Excuse me for this intrusion. But on March 15th, the planet Mars (in Aquarius) will be in a very conflicting 90-degree angle with the State of Israel's Sun in Taurus conjunct (close degrees) transiting Uranus (rebellion, protest, AI weapons fighting for a Greater Israel-the Homeland),. It will also be opposite the State of Israel's Mars conjunct (2 degrees apart) Netanayu's Mars--23-28 degrees in fixed signs--constricted energies build and bust! This a volatile geometrical sacred structure which has been building up for a very long time, not only in the cosmos, but in humanity.
At this moment I have been writing an astro substack, which I was going to call "The Ides of Mars"! In this post I state that it is very likely that the war in the ME is going to escalate. But most of you already know that. . .
There is much more to say, but I am shy to share as most people don't want to know about the astrology. The synchronistic connections between the astrology and the world events is humbling and incredibly shocking.
Like Ricardo H. and Bassehound (who commented already), I found it interesting that the whole world went insane on the Ides of March of 2020. We had a prelude on Friday the 13th, and a little more on Saturday the 14th, but Sunday the 15th was the epicenter.
On the 16th I went to the bank to get a little cash - the bank had a sign on the door that stated: "No one is allowed in the bank with a mask." (After all, that's what bank robbers tend to wear.)
On the 17th, St. Patrick's Day, I once again stopped at the bank - this time the sign read: "No one is allowed in the bank WITHOUT a mask."
Lastly, thanks to Fritz Freud for his comments about music for peace. One of my favorite songs is Eric Bogle's AND THE BAND PLAYED WALTZING MATILDA. I also highly recommend an article by Michael Leunig titled "Lest we forget the ultimate price of warfare" that mentions this song. The article was published in the Australian newspaper, THE AGE, on 23 April 2005:
So I ask you ? We want to support Police and Military the rest of our life? Ask yourself why are there Police, why is there Military ? Why Wars constantly throughout History as far back as you can go, and even Wars TODAY 2024.
Mostly because of people doing bad things.
But why do they do bad things?
Because of the horror Economic Conditions they are forced into, by the Corrupt Banking System, their Fake Universities. they sandwich together into making so called brainwashed respected Communities in Society for their Poison Corrupt Coverup Communist & Swampington DC Governments.
Agree, arguably the first global world war was declared March 2020 with casualties far beyond any prior war and unprecedented levels of propaganda. The timing indicates an agenda and degree of forward planning by no measure accidental.
No weapons, no munition, no leadership except for a demential president: it is the planned suicide of the US army. For what? To avoid the november election? The reasons cannot be military. Failed Afghanistan, failed Iraq, failed Ukraine. Wow what a secret secret service the US has.
It is a March to war... as the Legions of Amun RA march along the trodden path marching towards annihilation... fueled by a marching band followed by the rhythm of death.
I as a musician find that always musician through their medium speak more truth in one song than all politicians combine in eternity.
Peter Garret's Grandfather was on the Montevideo Maru... this is a song about this.
Montevideo Maru was a merchant ship of the Empire of Japan. Launched in 1926, it was pressed into service as a military transport during World War II. It was sunk by the American submarine USS Sturgeon on 1 July 1942, drowning 1,054 people, mostly Australian prisoners of war and civilians.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM
This article to totally on time!!
Excuse me for this intrusion. But on March 15th, the planet Mars (in Aquarius) will be in a very conflicting 90-degree angle with the State of Israel's Sun in Taurus conjunct (close degrees) transiting Uranus (rebellion, protest, AI weapons fighting for a Greater Israel-the Homeland),. It will also be opposite the State of Israel's Mars conjunct (2 degrees apart) Netanayu's Mars--23-28 degrees in fixed signs--constricted energies build and bust! This a volatile geometrical sacred structure which has been building up for a very long time, not only in the cosmos, but in humanity.
At this moment I have been writing an astro substack, which I was going to call "The Ides of Mars"! In this post I state that it is very likely that the war in the ME is going to escalate. But most of you already know that. . .
There is much more to say, but I am shy to share as most people don't want to know about the astrology. The synchronistic connections between the astrology and the world events is humbling and incredibly shocking.
Thank You, Professor Chossudovsky
Nice intuition!
Like Ricardo H. and Bassehound (who commented already), I found it interesting that the whole world went insane on the Ides of March of 2020. We had a prelude on Friday the 13th, and a little more on Saturday the 14th, but Sunday the 15th was the epicenter.
On the 16th I went to the bank to get a little cash - the bank had a sign on the door that stated: "No one is allowed in the bank with a mask." (After all, that's what bank robbers tend to wear.)
On the 17th, St. Patrick's Day, I once again stopped at the bank - this time the sign read: "No one is allowed in the bank WITHOUT a mask."
Lastly, thanks to Fritz Freud for his comments about music for peace. One of my favorite songs is Eric Bogle's AND THE BAND PLAYED WALTZING MATILDA. I also highly recommend an article by Michael Leunig titled "Lest we forget the ultimate price of warfare" that mentions this song. The article was published in the Australian newspaper, THE AGE, on 23 April 2005:
So I ask you ? We want to support Police and Military the rest of our life? Ask yourself why are there Police, why is there Military ? Why Wars constantly throughout History as far back as you can go, and even Wars TODAY 2024.
Mostly because of people doing bad things.
But why do they do bad things?
Because of the horror Economic Conditions they are forced into, by the Corrupt Banking System, their Fake Universities. they sandwich together into making so called brainwashed respected Communities in Society for their Poison Corrupt Coverup Communist & Swampington DC Governments.
Let us all MARCH towards peace!
The most diabolical war against humanity was declared March 2020‼
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM
October 7, 2001, Bush announced the United States would begin military action in Afghanistan.
October 7, 2023 was the Hamas false flag attack.
The 1973 Arab-Israeli war began on October 6--not quite 7, but close.😁
October 7, 1970 Nixon proposed a ceasefire and peace negotiations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Hmm, it appears "October 7" also has some significance for the powers that shouldn't be.
The missing war in this writing is the war on the world that started in March 2020.
I came here to state the same.
Agree, arguably the first global world war was declared March 2020 with casualties far beyond any prior war and unprecedented levels of propaganda. The timing indicates an agenda and degree of forward planning by no measure accidental.
No weapons, no munition, no leadership except for a demential president: it is the planned suicide of the US army. For what? To avoid the november election? The reasons cannot be military. Failed Afghanistan, failed Iraq, failed Ukraine. Wow what a secret secret service the US has.
It is a March to war... as the Legions of Amun RA march along the trodden path marching towards annihilation... fueled by a marching band followed by the rhythm of death.
I as a musician find that always musician through their medium speak more truth in one song than all politicians combine in eternity.
Death Cab for Cutie – Marching Bands of Manhattan
Eric Bogle - The Band Played Waltzing Matilda
This song describes Australian Soldiers maimed during the Gallipoli massaker
the man they couldn't hang - green fields of France
Also an Eric Bogle song describing the atrocities of WW1
Midnight Oil - In the Valley
Peter Garret's Grandfather was on the Montevideo Maru... this is a song about this.
Montevideo Maru was a merchant ship of the Empire of Japan. Launched in 1926, it was pressed into service as a military transport during World War II. It was sunk by the American submarine USS Sturgeon on 1 July 1942, drowning 1,054 people, mostly Australian prisoners of war and civilians.
These are IMO the most important anti war songs ever and I dare everyone to listen to them and not be moved.
They tell a story simple and brutal that war serves only an anti human agenda.
Anyone who listens to them and still cries war is simply not Human.
The Lyrics of 'Civil War' as done by GunsNRoses comes to mind.