Little children should not be orphaned, maimed or killed just because big people have not learned how to negotiate toward peaceful solutions..

Sign and share a petition with a simple solution to world peace and designed to bring awareness to the real horrors of war. "Let children be the zone of peace. Wherever they are, war is NOT allowed. " Help us spread this message. https://secure.avaaz.org/community_petitions/en/united_nations_international_court_of_justice_worl_world_peace/?empvFtb&utm_source=sharetools&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=petition-1714645-world_peace&utm_term=mpvFtb%2Ben

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Petitions are panacea for those circulating them.they are pointless in reality.

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But they can jog awareness and serve to change the dialogue.

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You jest! If the world has been blind to genocide for all these decades and the dialogue is managed by. the murderers a piece of paper will do nothing.

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Or haven't learned to play well with others as people should have learned in Pre K and Kindergarten like Mister Rogers spoke about.

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So true. We teach children not to fight with each other in the school yard but some world leaders have not yet learned the lessons.

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My comment was based on this great book:

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Book

All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten is a book of short essays by American minister and author Robert Fulghum. It was first published in 1986.

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Sounds like a good book.

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Yep and it's available in many libraries.

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Intent to ethnocide and genocide are undeniable, when is the ICJ going to fulfill its duty?

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the ICJ... what a farce!... Palestinians will NEVER see justice as long as the folks wearing tiny hats are controlling the banks, the media and in many cases, the courts

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Yes yes, but this time they have no alternative.

The horrors are to great and the nazi zionist already went far to much out of control.

One way or the other this insanity has to end.

And now they all know it and can’t get away from the facts.

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Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely... that's what the tiny hat wearers have and will never concede that power

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Power does not come from money, in reality is the other way around.

With power comes money.

If you try to get money to achieve power, you end up busted.

That is why the all scam of capitalism is so ridiculous in this age.

People’s power is a different story, and that is something which in this case no money can buy!

Any how the facts are what they are, you can try to intimidate or to corrupt, and to a some extent you can succeed, but this time, there is no money in the world that could buy the billions of people which have witnessed the horrors of the zionazi in Gaza.

The judges will do their job.

My blessings to the israeli soldiers who put down their guns and walk away from the murdering fields.

Palestinians just like any other people, must be protected, and apartheid must end.

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who said "power does not come from money?"... not me... all I said was power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely... and for your supposed "scam of capitalism", I am a small business owner and I rely on my abilities to generate capital to eat, to clothe, to dwell... I am a conservative who believes in free market capitalism, as I believe all the other types- socialism and/or communism only allow certain folks to access power and hold it over the masses, and kick a hard worker (me) to the curb

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I say from money does not come real power.

In this corrupted capitalist society, in which billionaires are made to rack up all the cash, money has lost its power.

About you and your shop, good on you and congratulations, though I must inform you that you should do some research to find out for how much longer you and your good “neocon” friends reading the Washington and New York post and watching the news from your nice ultra flat screen, will be actually able to own anything at all.

I like to recommend you to look into agenda 2030, there you will find out how you will own nothing and according to the WEF and the now Secretary General of the UN and director of WHO, “be happy”

Ho yeah, and those are the same people which beside unleashing in the world this false pandemic and killer shots, have from the beginning of this false flag operation which the zionazi junta explicitly called the “ israeli 9 11” , have been withdrawing the state of protectorate from the UN shelters in Gaza, and allowed the continuation of hostilities on hospitals, doctors and medical staff, and ho yes, without demanding the protection for medical staff and shelters, and the use of humanitarian corridors.

So, yes corruption and of the highest order, I mean, we are talking about theft of trillions and multiple genocides.

It is a matter of fact, if I would not be aware of the fact that I always see and know of things much before they actually happen, I would be in complete shock of the fact that it has not already happened .

But back to know, corruption corruption, when it becomes blatant it can no longer hide, and when it can no longer hide, eventually, can no longer stand.

So yes, this time the world is watching and the ICJ with its emeritus judges will have to take their stand.

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Never,its corrupt.

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This time their 75 years old colonizers/apartheid creation, like the blood thirsty senile ethnocide pushing moron which it is, went to far.

the UN must do what it’s supposed to and dismantle the apartheid regime, the world has had enough of the horrors.

Peace can only be achieved through a real commitment to it.

For israel to continue to exist, it as to comply with the laws of humanity.

The regime and the apartheid has to go!

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Craig Murray believes the ICJ is up to the task of coming up with a ruling that Genocide is being committed in Gaza. Any of the 149 member countries could bring forward to the ICJ the accusation that the Genocide Convention is being violated. One of the ICJ/UN "states" is Palestine, but the accusation would have to come from Mahmoud Abbas (AKA Abu Mezan) who seems to be a double agent put in control of the Palestinian Authority (Fatah) by US-Israel. One way or another the terms of Genocide Convention should be enforced now that the issue of Israel's intent has already been settled. See my new article


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Israel signed it's own death warrant.

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In 2004, the International Court of Justice gave its opinion regarding the Wall in the West Bank. It said that Israel cannot claim the right of self-defence against a threat that emanates from a territory it occupies.

UN Security Council Resolution 2721 (2023) did not acknowledge the ‘self-defence’ argument by Israel or refer to Hamas' military raid on Oct 8.

As well, very few Western media reported that the Resolution 2721 (2023) called for ‘urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip.’ No time limit was placed on the pauses or how many .The resolution, sponsored by the country of Malta and approved after four failed attempts, calls for ‘A sufficient number of days to enable, consistent with international humanitarian law, the full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access for United Nations humanitarian agencies…’

‘A sufficient number of days’ would be any number deemed necessary by UN humanitarian agencies - and possibly an indefinite ceasefire.

UNSC 2721 (2023) also called for ‘all parties to refrain from depriving the civilian population in the Gaza Strip of basic services and humanitarian assistance indispensable to their survival.’ This sentence is directed at Israel, as the occupying power that has blockaded food, water, fuel and other basic necessities from entering Gaza.

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Isn'treal is illegal period it never fulfilled the requirements given to become legitimate.

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“Isn’treal”...good one!

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Yes Israel is illegal period. Agree 100%.

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And so is the United States and other states who stole land by force.

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Es kommt noch schlimmer;

Netanjahu hatte in den 1970er Jahren gesagt: „Wenn wir es richtig machen,

haben wir im nächsten Krieg die Chance, alle Araber zu vertreiben …

Wir können das Westjordanland übernehmen. Wir können die Westbank

räumen und Jerusalem säubern“.

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If that is so, we all have the right to clean the Middle East from the zionist threat

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The threat is throughout the world. It goes VERY deep...try to learn and understand the “religious” and geopolitical ramifications. WOW!

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Eine Welt ohne Religionen währe wesentlich friedlicher!!!

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The atrocities of Hamas and Hezbolah for the last 45 years are not false flags. Israel, unlike EVERY other nation who is attacked, has attempted to give Palestine EVERYTHING, multiple times, with the exception of completely getting rid of a Jewish Nation. EVERY TIME, the leaders of Palestine, have said "no". This is because the leaders of Palastine (Hamas) do not want peace for their people. They want to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. No peace.. non negotiaion.. no recognition... Please see the charter of Hamas... There is so much to educate your people regarding this. I think a good outline for you would begin with, though most people reading this will resist looking Ben Shapiro, this is somewhat thorough for an outline. To really get a good idea- you would have to check his facts and do a bit of your own research. https://youtu.be/dEoVzKyD_IM?si=xNZsOb626ufaMb36

That all said, moving a population, is not Genocide. And its really the only thing they have left, since the arabs around them ... will not quit their mission to destroy Israel and Jews..

Finally, post note--- false flag... no. Iran.. supported by our left wing... is funding this terror campaign.. I am in touch with Christian Missionaries in the region- I know outside of news... some horrific things these people did.. and are continuing with this mission.. How about where the Hamas fighter comes into the house, shoot the man, put the baby in the oven, turn it on, rape the mother and wife, while the man is still alive to watch, but bleeding out on the floor.... then recording this on their phones, and posting on it on the victims social media.... How disgusting! Be careful who you call the war criminals.

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Please advise "we the people" just who is going to arrest Netanyahu, charge him for

his unbelievable crimes, give him his time in the courthouse, find him guilty and sentence him to death? If Netanyahu escapes justice then there is no justice!

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He’ll probably end up like Kissinger, wreaking havoc at 100 years old.

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The best laid plans of pyschopaths often go awry, as will be the case for the US and Israel.

Generations of young people won't tolerate the sadistic slaughter of thousands of women and children under the flimsy pretext of annihilating "terrorist Hamas" a political organization secretly supported for decades by Netanyahu's Likud Party, as a means of continuing the chaos and preventing a two-state solution. A notion which is now ludicrous given the current situation.

What will the US do knowing that Egypt and none of the other Arab countries want millions of Palestinian refugees? What will creepy Joe and Zionist Blinken do once Israel is no longer interested in hostages and proceeds to bomb Gaza into smithereens?

Will they stop sending aid to Israel in the form of bombs, bullets, and drones or will they continue to hope spook mainstream media news commentators run enough cover for this genocidal policy.

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Genociding palestine has been ongoing for over 100 years,what has changed?the world ignored the psychopathic isn'treal state all this time. No one cares the murder was a daily part of life for Palestinians. Now its suddenly a big deal.no one else thinks that something else is happening?

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You know, Global Research is the only website I can not acces directly from gmail box. And when I tried to send an article to someone on yahoo, It couldn't be sent, tried many times, because of the "policy". Please tell them to rethink the titles, to not write in the hunted words. It obvious now that is cenzored. Thank you.

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It's about controlling the gas supply, control of the Middle East with Israel the power seat, the U.S. behind that face.

It's about psychopathy, madness, inhumanity.

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Not if it leads toward those responsible for war to be brought before the ICJ as criminals.

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