The Great Rehypothecation

Are derivatives *intended* to drive the world to bankruptcy and totalitarianism?


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Just discovered this stack, but have followed globalresearch.ca for years

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thank you

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Then, it makes sense.

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Even PBS. Yesterday they posted "Assange went beyond jounralism [sic] and should face espionage charge...." Although it seems they were reposting an AP article, they did chose to repost it as their own.

PBS masquerades as a liberal-minded organization that publishes truth. But they are the definition of State Run Media.

I wrote yesterday with a screenshot, but it looks like SS deleted my post. Which is why I'm not posting the screenshot again.

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Found the info from both these individuals incredibly interesting and unsettling, yet unsure what to make of it all. Certainly less trusting of at least several I've trusted and intermittently supported for many years.



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Thank you!

This section really hits the world-wide zeitgeist:

"Who are the criminals?

Those who leak secret government documents which provide irrefutable evidence of extensive crimes against humanity or the politicians in high office who order the killings and atrocities.

What is unfolding is not only “the criminalization of the State”, the judicial system is also criminalized with a view to upholding the legitimacy of the war criminals in high office.

And the corporate media through omission, half truths and outright lies upholds war as a peace-making endeavor."

How all of these imbalanced, immortal, psyche-suppressed, heartless lying humans can sleep at night, I will never know.

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Their pillows are stuffed with money.

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Thank you for reminding us all of what a nefarious operation this has been from the onset. Free Julian Assange!

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Those of us who have been whistleblowers and/or run our own non-profit advocacy organizations are well aware of the tactic by those who intend harm to the cause by infiltrating our circle of advisors, financial supporters, or getting on our Board of Directors and then destroying the actual work of the organization.

It is a very common tactic and been done to hundreds, thousands of organizations. That's why some of us have refused to allow certain individuals onto our Board of Directors or even to join an advisory board. It's sometimes difficult to know who is a friend to the mission of advocacy and who is merely pretending in order to sabotage the work.

whistleblower/patient advocate

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Realistically, how do we stop his extradition?

Genuine ideas only please and ideally those not requiring any help or support from the Australian government because I can't see that happening at the moment .

Open to EXTREME suggestions as well as long as they are practical.

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We can continue to peacefully protest, flood social media and notify our Congressional representatives that they must support freedom of speech and true journalism. We can demand that Assange be freed.

If the Supreme Court doesn't take up the case and the 2024 election brings new leadership, Assange could be pardoned and given a plane ticket home. 🙏

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Not sure that the "peacefully protest" approach will generate any meaningful results of any kind but I guess we can hope...


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It seems right out of Orwell to me. Western governments are criminal organizations.

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The Assange story is the story of the pandemic. It carried forward. Including many of the same exact actors. Who after their betrayal of Julian Assange went on to their next propaganda assignment. And the next. And the next. And the next. Until 2020 created a lot of job openings for a lot of professional propagandists.

A great document for those interested in doing a deep dive is the Gibney Transcript:


It's long, very, very long. But filled with information that one could spend months going down all of the rabbit holes it leads to. I used my browser's Find keyword search to focus on one very curious actor on another subject related to pandemic I was researching, but you'll find a lot of curious actors, including many Michel and others reading and contributing to this thread will be familiar with.

As I don't have the months to go down all of the rabbit holes I'll share the subject of my curiousity who came into my awareness on a pandemic related topic. James Ball. James Ball had just written this piece in the UK Guardian:


It's a broadbrush smear of all who research and share the truths of the pandemic, our medical system, vaccines, lockdowns, the malevolent agendas of the powerful. So I did some digging on him. I spent a few minutes poking around in the writer's bio, very strange, a lot doesn't add up. Supposedly James Ball went to Oxford but his family didn't have the money to continue his studies so he dropped out. That story doesn't smell right. Then he went to a sort of degree mill and got a journalism certificate of study. Weird. Then he got a job with Julian Assange at WikiLeaks...became uncomfortable with how WikiLeaks was operating, quit, and a few months later WikiLeaks is shut down and Assange went into hiding. Ok, now that's disturbing. Parlays that into a journalist job at the Guardian. He writes some pieces that make you think he's a bit of a rebel, taking the side of the little guy. But there's pieces like the Guardian Fascist health freedom hit job. Very inconsistent values. Oh, and he looks like the biggest stereotypical "incel" there could possibly be, the pics of him besides the one accompanying the article scream incel.

The UK Guardian piece is poorly written, like a guy who flunked out of Oxford journalism school and then bought a journalism certificate online. Redundant, said the same thing using slightly different words over and over and over, three-four times longer copy than it needed to be. If he's getting paid by the word like many writers do these days that was really milking it, meaning the editors simply didn't care, he could free form it.

But that background of his is very sketchy. I'd want to think he's a spook, but he comes across like a complete idiot. Heckofa cover if he is. Maybe that's what got him past Assange's gate, underestimated him? Was he the intelligence mole who took out WikiLeaks? That guy?!?!? All I know is he ain't right.

The Guardian. Breaks the Snowden story. Then behind the attacks on Assange. Slipped a spy who claims MI5 connections into WikiLeaks, James Ball. Who now writes propaganda stories telling readers that working out and choosing healthy lifestyles is the pipeline to Fascism. If you're into wellness and question western medicine, Big Pharma you'll be led to question everything and discover everything you've been told by government and media is a lie. Which is Fascism, of course.

From the Gibney Transcripts:

"WikiLeaks staff suspected Ball was passing information from WikiLeaks onto others: rival media organisations or government agencies. WikiLeaks discovered that Ball had told a colleague he had a job interview with the UK intelligence service MI5 and had interned at the UK Home Office. WikiLeaks also discovered Ball was attending secret meetings with the Guardian journalist David Leigh - his former college professor at City University, and a vocal opponent of WikiLeaks.

While Assange was in prison it was discovered that someone had accessed the Sunshine Press press contacts account using an email client, and had mirrored its archive. Ball had briefly been given access to the account. Documents from the account subsequently appeared in the Guardian. Physical documents went missing, and Ball's behaviour became erratic.

Therefore a second, special non-disclosure agreement was devised for Ball, to test his reaction. After being asked to sign it at WikiLeaks' Norfolk office, Ball became anxious and asked to postpone signing it while he considered it. He then left for London.

It later became obvious to WikiLeaks staff that, showing malicious forethought, Ball had stolen what he thought was WikiLeaks' copy of his original NDA (which would have given him both copies). However the document that James Ball stole was not WikiLeaks' copy of the agreement. Ball had left his NDA out on a desk and it had been filed for security reasons. He had stolen his own copy of the NDA. The other copy had already been removed to a secure location, and is still in WikiLeaks' possession.

Ball became unavailable for work, and stopped returning calls. He lied about his whereabouts, and invented reasons why he could not return, which were confirmed to be untrue by a mutual third party. After several weeks, it became clear that he had cashed in his favours to David Leigh, in return for which he was given a post at the Guardian and the first credit in David Leigh's book.

Ball pursued career advancement at the Guardian by placing himself at the service of The Guardian's institutional vendetta against WikiLeaks, publishing numerous deceitful attacks on WikiLeaks over the last two and a half years, all of which rely on heavily embellishing his role as a freelancer working as a junior intern at WikiLeaks.

During the short time he worked for WikiLeaks he insisted on being called "a journalist working with WikiLeaks" or "a freelancer working for them". Some time after leaving, Ball reimagined his role at WikiLeaks for career advantage, changing his title in order to misrepresent himself to others as a "former spokesperson." James Ball was never a spokesperson for WikiLeaks. Alex Gibney did not secure an interview with WikiLeaks' actual spokesperson, Kristinn Hrafnsson.

Ball has consistently maintained that he never signed the WikiLeaks NDA, and has felt secure enough to lie in print and on camera because he believed he had destroyed the evidence, having stolen the NDA.

Although he lies straight to camera in "We Steal Secrets" about the NDA, in January 2013 Ball admitted that he did sign the WikiLeaks NDA, after having been challenged about it by WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson. In admitting this, he lied again, claiming that he had never denied signing a WikiLeaks NDA. The evidence to the contrary is in the film itself."

"James Ball" was fired from wikileaks:


There's more rabbit holes in the Gibney Transcripts link. This is just a snippet about James Ball as he relates to Wikileaks and Assange. If you have the time I encourage you to explore more. You'll find more connections to the present, to the propagandists of the pandemic and many, many more of the assaults on our minds.

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Great breakdown and links..pity most commentators were driven to giving their opinion(who F cares) about the case than reading and commenting on your information.

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A useful idiot.

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Assange is a captive of "The State" and will remain one, perhaps till his death.

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Do we know if he is even alive? How would we know?

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So many traitors at every turn. just dos hearteneing how vast the demonic reach through this worlds system. Jesus, the ONLy way outa the Matrix; Love the Truth, overcome in all things, brothers and sisters.

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Julian Assange prisoner of War

Imagine there is a war and no one knows it.

Imagine there is an enemy and no one sees it.

How would you know, would you care?

How could you when you don’t know?

Well I don’t know how to put it to you so I make it simple:

There is a war and you know nothing about it because you are blind.

And Julian Assange is a prisoner of this war and a hero.


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