“Lyndon LaRouche turned out to be right.”

“May his memory Live Forever.”

Sergey Glasyev

(Sergey Glazyev is a Russian politician and economist, a member of the National Financial Council of the Bank of Russia, and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is presently the Commissioner for Integration and Macroeconomics within the Eurasian Economic Commission, the executive body of the Eurasian Economic Union).

In light of Vladimir Putin’s appointment of the economist Andre Belousov as the Minister of Defense and Sergei Shoigu as the Secretary of the Security Council , and given the existential threat of the NATO/collective west’s proxy wars vs the BRICS’, BRI, and the SCO, (whom have adopted the key tenets of the 19th Century “American System of Political Economy”); take heed of Mr. Glazyev’s tribute to the world renowned Economist Lyndon LaRouche on the Centenary of his birth, 20220908.


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What if the West’s swing to support Palestine, and to isolate Israel, is in reality a “false flag” deception to provoke Israel to use nuclear weapons against Iran, and instigate WWIII?

Don’t underestimate the evil-minded Globalists at the British RIIA Chatham House.

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WW3 already happened. This is WW4.

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No Virus and No Contagion is the bigger lie harming humanity cradle to grave

Sids, Autism, Cancer and everything in btwn. Virus are Not Contagious !

easily explained by Dr. Tom Cowan MD in book The Contagion Myth and Can You Catch a Cold by Daniel Roytas free pdfs at www.VirusTruth.NET share widely print the easy mini flyers and put on cars! we need activists to stop the vaccine genocide and the shortening of life with chronic illness and cancer

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There are nukes throughout the world and to date...NO AMERICAN HAS BEEN THE ONE TO GIVE THE ORDER TO DROP THE NUKES as that came from THE CITY OF LONDON with THE CROWN CORPORATION's 'COMMITTEE OF 300'. It's the exact same INTERNATIONAL DEATH CULT MAFIA NETWORK behind this Soft WWIII beginning in 1954 and entering into the Final Phases four years ago with THEIR BIOELECTROCHEMICALWEAPON INJECTIONS having the exact same poisons as those Geo-Engineered into the Atmosphere and placed in the food supply attacking organic DNA and mutilating all organic matter defining all an 'Extinction Level Event' for all ORGANIC LIFE ON EARTH.

There are currently NUKES in all of EUROPE and anybody in the Military can testify to that fact...There always was since the beginning with The Manhattan Project WHICH USED ENEMY SCIENTISTS TO THE ALLIES TO CREATE THEM FROM EUROPE AS IS COMMONLY KNOWN.

So disgusted with everybody GASLIGHTING...The indoctrination/brainwashing about WORLD HISTORY AND EVENTS. While the U.S. most certainly is not perfect by a long shot; THE TREASONOUS INFILTRATING D.C. TAKE THEIR ORDERS FROM LONDON, UK/BASEL/GENEVA/DAVOS, SWITZERLAND.

Think it's about time this duplicitous 'Controlled Resistance' ends the propaganda Terror Porn, Cover-Ups and Sheilding Those Evil. The U.S. and rest of 'The Five Eyes' and Israel are surrogates; AN INTEL NETWORK AND MAFIA ENFORCERS hiding the COWARDLY Demonic Venetian Black Nobility now known as The Central Banker Family Cartel and Crown Corporation. Most elements claimed to be Christian, Jewish, Muslim and many other World Religions when in fact all were united behind closed doors with worship of DEMIGODS IN PAGANISM and WITCHCRAFT. THESE ARE THOSE HAVING NO BOUNDARIES AND RULES...THOSE PUSHING THE BUTTONS OF ALL TYPES OF FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS AND WARFARE IN THE WHOLE WORLD.

There are some reporting FDR to have been assassinated in a very timely manner due to his REFUSAL to drop the Bomb on HIroshima and Nagasaki...While Truman was willing. It's a theory and don't know how true it is; but as so much in the west hidden by surrogate agents of the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits using manipulation, bribery, blackmail, threats and acutual murder and 'Disappearing' mirroring the Chinese...So often, the hypothesis is almost always proven true as in time, truth does have a way of rising to the top.

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more important is that virus are not the cause of disease ! vaccines harming and shortening life every day with every shot in a babies, child, adult arm. Read Contagion Myth and encourage Mr C to start talking about it. free pdf and video lectures at www.VirusTruth.NET

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Said NOTHING about any virus being real. Would advise you to end the argument in that vein and begin to focus upon the 'Big Picture' of the long-term purpose of those Bioelectrochemicalweapon Injections, the current Geo-Engineering of those 'Dish-Sink Poisons' into the atmosphere and the reason they're being placed in the food supply including mutilation of animal DNA to produce the weapons within their own bodies for poisonous meat to then be ate by humans. Eugenicist Depopulation and Sterilization is unbelievably evil...But, Digital Slavery towards an 'Extinction Level Event' of all organic DNA on the planet almost necessitates a total destruction of the whole planet to end the THEFT of God's creation by Satan/Lucifer and all Hell is.


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they can poison people. cant alter DNA bec like viruses, dna is a scam to sell stem cell therapy along wirh mrna . just got home to witness my neighbor spraying round up on weeds while her tiny dog looked on. i told her not a good idea better to pull weeds, bec it will poison her dog.and her..she said she will keep her dog away from the flower bed🙄. a college educated lawyer aka as dimwits who have no problem poisoning themselves and earth, not sure why they need chem trails....so many doing it on their own...

the body amazing ability to cleanse and heal despite it all... Tom Cowan explains dna

if you cant pay $5.00 per month to access all his content and live q and a zooms, bitchute has most of his weekly videos going on 3 yrs.

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We're not wise when making false assumptions as it is possible to infest DNA with Quantum Physics-Oriented Technology. The DNA of your intestine is especially designed for absorbtion and THAT is the first level of infestation so the gut, itself produces the poisons to weaken and destroy not only the body infested; but then spreads the aerosolized poisons to others in what they now define 'shedding.'

When we study a bit of Quantum Physics; all of what we think we know changes as the actual particles are molecular-sized and we can't even see them under the highest power microscopes.

You are correct about all else...And, it is agreed about the most educated to be IDIOTS of the highest order having absolutely NO COMMON SENSE who place themselves and those loved in constant danger.

Regardless of whatever the enemy does to any portion of our material bodies; THE SOUL AND SPIRIT IS STILL GOD'S UNTIL GOD DECLARES IT IS NOT FOLLOWING DEATH FROM EARTHLY LIFE. DNA is material at a very small level...And, most certainly can be destroyed on Earth or mutilated/manipulated to oppose it's purpose for organic/material life.

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I pray for us

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Thank yo Michelle for bring awareness about this absurd and yet real danger.

Here something I just wrote about a Gaza.


Thx for sharing

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These wars are not killing more than vaccines are. why? bec virus do not cause illness,

Virus are dead cell debris eaters. waste removers. not contagious! read Contagion Myth and Misconception Called Virus by Dr. Stefan Lanka free at www.VirusTruth.NET and video lectures.

the wars like Covid are manufactured money laundering operations.

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Are you aware of Presidential Directive PDD-060, signed into law by Clinton, that orders the US military to absorb a first nuclear strike? This way the US comes out looking like the battered good guy, and Russia the aggressor. Political strategist Joel Skousen believes this would be a step towards a one world gov, with the "good guys" saying we can never let this happen again (as they crawl out of their bunkers).

We are also having a nuclear genocide occurring on an invisible level, with the exponential increase of Starlink satellites (Terminator 2 could have been an allegory with the Skynet of satellites irradiating all mankind):


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That would sound almost funny if we were not discussing about nukes.

Do yo really think the US gives a shite about how it would look to the world?

I mean, is it doing it now in the face of the Genocide it as has armed and defended?

The US and its vassal apartheid wannabe state/enterprise are the biggest threat to world peace in 2024

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bigger daily threat culling the population under our noses are vaccines and rx drugs!

why ? because virus are dead cell debris eaters, not contagious. symptoms are the bodies way of detoxing poisons. read Contagion Myth by dr tom cowan md and Misconception Called Virus by Virologist Stefan Lanka at www.VirusTruth.NET share widely if you want to save more people.

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There is one underlying Truth.

We tha people can stop this today.

Go to the Politicians Homes blow the bloody doors of and set them houses on fire.

And if they have more than one house... so mote it be.

I bet you the heart of Joe Biden Jfk Jr and Donald Trump that once the first 33 Houses of Senators will be burned to the Ground we will have peace.

Expose the Corruption by burning down Politicians homes.

It works.

I bet.


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It might come to that.

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and for a non violent better action-save some people in your area from poison shots and rx pharma-

because virus are not contagious. www.VirusTruth.NET

read and share Dr. Tom Cowans book The Contagion Myth- ALL shots are a slow kill unless

you die of Sudden Infant Death or Sudden Adult death (heart attack from recent shot)

the have to make population sick to not only make money off creating illness but to keep the pop docile and culled. Gates et al keep telling us they think too many on planet using too many resources.

free easy to print mini flyers I pur on cars and tape to gas pump screens, slip into convid test boxes and diaper boxes to reach new moms. www.VirusTruth.NET

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The Virus is a hoax.

The power control aka Fascism Inc is the problem.

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The big lie remains the 'cold war' mentality against Russia, reprised during Obama-Bush administration, they know Russia cannot be destroyed by any means. The truth is the US and what was then the USSR met annually at the North Pole, trading information (according to William T Still's 1990 book "The New World Order "), and government officials were afraid V. Putin would disclose that fact to Tucker Carlson during his interview. Russia is too huge a landmass to be destroyed without eliminating humanity, so Oppenheimer and Einstein. wrote a letter to the government about the existence of UFOs, and more would show up if the US kept testing nuclear bombs. Their request was ignored.

The Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings were first tested in Port Chicago in San Francisco on Afrikan sailors, who were to be tasked with the job of clean-up after the explosion, without any protective gear. These men refused, and ninety-nine of them were charged with 'mutiny'. The test in Port Chicago was the last before the Hiroshima atomic bombing in August 1945. Nagasaki came two days after, both were noted crimes against humanity. The truth is that the US government thought it find to kill Afrikan sailors (a dress rehearsal before 'the dress rehearsal') before bombing the Japanese enemy at the time. These are crimes the US can never deny and need to repent for!

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The Big Lie is by far Covid - Certificate of Vaccination ID-

bec Virus are not Contagious! www.VirusTruth.net for many free books and video lectures

share widely to stop this silent genocide of people lining up their babies for "shots" to participate in society aka schools and travel. Im taping their easy mini flyers to gas pumps and putting on cars in hospital pkg lots.

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Nukes are a myth.they rank up there with the covidiocy hoax. Used as fear porn since ww2 to frighten the ignorant. Recent investigation of hiroshima and nagasaki belie the stomic bomb BS. They were fire bombed as dresden was.no evidence of radioactive materials has been found.the cities were mostly wooden buildings.even though the truth was announced the myth must go on.and the ultimate threat of nukes continues to go on

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then why hide behind a wolf? www.VirusTruth.NET repent for what? maybe for doing nothing... being passive when given info that can save people babies to elderly.....

We need more to take action by trying to save some babies from shots that only harm. people need to understand there is nothing to fear that virus do not exist. easy mini flyers to print on the site and free pdfs of books

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IM NOT HIDING, WHY ARE YOU HIDING FROM OUR LORD KING OF KINGS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKsGZ_ngwPs

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Grow up and let go of your imaginary extraterrestrial. You know the absent one that has never appeared.

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Happy Mother's Day

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