Perhaps it was the desired covert outcome that, by Israel declaring war on GAZA, it becomes next to impossible for Chinese President Xi Jinping to mediate normalization with Israel and Saudi Arabia, a radical deal for Israel that stipulates the Palestinians finally get their own sovereign state with the borders returned to the 1967 levels as insisted by Xi last June - This outcome would allow Palestine to claim (reclaim) sovereignty and the vast offshore gas and oil reserves - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/like-the-911-inside-job-israel-coincidently

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Very close, Netanyahu is an extremely bad guy. The US with Ukraine gone needs a new cash cow so where? Israel. Stupidly missing Bibi's quote "Let's squeeze the last dollar from the US."

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Pal's having their own (disjointed) state is an impossibility- has been since the first settlement & checkpoints went up. SA doesn't give one flip about Pal, all that 'deal' is is a dog & pony show - no more.

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Where did israel's millions for 'new batteries' from the US go? Iron Dome was suspiciously silent.

We want our millions in 'REPARATIONS' back, israel!

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This is all more theatre by the Overlords. Of course Israel knew what was happening. It was allowed so they can reclaim Gaza. We are all just marionettes being manipulated by the overfukkers. Millions if not billions will die in the next few years. They not only don’t care, it is all planned. 😥

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Wanting gas fields makes sense as the real reason for invasions of Gaza strip.

Vivek is right in insisting that we find out why Israeli intelligence did not detect the flying parachuters. Could they have known?

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There is no way they did not know.

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Hiw does miliekowski justify theft?calling it a war.there is no "war"when the victim is defenseless. Its genocide.

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Thank you. Nearly everyone I know and follow does not accept this happened without the knowledge of the Israeli and American intelligence. It all appears like theater, much as 9/11, COVID-19, Gulf of Tonkin, and so forth. Invariably there is a need for more war to justify creating more debt-money to keep the system going.

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With $32.211 Trillion in NG reserves off-shore, there seems motivation for battles. However, the US as the global military overlord, recognizes Israel as the owner of these resources, with legitimate authority over Gaza and the West Bank (current CIA World Facebook) in terms of economic resources.

In that context, there’s no need for a ‘false flag’ Hamas attack. Nor is there justification for Israel to declare war. That is not to deny that Israeli may have systematically silenced there own intel warnings of Hamas attack to justify war on people Israeli has always bullied and caged without water and food security, or access to employment.

It is kinda like 9-11 fabricated intel failures in the US when Cheney abd Rumsfeld ignored all sources of domestic and foreign intel by simply choosing not to read what it was his responsibility to know.

So here we chalk another damned and bloody victory (?) up for Bush regime Republicans, cross-party war hawks and oligarchs everywhere, and US authorities charged but not yet convicted of war crimes. It’s something like Kissin’ Ginger and finding your neighbours are being bombed by drones sent by offshore murderers.

It’s about plausible deniability. So do we consider Israel a proxy war fighter for US interests, and/or has the global superpower suckered the vocal victims of WWII into a kind of malignant narcissistic political regime?

Given the decades long role of Israeli and US military in COVID, bioweapon GOF R&D and counter measures, the future seems to fade fast for all but the wealthy isolated few... unless we can feel the joy of, and need for others to experience, life on earth:

Peace be with us mere mortals born with as much right to enjoy precious life on earth as the next vulnerable being and creature on this planet.

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Maybe, the only one's really surprised by the Hamas attack were the needlessly slaughtered.

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yeah - you'd think there would be blowback when Israelis hear about this

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It's like 9/11--most can't wrap their head around it.

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Follow the money always. It is easy to wrap you head around it. The system based on the Dollar is under threat. They need excuses to create trillions of new debt (money). Nothing is better than war.

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There are usually multiple reasons for every manufactured crisis.

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And 9/11 was at least 50% Israel.

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It could be 33 1/3 % since there were two other countries involved.

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Probably a lot more than 50 percent!

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I agree. I was a first responder, not a doctor, just lifting rocks. I had been visiting my brother who was a half block away. Their missiles hit targets alright, but there was no hologram as a truther tried to tell me. This should give you an idea of how long the CIA and Israel have been working together.

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yeah - good insight...

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Does anyone imagine Hamas would be able to arrest senior officers of the Israeli military if the IDF hadn't planned this with the U.S. and Hamas? Look at Q post #916:

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


Who are the ones "saving Israel for last"? They are a worldwide alliance of militaries and intelligence veterans who are bringing down the Cabal. With respect to the overthrow of the Israeli government that is underway, the Alliance includes Hamas, Iran, the U.S. Armed Forces, and the IDF.

'Almost everything is ready for the Third Temple' claims Israeli TV report about red heifers brought to Israel last year

Looks like that Satanic temple won't be built, after all


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"we take you now to our correspondent on the ground in Tel Aviv, Klaus Schwab, for this in depth report":

"Another senseless war fought over imaginary lines drawn on a map. Two different groups of people claiming ownership of the same piece of ground.

Barring a negotiated settlement, which is unlikely after the atrocities committed by either side, there is only one logical solution to this and every other conflict that has mysteriously sprung up, entirely unprovoked, at all four corners of the globe - a One World Government, a Microchipped Population and an Electronic Central Banking System with which we can instantly punish anyone who does not behave properly.

Once we do away with the 'fiction of separate Nations' and the archaic idea of 'National Sovereignty', all of these petty squabbles will be ended overnight.

It's an elegant solution to an otherwise insoluble problem and I would be more than happy to be crowned KING OF THE WORLD as soon as you have been brought to your knees. Thank you."

"Thank you Karl! Now we'll just go back to the ongoing carnage..."

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As Putin said Schwab's days are numbered. Actually I've said that also.

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I've got my fingers crossed.

The only trouble is that there are more like him from where he came from.

Something else fundamental has to change and that starts with you and I.

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I agree.

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Much more elegant than my response.

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Oh you got it brother. You have understood well. Thank you. Appreciated.

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O Oppressors on Earth!

Withdraw your hands from tyranny, for I have pledged Myself not to forgive any man’s injustice. This is My covenant which I have irrevocably decreed in the preserved tablet and sealed with My seal of glory.

Bahá’u’lláh, Hidden Words, Persian, 64

The world is in turmoil. The old-world order is collapsing. Unforeseen calamities occur daily. Societies are under great stress. Deceit is common. Humanity has never been more divided, and every day new divisions appear. Many people are becoming wicked and evil, wishing evil and death on those who do not agree with them. War is perpetual and nuclear war inevitable.

Most people refuse to think about the world’s problems. Although the problems may appear to be political, they are only an outward manifestation of the root causes which are spiritual in nature. Some think that a change in political leadership would make a difference, but that does not resolve the root causes.

Why is mankind going through all this suffering? Truth be told, mankind is failing in its duty towards God. Mankind is being tormented for what mankind has done and what mankind continues to fail to do. A solution was revealed 180 years ago, but mankind either rejected it or is ignoring it. God is testing every human being as to their obedience to His Greater Covenant. How one responds will determine whether they achieve “all good” in the sight of God or have “gone astray”.

The future of mankind is very great, but subject to mankind’s obedience to God’s Greater Covenant. But mankind is stubborn, refusing to cast off their delusions, superstitions, and traditions, and refusing to turn to Bahá’u’lláh; thus, by turning away, they also turn away from the Messengers of the past and show pride towards God. Until mankind turns to God and obeys His Greater Covenant, the torment will continue and worsen.

For a full explanation, please read my paper in its entirety, (1) Mankind is being Tormented - by David Ramer (substack.com)

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Jordan belongs to the Fakestinians.

Gaza is a made up construct dating to 2005 and it has always been inevitable that it would end.

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Soundtrack for the current Zeitgeist:


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It does not surprise me that oil and gas are involved. This whole thing smells. I do not for one minute think the Israeli government were caught off guard any more than the US was caught off guard at Pearl Harbor and to some extent 9/11. They may not have known what was going to happen or when but they certainly had to be aware something was up. It's like all these school shootings. It's never any random stranger coming off the Interstate; it's always someone from the community that everyone knew was problematic. Time and time again we hear about all these red flags that went ignored.

I take no sides in this current conflict. I see it escalating into something really really nasty and I would not at all be surprised if in the near future there is a major terrorist attack (or several) on US soil. We certainly are letting in enough scary characters on our southern border. When 9/11 happened, I was surprised but not surprised. You see, when I was going to college back in the late '70's I got to know several Arab students and their families and while they were personally friendly towards me, they made it very clear what they thought of the United States. They not only did not like our government, they did not like our culture, and I was accepted into their circle only because I was not like other American women, i.e., I did not sleep around. This was something they had trouble wrapping their heads around--an American Christian woman with Islamic values. Anyway as I said I got an insight to how they felt about us. There was only one really negative and somewhat scary incident at a party where my friends introduced me to a young man who immediately backed me into a corner and started ranting and raving in broken English. WTF? I caught the words Israel and Palestinian and immediately it dawned on me: he thinks I am Jewish because of my last name! He paused for breath and I said, "I'm sorry, but I am not Jewish. I am SWEDISH. I don't have anything to do with either side of this conflict." No, he insisted. You are Jewish! Jewish! Well, that's news to me--my family's been Swedish Christians for several centuries. But whatever. It did give me pause. That he kept insisting that I was Jewish when I said repeatedly I was not, was rather scary. Let's just say I have no plans on visiting the Middle East any time soon. But that is the mindset we are dealing with.

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Gaza belongs to "Palestinians"? Hmm... wasn't it under Egyptian rule for decades?

Israelis are Palestinian too.

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So we agree that there should be a single state called Palestine, where the Jews would be the minority. This is the real reason for the whole conflict, the Jews know that they cannot have their apartheid state in a single state solution.

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Islam is at best a cult. Not a religion, Some fools bought into it, but that doesn't make it so. Does worshipping a brutal pedophile seem like a religion to you?

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