Most people will not connect the dots between mutilating children's bodies and minds and the normalisation of violence and atrocity in a culture.... I am specifically referring to genital mutilation practiced by both Jews and Muslims...

Incidentally, the USA is the ONLY developed western country to also practice ROUTINE genital mutilation of baby boys... about 3000 per day ... WITHOUT so much as a religious EXCUSE!!

EVERYTHING humans think, believe and DO happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we treat children during their FORMATIVE years. The human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's!! As long as we raise children with violence... however subtle and insidious... we will NEVER put an end to war... because SOME of those children WILL grow up to perpetrate their pain on others... on ANY level of society.

Anyone interested in the roots of violence would do well to read Alice Miller and James Prescott.

Here is one example by Alice Miller:

The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼



The ANTIDOTE to war ... in the long run:

Aware Parenting:

"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter




"We cannot possibly survive if we are concerned only with our own survival. All human beings the world over are interrelated today. What happens in one country affects the others. Humans have considered themselves individuals separate from each other, but psychologically a human being is inseparable from the whole of humankind.

There is no such thing as psychological survival. When there is the desire to survive or to fulfill, you are creating a situation which is totally unreal. Psychologically, you cannot be separate from another.

The desire to be separate is the very source of danger and destruction. Each person by asserting oneself threatens one’s own existence.

When the truth of this is seen and understood, one’s responsibility undergoes a radical change, not only towards the immediate environment, but towards all living things. This total responsibility is compassion. This compassion acts through intelligence. This intelligence is not partial, individual, separate. Compassion is never partial. Compassion is for the sacredness of all living things."

~ J. Krishnamurti

Excerpt from The Whole Movement of Life is Learning

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Actually the antidote is recognizing psychopaths and their delusions of grandeur.

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That may be one small part, but wouldn't it be better to PREVENT innocent children from growing up to become psychopaths???

You may disagree, but I don't believe that psychopaths are just "born that way"!

Have you read any of Alice Miller's writings? I highly recommend her.

Especially this one:

Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child" by Alice Miller, Lloyd deMause, Hildegarde Hannum, Hunter Hannum ...

"1. The newborn is always innocent.

2. Each child needs among other things: care, protection, security, warmth, skin contact, touching, caressing, and tenderness.

3. These needs are seldom sufficiently fulfilled; in fact, they are often exploited by adults for their own ends (trauma of child abuse).

4. Child abuse has lifelong effects.

5. Society takes the side of the adult and blames the child for what has been done to him or her.

6. The victimization of the child has historically been denied and is still being denied, even today.

7. This denial has made it possible for society to ignore the devastating effects of the victimization of the child for such a long time.

8. The child, when betrayed by society, has no choice but to repress the trauma and to idealize the abuser.

9. Repression leads to neuroses, psychoses, psychosomatic disorders, and delinquency.

10. In neuroses, the child’s needs are repressed and/ or denied; instead, feelings of guilt are experienced.

11. In psychoses, the mistreatment is transformed into a disguised illusory version (madness).

12. In psychosomatic disorders, the pain of mistreatment is felt but the actual origins are concealed.

13. In delinquency, the confusion, seduction, and mistreatment of childhood are acted out again and again.

14. The therapeutic process can be successful only if it is based on uncovering the truth about the patient’s childhood instead of denying that reality.

15. The psychoanalytic theory of “infantile sexuality” actually protects the parent and reinforces society’s blindness.

16. Fantasies always serve to conceal or minimize unbearable childhood reality for the sake of the child’s survival; therefore, the so-called invented trauma is a less harmful version of the real, repressed one.

17. The fantasies expressed in literature, art, fairy tales, and dreams often unconsciously convey early childhood experiences in a symbolic way.

18. This symbolic testimony is tolerated in our culture thanks to society’s chronic ignorance of the truth concerning childhood; if the import of these fantasies were understood, they would be rejected.

19. A past crime cannot be undone by our understanding of the perpetrator’s blindness and unfulfilled needs.

20. New crimes, however, can be prevented, if the victims begin to see and be aware of what has been done to them.

21. Therefore, the reports of victims will be able to bring about more awareness, consciousness, and sense of responsibility in society at large."

Start reading...



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Nov 1, 2023
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Thank you 🙏🏼

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That’s one perspective out of billions. We are all different via education experience Subcultures etc, Yet we would be little different from each other if we had lived each others lives. Our current JUDGEMENT LAWS make trillions for Lawyers Doctors insurance fraud system, without any ethical logical justification. Now they rule over US with their Bizarre RULES OF LAW, they are an organized criminal gang and little more.


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Hello Nicoletta,

```"Thank you for your fine exploration of the factors that contribute to the violence. Your perspective is fine and valid. Please consider this broader one as well..."

Can you see further afield? I see, hear in Earth, a people being kept from maturing. I see people being maintained in a state of domestication that prevents Humanity from achieving civilized behavior. There were peoples in Earth who were well on their way to or who had already achieved Civilization who were seduced, subverted and then domesticated... see?

... If I am correct then this happens in cycles in Earth and is evident in ancient architecture, the exactness of the Earth, moon, sol syst4em and in ancient writings. There is evidence that Earth and moon are constructs and part of a life support system. and there is so much more... But back to how enforced domestication results in a people who are not civilized. Violence is just one of many symptoms of sustained adolescence in individuals that translates into a culture that never matures. Various forms of covert applied behavioral psychology are deployed to keep Human Beings domesticated. In each cycle Human Beings are allowed free range until they reach a threshold and then we are gradually domesticated through generations of manipulations. Each cycle has "races" or breeds of Humans that are specialized. Some are very good at telling stories and influencing others... Some are very good at technical tasks like refining and gathering resources into high grade goods... some are very good at exploiting other Human Beings... etc. See? So we Have the, very valuable to the owners, Jewish tribes who are excellent at entertainment that is used for our entrainment. We have the Germanic peoples who are very precise thinkers and managers of technology who develope the science or limited hangout version of same...and we have various Europeans imperialists needed to capture, domesticate and exploit the free range herd. We have in the south of Earth the Heart and Lungs of the construct the arms and limbs of hard labor and in the North we have intellect both left and right ways of thinking... right and left brain... see?

and on and on...

Violence in Earth is the symptom of our being owned and used along with Earth if I am correct.

``Thank you for your fine exploration of the factors that contribute to the violence. Your perspective is fine and valid. Please consider this broader one as well.

thanks for reading and participating in Creation...


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Fascinating "big picture" perspective. I definitely agree with the idea that humans are being prevented from maturing and reaching their full potential. The entire public school system is designed to dumb down the masses... as documented by John Taylor Gatto.... and others.

Your comment gives food for thought. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Great article 👏

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Deep respect for all your work.

The US-NATO led wars keep repeating  Worlwide...nothing changes much. I still remenber how much hope your writing gave to many Serbs in 2014. You acknowledged what was really happening in Yugoslavia. Your writing about NATO's war of aggression against Yugoslavia was spot on. And it did not change anything.

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It all boils down propaganda being pushed as reality.psychopaths are in control.the dumbed down programmed sheeple are unable or incapable of discerning their own plight. Divisive nonsense is.pushed as fact.counting on the dumbed down sheeple to never question it. Skepticism is missing. The Beatles got it right in "strawberry fields"-nothing is real! It was followed up by the matrix,which sheeple only view as a movie.then there was the movies "idiocracy "and "equilibrium "both actually pseudo documentaries. Lets not forget the in your face "x-files".the masses refuse to see correlation between these shows and movies and the manipulation of their lives. Govt theater and drama reign. Belief in the msm BS. Is counted on.in short humans are doomed.unwilling to remove the psychopaths and big pharma drugs that keep them in thrall.

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When we blame the supposedly stupid sheeple, I believe this is all wrong. The globalists are engaging in a massive propaganda campaign and going all-out in their strategy to alter our perceptions and hence our thinking. The supposed sheeple aren't stupid-- that's not their problem at all. Their problem is that they're good and decent people overall, and they can't believe that the globalists are so scheming, so insidious, so cruel, so devious and deceptive. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/the-truman-show

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That god is their creation a homicidal maniac.it reflects them.

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What about George Soros: ET AL. And Open Society Foundations directing the USA White House ?

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ONE of the many ROOTS of endless violence...


Circumcision: the human rights violation hiding in plain sight:



One area of the CIA’s research that is rarely talked about, or even known, is male circumcision or genital mutilation.

Cansever describes a study of the psychology of boys circumcised between the ages of 4 and 7 both before and after the surgery, based on various methods of psychological examination, and reports the following trends among the subjects:

• lower IQ as measured 7 days after the operation

• infantile regression of drawings and expressed wishes

• greater measured levels of aggression

• new fears and anxieties

• weaker control over primitive impulses to the point of maladaption

• greater aggression towards their mothers

• withdrawal from human relationships and difficulty responding to demands of external world

• perceptions of having been castrated

It turns out that in 1961, the CIA had payed “Cansever” to study the effects of circumcision, and he found that it made boys dumber, more infantile, more fearful, and more aggressive, with less control over their base instincts and a healthy dose of aggression towards the most significant female figure in their lives, their mothers.

If the findings of this study hold true for boys circumcised younger, it might suggest that the United States contains some 100+ million men who have been psychologically altered, from as early as infancy, to be stupider, to have lower impulse control, to tend towards aggression and violence, and to possess an instinctual distrust of women.

Throw in the diminishing effects of circumcision on penile sensitivity and the consequent difficulties of sex and tendency towards paraphilias, and a picture begins to emerge of an organic golem that can be manipulated more easily by carrots and is less able to establish a normal, healthy relationship with a woman—splitting the family apart or preventing its formation has always been a goal of oppressive regimes, including the one that currently rules over the US.

Unfortunately for many of us, there exists, at this point, ample evidence that events in infancy can and do have measurable effects on the hindbrain, the part of our brain that drives instinctual, “gut” reactions and behavior. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic events that trigger stress hormones such as partial amputation of the penis, routinely performed at birth in this country.

Although humans are cognizant of their lives, making behaviorism a dead area of psychology, it is still understood that instinctual behavior plays a role in decision-making, which is why propaganda and advertising are so widespread. How attached will men be to their women if they are surgically predisposed more to masturbate to pornography than to enjoy normal, PIV sex? Is it really a stretch to claim that enjoyment of sex is determined, in part, by the existing or removed enervation of the sex organ involved, and that this might have an effect on the interpersonal relationships of men and women across the country?

It is also worth noting that, according to Leonard Glick in Marked in Your Flesh, circumcision of gentiles is twice used in the Old Testament as a means of disfiguring humiliation and domination by Israelites, and it may still be interpreted as such by a certain religiously-minded tribe. I am not a mind-reader, and intelligent minds can differ on the motivations of various groups that encourage circumcision in the United States, but the historical context of mass, non-consensual circumcision of gentiles may be a clue as to what is going on here."

Link to PDF:



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They are trying hard; so here is another piece of the agenda. The west globalization against chinese globalization has already its losers and they can not do anything else than the distruction of everything and everyone.


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All of the parasitic humanity devouring planned crises are interrelated as is the network of financialist gangsters, spooks, influencers, and mainstream media presstitutes.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYDJAbonmeU Dean Henderson -The Head of the Snake related

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In short - Polycrisis - all because their Keynesian global financial system is failing - soon to implode: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/gods-rule-data-war-consult-vaxx-apathy?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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My big brother ☑️🙏❤️

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Israeli women soldiers give testimony... 2007 documentary:


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