So basically the United States of Zionism has been bat shit psycopaths for 80 plus years.

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The United States of Zionism is as controlled by psychopaths as the rest of the world.

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Oh I don't excuse or leave out every single western allied nations.

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Ever since Lincoln's treason.

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WWIII is yet another prong in the Depopulation Agenda, and one that will add immense value to the chaos out of which 'order' will rise.

The major countries involved are actively trying to kill off their populations by any means necessary.

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"The September 1945 Plan was to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map” at a time when the US and the USSR were allies."

With friends like that who needs enemies? 🤨

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The MICIMATT complex needs them to insure continuous wars.

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Albert Pike. Three world wars to kill all goyim.

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Thought they need slaves to make their toilet paper?

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AI does it all for them. They don't need real humans anymore.

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AI cannot build its requisite hardware itself.

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more fear porn. all the govt does is produce psyops to control the feeble minded easily frightened masses. there are no "nukes". its one of the biggest tales of BS. even if there were, the use of the alleged devastating man made self destructive things would render all life on the planet void. no govt would do that. its called a no win situation.

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They like the word 'tactical'...

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How often does a psycopath consider rational behavior before it commits familicide?

Plenty examples of self destuctive psychopaths exist..and they presently run the western world order.

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Detonation of every nuclear warhead on the planet wouldn't double the background radiation.

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There are no nukes.try to grasp that.

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What did they do in the Manhattan Project and at Trinity?

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Nothing.you cannot believe anything believe anything govt does.

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You aren't smart enough to see them in action?

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You are too stupid to believe this.have you seen anything in action? Or do you watch old movies.you cannot prove they exist.its all hearsay

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I think betting on that is also insane

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Where did I mention betting?

The background radiation level increased during atmospheric testing and fell back to just a smidgen above the natural level since. The same thing would happen after a all-out thermonuclear war. Humankind has survived multiple so-called extinction events in the history of the planet, as continuously confirmed by archeologists.

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War is Peace.

All Hail your own self destruction.

The Gloves are off


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I agree: WWIII started years ago.

Emperor Obama's reign was particularly active: the Maidan Coup; the destruction of Libya and Syria and the ongoing destabilisation of MENA; the "Pivot to Asia", a term which was actually coined by Hillary Clinton; a massive expansion in private military companies especially in Central and South America; and AFRICOM, where the US established ten military outposts and lit fires across the continent.

Zbigniew Brzezinski would be proud of his protégé.

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Obama was no more in actual control than Biden is..they are all just convenient placeholders and mouthpieces for the MIC

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Logic would have you right! but nuclear war would destroy the planet and it will not happen. There are things above our pay grade that are afoot... there will be no nuclear wars anymore.

You will disagree with this as you read it and that ok...because a few months or years into the future you will see that i am correct and you and i will still be here making sense of the human condition...which is a good thing.

Raise your thougts to a healed world, to a loving world, to a properous and healthy world... it would be doing us all a favor.

If weve got six months to live (according to the nuclear bomb nihilism) then lets enjoy ourselves, stretch ourselves, and think outside the prison box!!!

Enjoy, expand, invent a NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORLD

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Oh and your psycopath leaders don't give a fuck about your hippy checked out love dove illusions. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

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Lol..if you are wrong you are never going to even know it...lol

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Each day - whether I'm reading about Ukraine, Gaza or NATO having multinational military exercises, added to the actions of our White House and Congress - it seems I'm reading reports from an insane asylum......all intended to drive us insane as well.

However, after 15-20 years on a journey of discovery, it's no longer a mystery.

All roads lead to DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/10/propaganda-lifeblood-of-dasynagogue-of.html?m=0 - and when you pursue truth in everything, it will become clear to you as well. What you see are the physical and material consequences of a spiritual battle since the dawn of man. Once you recognize DSOS in action NOW - it will become self-evident who they are and always have been.

And for good measure - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/12/satans-wars-christians-killing.html?m=0 - it's a war on Christianity......often aided and abetted by churchianity.

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DaSynagogue is right... and we know who that would be dont we.

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If you don't want to die in a nuclear attack, move far from and upwind from all strategic targets.

Russia is the only nuclear power that continued to invest in civil defense after then cold war. They have build enough modern bomb shelters to insure the survival of a substantial minority of their urban populations. They have been doing drills since the Maidan revolution to insure that their people will move into the shelters when notified of the threat. The shelters are stocked with everything required to support life until the fallout cools off to a safe level.

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Down town LA I saw a bomb shelter sign old and decrepit..I asked the maintanice guy I saw about it ...He told me they just store old furniture in it now ...long abandoned any civil defence infrastructure ... They don't care and have not since duck and cover.

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They aren't the Duma.

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Going from MAD to DOPE Nuclear War is so DEId.

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USA is a danger to the world populations health and well being

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In 1978, the Kremlin objected to geo-engineering and terraforming our planet for some delusional galactic empire but to no avail. Nuclear weapons are just a distraction at this point when the threat to the biosphere is right above our heads. None of this complex weapons system is secret if you look hard enough.

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I tried to obtain a large scale map, colored or black and white, such as used in college geography classes. I was seeking the 1956 up dated map. Actually did not know the 1945 map or plan existed. Also would like to have the targeting data: kilotons yield, number of follow up strikes, value of targets eg. what is there worth taking out, and chronological order of strike priority.

Assume that B 29s would be used in 1945 scenario. By 1956 the 29s could be augmented with B 36s and maybe B 47s. Don't know if Navy carrier based aircraft or USAF Tactical Air Command had the capability, if the very mission jealous SAC would allow these entities to participate.

I always heard Old Timers argue that 46 was the best year for War against USSR. Logistic lack of ordinance noted in the footnotes appears to mitigate such a pronouncement.

If anyone knows where I can purchase or otherwise gain possession of the items in lead paragraph, appreciate any assistance.


BTW what were the Western Hemisphere targets meriting the 10s in reserve under both formulations?

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Throughout the world we are all witnessing the collapse of the current world order. No matter where one looks, there is perpetual war and unforeseen calamities. Every day more people are turning away from traditional religion, and some even turning entirely away from God. Institutions that mankind has relied on for many decades and centuries are failing in part due to the ever-increasing divisions between the elected and their insatiable desire for wealth, power, and control. Within every society, divisions between peoples are increasing at an unprecedented pace whereby major cities are becoming unliveable; many people are becoming homeless, and crime is rampant. Prejudice of all kinds is eating at the hearts of men. The increase in interest rates is used in the fight against perceived inflation, resulting in many unable to keep up with their mortgage payments and end up loosing their homes. Health care is in crisis in every country and territory. Food prices are skyrocketing throughout the world and everyday more people are going hungry. Economies are on the verge of collapse, and the gap between the rich and the poor increases every day. Governments are bringing laws which severely penalize those who do not comply with government mandates, but this does not solve problems, rather it makes the problems far worse. Science and technology which in the past has served the well-being of mankind is now being used against mankind. The entire world is in turmoil and as bad as it seems today, tomorrow will be even worse. Ultimately, many people are becoming wicked and evil, wishing evil and death upon those who do not agree with them or are perceived as wanting to harm them. Now the World Economic Forum is advocating for those who do not believe in the Climate Change Crisis should be put to death. We also observe leaders of nations threatening the use of nuclear weapons to settle their disputes with other nations rather than attempting to resolve disputes diplomatically. According to Baha’i Holy Scripture, nuclear war is inevitable.

Very few understand why this is happening. Most people do not want to think about these problems and what the root causes are. But trying to ignore these problems of the world will not bring about the application of an appropriate solution, and the more people ignore it, the worse it becomes. The problems of the world appear to be political, but this is only an outward manifestation of the root causes which are spiritual in nature. Some falsely think that a change in political leadership would make a difference, but even if such a leadership change took place, the root causes would not be addressed, and the problems would continue to manifest themselves. There is an appropriate solution; it has been there for 180 years, but mankind has either turned away or is ignoring it.

Truth be told, mankind is failing in its duty towards God. Mankind is being tormented for what mankind has done and what mankind continues to fail to do. God is testing every human being as to their sincerity in observing His Greater Covenant with mankind. How each human being responds will determine whether they achieve “all good” in the sight of God or have “gone astray”. Many will turn away due to their delusions and superstitious beliefs, but that is the worst thing they could do.

For a full explanation, please read my paper in its entirety, (1) Mankind is being Tormented - by David Ramer (substack.com)

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I a comment. It was supposed to be posted and saved. Filled out info. Do not see comment, not enough time and finger pecking skill to write it again.

Que Lastima


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