Who would have thought, black the race with the highest moral compass in the 21th century

Thank you South Africa, shame on the western world .

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Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . .

I voted for Ron Desantis (R-FL) to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel.

The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia . . .

Was he running for speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?

Following his ouster . . . McCarthy (R-CA) traveled abroad again, this time to England, and expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker . . .

Is he now running for the Prime Minister of the U.K.?

Nevertheless, he is free to go on media tours bashing white people and lobbying for Israel, because he has now resigned from the US House of Representatives . . . I can only conclude that the collective RINO butthurt over former Speaker McCarthy is all about the Israelis who have hijacked the American deep state war machine.

It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.


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South Africa is not being targeted by the entire world as the Jews have been throughout history. The Jewish people have the absolute RIGHT to self-defense. The palestinians ATTACKED Israel without provacation. It is the palestinians who are the one;s guilty of genocide.

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No provocation? 80 years of ethnic cleansing by the zionists.

I know several jewish people and they all abborre israel.

Palestine is Palestine, there is no chosen people and no promise land, if there was once it was 2000 years ago and those so called chosen ones then sold out and left it so.

Stop the nonsense, the abuses and apartheid.

Also self defense is when you are defending your self. Not when you invade and slaughter civilians. That is called callous warcrimes.

Make peace or be gone

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther



❝Bolshevism and Jewry are two words for the same thing. Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable.❞




❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Don't be obtuse. The Jews have suffered tremedously. Israel belongs to the Jews. There has never been a "Palestine". Those Jews that you say "Abborre' [Proper spelling is abhor] "Israel" have a right to do so. We have Americans that abhor the USA. Those types are abhorrent themselves. A large part of the middle east belonged to the Jews thousands of years ago and it still does. It's you is spewing "Nonsense". Israel is defending itself. They haven't been bombarding themselves. The very evil Hamas and other enemies of Jews are the oppressors.

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Your re a zionazi and you should be treated as such.

Stop your nonsense and ethnic cleansing.

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative . . . The Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . .

Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry in the link below), funding foreign conflicts abroad . . . and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag . . .

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF


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Your funny. What is a "zionnazi"? The Nazis participated with Muslims to KILL JEWS. It is Muslims who are "Nazis". YOU one of those hitler sychophants are you? Muslims don't even like themselves. They are a pox on humanity.

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You lack integrity and intellectual courage to take the sick stance you do

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Zionazi is the new term to define the nazi zionist which you seam to represent.

They have a old history, you should read about the 1933 transfer agreement, and while you are at it search also 150000 jewish soldiers of hitler.

Then you may begin to understand what his the real history and come to your senses.

In final.

Please stop bothering me and do some reading before spilling more garbage and hatred.

We are tray going to stop a Genocide, you are the one pushing for it.


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lol lol your propaganda is not working here.

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the obtuse is the fool,you, who believes the BS you spew. the jews NEVER HAD ANYTHING, say it out loud, their false claims are all fairy tales. explain mr. troll how the illegal european state of terrorists is defending itself from weaponless palestinians.

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And the "Zionists" were not victims for thousands of years?

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What kind of nonsense are are you pushing?


The new jews, the non zionist and the Palestinians were the victims then and are the biggest victims today.

Get it in skull, there is no chosen people and no promise land to one people, if it ever was it was 2000 years ago.

Only chosen people are the once chosen by vote through real democratic elections, and even those chosen in this way, are only chosen by their voters.

This planet as in its entirety is the promised land, a promise land which belongs to all those living today as our birth right.

You can live anywhere you like as long as you respect your neighbor. You can not go around stilling other people land and claim it is yours.

the israel could have bought Palestine for a fraction of the money it spent to destroy it and it’s people.

Your dear israel can not exist in the 21th century as the apartheid state which the imbeciles and war criminals would like.

Peace is possible only if you are committed too it, not through violence oppression and police state.

And please don’t bother me with a reply.

Read professors Choussudovski articles and get some education on what you seam to be unaware of.

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Of course. Lemme tell you suntin, i am a layman with no formal "education". That means i haven't been indoctrinated into anti zionist hatred. Narcissists always do this. We get their pov but we aren't allowed ours. Israel gave the land given to them and then gave to Palestine in the name of peace. They refused. Why is it they only want Israeli land and no other country wants them? I don't care what any professor teaches in today's world as it's mostly left wing anti semitic globalist propaganda blowhards that love to listen to themselves with no clue as to what's coming. You will welcome the next world leader with open arms because Palestine will be given independence as long as they live in peace, but they refuse to let Jews live so anyone supporting Hamas is genocidal. Unless implied, don't go calling people names when you are Biblically chlenged and don't use spell check like myself. Does the Bible historically stand the test of time? Imbeciles would deny that. Is this where i asked find Palestine before Rome existed, yet you want to deny Israel, whom history proves has been struggling for survival for like, ever, and calling a map from 100 years ago ancient. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates were ancient so let's throw them out too. There is probably as many writings for JESUS as all of them but guaranteed you refuse to study His teachings. Ever seen a miracle? Look at Israel. Look at History with an open mind.

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History is written by the winners, what I they teach in schools is 90% propaganda and lies.

Biblical bullshit is biblical bullshit.

Your calling people antisemite is the prove of your ignorance, weakness and supremacist indoctrination.

Genocide is the worst crime, and you are a genocide inciter.

Shame on you.

Stop bothering me with your nonsense, insults and lies or I will have to block you.

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you must be a hasbara troll. the palestinians have been victimized for decades., hamas is disgruntled isn'treals used for attempted genocide. surprise they might have turned on their creators.

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This reads like someone who still believes in Santa. Try reading some history of this conflict and see that the war didn’t just start on October 7. From the beginning Israel always had plans to genocide the Palestinians. America has been on board with the plan from the beginning too.

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Blacks, especially black men here in the US are waking up and rejecting the "woke" agenda and the phony "racist" rhetoric being thrown around by mostly white liberals who care little about black people...there are a growing number of black men and women who are rejecting the Democratic party and are supporting Trump in 2024

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OH STOP WITH THE NONSENSE. TRUMP IS A RINO AND A FRAUD. did you forget mr warp speed vaccine pusher? accesory to 1000's of deaths.

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Yes I know and he also is supported bigtime by the Zionists running Israel....yet through all of this, I firmly believe he wouldn't have supported the false flag operation called HAMAS run by Israel...he has gone on record many times since he was much younger as being opposed to these senseless wars...he's a business man...he loses $$ when this kind of genocidal mania goes on

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True, and he also distanced himself after.

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AGAIN! where has concern for palestine been since 1948? ongoing genocide just got noticed? the ICC is itself a corrupt injustice system just as the U.N. has failed in its stated directive. permitting genocide in palestine with zero consequences to the terrorist illegal state called isn'treal.

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Where was Palestine in '48?

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It was right there...I have a magazine from 1927 called national geographic with articals about trips to palistine with maps of Palestine shown in it...so the great LIE you sociopaths tell is a land without a people..

You ziopaths try and rewrite history.

And you can't get away with it any more ...

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Ooh, 1927. Wow, you're really going back. How bout going back to pre Rome?

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Yeah you want to go back and back till the primordial soup and say it's Jewish chicken soup..ziopaths

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If this gets the indiscriminate killing to end, that would be great. It won't be fulfilling, however, if Netanyahu and his fellow murderers are not put on trial and tossed in prison for the remainder of their days. They all should get one year on their sentence for each child that was so gruesomely murdered.

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Remember, there would be no Nuremberg Trials or ICC if Germany had won WWII.

And also remember, that "George W. Bush's administration actively sought to keep the ICC from attaining jurisdiction over the United States or its citizens. It did so by negotiating bilateral agreements with about 100 other countries to ensure U.S. citizens would have immunity from prosecution by the ICC."

Of course, this was for the war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, the list is much longer.

In fact, there are countries Kissinger wouldn't travel to for fear of being arrested for his past war crimes.

And let's not forget, that although some Nazis were hung following the Nuremberg Trials thousands of other despicable Nazi creatures were given refuge within US intelligence and DARPA via Operation Paperclip.

"But the U.S. wasn’t the only nation to leverage the expertise of former Nazi scientists. In fact, the Soviet Union’s less-discussed equivalent effort, known as Operation Osoaviakhim, was even larger in scope."

So 75 years later, the war against humanity continues as nothing as changed.





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nuremberg was a farce. it was more allied BS to justify the destruction of germany. what the murderous allies claim was punishment for war crimes were the crimes they projected on to the germans. were the allies prosecuted for the rapes on D DAY OF 1000'S OF FRENCH WOMEN? NOPE

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Yes, that was victor's justice. The history we are taught is nothing but agreed upon lies and propaganda.

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I don't know about rapes on D-Day, but I do know that wealthy Western industrialists funded Hitler's rise to power.

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Wrong the industrialists invested in german ingenuity. Your skewed perception of hitler and ww2 are the result of allied propaganda.

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"A substantial portion of the Bush family fortune was derived from the extensive business relations over many years between the Nazis and the family patriarch, Prescott Bush, George Bush Senior’s father and “Junior’s” grandfather. The lucrative financial dealings of the banker-turned US senator with Hitler’s fascist party and its corporate sponsors in Germany continued into the war years. Thus, the family millions that gave George H. W. Bush and his children a life of privilege and boosted their political careers are bound up with the mass murder and torture of the millions of victims of the Holocaust and the German imperialist rape of Europe."




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Let me guess you are either a joo or totally brainwashed.there was no holohoax.you believe lies all written by allied propagandists. Germany was far advanced technologically compared to the forced stupid in depression in the west.of course money went looking for innovation to invest in to make .more money.germany dumped the bankers,and gasp!that was a no no. I told you before to get a real education but your cognitive dissonance is too ingrained. You merely parrot the programmed BS. Germany was defending itself.it had no aspirations for dominance.unlike the u.s.and u.k.

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Stop stalking me.....

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My mother was 12 year old German running from the Nazis and while Russians bombing Berlin.

Her grandfather killed in front of Her.

Her and her aunt tell stories of fleeing and despicable acts by allied nations. Direct eye witness evidence ...

Im 66 and my mom wrote it all out before she died a few years ago she was in her 80s

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Just remember Ford, Prescott Bush, and numerous bankster gangsters funded the rise of Hitler.

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Oh please get an education.they invested and wanted pieces of the pie. They were backwsrd compared to the germans. Put down your programming and lesrn real history. Notbthe allied victor BS.

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Don't fabricate history.

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Hitler was praised and was in time magazine at one point as a great leader...till the west saw that one wing stealth aircraft they built in 1944 and the V2 Rocket technology scared the bejesus out of them so Germany had to be destroyed for fear of them taking over so they created the humanitarian crisis like they have in every single middle east country sins.. fascism was a part of the eastern block and in all countries including the USA.. ...against all kinds of minorities of the time ..bigotry was common place back then for europe too. but the zionists really get a lot of mileage out of their specific brand they exaggerated their victimhood with great effect emotionally drilling right down into people's brain stems all the guilt reparations they needed so that now today they can literally get away with murder right before everyone's eyes....

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If you read my original comment I clearly stated Hitler was abandoned by the Western ruling elite because he was too unpredictable.

And for that matter, I'm aware of the nefarious history of Zionism. So what's your point.

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It was war.whst can you expect?innocent civilians suffered

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I'm more in line to think the official story of germany was a lot of fabrication to demonize germany but the fascism was happening according to my families stories of the hushed tones and fear of the state reprisal t go against it... I think the holocaust was an exaggeration and falsified to push the guilt narratives and manipulate the western mind.. the zionist just didn't start or stop lying at the event before or after either.. the 6 million figure was tossed around a lot before ww2.. so i take back some of what i said earlier...i mistook you for a ziopath..

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izlam is filth

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You're an anti semite and this is hate speech

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Like i said, you're only going back a whole century based on a magazine and everything before that is a lie because you refuse to look for truth. I'll give you the ancient maps if you need assistance. Nat Geo has fine pictures, but is all about evolution which is diametrically opposed to Creation. How did we come to exist from nothing? Inexplicable to the secular mind.

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What about the genocide against the Jewish people?

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Well gee that’s why a lot of international laws were signed so that genocide wouldn’t happen again. Did you miss that? And yet here we are watching another genocide happening while the world watches.

There have been a ton of genocides in history, but it’s weird that only one is so important.

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On related themes M.C. . . .

The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.

And first, of Washington's lost Ukrainian Proxy War to weaken Russia and pillage its resources, perhaps the greatest and most feckless imperial play, something of a progress update.


Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.


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Great post, Michael! South Africa, the land that produced the immortal Nelson Mandela strikes at the heart of the Global Militarist Beast.

Next step: Call for a Globsl Crimes Against Humanity Tribunal.

Name the Names of the Elitist Neo-nazi's.

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Its not ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians, but wiping out a terrorist organization. Has S Africa filed for atrocities against the Communist countries by chance? If not, why Israel?

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Why do you ziopaths also point some place else to look over there to hide and cover what despicable acts you get up to.

The other hillarous idiocy of your "reasoning" is how you couple yourself to a despicable act over there like it's an excuse to ignore you doing it...lol...you ziopathics really are a piece of work.

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