Have you heard about 'Donkeypox' yet?

A new virus called Donkeypox is sending a chill up the spines of conservatives across the country. Alternative media pundits say the disease is much more credible and dangerous than Monkeypox.


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The $camdemic that launched a thousand jokes..

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Our only solution to fight back is while simple in it's concept will be difficult to get enough on board to do it. The Wefers and WHOsers (my spell checker suggested replacing this word with Losers - what does it know that I don't) are a small number of people when one thinks of what they are doing to the rest of the global population.

If much of the worlds 8 billion people just stood up and collectively roared , "NO, WE WILL NOT COMPLY" this lunacy would stop

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Maybe you should look into Adjuvants and Antigens in Vaccines that I posted about back in early 2021. So far, none of you "truthers" have done any research or posts on the subject. None, meaning 0.00. Ceramide in Covid Vaccines causes Oxidative Stress and Neuron Death. Taurine & Sulfur in Covid Vaccines are linked to Neurodegenerative Diseases https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/going-for-the-juggler-on-vaccine

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This is the only WHO I listen to:


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...the following well chosen paragraph in quotes at the beginning of the main article...'“We have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly through new modes of transmission,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing in Geneva on Saturday (July 23, 2022)'...is a select precursor to the entire context, when NEW MODES OF TRANSMISSION may obviously imply the flagrant use of pcr tests to falsely inflate the numbers of cases.

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Only if we allow it...

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Thank you, Professor Chossudovsky for enlightening your readers with truth and common sense. I totally respect you sir. You are a good man.

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The WHO's emergency funding runs out in a couple of days, they NEED THIS PANIC to get more money!!!....with a reinstate of the EMERGENCY FUNDING!

Tedros, who is NOT a doctor anymore than Gates is, was run out of Ethiopia while trying to push communism on that country!

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Are they planning on another global shutdown and jab campaign? You betcha!

They haven't finished their bid for Full Spectrum Dominance. Buckle up.

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F*** THE WHO!!!

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Yeoman's work, again. Thanks.

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By Christine Massey |

I hereby challenge anyone at the preposterously-named "W.H.O.", or anywhere else on the planet, to provide/cite valid scientific evidence of any "monkeypox virus" (or any other alleged "virus").

Silence will be interpreted as your tacit admission that you cannot provide or cite any, because it doesn't exist. Monkeypox mythology continued at https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/challenge-to-who-etc-re-monkeypox

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CDC Admits NO DOCUMENTATION For the Existence of the Monkey Pox Virus After a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request! https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-robert-young-money-pox

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The World Health Organization is a criminal gang which should have been stopped, its assets seized, its principals apprehended and imprisoned for life at the very least, decades ago. I'd sooner take my chances with The Medellín Cartel; they were at least honest as to their intentions. As for Bill Gates' catamite Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? Like Bill Gates himself? He merits the death penalty. His execution must be public and televised: Nothing less is adequate. I favour "The Guillotine": No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it. And for those of you who would call me a barbarian for such sentiments? That is "Amnesty": They both should be publicly burned at the stake for what they've done, along with the tens of thousands of others culpable in the Covid Fraudemic, hands down the most heinous crime in human history.

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"The virus can spread by direct contact with infected wild animals or through close contact with an infected person, including sexual contact, which is the most commonly reported form of transmission globally AND Children continue to represent the most affected age group (Table 1); of the 7,851 reported mpox cases, 39% were reported in children aged under 5 years" How do we reconcile this atrosity?

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What atrocity Marlene? I wouldn't trust the WHO with the time of day, let alone the downpayment on a free lunch. Everything they're telling you, everything they've ever told you, including the rubbish about "monkeypox" – is a lie. If it exists and like "Covid" I very much have my doubts it is purely a disease of male homosexuals with a penchant for unprotected anal sex, IOW 5% of the population worldwide, at most.

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Major Oxford Study shows ONLY the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died ft Kaufman Institute for Coincidence https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/major-oxford-study-shows-only-the

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