isn't amazing how humanity managed to survive fore millennia before the god complex psychopaths arrived .those mentally ill wannabe control freaks need to be exterminated asap.

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No. Put them in a zoo where they belong but, before that, let them share a prison cell so we can find out who belonged to their networks.

"Their is no honor among thieves".

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how about a bottomless pit?

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Or the guillotine.

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Thank you for your pursuit of truth and justice over the years, Michel. It helps us to make better decisions.

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Those futures and options should be disallowed for sure. The whole wealth transfer shananagans during the so called pandemic (STARS covid taking the scene and put normal old flu on vacation in 2020) is about as greedy and perverse as it gets. I've been in upset state for approximately three years, but finally I have resignated a bit. No amount of information will reach these 90% that actually wants to be told what to do. Including many familymembers... Here in Sweden around 80% jabbed, birthrates declining and deaths increased a little. Not so much as other places though, but we do have a high average age of something like 85 I think. And "we"(Wallenbergs) are shamefully complicit in the globalist takeover. Average Swede thinks they will be allright if they "do good" My biggest fear is the weather manipulations, completely ignored, while destroying nature day by day. Including the economy with it.

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Welcome to Substack Prof. Chossudovsky. Dan Fournier here, a contributor to GlobalResearch.ca. How are things lately?

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hi Dan,

with thanks for your support, best wishes, Michel

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Thank you for your reply Prof. Chossudovsky. By the way, I submitted some articles in the past few months but hadn't heard back from you or Jezile Torculas. I know you must all be terribly busy. By the way, I recently started a podcast on my Substack (see fournier.substack.com). I would love to have you as a guest some day; so, let me know if that is something that may interest you. Take care and best wishes.

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Feb 16, 2024
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Why do you say such a thing? It often baffles me that so many, such as yourself, put such kinds ill-founded comments on Substack without ever backing them up with some facts. Makes me wonder if they are paid trolls, spooks, or just lost souls who have nothing better to do (or a combination of these).

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Feb 16, 2024
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I can't say for sure. I just learned about his Substack today. I have contributed articles to GR before and know he is a very busy guy. Maybe he has help to publish articles here and doesn't read every comment on all his articles (as may be the case for most authors). That is possible. I didn't mean to call you a troll. But a little bit more *constructive* comments can go a long way, you know.

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Feb 16, 2024Edited
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I think in this day and online age, we are use to immediate responses to our comments, tweets, etc. I myself can get impatient. We all need to realise that people are very busy and engaging online is not always a priority, for it can be quite time-consuming. That would definitely be the case for Prof. Chossudovsky. He is a prolific writer who churns out articles every other day, has many interview requests, and must have to reply countless emails. So, we all need to be more patient, including myself. Best,

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Thank you again, MICHEL!

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This is a very important article, and must be shared.

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Debunking The Global Overpopulation Myth

Assume Global Population of 10 Billion People.

Texas is about 269,000 square miles, which is 7,499,289,600,000 square feet

Divide 7,499,289,600,000 square feet by 10 Billion People equals 749.92896 square feet per person.

A population of 10 Billion People could fit inside an area the size of Texas, and each person would have a space of 750 square feet all to themselves.

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Feb 16, 2024
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You have grossly mistaken my point.

I debunked the global overpopulation myth.

There is a huge difference between global population and local population density.

There is a huge abundance of arable land to grow crops and raise livestock, and there is a huge abundance of both freshwater and oceans to provide fish and aquatic life forms for human consumption.

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Feb 16, 2024
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Are you aware that oil is not derived from ancient fossils (another debunked myth), but that oil is just another abundant chemical compound like water, only deeper down?

Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons and Oil and Gas Deposits Formation

The theory of the abiogenic deep origin of hydrocarbons recognizes that the petroleum is a primordial material of deep origin [Kutcherov, Krayushkin 2010]. This theory explains that hydrocarbon compounds generate in the asthenosphere of the Earth and migrate through the deep faults into the crust of the Earth. There they form oil and gas deposits in any kind of rock in any kind of the structural position.

Thus the accumulation of oil and gas is considered as a part of the natural process of the Earth’s outgrassing, which was in turn responsible for creation of its hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Until recently the obstacles to accept the theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons was the lack of the reliable and reproducible experimental results confirming the possibility of the synthesis of complex hydrocarbon systems under the conditions of the asthenosphere of the Earth.


The Tucker Carlson Encounter: The Truth About Fossil Fuels with Dr. Willie Soon


Origin of the Oil as Fossil Fuel Hoax:




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Are you aware that the global population is projected to max out at 9 billion people and then decline?

Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline.


Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline


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Are you aware of all of the products made from petroleum and natural gas?


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Are you aware that global life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900?


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