Thank you Michel for this article and book.

Peace & Love

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Highly interesting, and the text quite equal to what I told my friend around the same year, 1966, when the 19 years old, after much readings since child. But I was answered back "you are a fanatic communist!" And after the fall of the Berlin wall I said "no it will go downhill".

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"Go Downhill" ?? You mean we still haven't hit Luge mode yet ?? If not yet, soon. I doubt we'll make it to the bottom and likely shoot the rim and go sailing and careening into oblivion like Wide World of Sports "Agony of Defeat". You know, .... unless something drastic intervenes at some point very soon.

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I am Danish, so I had to find out about "Luge mode", i Google. By "going downhill", I was thinking about normal health in Denmark would turn down, and which clearly is seen. Denmark had to have a health system equal as Soviet, or better. Like not paying for hospitals, and doctors, and cheep medicines. For if not then people would start thinking that living in Easter Europe, communism, not was bad.

And besides by "go downhill", turning down, thinking about the future like for normal people, like in "Strange New World", which we can read bout i WEFs writing, with no supermarkets, no car, no airplane travelling, not owing anything, not event the body.

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My only point was that we are not starting to shoot downhill, ... but that we seem to be well on our way and swiftly at that and not in just one area, but many all at the same time.

And I do get the WEF Newsletter, ... just to keep tabs on their evil intentions. I learned to read their drivel for what it actually means. These people are sick and twisted.

Yes, the Luge was something I vaguely remembered from decades past, when I used to watch the Winter Olympics, which I first boycotted when the Olympic Committee allowed PRO Basketball players to compete and take gold medals from countries that barely even knew what Basketball is. . Jim Thorpe had to be spinning in his grave.

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It's a big problem that most people knows nothing about WEF, in Denmark they only knows know that it's something, a place some of the members of the parliament yearly visits. Not knowing that actually it's a union of the richest persons, and not a meeting between governments, but instead it's governments which comes there to listen to what multi rich persons want the governments to do.

My nearest friend, whom I have know since 5 years old. When he telephoned to me, on my birthday, in April, last year, and I then told about Bill Gates, he answered bag "That nice and helpful person. Since then, after copies and writhing to him, now I am on letter 570 to him since 2002, he aught to have learned realities concerning BG, quit opposite to what's told in the censured "news".

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Imagine my situation, where I am talking to friends and relatives and they know the government is screwed up and evil, they totally disagree with the narratives and agenda's, they understand the fake news lies to them daily, ..... yet they still call me a conspiracy theorist. lol

Now that's a migraine without any cure. I just can't fathom how they could know these things, yet still prefer to stay in the dark and ignorant on so many facets that fit together in dovetail fashion to the globalist agenda, as literally everything is connected, yet they refuse to see the Big Picture and how it all fits together. It must be something in the water. lol Or in the air, or on our soil, or in our food, or in their injections, or, or, or.

There is nothing new, but the history they do not know.

"The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." — J. Edgar Hoover

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” ~Theodore Roosevelt

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That sidetracked me for an entire day.

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Anyone with common sense which is rare,could see the hoax for what it was.anyone see people dropping dead in the streets?no?in spite of those with the common sense exposing the hospital ER BS. The fearful minded chose to deny their lying eyes and rush to enrich big pharma by taking the clot shot.never has there been such an eager race to suicide. WEF and gates from hell should have immediately been arrested for global terrorism. But the cowed sheeple enjoyed being "punked",and still do it seems.no one has organized a revolution to remove govts and the corrupt in the jobs. Hmm,almost as if the majority of the world have Stockholm syndrome.

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I 100% agree. I also believe a coup took place in the 2020 US presidential election. Neocons staged this coup along with the intelligence agencies to wage war with Russia. Biden will do and say what he is told, even reading the instruction to {pause} on the teleprompter. Mr. Trump was against war and needed to be removed, just as JFK was murdered because he refused to enter a war in Vietnam.

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I have this lengthy list of Weird New Words & Phrases and it is generally comical, with funny definitions of the bizarre words people make up for different things. I have an On Deck list for entrees that I have not yet found the time to add a definition to. This seems a good opportunity to use one of them, because it applies so well to this topic. "Floup d’État" It might even find its way into an article title some day.

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Such altruism !

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Remember, China, Russia, India and most of the non western (US, EU, Canada and Australia) have no interest in this so called "global or 1 world government.

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Yeah, but try telling that to the 194 U.N. countries. They're kinda dense. ..... or just deep in debt to the BIS and IMF and are bullied into whatever the UN says, ... Or Else !!

The funny part is that these days there are likely an awful lot of people in the US, EU, CA and AU that would gladly help China, Russia, India buck the globalist system.

With any luck, in the end, it might be like shooting fish in a barrel. lol

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The scamdemic is a continuation of 9/11 where the ruling elite unleashed a "concocted" War on Terror which in reality is a war against humanity, as it paved the way for establishing a technocratic biosecurity surveillance state further advanced during the scamdemic and quickly followed by the "Ukraine mess" causing hundreds of thousands of needless deaths, millions of refugees, and a restructuring of the global energy resources.

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Worldwide Corona Crisis


All War is Evil. No More War

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"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King

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I hope you were able to unearth the p*tents f*uci has from gof work at woo h*n: 10 on hiv from 1990 and 5 on s*rsone from 2005. info has since been scrubbed from pub med.

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This is such nonsense. What a shame that someone so helpful in understanding 9/11 and other vital events has fallen into the trap of mythology regarding medical issues, about which he is not trained. Many thousands have died as a result of adopting these views.

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Lol. MD. A useless moniker worthy of zero respect. Please go get your booster. What number are you on now? 4? 5? 6? And don’t trip over your chain.

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Hey, .... your fly is open !!

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