand that edta can also be used topically but may not be as effective.

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I can appreciate your need to cleanse slowly. I had my own blood 'live' tested 3 weeks ago and the analyst said to me - 'You can't use EDTA', your liver is overloaded - your immune system is screaming for help." (I was amazed that my blood alone told her all that.) But that left me in a quandary. I'd had devastating fatigue this whole year.. and my blood had some funky things in it. I didn't know what to do at that point. The rest, as they say, is God. He just healed me, story Here: https://theparalleluniverse.substack.com/p/when-god-is-the-one-who-heals-you So now I'm going to drive the 12 hour round trip again, and have another blood test. Can't wait to see. Because I feel like myself again! (PS I never took any vaccines, but I did have covid in 2022)

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Thanks for including the link here.

So glad you are feeling so much better!

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Yes! Take the supplements. My husband was injured severely after the Pfizer poison and one of his dozen symptoms is his personality change. He isn’t the same person and this has prevented him from taking the supplements from one of the FLCCC dr prescribed. I took them and am back to95% before poison shot.

My injury wasn’t as severe as my husband’s but was difficult. Six month’s prior to the shot I finally was cured from a lifetime of fibromyalgia. A wonderful dr introduced me to LDN-low dose naltrexone and all my fibromyalgia symptoms were gone in 3months until the stupid Pfizer poison. After the Pfizer poison I started to have mild fatigue, brain fog, irregular periods, and mild general pain. I’m feeling good now.

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So glad you are doing something & it’s helping!

I have fibromyalgia and my symptoms have improved with supplements and treatments for my biotoxin mold illness. At least I can leave the house once in a while now. I work with an integrative medicine doctor that I believe God put in my path 5 or 6 years ago, after years of gaslighting and neglect by insurance dictated doctors. I have more quality of life than I did in my 40’s & early 50’s. On disability since I got Lyme and a bad booster for work in an autistic classroom in the early 2000’s. Doctors never had answers. Only useless ( or harmful) prescriptions thrown at me. Once I smarten up, and weaned off the 8 prescriptions, they called me non compliant and completely ignored me. Thankful beyond words for my doctor now. ( I’m unjabbed but had bleeding in menopause as a shedding effect)

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Lyme persists in the system for decades. It hides behind biofilms. The one thing that is able to break into them and destroy the Lyme is an oxidative medicine called MMS - (Chlorine Dioxide). You can learn about it here: https://theparalleluniverse.substack.com/p/gods-miracle-medicines-part-i-a-basic

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Thanks! I’m using a pure resin cholystramine powder to help keep the biofilm down. My Lyme hasn’t been detectable the last couple years.

When I started working with this integrative medicine doctor, I did a heavy metal detox from Metagenics. Very painful, but my heavy metals and parasites overload improved greatly and my morgellons symptoms ceased. My vision test (VCS) improved as well.

Thanks for the info and the encouragement!

One reason I like substack, generally a very caring “community”

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"One reason I like substack, generally a very caring “community”" Totally agree.

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What do you mean painful? The illnes while detoxing? Do you have a link for what you used? Thank you.

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Link for the heavy metal detox you used? Thank you.

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My friend' s young wife was jabbed- she was enough stupid to accept it- now all the time ill and cannot get pregnant! She hates herself, and both family sides has what to do to help her to keep dane@!!

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Read the replies above your note. There appear to be effective detoxes - effective to a point anyway,. When I came to the end of what medicine could do though, I turned to God and He healed me.

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See those four little hard to see dots at the far lower right of every comment? Click that and you will save a little time on corrections. There is an Edit option.

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Checkout educateyourself.org for detox information on it.

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Injecting toxic, deadly nano stuff into people to fight a virus, that does not exist, that's not manslaughter, that is cold-blooded mass murder on an unprecedented scale out of pure greed and lust for power, and these criminals and those behind them - God's chosen psychos - now exactly what they do and still allowed to do, presumably as long as a majority of estimated 99.9 percent believes in disease causes viruses.

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"God's chosen psychos" No. They're not. God said of them, 'Who say they are Jews but are not. They are of the synagogue of satan'. (Revelation 3:9) Hijacking the 'Jewish' mantle was a ploy (very effective) to make people afraid to question them. Their capitol is Jerusalem, yes, but their bank is London.

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And their home is in Basel Switzerland

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I have been describing in detail and based on over 30 years experience in “rational drug design” that the toxicities (multiple different ones) & resulting harms are absolutely INTENTIONAL for years.

I quite quickly deduced that you don’t attempt to takeover the world without a plan that comes with high confidence of success.

I inferred all public institutions would be corrupted and taken over.

So it seems.

Only the people can save themselve and hopefully each other.

Nobody is going to save us.

Best wishes


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It has been a while Sir, good to see your input, although not very cheery. Thanks for the harsh truth. If they cannot be had by law, they will have to be had by Mob !! When Albert said "We did not defraud the US government, we merely delivered the fraud the Government requested" Case Dismissed ! I wanted to wring his chicken neck. Surely there must be someone within arm's reach of that murderer. Same with Gates and the rest.

Be well Sir, ... and keep your head on a swivel.

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Hello Mike,

Have you seen the book "the great takening (or taking)"?

Please see parallel systems on YouTube for further information.

It is a major development in our understanding of the financial implications for all of us.

P.s. many thanks for all your efforts.

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Thank you, Sir, for your reporting. I shall send this article to everyone far & wide.

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I reported this kind of information to the Florida Medical Association and introduced a Resolution at the Convention to Ban it but it was voted down.

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Thanks for your efforts.

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Thank you Michel, for publishing this information. It's a pity that we have no real lawmen in any government in the world to prosecute the criminals who brought this. To me that shows that Western Civilization has come to an end.

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Watch your back. They tried to take Karen Kingston out for making their own documents public. They will be coming after you.

Praying for your safety and grateful for your courage.

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Great. Now people can sue all treasonous corporations into oblivion. That's how God is in action in America. Traitors and vicious criminals shall soon learn a lesson they never will forget about Life.

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If you use my 911 Investigative Report in any Federal Court in Lower Manhattan at damage claim for 911 attacks- you will win it! No one jew lawyer can beat it!!! Not even pedophile Dershowitz!@!

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If you were well educated, you would know that in 2025, the White race will be destroyed by the jew set up of Russia= the Dragon Slsyer vs.the United Snakes..And EU get hit by both sides...We face several ASTRONOMICAL END TIME CYCLES, and in Golden Age shall rule the Yellow race! White shall ends as the Red race before, and Black before them...

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I was given a jab of Pfizer while in hospital after cardioversion to stop arrythmia. I was told that I needed the jab to be admitted to a nursing facility. The Arrythmia returned. Can I blame the hospital for giving me that shot?

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The article here reminds us again ,as has been done before that most or all the activity of the ones having power over us are designed to harm and kill as many of us as possible ,with the so called vaccine ,that is really a killer venom . If that was not enough ,there is the even more deadly program in hospitals ,that is the treatment protocol for flu or cold ,if one is not informed and enters the place .for that reason .It means sedation isolation ,remdesivir ,ventilators and brutal inhuman treatment ,leading to death in days for 95 % of victims . That is what happened to my brother ,they murdered him in six days .

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I quit taking all my meds three years ago and these days I am not even sure if I would go to a "Hospital" for a compound fracture !!!

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I am so sorry. Distressing!

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The Lord God will lay this crime against humanity at the foot of the silent pulpits. The blood will have also been splashed on the hands of complicit clergy worldwide, who allowed this to happen. The Spirit of Truth is a name for the gift of holy spirit given at the new birth of a believer. If he is never taught to use it, that is the failure of the Church of God. Not God. In 2020, I turned to the Lord about the rumors emenating from China, and asked him 'What's this about?" He said immediately - "It's about control". I never wore a mask; never locked down; never took a test; never feared the fears of man. The churches I had been participating with - closed across the board. I have not been to church since. They have nothing to teach me, and everything to answer for. Victoria Jean Christine Bingham Author - THE TYRANNY of MASKS - Lambs to the Slaughter (2020) bit.ly/3oJrJX6

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I tried to get my elderly mom to look at the evidence, she refused. My friends sent their adult children information, all ignored & they were offended and called both of my friends conspiracy theorists. They’re just concerned grandparents!

At least I am near my mom so I can help her with the injuries she says are from old age. She’s a snowbird and my husband and I helped care for her boyfriend when she was up north. He has had numerous unexplained blood pressure issues and falls . He knows it was the vaccine, she’s in denial. Her pulmonologist told her Monday he sees no benefit from taking the new shot. Her eyes glazed over when he said that. I reminded her a few times. She’ll probably still sneak out and get it at the pharmacy with a gift card as a bonus.

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The Covid PLAN+DEMIA & COVID KILLER JABS came from the satanic zionists in the Synagogue of USA+tan in the West with its Blue Lodge of the West! Satanic jew Fauci needs to get into waterboarding in Guantanamo, to tell full truth! With all the Ash+ke+Nazi Jews from Pfizer Big Pharma like used to be their Nazi IG Farben...

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