My burning question is; "Why?"

Was it all towards the end of creating an endless war there, to prop up the military machine?

I was 20 years old in 1972, travelling through that country on my way to India. All those photos of modern young women ... that was real.

Now, this revelation of intentional destruction and impoverishment ... on top of everything else that's come to light since "Covid" ...

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The whole of the cabal has to fall and is. The world sees it and we will tolerate no more of this murderous and evil power destroying everything now, including the planet and all on purpose because destruction is all they know. Thanks so much for your work.

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This is so true

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One way to resist is by identifying as #CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) . Ours is a nonpartisan & strictly nonviolent #RevolutionOfAwareness for #FreeingTruthAndReconciliation (ref. Bollyn.com, John 8:32 & #NelsonMandela, respectively).

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I saw this as well this morning and sent it to friends. In the late 80s, I worked with a guy from Afghanistan at a bar - obviously, he wasn't a devout Muslim. He told me his mom and aunts all wore mini skirts in the 70s and were educated. I stupidly thought it was the influence of the Soviet Union that women gained such rights, but it seems it did so organically. I recently read that we poked the Soviet Bear under Carter, and the people of Afghanistan paid the price. Obama/Clinton did it to Libya, which is now in shambles. Maybe it is karma that the weapons have been unleashed on us to topple our nation-state. Thomas Sowell argues that worldwide slavery declined when nation-states became strong. Perhaps this is the point, to put us in servitude so we are obedient to them, why we fight among ourselves.

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Thanks for this ... a subject that comes up repeatedly here in Colorado "with friends" who go on and on about women's rights in Afghanistan, Iran, etc... and fail to see how Washington is pulling the strings behind the scenes, and frankly not that much behind the scenes.

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"A Criminal Undertaking. Who’s Behind It?"

The same people that were ultimately (at the very top) behind 9-11, Lahaina, the bogus "Pandemic," etc., the Central Banking Cabal.

They're quite happy and content when we pick on the orgs providing the layers of protection and veilung as being the ultimate culprits instead of simply being the tools that they use to do their satanic (literally) dirty work.

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Adam Curtis has made a documentary on history of Afghanistan. Long, but an eyeopener. On BBCiplayer and also here. watchdocumentaries.com/bitter-lake Well worth watching.

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One has to know wtf the psychopaths get out of worldwide mayhem. Is it to satisfy their control ability?and why is it there is no massive revolution against these psychopaths.the hunan race has beencowed and dumbed down for generations by laws created to keep them under the boot of these psychopaths. It appears that self preservation is a lost cause.

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"The endgame was to destroy Afghanistan as a progressive and independent nation-state committed to education, culture and women’s rights.”

WHY????? Please elaborate

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Hi Michael, I’m grateful for the article, though it is saddening to read.

I would love to read an expanded version of this article that provides the Soviet context. For example, I’m wondering… What precipitated the CIA to sponsor Islamic Fundamentalism in Afghanistan? What is the interplay and timeline with the Soviet Union’s actions in Afghanistan? Etc.

Best wishes,


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I'm not clear on the motivation of the US ( CIA) to destroy their country ....

Please advise thx

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It's somewhat disingenuous to blame the imposition of repressive Islamic doctrine in Afghanistan on America. When Russia departed in 1989 the country was ruled by the Mujahideen followed by the Taliban. Islamic rule was imposed before the USA invaded the country in 2001. That's not to defend the invasion but placing blame where it doesn't belong discredits the accuser.

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Thank you for this graphic illustration of how our intelligence agencies make us and the rest of the world less safe. And then Biden drones a family of ten upon his haphazard exit, freezes their central bank funds and vows to give half of their money to 9/11 survivors. What's wrong with this picture?

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Gotta rethink Reagan, folks: Jabb liability protections, immigration debacle, deficits, massive military spending increases, etc.

At some point, a more balanced view of the man will need to be undertaken.

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Hola, this is a different subject, sorry. I don't know how to contact you. The people in Cuba are literally starving right now. There is no food, thank to the sixty year old blockade that serve no other purpose than revenge.

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