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The scum of big pharma and government got nothing from me.

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If I may add one point on how to spot controlled opposition. If you can discuss all subjects save the jewish one and get banned from a site for mentioning the head of the NWO snake then rest assured they are a shill. Lots of them out there too. Alex “NeverJew” Jones is a classic example. He tries to divert you to the Chicoms or Russians like the shill he is. Sasha Latypova is another. Lots of truth with her but shuts down who is mainly behind the agenda. She banned me from her substack as a result. Another is Jane Ruby who is actually Rubenstein. Has tons of people fooled but bans you when you start talking the real truth of who is behind the agenda. That’s the goal of controlled opposition…speak some truth and be the one who hides who wants the goyim dead so the agenda rolls on. Just like voting red or blue…you’re always voting for one of the two Zionist shills who were installed and selected and placed before you to make you think you have a choice and a say so in who runs the nation. The reality is both lead to the same jewish NWO takedown. Case in point Trump pushes that bioweapon just like Biden. Recently Trump even called for the death penalty for antisemitism behavior. There is no political savior under the current system as funding Jewkraine and Israhell, as well as antisemitism legislation is the only thing the uniparty agrees on. And the CONservatives only had 20 vote against while 61 democommunists voted against. All of these traitors should be impeached and stand trial for treason.

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Great article! was this article published in Spanish as well? I would like to share it with my Spanish speaking relatives and friends, otherwise I’d try to translate it using google or something like it. Thank you.

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mondialisation.ca, GR's template in French published the article, we will look into publishing it in Spanish, the GR website as AI translation

greetings, Michel ,

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Or if someone has the original article in French, I think trying to do the transition using the original from French to Spanish may render a more accurate translation than from English to Spanish?

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The world is about to change.

The world where the individuals are to be driven to the edge, that world will be.

The world where the animals want to live again as themselves allowed to be freer is...

The world where the power brokers buy off on owning the entire way to the next world, that world is the world where the individuals have to make decisions to take back.

The world where the kids try to love their mothers and fathers by being good boys and girls, following the really big reality that God is allowed to show to the world that the wanton way to buying the United States was the way to karmically return the realities that karma will play.

The lands stolen by the British-Rich American Colonials to begin the half world that is Canada to the north and the States to the south turned to the United States to the south after Lincoln was murdered.

O. The grief that the world ends when the southerners want another way than burdens only, that will be when the Cherokee suffering is ameliorated and the children born again will thrive.

The world where the removal of the Cherokee was official dictum was the world where the wasted women and men profile themselves as the holier than thou.

Cherokee were allowed to die off so that that Bible belted beings could buy the Walmarts and buy at Walmart.

The world that is the corporate takeover takes over.

That will be the way to cash returned big time when the CBDC turns allowed-by-Divine-Decree to fail.

The technology to technocrat to management styles of yes men and women showing that the technocrats favor the "yes" turns to the yellow bellies that turn greening.

Heil Hitler won't fly this time.

Jewish beings will resume love of the God that thinks that God wants that.

Money changes.

Money changers....change.

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It definitely was a test.and the majority of humanity failed. In spite of zero proof from their own eyes.they fell head long into the bottomless.pit of fear porn.the psychopaths won.

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They have been at this for decades....the Day Tapes tell it all....... Shocking plans to implement depopulation and a worldwide totalitarian system revealed more than 50 years ago https://expose-news.com/2023/04/14/depopulation-plans-revealed-over-50-years-ago/

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And no one does a thing to stop them. The propaganda and programming are too complete.society is all a fraud. Much like the woman in the red dress in the matrix.no-one pays attention no.one wants the truth of the corrupt way we live.

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