Fukushima was an engineered event. It's time to come out of denial (I'm talking about the majority of humanity, dear fellow readers - not you) and realize the genocidal intentions of the global elite.

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so how did the elites plan on evading the radiation to themselves?

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Catherine Austin Fitts communicates about the extensive underground cities these elites have built underneath the USA and one assumes elsewhere. Years ago I read the Bush family and other elite families purchased large aquifers in South America. At the moment - for example - the water in the Panama Canal is so low they're considering other options like trains across Mexico to transport cargo. Same situation I observed in a recent trip to Ecuador and Costa Rica: water is missing in a closed ecosystem. It's insane and I'm just reporting bits of information so don't hold me responsible for the insanity. It seems they plan to go underground.

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Agreed.An ongoing mechanism of population control.

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I am Glad you picked up on this.

Behind the whole 3/11/11 (=66) is something very sinister more than we been told.

And by Association we must look at Israel (who did it) Magna BSP... and Ukraine (who is next) and the USA as well as the Money Trail which will always lead to Rothschild / Rockefeller... same as 9/11... same as 7/7.

And we must look at Ukraine ZNP as a potential target of sabotage by the USSA/Isisrael to blame it on Putin.

In February 2010, Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran. Soon thereafter, an Israeli firm by the name of Magna BSP secured a contract to run security at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. They installed oversized cameras strongly resembling gun-type nuclear weapons. There is strong evidence that they planted Stuxnet, an Israeli computer virus that attacks Siemens power plant control systems, and which Israel previously used to damage Iran's nuclear program. Magna BSP also established internet data links in the reactor cores, in blatant violation of international nuclear regulations.

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Here's the conundrum. If you figure out a way to solve the Radiation contamination issue you open the door to more Nuclear Expansionism. A never ending thorn in the paw. The issue is containment, and not allow to spread. Japan should not dump the radioactive water in the ocean. They should contain by making earthquake pools, that constantly boil to evaporate the Water. At least the Water is being dispersed, and is contamination radioactive free.

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Yes, the US Government are the Terrorists in the World. There is too much proof to deny it.

They are the only country who has used the Atomic Bomb, murdering thousands of innocent people. They didn't target Japans Military sites. They murdered innocent civilians.

Not once, but twice, on Japan. Nagasaki, and Hiroshima.

■ And Truman using it when Japan already surrendered.

● Now consider if the United States of Terror never invented the Atomic Bomb, other nations would not have been seeking it for defense and deterence.

Now think about the Nuclear Energy Accidents. Chernobyl in Ukraine, and Fukoshima in Japan. Along with several in the United States itself. They never learn, to abandon Nuclear ambitions.

They are not accidents. They very well know the risks in using Nuclear, and it always is a forever disaster.

● Consider China. China is good at covering up its Nuclear Accidents. Even to the point you are totally unaware of it.

● You are so unaware of many things concerning history itself, and don't admit the U.S. are Terrorist even when its right in front of your nose & faces.

Don't for a moment think they never had a mishap. And you think burying the Radiation Waste is the answer?

■ Think again. Earthquakes certainly create cracks to allow seepage into your water.

Ukraine likes to blame Russia for Chernobyl, instead of realising if the US didn't develop and use Nukes on Japan, Russia would never have been wanting to get the bomb for their deterrence.

In other words: Russia would never had built a Nuclear Chernobyl site in Ukraine.

● Who brought the Chernobyl Disaster to Ukraine. That's right.. the United States of Terror !

And there would never have been a divided Korea. Now think about the Nuclear Contamination that Fat Kim Jong Un is releasing into the Ocean and the world, especially its radioactive waste. And Korea is Not so far away from Hong Kong, to contaminate your shores.

You think you have Security? No you don't, when XiJinPing promotes The Fat guys Nuclear Ambitions.

Ukraines Zelinsky fundamentally seeks Terrorism in Ukraine by allowing the United States of Terror and NATO to use Ukraine to wage War against Russia.

Need more Proof?

The US Government are lying scumbag Terrorists.

Consider the so called speech delivered by Dwight Eisenhower, who I call Liesenhower, warning the Voting Public about the Military Industrial Complex.

In the same breath, he's the Terrorist who expanded the Nuclear Atomic Bomb Program, by detonating 67 Atomic Bombs on the Marshall Islands, leaving it today a Radioactive infested Hell, with deformed babies and never ending health problems.

U.S. nuclear testing ended in the Marshall Islands in 1958, but a UN report in 2012 stated that the effects of this testing are long-lasting. The city of Majuro is now home to the majority of the Marshallese population. Today, radiation related cancers and birth defects are a major problem faced by the Marshallese.


Now I ask you Chris Tang and John Lee Ka-chiu, how do you allow Trade Transactions, US Stock Market, with the Criminal Banking System and US Government Thugs connected to the US Military into Hong Kong ?

Or even allow a US Embassy here?

● Any Country connected to NATO should be banned from Hong Kong.

That means France, Israel, Germany, UK, India, Turkey, Pakistan, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, and N.Korea, Governments banned from Hong Kong.

☆ Shouldn't you be charged with Treason, Sedition, in placating and helping the United States of Terror, who created the above List when you allow them in Hong Kong ?

Now consider the Radiation in the Ocean Water that reaches Hong Kong Beaches, Docks, Wharfs, and affects the Fishing and Fish Market, because of the Nuclear Disaster in Fukoshima Japan, and the Kim Jong Un nuclear madness !

You think Covid Virus was bad? Nuclear Radiation is far worse and lasts forever.


And these terrible things are in your very Sphere, Domain, and Influence , yet you don't realize the United States are Terrorists ? You don't ban them or their Criminal Country Associates ?

You like being used to Murder people, and create Nuclear Radiation Accidents?

You have a Soul? Or are you a two face Liar, like they are?

Your Soul Regards,

Mr. Dominic Jermano

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Why never to buy a Japanese vehicle newer than 2010! Or perhaps even ride in one.

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And even after the Fukushima disaster there's a resurgence of interest in developing numerous nuclear power plants. You can be sure these "nuclear monstrosities" will be built in working-class communities and not in affluent neighborhoods.


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The March 11.2004. 193 killed and 1,000 injured in the Madrid train bombings.

Remember March 11. 2011. Fukushima

The March 11 2020 Covid Lockdown

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Fukushima would have turned out completely differently if TEPCO had followed all of their engineers' suggestions to improve its tsunami survivability.

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I think you will find a rise in Thyroid cancers in California after Fukishima...I've got two in my family.

All live in CA.

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My take is that 4,400 tons of used fuel rods suspended 100 feet above ground level, housed in a shaky earthquake-damaged building, is going to come crashing down in the next earthquake, causing a meltdown that dwarfs Chernoble and renders the entire northen hemisphere radioactive.

This realisation has galvanised the nuclear industry to reinvigorate promotion of nuclear reactors globally during the past month, to ensure they make whatever money they can before nukes are banned forever. Secondly, because the north will be lifeless, there is now renewed interest in the Asia-Pacific region and Australia, with plans to eliminate as much of the population as possible to reduce resistance to mass immigration.

Nahhh, I'm just funning you. Such a scenario just could not happen and no human being could contemplate an act of such barbaric cold-bloodedness (ignoring, of course, Gaza, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ukraine, NW Africa, etc). The suden influx of US military bases and missile launching platforms in North East Arnhem Land and the Northern Territory in general, are pure coincidence.

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Such great comments on this thread.

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Perhaps this accounts also for the very low birth rate in Japan?

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