Psychopaths in positions of power and the plebiscite do zero about it.the lie about nukes is fed routinely to the masses to get them to come to heel.no way even psychopaths will destroy themselves and their livelihoods. The show must go on.

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The road to nuclear war is already paved in green lights Only God can stop this madness for the elect's sake and for his servants.The populations unfortunately do not have bunkers like the warmongers. Very unfortunately for the planet.

Matthew 24:6

• Rumors of war do not only mean military wars but also ECONOMIC wars. God protects humanity in 2024.

6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation , and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

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Humans only destroy they don't deserve this planet.

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9/11 an inside job, perpetrated by the USA to begin era of endless wars- Cheney/Rumsfeld doctrine. False flag operation used as guise to create NPR - USA is really ruled by a death cult. Nothing new under the sun the empire we live in will not collapse but implode. What a future to bequeath to our grandchildren.

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As over 100 countries thr time have done the jews must be expelled.

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The US was directly involved but it was the Israeli Mossad who was quarterbacking it. They desperately try to hide who our real enemy truly is. It’s the jewish central bankers of the world who are behind the agenda.

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Veterans Today did some amazing work on the events of 911, including breaking the story that nuclear "pits" were smuggled up through Texas to New York City and into the lowest levels of WTC1 and WTC2's elevator shafts. This explains how the building was essentially, literally turned to dust. It also explains why ALL the rescue animals died, why there was molten steel flowing like a river, why the ground was shoe melting hot weeks after the event, and many other anomalies of that fateful day. So the fact that "suitcase nukes" are being considered as a possible battlefield weapon should not surprise anyone..

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There are no nukes just fear porn.

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The Mossad played a leading roll as well. There was also thermite and nanothermite used for the cutter charges. It burns much hotter than the melting point of steel and was used in addition to nukes. It also contributed to why ground zero burned for more than 3 months. And gee I wonder how building 7 drops with no planes that hit it? I personally don’t think any planes were used. They staged an airplane engine at ground zero that wasn’t even close to the model in the alleged planes. I’ve seen videos over the years that citizens took and all you see is explosions with no planes. It’s truly a messed up world and the Jewish central bankers of the world are the head of the NWO.

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I too saw the staged jet engine. What infuriated me were the "scientists" at NIST dismissing the molten steel.. NIST got themselves in a bind when a high school physics teacher caught them altering the collapse time sequence - they had purposely made the collapse time match computer projections when in fact, building seven initially EXCEEDED free fall speed! NO WAY could that happen without controlled demolition.. NO WAY - people just can't seem to understand that...

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People can’t handle the truth. It’s beyond most people’s ability to even fathom their own government and Is-ra-hell is their enemy in reality. You can show people the evidence and they will dismiss it as right wing extremist propaganda or made up stuff. Well there is one truth and it’s not partisan. I believed the 9/11 lie for several years and then I decided one day to look at the melting point of steel and how hot jet fuel burns. Then I was like uh oh I smell a rat. So I dug in via alt media and that began my truther journey.

We knew about and allowed Pearl Harbor so we could get in the war. We allowed the USS Liberty to get attacked by Israel. There are many more. We are going to have one to kick off WW3 too. Most school and large scale shootings are staged crisis acting jobs. Nothing is real. Everything is a lie and fake.

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Yep yep yep... the federal government has lost the all important benefit of the doubt...

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AI War.

I said it before and I double down on it.


And this guy too

Employee of one of Elon Musk's robot factories spills the beans! Invasion of robots is coming ...


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Oh goody...secret plan #13,553,745 in the history of the US.

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The WE thinks treating the wars as pointless treats the respectability that the wars are that respects the respecting that respecting the world that wants to fly to another way than DEW too there returns the way to public health too the fascist world entirely. Big government sponsors horror. Big medicine sponsors murdering the children's well being. Big pharma profits. Big tobacco...wait, that's the 1990s, but, still, pesticides create the "cancers from smoking" not the sacred medicine called tobacco.

The thought that big defense defends nothing but permanent warfare defends the need to reinstate only the drafting notice that big money needs a Rothbard renewal. Mises.org spells small government, more freedom and self-assurance, since self-reliance relies on the higher integrity to prosper and, of course, see-ya-later Federal Reserves, meaning end the central banks, all of them. War ends when central banks do. Cheers. And cheerio nukes! https://katherinebrannenartist.com/kitty-licks/962-the-reality-that-no-nuclear-attacks-since-the-1940s-trick-photography-created-them-is-the-truth-that.html

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These criminal and fraudulent governments, are not the governments of the people, they are quite simply, private corporations that contract with our Constitutional Republic Governments of the 50 states of America.

We do not not consent to these employees of ours to use ANY NUCLEAR WEAPONS FOR ANY PURPOSE. We also make known to all sentient beings that all of the "wars" of the 20th Century have been MERCENARY CONFLICTS and our men and women were conscripted and trafficked without their knowledge into the Jurisdiction of the dead, Maritime Jurisdiction.

We are not at war!!!

The people of the so called "armed forces" were not given disclosure regarding being "hired" by private (for profit) corporations practicing deceit and treason against the American people.

Many lives have been lost by these criminal plans and we the American People demand the immediate halt to all talk of war or mercenary activity.

We are not at war and we will not be at war.

All people everywhere deserve to be free and have the rights to pursue happiness and prosperity in all forms.

These Criminal Mercenaries whom have gained immense profits from the suffering and mortality of the people from their own home land, will have to pay for their greed and violence against all people everywhere and face a jury to determine the outcome or punishment that fits their crimes.



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And yet no one takes out these murderers.

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I’ve read your website and have it saved.

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Here's an example of the psychopathic daredevil mentality:

"To halt open-ended U.S. expenditures and preserve Ukraine’s independence and security, the United States and its allies need to give Kyiv one last serious chance at victory—defined not as a return to Ukraine’s 2013 borders (as Kyiv would prefer) but as a sustainable restoration of roughly its 2021 borders.

To make that outcome possible, Washington and its allies must substantially and speedily improve Ukraine’s military position with a large infusion of weapons—and place no restrictions on their use."


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These people are insane!

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