I’ve experienced censorship and smearing from the earliest time of speaking out in 2020. But it’s only recently that I’ve encountered strong censorship, which is extremely frustrating. Three occasions upon which parliamentarians in Germany, Croatia and U.K. might have heard me, it didn’t happen. I think it’s not coincidence.


I think it may be because I’m covering a wider take on the crime than most, and that my scientific background allows me to reach certain conclusions that might be persuasive to others.

In particular, I often cover these things on one talk or communication. While doubtless there are other dimensions of all this that I know nothing about, this “hangs together” too well to be completely wrong.

1. there has been no pandemic, no public health emergency & therefore no nasty, scary virus; 

2. that pandemics are impossible because these acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious, and we’ve been lied to about that for decades; 

3. that it is evident that the deception, based on worthless PCR based diagnostics, was created to justify lockdowns and more & finally 

4. to persuade people to roll up their sleevesfor jabs which my skill set allows me to determine, with great confidence, were designed intentionally to cause injury, death and to impair fertility in survivors.

5. bringing it all together, the backdrop to all this is the power of privately-owned central banks (& naturally the BIS) which has, as twin objectives, (i) the dismantling / “de-civilisation” of the West, bringing about a totalitarian digital control regime of mandatory digital ID & cashless CBDC and (ii) through repeated “vaccination” requirement to maintain validity of one’s digital ID, driven off whatever fresh hell is advanced by WHO, a great reset of the population along the lines put forward by a century & more by the eugenicist cliques. 

I will continue to speak out. There’s no intermediate position to take which I find worth talking about.

Best wishes,


#MYpost 296


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We've discussed this before, Mike--there was, in fact, a series of unprecedented death surges across the US in 2020, starting with the 8-week NYC mass casualty event in Spring 2020. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/9/11/chemical-weapon-kills-50000-in-nyc-no-one-cares

You claim there was "no pandemic," and therefore, "no scary virus"--I agree. However, you failed to mention the unprecedented number of excess deaths in both 2020 and 2021. You previously acknowledged the NYC mass casualty event in another forum, but claimed we would "never know" what caused it. No one has even tried--and here you are, implying it didn't happen.

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Have you seen Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler’s Substack articles on New York 2020?

It’s fraud is that extraordinary death spike. It’s not yet understood, but it’s definitely bent data.

No increase in all causes mortality in USA prior to WHO pandemic declaration.

No subsequent period eg 2021 is usable to claim pandemics, because there’s ample evidence of iatrogenicide.

I don’t know why you’d want to inadvertently assist those responsible for obvious fraud and murder.

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I have written about Hockett and Engler's work re the NYC mass casualty event, and they have NOT made a case that the official mortality data is fraudulent, nor have they claimed to have done that. They are doing some investigations in that regard, that's it--no convincing evidence to support it as of yet. So you are assuming the official mortality data is fraudulent based on...what? And what about the other 2 deaths waves in 2020? We were in the middle of one when the vaccines started in December 2020.

So tell me again--who is assisting those responsible for obvious fraud and murder?

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@Virginia Stoner Read this article for answers to your rhetorical question above. But my guess is that you know it already, you just assume most people don’t remember anything...


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@Virginia Stoner Shame on you for telling us no data. Cuomo is the governor and murderer, but you expect a murderer to give us his own incriminating evidence for sending him to jail?

If you are curious, you will find other reports estimating thousands of seniors were put to death due to Cuomo’s executive orders. Yet you feel good about your false narrative. Now I am 99% certain that you are a dirty Democrat.

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There was no useful mortality data in this article. It's blaming excess deaths on the COVID19 fiction; it doesn't mention that deaths doubled or tripled among adults of ALL AGES. Good example of how the NYC mass casualty event is being covered up.

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@Virginia Stoner Your messages to Dr Yeadon made me very angry.

The naval hospital ship and the Javitz Convention Center converted to ICUs were deployed by President Trump in NYC in anticipation of a massive number of COVID cases. But the fact was that neither were needed because patients were not there. In other words, no pandemic.

The fact that you did not mention Governor Andrew Cuomo was the key figure in murdering thousands of seniors in the NY nursing homes makes me very suspicious of who you are. If you are from the United States, you must be an evil Democrat covering for their crimes. If you are not, then you should read how Cuomo deliberately murdered seniors jn NY to create the “death spike” in early 2020.

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Deaths doubled or tripled during the NYC mass casualty event among adults of all ages, according to the official mortality data. No one has explained it. No one has explained any of the other death waves in the US. I'm just providing people with the official mortality data, so they are aware of it--most people are not, because of widespread media silence.

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By the way, it would be funny if it wasn’t so obviously daft to imply, as you seem to be saying “look, something happened in NY, so it leaves open the notion of a pandemic”.

No, it doesn’t.

An isolated massed death event RULES OUT a potential pandemic pathogen as a cause.

Some other cause must be implicated, if the improbably large, non natural claimed death spike is genuine.

It literally couldn’t be a highly contagious, lethal respiratory virus, could it? Because by definition a highly contagious pathogen would do broadly similar things in nearby cities, wouldn’t it?

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Also, Mike, the NYC mass casualty event does not fit the virus narrative--it doubled or tripled deaths among adults of all ages; it also caused a rapid spike in deaths, followed by a rapid return to normal in mere weeks. Who knows whether the subsequent death spikes were similar? No one is looking. Everyone is pretending it never happened.

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1. Agreed it’s nothing like anything else,

2. Why does it matter, given it’s nothing to do with “the pandemic” (which never happened)?

Personally reading Jessica Hocketts research it’s far from clear that the reported deaths are real vs faked data.

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What evidence is there that the deaths were faked? The county, state and federal data is basically in agreement about the numbers. So are all involved in a massive fraud to make it look like a mass casualty event--which they then cover up?

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As for the massive number of excess deaths in the US in 2020--it had EVERYTHING to do with "the pandemic," which served as cover for the excess deaths.

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BTW, I agree there is NO VIRUS. It does NOT follow that therefore, there were no excess deaths. There were A LOT of excess deaths. It looks like democide to me. But no one wants to talk about it.

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Mike, please look at the record of weekly US deaths here from 2020-2022. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#deathsbyweek. What do you think caused the death waves in 2020? I'm just showing people the official data--you're acting like that's a problem?

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The real "virus" exists and embodies in men like faucci who should be eradicated from the planetary body by a very strong "antibiotics"... Him and all the rest of the cronies including the news agencies in collusion...cut the cancer out.

Politics clandestine agencies governments and financial cults are all destroying the planet body's health. To save the patient the rouge cells must be killed off. Its the only way forward for humanity.

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There was no "pandemic"--but there was a democide. It began with a mass casualty event in NYC, which killed 50k extra people over 8 weeks starting right after the WHO declared a pandemic in Spring 2020--that's not opinion, that's according to the official gov't data. It was followed by a series of death waves elsewhere in the US over 2020 and 2021, with excess deaths totaling 1.7 million. Proof of the NYC mass casualty event is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/9/11/chemical-weapon-kills-50000-in-nyc-no-one-cares. Proof of the US "death waves" is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#deathsbyweek

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Also interesting is that another anti-COVID vax campaigner, Dr Vernon Coleman, for some bizarre reason while saying the jabs will cause a massive number of deaths in the future (he is right there of course), also says no excess deaths really occurred at the beginning of the alleged COVID 'virus' pandemic, and while he rightly says that no actual COVID virus exists, he surprisingly also says all cases supposed to be COVID were just flu, which is absolute rubbish, I wish he had seen just how ill I was even at home for 2 weeks before an ambulance took me to ICU with 'COVID' which does not bear the slightest resemblance to many of the effects of flu, which I have had once in my life, the flu made me need to lay in bed much of the time and feel like I was massively aged and in my 80's when I was in my 30's, but that flu by way of comparison with COVID was like a very mild hiccup by way of comparison in relation to very prolonged agonizing severe food poisoning in its severity and bizarreness of effects, and unlike the flu, the COVID has done some severe permanent neurological damage and permanent organ damage, but Vernon Coleman who really ought to know better has stated that all people claiming to suffer with 'Long COVID' are undoubtedly simply malingerers and hypochondriacs. I do wonder if he is some kind of controlled opposition there, or maybe merely just an offensive pompous ignoramus and bully on that score, as many doctors often are, that trait seems to be extremely common and highly infectious among them and few of them seem able to really break free of the 'us and them' mentality, and once you criticize even one doctor, they all gang up and victimize you in a highly organized manner even across several different hospitals, they have little welcoming committees waiting who delight in playing very unpleasant little games, so just maybe on a subconscious level a little of that same infectious mentality still remains in him, despite him now protesting about vaccinations, as he is still a 'doctor' and they do often tend to be all-knowing, very superior and highly dismissive of what mere plebs like me have to say.

Nobody seems to be saying the obvious, that bad players were spiking people in hospitals with the COVID jabs surreptitiously to cause the COVID itself long before the official start of the pandemic to get the ball rolling with bizarre new symptoms of some new conditon.

I have read that the Australian government did actually issue an official instruction for hospitals to do just that, presumably in cases where people were reluctant or hesitant to receive COVID jabs, with such jabs then being administered under the pretense of being something else at the time.

I personally had a number of injections of clear yellow fluid from several vaccine-sized syringes repeatedly injected at brief intervals every few minutes into the area of my windpipe and even directly into it right through the gristle near my voice box with a popping sound on penetrating, with puncture marks and bruising being very visible on my throat later, these were given in hospital during a routine examination without any genuine excuse, and this was some time before I ended up in ICU with 'COVID' for nearly 2 months, though I had not been at all well for a long time since having those jabs done anyway, particularly having joint problems, plantar fasciitis, rippling muscles all over my body even before hospitalization with 'COVID' which I still get, eye bleeds, difficulty swallowing, very bad lower back pains and terrible catarrh especially every time I tried to try to eat any food at all or even drink even water, and I still have many problems now (with the addition of severe lung damage and heart damage and stroke damage and acute neurological and nerve damage all over my body since ICU with COVID), including the extreme catarrh like an allergic reaction to everything I try to eat or drink, though some reports say that mRNA COVID 'vaxx' is even in purposely GM foods now, in COVID mRNA-vaxx tomatoes and the like, and other people I have spoken to have had just the same problems as well, the COVID is caused directly by the jabs themselves by deliberate intention, an ex-military intelligence whistleblower, information about whose report I feature on my site, has come forward to state that the Israeli government tested this COVID ethnobomb weapon out on black people in Africa and on Palestinian prisoners in Israel, obviously requiring for years of research using vast numbers of 'animal' test subjects as the Israelis and Judaic religion actually term all Gentiles, till the 'side-effects' (intended effects) would read like the A-Z contents of a medical text book of every condition known to man and then some more. So for years, Pfizer never really tested the jabs out on the 'ever victim' Israelis themselves, though widely published propaganda says otherwise of course, it is a very dirty business.

Maybe some still find it difficult to go so far as to state the quite simple truth that there was a pandemic caused by a synthetic biowarfare agent in the COVID jabs themselves.

While many deaths in ICU wards were due to ventilators, remdesivir, midazolam etc., other factors were deliberate denial of real medicine and purposely deliberate denial of actually appropriate medical equipment such as denial of the actually less expensive hyperbaric chambers that would give vastly reduced hospital stays and vastly higher survival rates with zero muscle wasting with most if not all patients able to remain conscious and regularly mobile, especially if also given the zinc ionophores ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine along with zinc etc.

In fact several times I have mentioned the horrific lung-damaging effects of a drug that was used on me while I was in an induced coma on a mechanical ventilation machine, called Actemra in the US, Tocilizumab in the UK, and you know what, not one single 'expert' on even on any of the big sites like Mike Adams or Joseph Mercola or on Substack has picked up on it as it does not fit in with their popular narratives. Tocilizumab causes 80% damaged tissue in most of the lung tissue shown by glassy white opacification on X-Rays in most of the lung tissue in test patient X-Rays, and the damage of the type revealed in these X-Rays is admittedly stated in testing to be entirely the result of nothing more than the Tocilizumab itself with that damage stated as occurring in just the first 4 days of usage with no causational effect at all in this instance being attributed to COVID itself or any other cause, in other words they are deliberately damaging people's lungs on the ventilators with Tocilizumab (further damaging people's lungs with Tocilizumab when they already have extreme difficulty breathing cannot be termed an attempted treatment and can only be intended on actually harming people further), with my own X-Ray images from this time being an exact duplicate in severity of damaged areas displayed on the X-Ray images shown in the official tests published online. Those reading the test X-Rays are unduly cautious in what they reveal, as one can see almost all of the lung tissue is badly damaged all the same showing glassy white opacification, but the analysis only ventures to go so far as to say that of the 5 lobes of the lungs, only the two rear aspects of the lower lobes of the lungs exhibit as much as 80% lung damage, yet looking at the X-Ray images, there is absolutely no different at all throughout the 5 lobes of the lungs except for narrow central areas immediately either side of the central wind pipe.

I think TPTB like the WEF are without the slightest doubt actually a front for the Israeli government intending to push their NWO world government objectives from a distance, with the WEF (now officially linked with the UN) run by Klaus Schwab (claimed of course by his own army of hasbara operatives to be a 'Nazi' of course, when his mother is Jewish), stating he employs 110,000 agents on the internet alone to undermine any opposition and push the opinions and spread the information that he wants spreading.

People almost everywhere on the internet are pushing the disinformation that this bioweapon is merely the idea of vaguely-termed 'globalists', 'fascists', 'technocrats', 'Nazis', 'elite' etc. to enable the denial of any connection with the Jewish Israeli government, with operatives now protectively stating even that the Israeli government themselves are not actually Jews but are 'fake Jews' or 'just Zionists' etc. to enable still further distancing and deniability, when Judaic Noahide law objectives if effected worldwide as intended, with the US and even the UN having already given official agreement for full implementation of these laws when Jewish one world government comes in which is exactly what is being implemented now, will produce a cohencidentally similar 'population reduction' (extermination) rate of 7.5 billion goyim, so that the 'chosen' alone can then fully steal the entire planet for themselves alone by the use of extreme violence.

TPTB connected with the WEF/Israeli government purposely assembled a mass of very sinister operatives and purposedly infiltrated them into medical facilities over the years in preparation ready to initiate this WEF program, I cannot begin to properly describe the gleeful passionate sadism displayed by some doctors towards me over the years, some of them are clearly mental and clearly enjoy hurting people like dedicated frankist sabbatian maniacs participating in what is actually a mass blood sacrifice orgy, in fact that is very clearly what a lot of them undoubtedly actually are.

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There is a massive campaign afoot right now to alter history to cover up the excess US deaths in 2020, with a lot of people claiming "there was no pandemic," without clarifying that there were, in fact, a massive number of excess deaths in 2020. IMO that's because the excess deaths were the result of an intentional democide--it goes beyond just the vaccines, or at least it started before they were officially rolled out.

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I said it before and I say it again.

When the Zionists created Adolf Hitler they were just testing.

And now they are coming for the world.

To the letter what happened 100 years ago in Germany is precisely what is going on right here right now.

And the goal is WW3... made by Jews who will play the Victim like always.


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I said it before and I say it again.

When the NAZIS created Adolf Hitler they were just testing.

And now they are coming for the world.

To the letter what happened 100 years ago in Germany is precisely what is going on right here right now.

And the goal is WW3... made by NAZIS who will play the Victim like always.

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The jews created their own hell as they always do. Gedmany was sick of their perversions. .

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Kooks like Fritz Freud and 'scary' Chief Wolf with the wrong face on seem to have a hasbara passion for spreading garbage about Adolf Hitler having been created by the Jews, I have read ridiculous stories that overlap, one saying the (actually Jewish but allegedly non-Jewish in such reports) Rockefeller family sent agents to mind program senior German National Socialists (presumably they booked an appointment through the yellow pages), and another one saying the allegedly fake Jew Rothschilds, always said to be fake of course, as Jews can never say that any Jews involved are actually REAL Jews in the end) ALSO sent mind control experts to program senior German National Socialists, (no doubt in the local bierkeller while posing as innocent tourists).

Hasbara operatives carry on trying to tie everyone's minds in knots by saying Hitler was a Jewish agent but at the same time saying Hitler really did what the Jewish propaganda lies say he did, and then these anti-National Socialist types even say the Jews were really victims of Adolf Hitler. It seems to be impossible for these people to talk straight and say that only German National Socialism stood between all of Europe being militarily invaded and overrun by mentally enslaved and dominated Jewish-led Russian communist forces to purge scores of millions of Christians as had already just occurred in Russia itself under Jewish terrorist control.

It was Natty Rothschild who had instigated both WWI and the Bolshevik Jewish red 'revolution' (terrorist takeover) in Russia, and as early as 1905, he had already planned to have Germany destroyed even before the intended WWI starting in 1914 so as to make it easy for a simultaneously planned communist Russia to then sweep through Europe and enslave that too, WWII was merely a second instalment of WWI to complete that evil work, and was not really anything to do with German National Socialism, though the excuse is maintained today that it really was, as the Jewish Churchill (born to a New York Jewess named Jerome) stated that the real difficulty was not how to avoid war with Germany, but how to get it started, and that once it had been started, not then how to stop it as quickly as possible, but how to keep war going as long as possible, his being the words of a dementedly cruel and insane psychopath. Churchill even said WWII was to finish what had been started in WWI, and that it was actually really nothing at all to do with Adolf Hitler or National Socialism anyway, he said war would have been forced on Germany anyway to destroy its industrial power whether they wanted it or not, even if a Jesuit priest were running it (but of course this was not really about international business, a very big paintbrush was being employed to swipe a very broad stroke of red right across Europe by international Jewry in reality at the most terrible cost to humanity).

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And Still no uprisings!proof sheeple are abundant.

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If You Are Vaccine Injured

You Are Not Alone.

It’s Worse Than That.

If You Were Alone No One Would Know.

The People Most Like You

- Are Pretending Not To Know

Because They Don’t Give A Shit.

That’s How Bad It Is For You.


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I do not think COVID was non-existent, whatever people might term it, nanotech bioweaponry activated by 5G or whatever as an ethnobomb designed to be genetically selective in its targetting and activation even on an individual level as well as on a group level, there is SOMETHING making people very seriously ill, it is definitely NOT a FAKE pandemic or even anything remotely resembling a flu infection (and why would anybody, as some authors have, say that 'it is just the flu'?). The COVID jab programs can be seen on numerous graphs to have directly preceded the massive waves of COVID diagnoses and mortality which can be seen to have occurred directly after COVID jab programs in various nations.

I myself was never officially jabbed, though I think I was almost certainly jabbed surreptititously nonetheless in hospital during a routine appointment before I later 'got COVID', as jabbing people without telling them is legally approved and authorized by the Australian government for example, so it is extremely likely that they do this same thing worldwide, they are not exactly about to tell they are doing that though when this is all part of an incredibly malevolent and sadistic worldwide organized real life James Bond villain SPECTRE-type criminal terrorist mass murder campaign organized from Israel by the Israeli-controlled US DOD/WEF/UN/WHO et al.

When I was admitted to hospital in a very delirious state I was already diagnosed according to my printed medical records as gravely ill with 50% blood oxygen, sepsis, COVID 19 and COVID pneumonia (COVID pneumonia has been officially certified by Pfizer themselves as a 'side-effect' of their own Pfizer COVID jabs), not having been able to eat or drink for 2 weeks at home except for a few forced very occasional mouthfuls of water and soup, coughing up masses of manila brown mucus in agonizing bouts of coughing that felt as if my lung tissue was tearing apart, then I spent nearly 2 months in ICU, including with tubing surgically inserted into my jugular vein on an ECMO blood oxygenating unit pumping blood out of my body then back into it after my lungs completely failed on the mechanical ventilation unit that I had been intubated on previously.

What did I have, a bad case of imagination? I look forward to the next expert article telling me this never existed so what happened to me could not possibly ever have happened.

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This is the big show, it's here.

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The Scamdemic Industry is a "Medical IMF Operation" extracting money in underdeveloped countries while in the West it is intended to transfer middle-class wealth to billionaire gangsters.

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This PRIDEFUL Fashionable Denial “It’s ALL about me! Cuz I was RIGHT”❗️vulgarity, is SO Disgustingly DISRESPECTFUL To & DISMISSIVE Of the Lives of those who NEEDLESSLY died such horrible drowning-in-their-own-fluid-filled-lungs deaths ALL b/c of Depravity of DCs ungodly NAZI EXPERIMENT BIO-WEAPONS LABS.

❗️PLEASE REVIEW DETAILS OF Jeffrey Sachs’ travails in putting together his post-mortem Investigation❗️as intimated in his appearance on Kim Iversen’s show linked below


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The Covid-19 military depopulation operation enabled the Surveillance State to inject billions of people with nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher which are contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada. These are crimes of the telecommunications industry.




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Thank you for your work Professor!!

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Some kind of monetary "plague" will soon threaten the global economy. The tools needed to "save" the system have already put in place, "just in case". It's how we get to "you will own nothing and you will be happy".

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