Sorry if I triggered the TDS crowd? Fauci lied, people died. Biden is a criminal pedophile. Hollywood, Democrats and the msm puppets all loved Trump until they realized he was not going to allow their sex crimes. The USA and the entire world went better with Trump, not Biden.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Business is going too well in the area, why would they want peace, nobody wants peace and nobody cares about people, as usual. "Neighbors are also havily militarized", yeah, that's a huge bussines too.

Did you know that the European commission decided that Ukrainian transporters can no longer be stopped either at the customs at the border or in traffic? What a gift. Imagine the traffic of anything that takes place in Europe now.

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Why don't I trust the Orange Idiot backed by techno/fascists who have public/private partnerships with the DOD and the CIA. The "ear bandaged Orangeman" craves peace in Ukraine, however, is eager to demolish what's left of Palestine and then pivot to Iran.

The cackling Indian is no better.

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The answer is #trump2024. The USA and the entire World go better with #Trump.

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I'd never vote for that obnoxious idiot. In fact, I'm not voting.

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Jul 29·edited Aug 2

Stop listening to the #msm. They prop up Biden, and lie about Trump because Trump will stop their theft and pedo ways. Are you a pedophile Charlotte?

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Are you insane? 🫨

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Why is this shit so late and contingent on Trump?

Same with the icj, why didn't they go after human rights violations that were going on for decades?

Lazy, stupid, or purposely delaying justice?

I can't stand how much bullshit these jerks in the legal profession excuse themselves for and how people go along with it as normal for justice to take years if not decades.

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The solution is #Trump2024.

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DemoCRIPS and RepubliBLOODS both gangs who screw people over for their profit.

What about the evil neocons like Reagan who sold our country out to outsourcing and corporate profits?

I see them as evil because they also stole the working class wealth pretending it was good...

Inflation was climbing fast way before zombie Joe, remember since Bush, housing and healthcare etc skyrocketed.

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Inflation was 1.9% under Trump! PS…that is good for the People.

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Thank you for this vitally important information about Donald Trump's peace plan.

No wonder the warmongering forces want him dead. Chris Martenson Is doing an extended and scrupulous analysis on the extent of the involvement in the assassination attempt:


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Really...... so Putin, who is a serial murderer of his rivals - in country & abroad - is somehow the "victim" of U.S. evil plotting. You're amazing. You really are. And a Trump sycophant into the deal. The mind reels.....

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I know right! You would think that someone who questioned politics all over wouldn't be so naive about this. Sigh.

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Weakness through DEI.

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Funny to be hated here , fellars.

ScKamala kamaltoe put me in jail when I ran for mayor of SF killafornia against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom.

I served six months mostly in solitary isolation.

I am sure this was is good use of the destruction of my life, for the sake of fake democracy.

And thanks for hating on me too, good work

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And what, exactly were you convicted of? Nice reference to "Kamaltoes". You obviously got some unresolved misogyny issues. You were jailed just for running for mayor? Tell us all about it - we'd like all the details.

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The "team"made a plan.trump is clueless to reality.

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The #Trump years were Classy, Respected, Safety and Success. #Biden is Creepy, Disregarded, Risky and Shrinkage.

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Have you been diagnosed with delusional disorder?

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No, I am guessing that you have?

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pathetic school boy response. anyone who thinks a pathological liar,wife cheater business failure and con man is "classy" or respected or successful" has serious mental issue. lets add mr warp speed "beautiful vaccine" to the long list of stupidity about trump and you must share his egomaniac psychosis.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

Sorry if I triggered you Irish? Fauci lied, people died. Biden is a criminal pedophile. Hollywood, Democrats and the msm puppets all loved Trump until they realized he was not going to allow their sex crimes. The USA and the entire world went better with Trump, not Biden.

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"triggered"? still following the msm script poor boy are you not? trump is a sex crime walking ,only the blind refuse to see. trump is an isn'treal firster beholden to his jooish masters. as is the entire govt. you can cease your propaganda,even bidette shares the same master. the entire project to get delusional sheeple such as you to say trump will be best is treason. trump is a bigger stooge than bidette . and as old the world laughs at american stupidity. you have allowed yourself to join the divide and conquer train that is headed for the cliff.

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The question is whether Russia will launch WW3 before Trump is inaugurated or after.

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Why would they?its the north Atlantic terrorists that want war.

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So you are still hallucinating?

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You are still a simpleton i see.

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I'll just go back to ignoring you for the same reason why I did before.

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Good morons such as you must be ignored.yoyr ignorance is appalling.

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Cash Cow Obiden is no longer available.........that would be the main reason......ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS.........

Why do the democRATS push war??????MONEY MONEY MONEY!

Committee of 300, Freemason's, Rockefeller, Rothchild's

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"The Democrats push war"...... Anything comparable to the 3 trillion dollar crime Bush/Cheney foisted on the world.? Or the degenerate shitshow Trump & his genetically damaged family have inflicted on the country? You're right - the Bankers. Who operate behind the scenes, always straddling the isoline between right & left.

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Stop blaming one side,its all of them.

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Prof ... why do you ask a Question you know the answer to?

I know you don't really ask the Question because you are a very informed man... and you wear your heart at the right place.

All this is simple s shitsshow Muppet theater.

Before the Law we have a duty to resist

To those who make a peaceful Revolution Impossible...

Actually and fundamentally we have not only a right to resist but a mandate.

Something they don’t teach us and deny us.

This is a law in Germany that is not upheld by any Government Lawyer Judge or Policemen and they wish it didn’t exist.

Yet it does.

And it should be a human right and an obligation for every citizen everywhere.

German Law GG20.... The Right to Resist

(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order if no other remedy is available.

Replace Germany with USA or any Nation.

We have a duty to resist them and this Law backs it up.

This is Truth they fear.

Take the power… it is yours… and soon the future lies within our own making.


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Too bad the population is programmed to be subservient.

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What does ScKamala kamaltoe want to do about the money launder dealie in former Ukraine?

She wants to get in on the cocaine and parties and make more barb wire marks round her neck. She was elected in a free and fair election in the twilight zoney

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Always a reference to "cunt"

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To ask such an idiotic question proves you are clueless about who runs things.

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Is ScKamala kamaltoe your secret lover, comrade?

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Jesus what a bunch of slobbering idiots. So, if we (the majority) don't slump down and accept "the peaceful revolution" engineered by the Heritage Foundation et al, it's going to get bloody. If the majority rejects your insanity in this election - you're going to come & kill us....... Straight out of the Lenin/bolshevik playbook.

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I ceased paying any attention to the Heritage Foundation after they referred to the US as a democracy in the preface of their pocket constitution.

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