Having studied and reviewed much in the period since the Russia/Ukraine conflict began, I am leaning more toward the idea that Naziism never really died at the end of WW2. With so many of the scientists and others spirited away to the USA, Canada, and many other places worldwide following WW2, I believe it has effectively been what is known as a sleeper cell for all these decades. It is increasingly obvious within certain political parties in the republics and democracies where the former chess pieces established themselves. Certainly in Canada, being obtuse as our parliamentary leaders seem to be about the issue, has only revealed such twisted ideological leanings.

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Fourth Reich

Trudeau also is tied and kneels to the Royal house in England who weren't exactly clean about Hitler's run to power.

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Yes, there is plenty proof of such Nazi sympathizers everywhere, including the Royal Family for certain. In real life and in the arts. The last two seasons of Peaky Blinders focused intently on it, and these past few years have exposed many more sympathizers throughout the western hemisphere, and more. American automotive manufacturers were complicit and supportive as were chemicals manufacturers. Very very sad history….

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

Don't forget IBM.

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As I recall it, by the Nuremberg process the Nazism was prohibited.

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Yes, correct. Ergo the underground moniker.

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how many of the bankers were held to account in Nuremberg? surely the Rockerfellers, and wall street should have been? who Foundation-ally supported hitler? the Royal family of UK? no, Justice was not done, it was farcical. a lot of tortured people needed to become scapegoats to protect the real instigators and architects of all the world wars, including this one.

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Actually Ford and other industrial persons in 1937 from Hitler and Mussolini medals, pictured in news, for being the persons who by money brought them to power, "constructed" Hitler. It was their plan i 1933 by coup bringing US into being a copy of Hitlers Germany, and also for the rest of the world. By hearings in 1938, I think, and again after WW2, it was stated "They have too much power, so we can not punish them!"

WW2 newer finished, but totally unexpected, and not in the plan, Soviet by Stalingrad, broke down Germany, and the war went the other way, and the US had to wake up, for Soviet free, capture, all of Europe.

But in 1947 the CIA was made, especially for braking down Soviet, by infiltration, misinformation news.

So if Soviet had lost at Stalingrad, then since then all over world, we would have lived like in Hitlers Germany.

I think that Fords and the others families, still at home have the medals hanging on the walls, and will start wearing them again finally their work for making "1984" have succeeded.

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Define "nazism",bet you can't which is typical of the programmed cognitive dissonance most suffer from.

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It is interesting to me that "nazi " sounds exactly, precisely, like "Not See". Not only is it an imprecise label...but serves as a magic spell. To hide what would otherwise be clear on its face. for this reason i do not use it. black word magic.

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Lol its a slur cooked up bythe allied propaganda to demean the germans as dumb and stupid

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"Nazi" was an epithet applied to its opponents against The National Socialist German Workers Party... Muddy thinking refined to an art form...

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Here you go; Definition of: 'Nazi' is: ''. Learn more at:https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nazi

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Get real.its obvious you have no clue.

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Once you correct your grammar, spelling and sentence structure, let’s chat about who doesn’t understand what, exactly.

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once you grasp the fact that this is not school little boy,and you are able to realize you are a fool,i have no desire to "chat" with a brainwashed dolt. your cognitive dissonance is overwhelming. since you lack reading comprehension in favor of ad hominem attacks,you are a waste of time. keep believing your propaganda. do not reply again troll.

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Mr. Chossudovsky. Based directly on my service as a Canadian soldier serving with NATO forces in Germany the 1960's, and my research for the past many years, there has never been a time since the end of the cold war and the end of the Soviet Union when both the Americans (and it's European and Canadian NATO allies), when these organizations didn't hate Russia and it goes on with the Ukrainian Nazis today. I'm convinced that there are thousands of Ukrainian war criminals enjoying Trudeau's Liberal life in Canada; Freeland's grand father being one of them. L. Leugner, Cochrane Alberta.

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he is a w.e.f. w.h.o. u.n. puppet traitor it is as simple as that.

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Here's a prescient quote by Mark Twain:

"But it was impossible to save the Great Republic. She was rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest had long ago done its work; trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who had applauded the crushing of other people’s liberties, lived to suffer for their mistake in their own persons."

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justin Trudeau's actions reveal him to be a "political psychopath," as described by the psychological researcher Andrew M. Lobaczewski in the book that is entitled "Political Ponerology." Such a person "belongs to "...a genus of highly adapted and charming psychopaths who bend political parties, institutions and media to their depraved worldview, dividing and hypnotizing entire populations , and paving a virtuous path to genocide, mass repression, and gulags."

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

the caligula of canada!

also, Gavin Newsom. (read SF Chronicle's story on him from 2003....his entire life was "carried for" by Getty interests. They said getty Got him his first gig. etc. Article titled "Mayoral hopeful has parlayed Getty money, family ties and political connections into local prominence" it will BLOW YOUR MIND. Ponerology indeed.

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I read that book twice, interesting stuff. i combined it with other stuff.....and this tendency can be enhanced if it is familial....

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What I'm trying to get my head around is Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish.. It's all quite Orwellian, if not Kafkaesque.

What I do know is I'm not contributing so much as a dime to any political party or politician, ever again.

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QUOTE: "Jews are barred out, but it is an arbitrary ruling. I know lots of Jews who are born Nazis and many others who would heil Hitler tomorrow morning if given a chance. There are Jews who have repudiated their own ancestors in order to become “Honorary Aryans and Nazis”; there are full-blooded Jews who have enthusiastically entered Hitler’s secret service. Nazism has nothing to do with race and nationality. It appeals to a certain type of mind."

--Dorothy Thompson, in Harper's magazine, 1941.

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Where on earth did you find that quote?!

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Soros is Jewish too.... just saying.

Zelenskyy is about as much a Jew as I am. I am not. But I’m betting I have a greater respect, affinity, and knowledge of the the Jewish culture than does Zelenskyy.

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Lying Wikipedia says he is, amongst numerous other -- and likely more reputable -- sources.

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Of course he is born into a Jewish family, aka a cultural Jew. That doesn’t mean he is a practicing Jew. George Soros too, is born of Jewish ancestry yet he could never claim to be an authentic Jew.

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George Soros spent his teenaged years working for the Gestapo in Budapest turning in Jewish families. He said of this time, "It was the best years in my life."

Frankly he ought to use the surname "Sauron".

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have you heard of the gang, counter gang strategy? It is meant to be confusing. to make men of action hesitate when needed action is clear. also poly crisis are being set up, another effective strategy. they do not want the enemy to be clear ever. puppet gangs are used to obfuscate all actions, so you must continually , relentlessly, ask yourself "who benefits". Not jews- they are far less safe now, not germans or nazi's, they are being killed in plenty.....so who is it?

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Read Wade Frazier... Watch some of Cliff High's videos -- even if Wade doesn't think much of him.. Wade calls them "The Big Boys" or "The Global Controllers"; Cliff calls them "The Khazarian Mafia"; Br. Scott Mitchell calls them "The Satanic Global Elite" (I prefer that sobriquet)... Here's a curious article I could get into a lot of trouble for, for even mentioning it: Ron Unz' "Jews and Nazis" (https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-jews-and-nazis/).. Have a look at the curious medallion oh.. nearing halfway down, at the subheading "The Nazi-Zionist Economic Partnership of the 1930s"

Ron Unz is a secular Jew... Figure out his motivations if you can -- because I sure can't! 🤪

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Oh stop it!the embarrassing issue is having a clown addressing Canadian parliament. Trying to blackmail yet another country into enriching his bank accounts. So the old guy was from Ukraine. So what. WW2 was germany defending itself against tge bolsheviks aka red communists.he did nothing wrong except get found by the perpetual whining zionists.whats next put him on trial for alleged war atrocities committed by those fake allies? As for Justine, Canada is as bad as the usa allowing these traitors to hold public office.see any signs of revoltion to remove him?nope same in the usa. Corruption reigns,and sheeple are too cowardly to do anything tosave themselves .

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The farmsteads and towns and villages burnt to the ground and all inhabitants slaughtered in Belarus knew what Ukrainians collaborators did. Those Ukrainian Nazi sympathizers were as bad to the Poles as Bolshevics all in the name of two versions of totalitarianism.

Trudeau should be burned in effigy weekly but Canadians seem to love the pain this World Enslavement Forum freak is willing to dish out.

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Um,hello it was war,not some random activity. Agree on truedeau.

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Your source of magazine is clearly propaganda.is the magazine jewish owned?

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Did Justin Trudeau tell you to pose that libel in the form of a stupid assessment, and question?

The Board of the magazine is fairly diverse, in terms of their religious and ethnic/cultural backgrounds. But they didn't write the solid historical analysis that you're trying to ignore. Evan Reif is the author. And he did a fine job.

The magazine in question was founded by the rogue CIA Whistleblower, Philip Agee, back in the 1970's

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It sounds as if you lack real facts and real history. Clesrly you are brainwashed and brain damaged.

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Clesrly - you make your accusations into a mirror - to deflect from your having been exposed, with real facts and real history.

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The hatred emanating from your comment makes me want to delete it and block you. But in the spirit of free speech, I will let it stand.

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Actually Dan, if you dig into it, you may find "irish" is not as extreme as some would have you think... Oh, and read "Nineteen Eight-Four" sometime if you haven't yet... 🤔

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I don’t quite understand the reference to “Irish,” my apologies.

Reread 1984 last year as I hadn’t in over 30-years. It was….unsettling.

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"irish" is the guy you wrote back to saying "The hatred emanating from your comment makes me want to delete it and block you"!!

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🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ LOL....thanks for helping me connect those dots, Captain Harkness

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In the words of the doors of the spaceship "Heart of Gold":

"Glad to be of service!" 😘

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very disturbing news. clearly a set up for WW3, and a scapegoat for it (as hitler served as) a great way to hide the crimes of others like stalin....

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The scary part:

You know at least 100 people in that room realized this guy fought side by side with my ancestors.

Yet every single one of them stood up to clap. And those screams "whooooooo"... wtf

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It's now illegal to podcast in Canada, without "license" from the ministry:


Quote from the link above: "Online services that offer podcasts must register; however, individuals who use social media to share podcasts do not."

People "respect" canada like it was God. It is one big mining colony.

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Matthew Ehret just posted an interview with John Helmers that generally agrees with the thrust of this article, but goes into a lot more depth as to the three way conflict between Russia, Russophobes and anti-semites.

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Zelensky is a Nazi himself . So all of the people who were in and stood up and clapped should be charged for TREASON AND Crimes against Humanity . Abetting Both of the Nazi criminals .

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I am finding, Zionism and white nationalism are really "quite friendly" with each other.

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