The American dream was first shot in the back in 1913 and than officially assassinated in 2001 with the patriot act.

Ever since the US has become the very same terrorist entity which it claims to be fighting.

Once land of the free home of the brave, now land of the gangsters home the enslaved.

Here some thoughts


Thx for sharing

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U.S. is merely an extension of the Black Nobility hiding behind the British people for over 1000 years and used them for thier fodder for False Flags and War For Profit and Power. The Endless Wars of the Black Nobility were in action LONG BEFORE THE WHOLE WESTERN HEMISPHERE WAS EVER DISCOVERED BY THE EUROPEANS. That makes the U.S. merely an EXTENSION of the BLACK NOBILITY EMPIRE CENTERED OUT OF LONDON AND NOW SWITZERLAND.

THE CITY OF LONDON'S CENTRAL BANKER FAMILY CABAL continues to own ALL Illicit Markets in the world by which they've derived most of their wealth; SLAVES, OPIUM, OIL, WEAPONS, FOODS...All owned by the Corporatists of The Dutch/British East India Trading Company now known as The British Commonwealth. Then, there's the Monarchs and Peers of Europe and all areas of the world under the umbrella of The Crown Corporation.

THAT IS THE EMPIRE and the United States is merely a Puppet in this International Crime Syndicate the COWARDS now use to hide behind and use as fodder for the False Flags and Wars for Profit and Power.


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I Think that the humanity doesn’t understand that there is concerted war against the children of any nation through data mining, which will set them up to be “lifelong learners in a global gig economy”. More money was spent to a legally close to schools, then has been given to Ukraine. Apparently, I don’t know how much it’s been given to Israel, but I think it possibly could be more than that even. I think if we don’t single-handedly the system of billionaires making billions off of child labor through dynamiting them. We won’t achieve a strategic victory over this diabolical project.

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Aristocracy Vs Oligarchy

Aristocracy and oligarchy are both forms of government in which the society is ruled by a small group of people. However, there are some key differences. Most significantly, while aristocracy is “rule by the best,” oligarchy is “rule by the few.”

Aristocracies are comprised of individuals considered best fit to rule because of their nobility—a level of moral and intellectual superiority that is assumed to have been genetically passed down through family lines. Oligarchies, on the other hand, are made up of people who are simply more wealthy and powerful than the rest of the population. In the words of Aristotle, “…wherever men rule by reason of their wealth, whether they be few or many, that is an oligarchy.”

Since their position is typically insured through inheritance, aristocrats tend to act in the best interest of society. In contrast, oligarchs, whose status is typically dependent on maintaining their current level of wealth, tend to act out of their economic self-interest. In this manner, oligarchy is often associated with corruption, oppression, and tyranny.


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Venice’s War Against Western Civilization

Oligarchism is a principle of irrational domination associated with hereditary oligarchy/nobility and with certain aristocratic priesthoods. At the center of oligarchy is the idea that certain families are born to rule as an arbitrary elite, while the vast majority of any given population is condemned to oppression, serfdom, or slavery. During most of the past 2,500 years, oligarchs have been identified by their support for the philosophical writings of Aristotle and their rejection of the epistemology of Plato. Aristotle asserted that slavery is a necessary institution, because some are born to rule and others to be ruled. He also reduced the question of human knowledge to the crudest sense certainty and perception of “facts.” Aristotle’s formalism is a means of killing human creativity, and therefore represents absolute evil. This evil is expressed by the bestialist view of the oligarchs that human beings are the same as animals.

Oligarchs identify wealth purely in money terms, and practice usury, monetarism, and looting at the expense of technological advancement and physical production. Oligarchs have always been associated with the arbitrary rejection of true scientific discovery and scientific method in favor of open anti-science or more subtle obscurantist pseudo-science. The oligarchy has believed for millennia that the Earth is overpopulated; the oligarchical commentary on the Trojan War was that this conflict was necessary in order to prevent greater numbers of mankind from oppressing “Mother Earth.” The oligarchy has constantly stressed race and racial characteristics, often as a means for justifying slavery. In international affairs, oligarchs recommend such methods as geopolitics, understood as the method of “divide and conquer,” which lets one power prevail by playing its adversaries one against the other. Oligarchical policy strives to maintain a balance of power among such adversaries for its own benefit, but this attempt always fails in the long run and leads to new wars.

The essence of oligarchism is summed up in the idea of the empire, in which an elite identifying itself as a master race rules over a degraded mass of slaves or other oppressed victims. If oligarchical methods are allowed to dominate human affairs, they always create a breakdown crisis of civilization, with economic depression, war, famine, plague, and pestilence. Examples of this are the Fourteenth-century Black Plague and the Thirty Years War (1618-48), both of which were created by Venetian intelligence. The post-industrial society and the derivatives crisis have brought about the potential for a new collapse of civilization in our own time. This crisis can only be reversed by repudiating in practice the axioms of the oligarchical mentality.

The ‘Fondo’

A pillar of the oligarchical system is the family fortune, or fondo, as it is called in Italian. The continuity of the family fortune which earns money through usury and looting is often more important than the biological continuity across generations of the family that owns the fortune. In Venice, the largest fondo was the endowment of the Basilica of St. Mark, which was closely associated with the Venetian state treasury, and which absorbed the family fortunes of nobles who died without heirs. This fondo was administered by the procurers of St. Mark, whose position was one of the most powerful under the Venetian system. Around this central fondo were grouped the individual family fortunes of the great oligarchical families, such as the Mocenigo, the Cornaro, the Dandolo, the Contarini, the Morosini, the Zorzi, and the Tron. Until the end of the Eighteenth century, the dozen or so wealthiest Venetian families had holdings comparable or superior to the very wealthiest families anywhere in Europe. When the Venetian oligarchy transferred many of its families and assets to northern Europe, the Venetian fondi provided the nucleus of the great Bank of Amsterdam, which dominated Europe during the Seventeenth century, and of the Bank of England, which became the leading bank of the Eighteenth century.


Nicolaus of Cusa, Towering Genius of the Renaissance

By Helga Zepp LaRouche

The Fifteenth-century philosopher and statesman Cardinal Nicolaus of Cusa wedded the best developments of Northern Europe and Renaissance Italy: He was the first to enunciate the principle of representative government for the modern nation-state. His Platonist philosophical method, the ‘Coincidence of Opposites,’ destroyed scholastic Aristotelianism, and cleared the way for all subsequent scientific progress. And, in the realm of statecraft, he charted a path of ecumenical dialogue, founded upon the commonality of man’s participation in universal Creation.


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You’ve got to learn that the USA was conquered by the British Oligarchy in 1901 when they assassinated President McKinley and put their Anglophile puppet Teddy Roosevelt in the White House. TR created his Bull Moose Party to split the Republican Party and guarantee that the Anglophile dupe Woodrow Wilson would get installed in the White House.

The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America


The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)


How the British Invented Globalism

Modern globalism was born in Victorian England. The plan was to merge the British Empire and the United States into a single superstate.


How the British Sold Globalism to America

The Secret History of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Anglo-American Empire


How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews)

The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution


A Long History of British Machinations to Control the Content and Dissemination of News and Information



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"it's for our own good" said the sheep as they marched to the slaughter

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I can only think of a few ways common people can defund wars. I am sure you can think of some too.

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Humanity is in a comatose state kept there by propaganda.

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