"9/11 provided justification for waging a war against Afghanistan on the grounds that Afghanistan was a state sponsor of terrorism, supportive of Al Qaeda. The 9/11 attacks were instrumental in the formulation of the “Global War on Terrorism”.

So why is it so hard to believe that the 10/7/23 Hamas attacks are not another "false flag" perpetrated as justification to commit genocide and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

In addition, it provides a pretext for a greater regional war in the Middle East.

Didn't Israel initially say, 10/7/23 was their 9/11. Who would know better...🤔

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Hegelian dialectics (problem reaction solution) over and over and over, but people don't get it.

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Please check out Chris Bollyn's investigation into Israeli involvement into 9/11. It appears that 9/11 was a false flag attack orchestrated by Israel. https://rumble.com/v46uh6o-christopher-bollyn-solving-9-11-the-deception-that-changed-the-world.html

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Courageous and illuminating!

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While we can easily believe all these points and statements as we're a great part of this history, some people may still want to see some solid proofs. How can we convince them that all this is true?

Thank you for your efforts that enlighten us all.

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too bad we already know all this.

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Can anyone explain how the troops who sign up to defend America can then be involved with the terrorist groups that are supposed to be our sworn enemies? It’s not just daesh and other offshoots of them, but Al Qaeda and the 'free Syrian rebels, ect. How do they square protecting America while being involved in terrorist groups? It’s one thing for the government to do duplicitous, but it’s another for the troops to go along with it.

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Everything is controlled opposition. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. We can choose to stop being dupes if we only can see ourselves as painful as it might be.

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“18. The IS caliphate project is part of a longstanding US foreign policy agenda to carve up Iraq and Syria into separate territories: a Sunni Islamist Caliphate, an Arab Shia Republic, a Republic of Kurdistan.”

Interestingly, back in 2006, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Joe Biden posed this solution for Iraq. (See, for example, https://www.npr.org/2006/09/29/6166796/sen-biden-divide-iraq-into-three-regions.) I recall there was some debate about whether this would create a federal structure within Iraq, or whether Iraq would cease to exist and its lands divided into new countries, or whether the lands would be added to other existing countries. This plan was kicked around again during the Obama/Biden Administration in (around, I think) 2014.

I seem to recall that as early as 2002, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz (and others, possibly originally devised by strafor.com), posed (or supported) a “Hashemite” plan in which the Sunni part of Iraq would be folded into Jordan, the Shia portion into Kuwait, and the north into an autonomous Kurdistan. Since this would have meant the oil fields would have been mainly in the new Kurdistan, there was some discussion then about sharing oil revenues (though we all can guess how that would have worked out).

Of course, the US intent of this plan, both then and probably to this day, was to further destabilize the region: divide and conquer has always been a primary strategy of every empire.

Michael, I defer to your more informed opinion of this history to correct any errors in my recollection.

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ISIS/ISIL was invoked in the Substack (#13 on the list):


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So spot on...

Like Hamas ISIS the Goddess of Is (Isis) RA (Amun Ra) El (Osiris) is the enemy created by the Brotherhood of Victims.

Israel and the Jews respectively always need to create an enemy or else they cannot play victim.

And victimhood is essential to the way of deception they use to wage war against the world.

And they are using indirectly the USA in much the same way they used Germany 100 years ago.

In fact... the script is Identical.

They plan way ahead as to cover their tracks in advance.

Very clever but also very evil.

They created Religion in order to create war in order to destroy the world... evil Genius.

But they been found out...

Which means we can expect the worst from them.

I say hackers and citizens alike unite dox them and take their power.

Their power comes from Lies.

We are the Truth.


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