The u.s began messing with the climate in vietnam.these clowns disregard any consequences that their mentally ill brains dream up. The idea that they should not mess with mother nature never enters their minds when big bucks are paying for it.humans always choose self destruction over peaceful existence.

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Is it humans choosing, or are there dark forces, hidden from our sight, behind these disastrous policies? -- wars, plandemics, suppression of effective treatments in favor of lockdowns and vaccines that are themselves toxic, more wars, "climate" remediation, chemtrails, stragelovian science, covert assassinations, fires, Paperclip, even more wars.


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Humans are evil when it comes to wanting power and money. Total disregard of others is how psychopaths manage.yet the sheeple refuse to see how they are duped.they actually believe the advertising of the psychopaths by the psychopaths.

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Beware the military industrial complex and mad scientists

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"Human caused climate change" is certainly true, it's just not the average human precipitating the problem by driving around in his gas powered vehicles, or cows emitting too much methane, etc etc ad nauseum....climate change is being precipitated by an elite group of global technocrats using powerful weaponry to drive the world's population back into the the Middle Ages and make them slaves on a global plantation

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Everything is being weaponized--food, water, pharmaceuticals so why not weather. Maybe, climate change is actually an environmental war against humanity in the pursuit of securing greater wealth for bankster/gangsters while simultaneously heightening the surveillance state.

This should be obvious, to most as who else suffers whenever technology is used to exploit. It's not the ruling elite as they're well-protected. It's always the populations who are living hand to mouth or paycheck to paycheck who bear the brunt of all these sadistic scams.

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For THREE DECADES I have known about "weather modification" technologies. First, through the Patriot Movement (US soldiers back from Vietnam) and again, later, through an "alphabet agency" asset who befriended me much later. One of the (few) things Alex Jones did right was to interview the owner of a company called "Weather Modification INC" from South Dakota who, in 1968 was contracted by the War Department to seed clouds in the skies of South Vietnam during the heavy monsoon season to exponentially increase rain over the Ho Chi Mihn Trail to reduce North Vietnamese transport of artillery to war zones. What is daunting about this is that most of the North American public is totally ignorant that this technology exists and even treats it as a "podcast entertainment" genre. We are in such a "educational/ psychological/ ethical/human rights bubble"

that we struggle to UNDERSTAND the reality that history is facing us with: governments of the world have declared WAR on its citizens! The current agenda is intimately sanitized for its purpose of DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS BY SEDITION.

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If the "Fact Checkers" are trying to deny it - it's probably true ...

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while the HAARP array in Alaska may be closed, I understand they now have mobile units

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One such Mobil Haarp unit is on a ship.

It was in the Hawaii area before the fires in Maui. I bet it fueled the storm that pummeled Maui from an unusual direction.

Also aluminum melted in Maui, and trees burned from the inside out.

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That's absurd.

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they also have the Doppler weather radar domes at TV stations all over the country, that can send different charges and frequencies into the clouds. There are many bits of the satellite feeds showing the radar bursts over a large area, many states, being used to keep hurricanes on the coast instead of drifting inland as they normally would. There is a radar emplacement in SW OK that ionized atmospheric rivers before the several EF 4 and 5 tornados that hit the OK City/ Moore OK area the last decade or so.

The mobile HAARPS are aboard USN ships, and can be seen alongside beam and microwave weapons.

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Lol lol

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Just more proof of human stupidity. Believing they can control the weather has disastrous consequences. Human arrogance will destroy the planet.

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Es gibt mehrere ausgeklügelte Technologien für gerichtete Energiewaffen: Hochenergielaser (Hel), Hochleistungs-Hochfrequenzwaffen, Schallwaffen, elektromagnetische Waffen.

Der Beweis, auf Hawaii wurden gerichtete Energiewaffen eingesetzt?

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I want to contact Michel. I met him 20 years ago in Geneva.

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I would like to contact Michel. We met with him in Geneva about 20 years ago. Serge

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The function of international treaties etc., which make WMDs illegal, is to highlight (to the sufficiently aware) what their own country is up to. They do not deter the PTB, as they are people who think rules are for lesser people.

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Very alarming.

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And all of these is being used against the people of Earth by Evil Corporations and the Elite Cult of Satan! Crop failures, floods, burning forest, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, snowstorms, forcing people to except their New World Order!

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Do not worry about that at all.

Whoever and wherever/ whenever misuses such kind of weapons, it will backfire with unexpectedly high intensity.

Why this will be so, I can't explain here, but only ...

Primitive satanic beings, falsely called humans, are very haughty about themselves.

Those who consider themselves apes as well will not be able to comprehend anything until their definite downfall, despite e. g. the Nobel Prizes awarded to them also by monkeys.

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For THREE DECADES I have known about "weather modification" technologies. First, through the Patriot Movement (US soldiers back from Vietnam) and again, later, through an "alphabet agency" asset who befriended me much later. One of the (few) things Alex Jones did right was to interview the owner of a company called "Weather Modification INC" from South Dakota who, in 1968 was contracted by the War Department to seed clouds in the skies of South Vietnam during the heavy monsoon season to exponentially increase rain over the Ho Chi Mihn Trail to reduce North Vietnamese transport of artillery to war zones. What is daunting about this is that most of the North American public is totally ignorant that this technology exists and even treats it as a "podcast entertainment" genre. We are in such a "educational/ psychological/ ethical/human rights bubble"

that we struggle to UNDERSTAND the reality that history is facing us with: governments of the world have declared WAR on its citizens! The current agenda is intimately sanitized for its purpose of DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS BY SEDITION.

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