If corrupt and greedy pharmacologists started dropping dead from sniper's bullets, someone would notice.

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& The Criminals are still walking around Free with impunity AND Richer

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But how to stop this? That's the real question.

- Luc

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Dear Readers, we must confront the governments, they have the responsibility to discontinue the vaccination program, Michel

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I'm in UK. We have had 2 sessions on excess deaths, dangers, etc. Had expert witnesses. Mantra still is, safe and effective, benefits outway risks and we support the WHO 100%. Our governments are all puppets of the banksters, you know this.

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In Canada, the best option I have is to vote for the Conservatives. They are committed to getting rid of the "carbon tax" that they believe is part of a climate change hoax, and they may consider withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). However, they plan to remain part of the NATO alliance, which means they will continue to work with the other Five Eyes countries. Despite this, the Conservatives will still have to face risks from our larger neighbor's Department of Dirty Tricks.

- Luc

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Yup 🙌🏻 Fine Fkn pickle WE (Canadians) ARE IN

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They didn't intiate them so they don't have to discontinue them.

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The best way to stop it is to educate our children not to let any doctor do anything to them without their parent's permission and then teach parents not to be fools either.

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I agree but the liberal states (at least in the US) are trying to make it so kids can make up their own minds about shots and doctor visits. No parental approval needed. RINOs in red states are not much better.

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Those states should be the targets of crowd funded class action RICO suits until they knock such crap off.

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I agree and I have thought of that.

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Evil Evil Evil

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That's what JJ Couey has been saying.....Check out JJ Couey....our humanity depends on it..... he spoke a few months back at the NCI....... he explains the fraud of COVID......


...he starts talking at 24 min mark.....

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Are you talking about Jonathan Jay Couey?

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Good ! Very good.

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Fantastic interview with Andrew Bridgen here: https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1761393940874293335

As Mr. Bridgen points out, they will lose power over us if we do not comply in large enough numbers.

It is our complicity with their policies, rules, mandates, etc. that enables them to keep doing what they've been doing. Non-compliance is key.

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Thanks for the link.

- Luc

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Pretending mRNA is not messing with our bodies Genetics was it a GIANT MISTAKE ?

While the world is yet to see the intergenerational impact of what is looking like an mRNA nightmare for people across the globe, integration with our DNA was a known RISK to consider by Regulators. https://thenobodywhoknowseverybody.substack.com/p/pretending-mrna-is-not-messing-with

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I suspect that the mRNA thing is a distraction from all the other things wrong with the "vaccines."

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I do too, since that shot has everything in it but the kitchen sink. Pharmacists don't even know all the ingredients.

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Pharmacists are trained to prevent drug interactions, not how to make them. They use package inserts (or PDR references) to determine the likelihood of interactions. If you look at the package inserts for the EUA mRNA shots, you'll see a large blank sheet of paper. If you can find a honest and caring pharmacist, like I did, s/he will be happy to save package inserts for you. Most package inserts go straight in the trash if not requested by the patient, and most patients have no idea what they even are.

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Thanks. I did know that.

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I suspect that you are correct!

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like maybe the inclusion of bacterial plasmids

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Along with a myriad of similar things.

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It was originally planned as a possible treatment for cancer, where there was a genetic defect found. Note that this is the smallest minority of cancers, most have other causes.

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Check out Inside Pharma stack. FDA actually requested black box warning on mRNA cancer injections because.........drum roll........... they bring on new cancers!

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Actually no genetic cause for cancer has been identified as much as producers of toxic carcinogens have tried to shift blame away from environmental factors as primary source. There's a great Jay Couey video of LNP inventor Pieter Cullis discussing how mRNA was hoped to be a cancer drug delivery system but they were never able to control the distribution in the body. He notes how he burned 5 post-docs trying!

Cullis drops a truth bomb (about 43 min) where Pieter Cullis explains LESS than 0.01% chemo drugs reach their target & jokes it's criminal.. it is criminal!! https://rumble.com/v3q5vbq-2023-10-17-pieter-cullis-2022-study-hall-16-oct-2023-brief-twitch1953665426.html

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Vacine injury was not a failure but a plan to fail..thin the herd.

All my original suspicions have been proven true.

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Thank you for all of this information.

When the jab was first announced, I poked around the internet a bit and decided that the whole Covid/jab thing was, for want of a better word, skeevy. Fauci was skeevy. Zeke Emanuel's feverish plans for triage were skeevy. Actually, at my age (I will be 78 next month) seeing Zeke "no one should be given life-saving medical care after 75" connected with the Covid planning was downright disturbing. Having ad companies come up with a list of many different ways to induce people to get jabbed was skeevy. Reading how doctors had no idea how to calibrate the (profitable) ventilation devices - skeevy.

So - no jab. Even if it meant I could never be friends with Jennifer Aniston. FFS. I don't even feel militant about it, just nope, I connected all the dots that were available to me and decided that there was something fishy and that waiting was better than doing something that cannot be undone. I did take copious amounts of D and C. I was not even defensive about not getting jabbed, just calmly gave my reasons. What others think/thought about my decision is irrelevant.

Seeing all of this information does not make me feel vindicated, it makes me sad and angry. And quite glad that my first instinct, when it comes to our government, is wait and see.

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There is something much more sinister going on apart from the Truth you state in this article or shall I say... additionally.

And it has also to do with Elon Musk.

First of all MRNA is part of Gain of Function research which is straight out of Biological Weapons research... MRNA is the delivery System for a GoF Modified Virus... and Dr. Robert Malone's work was done on behalf of the CIA.

Second: Inside these Poison is a technology called NEURAL LACE

LA QUINTA COLUMNIA found this technology which consists of self assembling Nanoparticles inside the Vaccine.

This Technology was created by DARPA Elon Musk and the Harvard Wyss Foundation.

The Harvard Wyss Foundation is foundet by Hansjörg Wyss who is a close Friend of Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

The Importance of this technology is that it is designed to record and program Brainwaves.

It acts like a layer that can amplify and program Brainwaves.

It is part of a chain of technologies which are:

Neural lace

Neural Link



Automated Robots.

And it can be used to Track people through the Starlink Network as it gives each Individual a Biological Identification similar to a MAC Address.

Simultaneously to the COVID Lock-downs the STARLINK Program was started.

STARLINK can do many things such as tracking location and being 5G is directional.

It also can transmit on the Schuman Frequency< which is 8hz our Brainwave Frequency.

So Starlink can influence Brainwave patterns as a means to crowd control... or as they say in Orwells 1984... 15 Minutes of Hate.

It is called: The Internet of Bodies.

This I wrote over three years ago...


The plan... and this gets very sinister... is a world Government with Artificial Intelligence at its core and every Human connected to it.

Automated Fascism as I say.

The whole of Covid was just a Lie... a simple flue... to get people injected with NEURAL LACE.

This is the only reason they want everyone to be injected with this poison.

It is a Trojan Horse of Biblical Proportions.

This is why they push also this digital ID.


That is to connect all of Humanity via Neural Lace Neural Link and Starlink to AI.

AI will be the Machine learning God and Humanity reduced to slaves.

When this is done Humanity will be controlled by an AI Government of automated Fascism.

What this does in simplest terms is to build a gigantic AI Brain... a neural network that grows exponentially with every device added.

This connection needs no Software because AI is the software.

Which means that it doesn't matter what you run, AI will always be there... a shadow spy that reports back to the mainframe of AI.


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Don't you think AI is already in control "for the greater good" by the wars and sanctions which are crippling west and causing genocide and mass migration?

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AI is the Mathematical misuse of Human Intelligence.

It never will be in control.

Only if we allow it and I don't.

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I just listened to a video about how sound waves can heal us but, if used by baddies, could cause all kinds of symptoms which could be falsely claimed as some new deadly virus, disease X coming soon? Was a Russian who worked on this. He also died suddenly and all data, equipment taken by break in.

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I created the word "coincidist" to describe people who blame obvious medical injuries on coincidence. Of course, it also applies when the factory claims the fish dying downstream are a coincidence and so on. I hope to see this concept become part of our vocabulary. It's very flexible, coincidemic, coincitards, the variations are endless...

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All this is real. The children dying incarnated to be there to return to a better world when they wake up again healthy in a new era. And the so-called "Christians" that think reincarnation is against their faith, wake up and smell the rotting flesh.

Indian removal in Canada was real too.

The whole charade is the officialdom that makes the reality: comply or die. But the beauty of the now is compliance is the death sentence!

The natives of the American lands died by the guns and ammo and murders that are there now to show that the lie that small pox was given via blankets thinks that small pox too was never infectious.

Feudal ownership, that is the way to the Rothschild's dynasty's way to control too the central banks, well that ends with the nukes.

Learn to live without them now. The only way out of the predilection that voting too holds the solution is to stop participating there too. Criminal A or Criminal B is not a good choice.

Infectious disease, a western construct, isn't a valid scientific truth. But the standardized proletariats won't believe that. So the shots will continue.

Understand that Energy is Spirit. And Intelligence is Brahma. And stereotyping the world to the nuts and bolts that the children are educated to never understand the subtle energies that too the metallurgists of another era comprehended, well that is the solution to repealing the Affordable Care Act, that will be enforced with the bullets, because the IRS demands compliance!

Enforcing the medical mythos that the vaccines reduce infections that are transmissible, even without symptoms, well that ends when the energies that sell another world than... the junk bonds and junk science together will end them.

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with thanks for your commitment to the future of humanity as well as your incisive analysis, Michel

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25

And the murderous govt as well as big pharma are to blame .especially fraudci and trump.and allnother vaccine pushers.

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Anyone in the US (or gear it to other countries), please send this out to your reps and make sure to add in another point for no inhalable and/or self-spreading shots to petition2congress.com: WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:

* No Lockdowns EVER again

* No forced masking ANYWHERE

* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance

* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency

* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers

* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.

* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.

* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.

* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations

* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.

* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.

* Stop the illegal mass immigration invasion worldwide

* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.

* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs

* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.

* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.

* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.

* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.

* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF


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Prof. Chossudovski mentions Pfizer here as at the time of writing, only the data from them were available and had previous criminal history. Moderna never before had any experience or product brought to market. The Astra Zenica one, quietly abandoned, the early known clot shot, without any public announcement. As well as clots, which people are still dying suddenly, 2 years on from last jabs, we are seeing uptakes in autoimmune diseases like diabetes and cancers, not forgetting all those dead babies, in womb, still born or died shortly after, with complications.

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So dissappointed Michel. Have followed you for some time and yet you have now chosen to spread misinformation. You are an economist and author - with not a medical/science bone in your body. Please just stick to facts . The vaccine "saved" millions of lives. We all know this. Had our prime minister, not taken the measures she did - scientists estimate that NZ's 2020 lockdown and vaccine measures prevented 32,000 COVID-19 deaths and nearly 2 million infections. Would she have been tried for "murder" if she had not done that? Have a wee think about that. Please just STOP.

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Covid infections were going down before the vaccine came out and the epidemic would be over years ago if they hadn’t mass vaccinated during an active outbreak. That puts pressure on the virus to mutate. It’s why flu shots are given months before flu season. Have you seen any studies that back up what you’re saying? No because there aren’t any. You’re just repeating big pharma talking points.

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